
TGIF - Thank God It's Friday






Minju went out to have lunch with her friends. Once seated, they picked from the menu and started having conversations. While waiting for their orders to be served, Minju noticed the customer sitting across them is alone. She looked around the restaurant and observed that the customer across them is the only one without company. She shrugged it off and went back talking to her friends. 

One week later, Minju went to the same restaurant, this time with one of her officemates. The moment they came in, she noticed the same girl she saw last time. She's alone again. They took their seats then ordered their food. Minju glanced once in a while at the girl eating alone. 

'Maybe she's waiting for someone...'

'...or the one she's with is in the washroom...'

'...or maybe, she just likes to eat.'

These thoughts crossed her mind.

After a while she saw the girl stood up and left the restaurant.

'She really ate alone', Minju told herself.


Minju describes herself as someone who needs to be taken care of, a person who needs someone to depend on. Not that she can't do anything by herself but she likes having someone around no matter what she does or where she goes to. The idea of being alone is not in her system. Being with someone to share her experiences with excites her.





Next Friday

Instead of dining in, Minju ordered for take out because a pile of work is waiting for her. While waiting for her food, the girl she's seen eating alone twice already just entered the restaurant. She looked at the entrance to see if she's accompanied by anyone, she's not. Minju's order arrived. She can't take her eyes off of the girl who just came in. 

'She's pretty', she said to herself.

It's the third time she's seen her. Alone. For some reason, Minju thought of approaching her. She started to walk towards her but her cellphone rang. She stepped back to answer the call then decided to just leave.

When Minju came back to her office. She shared to one of her officemates about the girl that she saw eating alone. She felt weird that it happened three times, every Friday or maybe she's just overthinking.

"Did you approach her?", her officemate asked.

"No", Minju answered.

"Maybe she just likes to eat alone."

"You think so?"

"I mean 'me' time."

"I saw her thrice without anyone with her."

"It just so happen that you saw her during her 'me' time for three times."

Minju laughed.

"Am I being concerned for no reason?", she asked.

"I think so."

"What if, I'm not?"

"Then if you really want to know, approach her the next time you see her."

Minju didn't respond.

"One last thing, being alone doesn't always equate to loneliness. We all need that space once in a while", her officemate said.

Minju thanked her officemate. That last statement made her think. Maybe she's just getting ahead of herself and making assumptions. The only way to answer her curiosity is to approach the girl she's bothered with. After thinking it through, she realized that she sees that girl only on Fridays. She thought if that girl goes to the restaurant on a different day.

The next Friday, Minju intentionally went to the restaurant where she saw the girl eating alone. She wanted to confirm something, she wanted to know her. Upon entering, she immediately scanned the whole place but the one she's looking for is not there. She put her head down and decided to just leave. She was about to exit when a customer just came in. It's her, the girl she's looking for. They made eye contact for a split second but Minju just froze while the girl just walked past by her. She decided to stay. She took a seat and observed the girl from where she's sitting. 

'Am I a stalker?', she told herself.

'She's really pretty.'

'Should I approach her?'

'Why is someone like her all alone?'

Minju kept talking to herself while looking at the girl she intended to see. She grabbed the menu as she saw the girl looked at the direction to where she's sitting. She covered her face with the menu and put her head down. She stayed like that for quite some time.

"Excuse me...", someone said.

Minju didn't respond.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?", someone asked.

Minju put down the menu slowly and answered the one asking, "Ye...s".


The girl who she saw eating alone is in front of her. Minju started to panic, her response showed it.

"Can I sit here with you?", the girl asked.

"", Minju answered without looking at the girl asking.

'What is this?'

'Why is she suddenly in front of me?'

'What should I do?'

'What if she knew me?'

'Why am I nervous all of a sudden?'

Minju had all the thoughts possible but she can't calm herself. She tried to glance at the girl sitting in front of her. She was greeted with a smile.

"Am I making you uncomfortable? I can transfer to another spot", the girl said.

"No. Sorry... for being weird. It's okay. Let's share at this table", Minju responded.

"Okay. I'm Sakura by the way."

"Minju. Nice to meet you, Sakura."

"Nice to meet you too. Did you order already?"

"Not yet."

"But you're holding the menu a while ago..."

"Ah... I was just choosing... I haven't decided what to eat yet..."

Sakura smirked.

"Let's order", she said.

"What do you want?", she added.

Minju showed a confused face.

'Why is she asking me what I want? We just met...', she told herself.

Sakura put the menu down then a waiter came to get their order. Minju just stared. When the waiter left, Minju glared at Sakura.

"I ordered for you", Sakura said.

"What?", Minju replied.

"I said, I picked what we're going to eat."

Minju just got more confused and her curiosity add up too.

"Do you come here often?", Minju asked.

"Friday. Every Friday", Sakura responded.



"I come here often too...not just Fridays."

"I see."



"I actually saw you... three times already", Minju uttered.

"You're always alone", she added.

"Ah... Yes, I eat alone", Sakura said.

"I actually saw you too", she added.

Minju looked at Sakura. She wanted to make sure that she heard it right. 

"You saw me too?", she asked.

Sakura nodded. Their order came. Minju got open in shock as she saw the food being placed in front of her. Sakura tried to hide her smile. 

"Let's eat", Sakura said.

Minju is still in shock.

"Why? You don't like it?", Sakura asked.

"No. It's my favorite actually...", Minju responded.

"So, what's with that look?"

"I'm just confused..."

"Let's eat, Minju."

Minju is clouded with questions.

'She saw me too?'

'She knew what I order here.'


Sakura suddenly spoke. She got Minju's attention.

"You came alone today. I mean, you are alone earlier before I approach you. You eat alone now too?", Sakura asked.

"No. Honestly, I came to see you", Minju answered.


"You bother me, you know?"

"Because you saw me alone in this restaurant three times?"

Minju nodded.

"I wanted to know you, to know why. I don't know. Maybe, I just don't like seeing someone all alone..."

"You're a soft cookie, Minju. That's cute but you have to be careful, that softness of yours can put you in trouble."

"Why? Are you a con artist? Am I in trouble now?"

Sakura laughed.

"I like you", she uttered.

"What did you say?", Minju asked.

"I like you."

"You like me?"


Minju stopped responding. She excused herself to go to the washroom. Sakura tried to stop her but she insisted. Sakura waited for Minju to come back. While inside the cubicle, Minju tried to compose herself. She doesn't understand anything at all. She wanted to see the girl she saw eating alone and answer the questions she had but it turned into a confusion. She decided to return to their table. 

"You okay?", Sakura asked.

"Yeah, I guess", Minju replied.

"Can you hear me out now?"

Minju calmed herself down and faced Sakura.

"First, do you really know me?", Minju asked.

"I saw you, just like you saw me. So, yes, I know you but not personally of course", Sakura explained.

"Wow!", Minju exclaimed.

"You didn't expect this?", Sakura asked.

"Not at all."

"But you like it?"

Minju blushed.

"If you're here today because you pity me for eating alone in such a nice restaurant, you don't have to. I eat alone, yes, but not because I'm lonely or something, I do that once in a while. The first day you saw me was my first time here. The moment I saw you came in, you caught my attention. 'She's pretty', I kept telling myself. That's it. I decided to come back every Friday since then. I wanted to approach you too but I can't seem to gather my confidence until today."

Sakura glanced at Minju. She noticed tears forming from Minju's eyes. Sakura held her laughter. Minju covered her face with her hands as she started to tear up. 

"Why? What's wrong?", Sakura uttered.

Minju continued crying. Sakura looked around, she doesn't want to embarass Minju and draw attention to other customers. She transferred to sit beside Minju and handed her some tissue. Minju slowly remove her hands from her face and forced a smile. She took the tissue Sakura handed and wiped the tears from her eyes. Sakura just stared at Minju. 

"Unbelievable", Minju uttered.

Sakura gently touch Minju's hand.

"You're not dreaming", Sakura said.

Minju started to tear up again. Sakura blurted a short laugh.

"So, you are this soft, huh?", Sakura said.

"I never thought you're like this", Minju responded.

Sakura returned to her seat opposite Minju. Minju stopped crying but she can't barely look at Sakura because of how she looks. 

"So, can we see each other next Friday?", Sakura asked.

"You won't eat alone next Friday", Minju replied.





















Happy Birthday, Minju! 🎉





This is my first story that is not about KkuChaen.

Sorry if it's not that good. 

Thank you for reading!


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snsdsoshigg #1
Chapter 7: THIS IS CUTE!!!
island_sam #2
Chapter 4: oh, this is interesting. does the story of Chaewon and Sakura continue? anyway i like it very much.
Chapter 8: its good, but is it happy ending or sad ending? i really can't decide it lol. i think yena and yuri must be happier if they're together right?
1762 streak #4
Chapter 8: wow this was good!
nandatandini #5
Chapter 7: jinjoo :’
Mongmin #6
Chapter 8: mongmin with drama but a happy ending please!
Mongmin #7
mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin mongmin NEXT
Mongmin #8
mongmin pleaseeeeee
285 streak #9
Chapter 7: I'm somehow curious what's the song content? Hehe but cheers to your good story authornim thanks! <3
Mongmin #10
hyejoo please?