
TBT - Throwback Thursday




"Welcome to Min-Night, your late night show keeping you company wherever you are. I'm your DJ, Kim Minju. Today is Throwback Thursday!"


It's been her dream to be behind the microphone. She took up Mass Communications in college with the hope of fulfilling it. She had an internship at a radio station as a student jock. It's a step closer to what she wanted to achieve. After finishing her studies, the same radio station where she had the internship hired her as their new DJ. Achievement unlocked. 

After two years, she finally had her own show. She goes on air from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am. A late night show two times a week, Tuesday and Thursday. What started as a dream, she is now living it. She is now DJ Kim Minju.

Her Thursday show is all about reminiscing fond memories that happened in the past. As we call it today, Throwback Thursday. Each Thursday has a particular subject to look back at. Today, she asked her listeners to share a throwback picture from their high school days. Of course, she also shared her own. She posted it on their official Twitter account. She instructed her listeners to put #MinNightTBT when they post their throwback pictures and share the story behind it even just a bit. What Minju posted was her picture with her classmates during break time. They are gathered in a circle playing 'spin the bottle'. She mentioned in her caption that she admitted she has a crush on someone when the bottle pointed at her. She then talked about missing high school days. She also said that she never heard of her crush after their graduation. Minju went on talking about the pictures her listeners shared on Twitter. From class pictures, lunch break photos, friends hang-out, school trips, and all sorts of high school stuff, it's all there. Minju expressed that it's nice to look back once in a while. After all, it's part of our memory. In a way, it's part of who we are now. She thanked her listeners for once again taking part in the show. She was about to say goodbye when she mentioned a lot of people are asking about her crush. They are curious to know who that person is. At first, Minju just laughed it off but in the end, she gave in to her listeners' curiosity. She said that she won't mention the name to protect the privacy of the person. She just described her. 

"She's tall. She has very deep dimples. She sings and dances well. And... she looks like a puppy."




"It's you... the one she described..."

"Yeah. It's me."

"You had a crush on her too?"

"Let's not talk about it."

"You always tune in to her show."

"It's just a coincidence."


"Are you being jealous right now?"

"No. I'm just curious. In the beginning, I just thought you're a fan of her show. It turns out, the two of you have history. Of course, I'll ask about it."

"We were high schoolers, it's not a big deal. You heard her, we haven't had contact since graduation."

"So, you had a crush on her too?"

"You won't stop, huh?"

"I will, if you answer that question."

"Yes. She's my crush back then. Happy?"

She stared blankly at the car window as an awkward silence followed after their conversation. She didn't expect what she just heard over the radio, realizing a lot of people were listening. More importantly, she never imagined she'll hear about it when she's together with the one she's currently dating. Though it's something in the past, the way it unfolded in the present made a difference. 

The tall girl that looks like a puppy as DJ Minju described, the girl who's been a listener of Minju's radio from the first day it aired up to the present, she's Ahn Yujin. Apparently, she had a crush on Minju too. And unfortunately, her current girlfriend had to find out in an unexpected way. 




Compared to Minju who is really studious, Yujin just hates studying. She may hate the academic aspect, but she excel in other things. She sings and dances well. She's a good speaker and a sociable person too. Not to mention, she's really beautiful. Given that they have opposite personalities, they have different set of friends in the class. But being a social butterfly, Yujin also had interactions with Minju. A school project they had to do together paved the way for more time with each other. Well, it's their teacher who made them a pair. Actually, it's not only them, they are all paired that way, one who excels academically and the other who's not performing that well with the hope of helping each other and encouraging one another. 

Yujin normally talks a lot but when she's with Minju, she doesn't speak unless she had to. It took a while before they get used to spending time with each other. Yujin admired Minju's patience towards her. She never heard her partner complain about her unlike what she heard from other pairs. She observed how focused Minju is on the task at hand. They barely talk about personal matters or other stuff besides the project they are working on. They have two weeks to finish everything. Yujin was worried at first because of the time given to them but in the middle of working on it, she's glad she got paired with Minju. 'I'm paired with the best', she told herself. Two days before their submission, Minju invited Yujin to meet at the cafe' near their school after class. Yujin was surprised because she didn't thought that Minju has this side of her. She pictured Minju as someone who goes home after school, she doesn't hang-out on cafes. A smile was formed on her lips as she walked her way to the cafe'. Minju was already there when Yujin arrived.



"What's up? What is this about?"

"Nothing. I just thought we deserve a treat for working hard on our project."

Yujin smiled.

"Well, you mostly worked on our project."

"No. We did it together."

"You're so nice. It's okay, I know what I contributed for it."

"Exactly. I know what you did. It's our work. We made it."

"Thank you! I'm glad I'm paired up with you."

"Me too."

Yujin was surprised at Minju's response. She wanted to confirm if what she heard was correct.

"You mean that?"


"That you're glad you're paired with me."

"I mean it. I'm thankful you're my partner."

Yujin tried to hide her smile. It's not what she expected or maybe she thought so little of her self that a compliment is hard for her to accept. 

"Don't think so little of yourself. Just because you don't perform well academically doesn't mean that you can't help at all. Actually, I'm jealous of you sometimes...", Minju uttered.

"Why?", Yujin asked.

"Well, you're good at a lot of things. You're really talented. You're a people person too. I wish I have those characteristics of yours."

"But you're an achiever. It's me who should be jealous about you."

"I guess I just don't think my academic status is something to be jealous about. I believe we are all achievers. I mean, everyone has something they are good at. Each person can excel not just intellectually, there are other aspects too."

What Minju said somehow comforted Yujin. Their unexpected pairing turned out like this. She started to imagine what would happen after their project is officially over. She felt like their friendship is just starting but she doesn't know if it'll continue. 

"Thank you for this", Yujin said.

"You're welcome. Let's hope for the best for our project", Minju replied.




"You really talked about her on your radio show?"

"Maybe she'll respond this time."

"Why are you so desperate about hearing from her?"

"I just want to know how she's doing."

"She ignores your messages on her SNS, she doesn't show up on your reunions, even your other batchmates hasn't heard from her since, she doesn't want anything from that part of her life, don't you think?"

"I thought of that too but... I want to see her again or at least hear from her..."

"Then what? I know you're still waiting for her. At first, I thought it was just a harmless affection, a normal crush on someone, I mean you're high schoolers, but you like her. You won't be like this and tell me that you don't like her."

"I liked her. Past tense."

"You liked her... and you like her still."

Minju didn't respond. She's like that whenever her bestfriend gives her some real talk. When she stopped responding, it means yes. Minju's topic on her Throwback Thursday show was intentional. She wanted to reach out to Yujin. With some sort of desperation, she took that chance with the hope that finally she'll receive a response. 

After their team-up on the school project, Yujin and Minju became a little closer to each other. They have more conversations now, they sometimes eat together on lunch break, they even got the chance to go home at the same time. Minju helped Yujin in her academics though the latter doesn't really want it. As the days go by, their closeness became more evident, an unexpected friendship developed. As Minju continued to have good grades, Yujin kept on participating in school activities showcasing her talents. In Minju's point of view they are both achievers, it's just in different fields. For some reason, Yujin felt better about herself. She found someone who believes in her. A person who sees her capabilities beyond the intellectual side. That's Minju. As their friendship continued to blossom, Yujin tried to ignore her feelings. 

"It can't be."

"We're friends."

"This will pass."

She kept dismissing the thought that she's falling for Minju. 




"I listened to your radio show. Let's meet if you have time."

Minju can't help but smile upon reading a message from Yujin. After waiting for so long, she got the response that she wanted. She immediately replied and set the date and location of their meet-up. The thought of being able to see each other again kept the smile on Minju's face. On the other hand, Yujin let out a sigh after agreeing on the place and time Minju has set. A part of her is hesitant since it has been a long time since she caught up with her high school peers. What made it even harder is it's Minju, her high school crush. She has set her mind that she'll just meet Minju and ask her to stop talking about her on her radio show. She even thought of telling her to stop reaching out to her. They are on the opposite ends on this. On some occassions opposites attract but in other scenarios, when you're going on opposite directions, you're never bound to meet.


Meeting on the cafe' where they went to when they were paired up for a group project brings back memories. Minju can't hide her excitement as she wait for Yujin to arrive. She even sent multiple messages to her expressing how she feels despite not getting any reply. When Yujin arrived, she immediately scanned the cafe' to look for Minju. She smirked as she saw Minju seated on the same spot where they sat last time they went there. An awkward hi and hello followed after. Sitting opposite each other, Minju just stared at Yujin. After a while Yujin got conscious on the person who's been looking at her for minutes now.

"I'm sorry", Minju blurted out.

"I...was trying to remember how you looked back then. You're even more beautiful now", she continued.

"Thank you! Well, you're pretty as always", Yujin replied.

"How are you?", Minju asked.

"I'm fine", Yujin answered.

"I mean, what are you doing these days?"

"I'm in a band. Vocalist."

"Wow! That's so cool."

Yujin smiled.

"It's nice to see you again", Minju said.

"I'm sorry I don't show up on our reunions. And, for not responding to your messages", Yujin uttered.

"It's okay. I'm sure you had your reasons. You're here now. Thank you for agreeing to meet me."

"I had no choice, you exposed me on your radio show."

"Ah... That... I'm sorry... I never mentioned your name though."

"I know. Let's just say, someone figured out the descriptions you've given. And I'm pretty sure our classmates got it too."

"Actually, they did. I'm sorry. To tell you the truth, I did that on purpose. I thought maybe you will show up if I did that."

"You succeeded."

Minju looked straight into Yujin's eyes the uttered, "I missed you".

Yujin didn't respond. There was silence after. Minju brought up a topic to clear the dead air.

"Where do you usually play?"

"Ah... just on small bars, cafe', were not famous. We just play on small gigs."

"At least you're doing what you want."


"Why don't you guest on my radio show?"


"Well, we invite some aspiring artists or bands so... if you like I can make an arrangement."

"That would be nice. I'll tell my bandmates. But, is it really possible?"

"We'll make it work."

The two smiled.

"Why did you keep reaching out to me?", Yujin asked with a serious tone.

"I wanted to know how you've been. You never showed up on any of our gatherings after graduation. And, I missed you. Don't you miss me?"

Yujin ignored the question.

"I was on my way home when I tuned in on your Throwback Thursday show. I was surprised on what you shared. But there's someone who got startled more than me. She didn't know. Actually, I haven't mentioned it to her. Since it's all in the past and we're just in high school. We didn't even get to see each other for years. I didn't know it'll be a big deal. I actually came to ask you not to mention about me on your radio show..."

Minju was just quiet.

"To be honest, I even thought of asking you to stop reaching out to me..."

Yujin let out a deep sigh then looked away.

"I guess I'm too late", Minju uttered while looking down.

"I guess were meant to walk on opposite paths", Yujin replied.

The longest silence since they arrived at the cafe' occured. 

"I like you, Yujin", Minju said as she tried to keep a straight face.

Yujin looked at Minju.

"I like you then and I like you still", she continued.

"I'm sorry...", Yujin said softly.

"Don't be. I won't talk about you on my radio show anymore. But can't we at least keep in touch?"



"I... I... missed you..."

Minju chuckled.

"Yah! Ahn Yujin! You're pushing me away a while ago and now... you're saying you missed me?"

"I missed you so much."

"Stop it."

"I might not get another chance to say it to you so, just let me, okay?"

"I wish I called you out sooner..."

Minju looked away.

"I liked you too", Yujin uttered.

"You're the one who first believed in me, that I should never think too little of myself. Even though we're different from each other, with you, I can be myself without being uncomfortable. But when reality hit me, I came back to my senses. When you talked about college and future stuff I found myself out of place again. I just knew I'm not in your league."

"Is that the reason for your no show in our reunions?"

"How can I face you when all of you were successful and here I am playing on small gigs and unknown bars."

Minju shook her head.

"Even to me, you chose to distance yourself because of that?"

"I don't have the confidence to show myself, especially to you."


"I'm sorry."

"Stop comparing yourself to others. Whether it's achievements or anything else. You're you. You are successful. You became a band vocalist, doing what you're good at, what you love. I liked you for who you are."

"You didn't changed a bit. It's good to see you again."

"It's nice meeting again though I knew we're too late."



"Thank you! For everything...for waiting, for seeing me better than I see myself. Maybe if the circumstances were different, we will not end up like this."




Minju gave Yujin what she wanted, she never talked about her on her radio show. Her suggested guesting didn't happen. Yujin agreed to keep in touch, she responds to Minju occassionally, at least she wasn't unreachable like before. She recommended them to her friend on another radio station. They got the gig. The two moved on with their lives, on opposite directions.


Months have past and their annual reunion is coming up. Minju made an announcement about it on her radio show. Being involved in the planning committee, Minju suggested to have it on their school grounds. She even gave ideas on how the program will flow. While the preparations are on going, Minju sent a message to Yujin regarding the reunion. She even invited her band to play on the said occassion. It took a while but Yujin confirmed to attend their reunion. They accepted the gig for that night too. Minju felt glad, they'll see each other again.


It's the day of their high school reunion, Minju is anxious not only because she's one of the point persons for the event but because Yujin doesn't respond to her. She's worried she won't show up. She was on the backstage when she checked her phone, there was still no reply. She dialled Yujin's number but it just kept ringing. A tap on her shoulder made her put the phone down. A bright smile with her dimples showing greeted her. Minju wasn't able to say anything at first. She smiled, she felt relieved seeing Yujin.

"You look worried", Yujin commented.

"Ah... I just want everything to go well", Minju replied.

"Did you think I won't come?"

"Hmmm... you're not replying to me, of course I got worried... a bit."

"I wanted to surprise you."

Minju blurted a short laugh.

"Our classmates can't wait to see you."

"I bumped into some of them on the way here."

"Where's your bandmates?"

"There, on the waiting area."

"You looked brighter today... well, unlike the last time we met."

"I'm excited, I guess. Thanks to your connections we're getting a lot more gigs."

"That's because your music is great."

"I have a surprise for you."

"Oh... what is it? Is she... here?"

Yujin laughed.

"No. She's not here. Actually, we're not together anymore."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay...it's been months so...gotta move on."


"Ah, no. You don't need to feel guilty. I caught her. I found out it started way before we heard your Throwback Thursday show. I was startled myself. Let's stop talking about it."

"Okay. Here's the program, your set comes after this..."

"I know you're busy and you go around but I hope you listen to our set."

"Of course I will."

"We'll play a new song. And...I wrote it for you."

Minju looked at Yujin.

"You what?", she asked.

"Someone is calling you, I think they need you there."

"Wait, just repeat what you said."

"Go, you have tasks to do."

"It's fine, they'll manage without me."

"They're calling you though."

"Just give me a minute, I'll be right there", Minju yelled. 

Yujin chuckled.

"I'll go to my bandmates."

"Yah! Yujin!"

Yujin stepped closer to Minju making the latter clear .

"I wrote a song for you."

Minju forced a smile, she started to tear up. Yujin came even closer as she reached out and tapped Minju's shoulder.

"You wanna know the title of the song?"

Minju nodded as she wiped her face. Yujin stared at Minju.




Minju blushed.

"Because you're my angel. I don't need to explain why."

"I can't wait to hear it."

They smiled at each other. 

"Minju...I...I hope...this time, I'm not too late..."

Minju smirked.

"You're not."

"But I am. I need to go. Good luck on your set."

Yujin chuckled. Minju ran away. She looked back and yelled at Yujin.

"Yujin! I missed you! I'll listen to your song!"

"Minju! I missed you too. I'll do my best!"






Yujin's band took the stage. After setting up, she immediately looked for the person she's dedicating this song to. When they made eye contact, Yujin smiled from ear to ear. Minju smiled back at her. Before they started playing, Yujin shared how she felt to be back in their school after a long time. She even shared some fond memories she had during high school. She concluded by saying, "I met a wonderful person in this place...I won't say much but this song is for her."

The crowd began to cheer, the band started playing. With the intro in the background, Yujin spoke once again, "Minju, let's not miss each other anymore. Let's live happily, my angel."













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snsdsoshigg #1
Chapter 7: THIS IS CUTE!!!
island_sam #2
Chapter 4: oh, this is interesting. does the story of Chaewon and Sakura continue? anyway i like it very much.
Chapter 8: its good, but is it happy ending or sad ending? i really can't decide it lol. i think yena and yuri must be happier if they're together right?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 8: wow this was good!
nandatandini #5
Chapter 7: jinjoo :’
Mongmin #6
Chapter 8: mongmin with drama but a happy ending please!
Mongmin #7
mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin NEXT
Mongmin #8
mongmin pleaseeeeee
285 streak #9
Chapter 7: I'm somehow curious what's the song content? Hehe but cheers to your good story authornim thanks! <3
Mongmin #10
hyejoo please?