With Her

The Girl In The Painting

Third Person POV

     "What's wrong with her?", Minjoo whispered to Yena.

      Everyone at the table stared at Chaeyeon weirdly. She wasn't like her usual self, weird and laughing in such a loud way, the whole cafeteria could hear her. The only thing they could hear now was Chaeyeon's head repeatedly bumping on the table.

      "I don't know, she's been like this since Math class.", Yena whispered to Minjoo.

      "Aish. What's the use of whispering if I can hear both of you?", Chaeyeon hissed and finally looked up to glare at Minjoo and Yena.

     "We were just worried. Chill.", Yena successfully said to Chaeyeon without stuttering, hands held up in a defensive way. It was still clear that she's afraid of the younger girl.

     "How can I chill when the new Math teacher practically hates me?", Chaeyeon said before bumping her head on the table again.

     "New teacher?", Yuri asked the girl beside her.

     "Yeah. New student-teacher. She's one of our seniors.", Yena said before taking a bite of Yuri's chocolate.

     "We have student-teachers here?", Wonyoung asked Yena.

     "Not usually but I've heard that Ms. Byul fell from the stairs, that's why they need someone temporary to replace her.", Yena replied as she took another bite of Yuri's food.

     "Is she that strict? I've never seen Chaeyeon unnie being so devastated before.", Nako asked as she finally put her hand on Chaeyeon's head to stop her. Chaeyeon just let her her and stayed in that position.

     "Geez, stop hitting your head. We wouldn't want you to break the table, just hit your head elsewhere.", Nako unnie earning a glare from Chaeyeon.

     "Nope. She's really kind, and always smiles at us, even just when we her juniors.", Yena replied. Chaeyeon gasped at that.

     "What do you mean kind? She smiles at you? What the heck are you talking about? She's always glaring at me when I look at her. Come to think of it, even before she became our student-teacher, she always seems to glare at me.", Chaeyeon said in disbelief.

     "Maybe because you laughed while she was speaking in front, today. You know you're voice is too loud, why would you even laugh at Hangyul's lame joke? Such a whipped baby.", Yena replied. Chaeyeon just glared at Yena.

     "She's really fun and I've heard that she's a fan of Red Velvet.", Yena explained, rummaging through Yuri's bag, looking for more food from Yuri's admirers.

      "Fun, my . She just made me stay in the room to punish me by making me check the papers with her.", Chaeyeon said, so mad it's almost as if smoke is coming out of her nose.

     Hitomi's ears perked up at that. She looked at Chaeyeon and discreetly  examined her face. Now that she's thought of it, Chaeyeon seems so familiar.

     "She's Japanes just like you, Hitomi. Her name's Miyawaki Sakura.", Hitomi choked at what Yena said, finally connecting all the dots in her head. Lee Chaeyeon, huh? Hitomi thought in her head as she thought of ways to blackmail her cousin.

      "Are you alright, Hitomi?", Nako asked Hitomi as she patted Hitomi's back. From Minjoo's peripheral vision, she swore she just Chaewon roll her eyes. Hitomi just nodded but was startled when she heard Wonyoung scream.

     "You don't have to tell them!", Wonyoung screamed at Yujin who was grinning from ear to ear. Wonyoung tried to cover Yujin's mouth with her hands but Yujin was able to remove it easily.

     "Tell them that you lost?", Yujin then smirked.

      Everyone just groaned or rolled their eyes at the two girls, used to their bickering.

     "I'm taller than Wonyoung now!", Yujin enthustiastically announced to the group but everyone ignored her, except for Hitomi who was curious why the group reacted like that.

     "They've been competing with each other since they were babies. Don't you ever get sick of fighting?", Nako explained to Hitomi before scolding the two younger girls.

      "Yeah, when they were in their elementary days, they were always neck and neck when it comes to academics. Now,  they played every game just to prove who's better. I remember before, Yujin and Wonyoung just grabbed each other's hair in the middle of their basketball game.", Yena laughed at the memory.

      "Yeah, Wonyoung threw the table tennis racket at Yujin in the middle of another game, even when there were teachers around. Yujin got knocked unconcious because of her.", Yuri added.

      "Yeah, she  got angry at me because I was winning. I can still feel the pain on my head.", Yujin glared at Wonyoung as she massaged her own head, and in reply, the younger girl just stuck her tongue out at Yujin.

      "They always get the highest scores in exams though, so almost killing each other has its good sides to it too.", Yena explained again.

     "Ooh one time, they even competed in winning Nako's heart. They tried so hard to make Nako fall for them.", Yuri explained and chuckled at that.

      "Yeah, they did.", Nako glared at the two, making them stop from fighting and sink in their chairs.

      "Who won?", Hitomi suddenly asked, shocking everyone. Only Nako wasn't shocked. She had this smug look on her face, proud that she already heard Hitomi's voice for many times.

      "Nako's right. You're starting to speak now, Hitomi!", Chaeyeon said with an excited voice, completely forgetting about her teacher.

      Everyone was shocked and looked at Hitomi, making Hitomi blush from the unwanted attention she's currently getting. Chaewon stared at her too, cold sweat forming on her forehead.

      "To answer your question, I won.", Nako answered Hitomi.

      "Huh?", Hitomi asked her, not understanding how she won.

       The group gasped again, hearing Hitomi's voice for the second time today.

      "Okay, now you're exaggerating.", Nako chuckled at the group's reaction, especially at Minjoo's wide eyes and weirdly tangled arms while clapping.

      "I won because I knew what they were doing. I noticed since the beginning. They were being too sweet to me, way too sweet. So I just played dumb and made them buy me a lot of food.", Nako proudly explained before looking at the two guilty girls and glaring at them.

      "I really liked you, though.", Wonyoung and Yujin said at the same time to Nako.

      "Yeah right. Let's pretend that we don't know that you guys like each other.", Yena said to Yujin and Wonyoung.

      "Ewww. What are you talking about?", Wonyoung said while Yujin fake gagged but both of their faces were now a deeper shade of red.

      "Why are you so curious Hitomi, are you interested in winning my heart too?", Nako teased Hitomi as she swiftly put her arm on Hitomi's shoulder. Everyone saw how Hitomi's ears turned red. Chaewon lost her composure and glared at Nako's arm which was around Hitomi's shoulder, but she regained it quickly after realizing what she's doing and put on her serious facade.

      "What? What's going on with you two babies?", Chaeyeon asked the girls and looked at them with disbelief.

      "I think Ms. Kwon will give us the drawing project later.", Chaewon changed the topic quickly.

      "Drawing project? What project?", Yuri asked.

      "The one our former teacher gives to every student when they're in our current year.", Chaewon explained.

      "Oh yeah, the one where you draw someone special to you and make your partner explain it in front.", Chaeyon explained. Nako groaned, realizing that she at drawing.

     No one noticed but a faint click of a camera could be heard.

      "I don't even know why she made us do it. That was two years ago when I was in your year, I think", Yena complained.

      "I mean it's not like I'll be an artist in the future.", Yena continued, reminiscing about the painful memory.

      "Oh come on, Yena unnie. It wasn't that bad. Your drawing was the one that's bad.", Chaeyeon teased Yena, so Yena just glared at her. Yuri laughed and blushed  when she remembered Yena's drawing of her. At first they thought it was a duck.

      Minjoo looked at Chaewon, hoping she's the one she pairs up with.


       "Minjoo and Ryujin", Ms. Kwon said as she opened the paper she got from the box with all of the students' names on it. Minjoo sighed, disappointed when it wasn't her best friends name.

      "Why did you have to sigh so loudly? You're making it obvious that you don't want me to be your partner.", Ryujin commented as she stood next to Minjoo. Everyone, including Ms. Kwon, laughed at Minjoo as she tries very hard to say that she didn't mean it that way.

      Another girl was hoping for for someone's name while she was in the back. She anxiously waited for her name, worried that the someone that she hates will be her partner instead.

      "Nako and...", Ms. Eunbi said as Hitomi was silently praying in her head that her name would be called. She held her pen tightly.

      "ao Miu", Ms. Eunbi continued. Hitomi sighed, disappointed that it wasn't her. A pretty girl walked to Nako. She was tall and had her camera with her again, the camera's strap on her neck to hold it in place without actually holding it.

      "Gosh, it's you again.", Nako sighed and glared at the pretty girl. The other girl just smirked at her partner.

      Hitomi noticed the girl since the beginning of classes. She was pretty famous, known for her looks and talent in dancing. She must be great at photography, always bringing her camera with her. She was kind too, but sort of an airhead. The only person she wasn't nice to was Nako.

      Hitomi continued to stare at the gorgeous girl, she was so and tall, especially now that she's next to Nako. Even though she was wearing her uniform, her figure was clearly---.

     "Hitomi, you shouldn't be too obvious when you're checking out Miu.", Minjoo whispered to her making her snap out of her trance. Minjoo chuckled at Hitomi's cute reaction when she was caught checking out her classmate.

     On the other side of the room, despite being told to stand up while their partners were being drawn, Chaewon sat at the chair. Her eyelids felt really heavy. She tried really hard to keep her eyes open but failed as she soon succumbed to the feeling of deep slumber.


      Chaewon felt something soft and a bit wet on her cheek, making her wake up. When she opened her eyes, she saw Yena move away after kissing her.

      A loud smack could be heard in the room. Yena rubbed her now red cheek and stepped away from the girl who just slapped her.

     "I...I'm sorry. I thought you were Yuri.", Yena explained, still rubbing her cheek. Chaewon continued to glare at her.

     "You should've checked before kissing me, you little sh-", Chaewon was then cut off by Minjoo's gasp, a really late reaction.

      "I thought you said that you're just friends. Do you just casually kiss her everytime and everywhere?", Minjoo teased Yena and then looked at Yuri. Yuri looked away, and pretended to write on her notebook, ears obviously red.

      Chaewon then rubbed her cheek too, feeling like it hurt but she felt some paper that was stuck on her face. She removed it and flinched because of the sticky notes paste.

     "What the? What is this?", Chaewon asked. Nako looked at her and laughed.

      "Hitomi was drawn as your partner but you were asleep so I think she wrote a note just for you.", Minjoo explained, trying to hold her laughter.

      "She slapped you hard so that it'll stick on your face before leaving.", Nako explained. Minjoo, Nako, Yuri and Yena laughed at Chaewon and her reaction. She just sat there, frozen in place.

      After coming back to her senses, she looked at what's written on the paper. It was Hitomi's number.

-your partner,



     "You're home early!", Hyewon clapped happily as she saw Hitomi entering her room. She then helped Hitomi get in the painting.

     After successfully entering, Hitomi smiled languidly as a reply. Hyewon noticed how dull Hitomi looked today.

     Hyewon held her hand and pulled Hitomi so that she'll follow her to the door that leads to her world's Cinema room.

      After going through a lot of doors and worlds, they finally reached the cinema room. Hyewon sat in the middle of all the chairs and made Hitomi sit beside her. After waving her hands a bit, the 16th episode of School 2015 played on the screen. After being together for a few weeks, they've finally become so close. Watching movies and dramas were their favorite way of hanging out, it was Hyewon's second favorite, to be honest, first was hugging the cute girl.

      Hyewon hoped it would brighten Hitomi's mood but as she stared at Hitomi, the worried and sad expression on Hitomi's face never disappeared.

      After finishing the episode, Hyewon waved her hand again and the screen was instantly dark again. Hyewon faced Hitomi.

    "What's wrong? You've been awfully quiet, Hitomi.", Hyewon asked the shorter girl.

      "I told you how your advice worked, right? Slowly, I've been able to talk to my classmates. I thought that I've finally become normal. But whenever I see Chaewon, I'm reminded of the days I spent suffering from her wrath. Now, I have to work with her for a project. What if I turn back to what I really was again, unable to speak? What if she hurts me again?", she said to Hyewon, her eyes getting watery.

     "Punch her.", Hyewon said to Hitomi with a stern face. Hitomi looked weirdly at her but laughed when she saw how serious Hyewon was.

     "I can't just punch people, Hyewon.", Hitomi said while chuckling at Hyewon's suggestion.

     "You can if it's Chaewon.", Hyewon said. Hitomi laughed at her again.

    "What I mean is, show her that you're no longer the type of person she can mess with. Show her that you're stronger now, even stronger than her. You know how you can do that? By words. She could do that before because you couldn't but now you can. Show her that you're a badass. If she still hasn't changed, then just punch her instead. That'll be a lot easier.", Hyewon said seriously.

     Hitomi smiled at Hyewon's weird but helpful advice. She then got something from her pocket, almost forgetting that she bought it for the the pretty girl in the painting.

      She held it out in front of Hyewon. Hyewon's eyes widened and she took the sausage bread from Hitomi's hand. On Hitomi's other hand, she had one too. They silently ate together as Hitomi laid her head on Hyewon's shoulder.

     After a while, they went to the park and laid on the grass, the sun wasn't as scorching hot as the real one so they comfortably laid there beside each other.

     "There's one more thing I'm worried of.", Hitomi said without looking at Hyewon.

     "What is it?", Hyewon looked to her side to stare at Hitomi, waiting for her answer.

     "I'm afraid to make a fool of myself in front of Chaewon.", Hitomi said and then finally looked at Hyewon, her ears turned a bit red after seeing how Hyewon stared at her but luckily Hyewon didn't notice.

     "What do you mean?", Hyewon asked.

      "I couldn't speak you know, so I didn't have friends. I don't know how to do things that teenagers normally do on a daily basis. Since she's my partner, I don't know how to act in front of her. I usually just worked alone when there were group activities, sometimes I even failed the subject because there were times when I was required to communicate with other people.", Hitomi said and then closed her eyes for a while.

      "I couldn't live like how other people lived. I've never experienced cheating in class with a friend. I've never experienced Love. I always wanted know the feeling of receiving flowers and chocolates from a special someone, you know? I've always wanted to receive a love letter while I'm still in high school. I've never experienced dancing with someone when we had our prom. Heck, I never even had my first kiss.", Hitomi laughed bitterly.

     "All of them are just dreams to me, dreams I can never fulfill because I can't even speak.", Hitomi said, unknowingly having a single tear fall from her face. Before it can even fall to the grass, Hyewon instantly reached out and wiped the tear from Hitomi's face. They then stared at each other for a while.

     "Let's go.", Hyewon suddenly and stood up.

      "Go where?", Hitomi asked with a raised brow.

     "Let's go and let you experience what you say people usually experience.", Hyewon held out her hand for Hitomi to hold. Hitomi reached for her hand, still confused.

     "Bu... But-", Hitomi was unable to finish what she was supposed to say because Hyewon immediately pulled her up and then held her hand to walk through another door together.

      They went through another door and entered a classroom. Hitomi looked around, it wasn't like their room but it was definitely a classroom. Hyewon waved her hand and instantly two papers appeared on the two of the chairs in the middle of the room. Hyewon was now wearing a uniform too.

     Hyewon made Hitomi sit on one of them as she did too beside Hitomi. Hitomi looked at the paper and saw 1 Math problem.

     "Pssst. I don't know how to answer this. What's the answer, Hitomi-chan?", Hyewon whispered to Hitomi after a while.

     "We're the only one's here, why are yo-", Hitomi was about to say but suddenly she heard a sound from in front of the room. An old lady who wasn't there before hit the stick on the desk, while looking at Hitomi.

     "Be quiet.", the teacher scolded Hitomi. Hitomi sunk on her chair and just tried to solve the problem. After she solved the problem, she called Hyewon who was scratching her head, frustrated that she couldn't solve it.

     "Pssst!", Hitomi called Hyewon. Hyewon then looked at her, still frustrated.

     "It's 8 meters per hour!", Hitomi whispered. Hyewon then quickly wrote the answer and smiled while looking at her paper.

      "Aaaaarghhh. It hurts.", Hyewon suddenly said and held her stomach. Hitomi looked at her worriedly.

      "What's wrong? What's happening to you?", Hitomi asked before turning to the teacher.

     "Ma'am, Hyewon is---", Hitomi stopped speaking when she noticed that the teacher is already gone.

     "M...edicine. Medici...cine. Locker...", Hyewon said as she still held on to her stomach.

      Hitomi went to the back of the room where the lockers are. She then saw a locker with Hyewon's name on it. She opened it to look for the medicine but instead she saw a heart-shaped box with chocolates inside of it. A sticky note was pasted to it.

     "Hi Hitomi-chan. Look behind you.", Hitomi read and followed what was written.

     Her face went red when she saw Hyewon standing in the middle, holding a bouqet of flowers while smiling brightly at her, making Hitomi's heart beat faster.

     Hyewon then walked closer to Hitomi and gave it to her. Hyewon suddenly turned her back on Hitomi.

     "W...what are you doing?", Hitomi nervously asked.

      "There...There's a letter in between the flowers, I don't want you to see how embarrassed I am of myself while you're reading it.", Hyewon shyly said and looked down. Hitomi smiled at how Hyewon looked when she's shy.

      Hitomi then laughed when she noticed the broccoli in between all the roses. This is exactly what Hyewon would do. She then took the letter and opened it.

      She read what was handwritten on the paper.

Hi Hiichan! Can I call you that? It's like a short and cute version of your name, cute and short just like you.
I don't really know how to write these type of things so I'll just say what I think about you.
First of all, you look like a broccoli. Second, you're so pretty and cute, so I'm sorry if I have a habit of pinching or holding your cheeks.
I want you to know how great of a person you are.
When I talk to you, you're always the type to look down on yourself. I've noticed how you always doubt yourself when you have no reason to. I promise to be here forever to let you know how amazing you are so that you won't ever doubt yourself ever again.
You should smile more, just by the sight of your smile, I find myself smiling too. I don't know why.
Don't laugh at me because I'm so corny or cringe-worthy.
Ps. Is this how you write a love letter?
Pss. The chocolates taste like because they're just from my imagination.
Psss. The flowers and broccoli smell like you though.
Pssss. I love you, Hiichan.

Hitomi smiled at how goofy Hyewon is but her heart almost exploded at the sight of those three words.

I love you, Hiichan.

      Hitomi doesn't know if it's real or platonic but she chose to believe the former. She'd like to believe someone actually loves her, even if it's just for a moment. Even if it's temporary, she'd like to keep these memories with her in her mind forever.

     Hitomi hugged Hyewon from behind. She smiled at the taller girl. The girl looked at her and smiled too. They stayed like that for a while. Hitomi felt the girl in the painting's heart beating fast.

    "Thank you, Wonnie.", Hitomi whispered shyly. Hyewon turned around to look at her and then held both of Hiichan's cheeks.

    "Why are you thanking me already when it's not even over yet?", Hyewon asked her with a smile on her face, her face was a bit red now too.

     "What do you mean not over yet?", Hitomi asked Hyewon.

     Hyewon just smiled at her again, held her hand and pulled her again as they walked through another door. Her hands felt so soft and warm, Hitomi couldn't help but smile too.

    They suddenly reached the park. With one wave of her hand, the sun was replaced by the moon and millions of stars. The stars and the moon served as the only source of light.  Hitomi stared up in awe. Hyewon only looked at the pretty girl in front of her.

     When Hitomi looked at Hyewon again, she was now wearing a black gown, her hair was fixed into a bun, and she had make-up on. She was also wearing high heels and a beautiful silver crown on her head.

     "Hye... Hyewon. You're so... You're so beautiful.", Hitomi managed to say but it was barely a whisper because she could not get herself to speak. The girl in front of her is so beautiful, she's becoming weak.

     "And so are you, Hiichan.", Hyewon said and held both of Hitomi's hands.

     Hitomi suddenly noticed that she's wearing a white beautiful gown shiny gold sandals. She also had a crown on top of her head. She looked down to notice that it's no longer grass but ice, not-so-slippery ice.

     Suddenly she heard music. You Mean The World To Me by Freya Ridings could be heard all around what was once the park.

     Hyewon slowly put Hitomi's right hand on her left shoulder as she held the other hand with her right. Hyewon shyly smiled at Hitomi as she put her left hand on Hitomi's waist.

     Slowly, they danced to the music while looking at each other. Hitomi's heart was beating quickly and loudly, she was afraid that Hyewon could hear it. Both of the girls' faces were now warm and red as they shyly smiled at each other.

     After a while, Hyewon stepped closer to Hitomi. Both of her hands are now on Hitomi's waist as Hitomi's arms were hugging Hyewon on the neck, Hitomi's face nuzzled into Hyewon's neck as they danced. Suddenly she remembered what she said, the ones she didn't get to experience. One of those was her first kiss.

     She looked up and stared at Hyewon. Hyewon smiled at the girl again before slowly moving her face toward's Hitomi's as she looked at her lips.

     Slowly, she closed the gap in between them while both of them closed their eyes. Hitomi felt Hyewon's soft lips on hers.

    She was happy to have Hyewon as the one she gets to experience all of these with, especially her first kiss. 

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Mother_duck #1
Chapter 17: The last part is so heartbreaking (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Thanks for updating this fic! (・ω・)ノ
1761 streak #2
Chapter 17: thank you for updating!
robirabbit_ #3
Chapter 16: This is really good.
Miss u authornim! ><
Chapter 16: omaigod i really loved n miss this story soo muchh..please update author nimm(╥﹏╥)
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 16: I havent been reading the update since forever but maaaaan.

This made me cry. Chaewon's story is so sad T~T
1761 streak #7
Chapter 16: I’m glad they’re slowly getting their friendship back together!!!!
Chapter 16: You're back! I can't help but smile as I read Hiichan 'warming up' to Chaewon and their banters are funny to read~ Though I'm a bit saddened by Ssamu not able to dance with Hiichan due to her father:( but hey, at least be a good friend to Hiichan, this time!
kimtaetaehwang #9
Chapter 15: Poor both of them
Because Chaewon's father they are really hurt especially Hiichan
She don't know anything but she is the one who hurt the most :((
Chapter 15: That's really heartbreakkng:( their classmates were snakes... poor Chaewon and Hiichan:(( I hope they will be friends again but this time communication is important!