Ugly Baby

The Girl In The Painting


     "Come join us", a soft voice said.
Hitomi would've found it cute if it weren't from the other cubicle. Even here, Chaewon was trying to persuade her. She rolled eyes and unlocked the door. She quickly tried to run away from Chaewon but the girl in the cubicle next to her was quicker than her and was able to hold onto her wrist before Hitomi could even exit the comfort room.

     "Hitomi, please...", Chaewon pleaded, while looking at Hitomi with puppy eyes and a pout. This was a side Chaewon never showed to other people, except Minjoo of course. Hitomi sighed and removed Chaewon's hands from hers before looking at her with no expression.

     "No.", Hitomi blankly said.

     Hitomi wished it would go back to the time after their fight, the time when Chaewon was still awkward with her and not as stubborn as she is now.


      Hitomi was just sitting inside their classroom, waiting for their teacher to arrive, until she saw Chaewon enter. Her eyes were just like hers, red but Chaewon's was much worse. It was obvious that she cried a lot last night. Hitomi felt a bit guilty after walking away from her while they were in the practice room.

     "I...I'm s-sorry. I was just dumb and desparate, I didn't know what to do.", Chaewon said but was still unable to look at Hitomi.

     "You were the only one I trusted...

      But you chose to hurt me too.", Hitomi said making Chaewon finally look at her. Hitomi could feel Chaewon's grip loosen gradually as Hitomi's words sinked in Chaewons mind. Hitomi pulled both of her hands away from Chaewon's making Chaewon's palm falll straight on the floor as she kneeled.

     Hitomi then walked away, leaving Chaewon all alone in the dance club's room. Before Hitomi could completely leave, she heard Chaewon finally break down.

     Chaewon had her head down as she walked to her seat, trying to not let anyone notice her eyes but she failed. Everyone looked at her, curious as to why the usually emotionless person cried. Minjoo fought the urge to ask and comfort her friend. She wanted to go to her but she stopped herself from doing so as Chaewon had been avoiding her these past few fays. Minjoo thought that perhaps going near her right now wouldn't be the best decision, although it hurt her. It hurts her when Chaewon ignores her and it hurts even more because she doesn't know why. She stayed up at night, unable to sleep, her brain trying to figure out what she might have done to Chaewon for her to ignore her like this.

      Hitomi watched her silently until Chaewon decided to look at her too. They quickly looked away from each other, pretending like nothing happened.

     When they were seated on the same table in the cafeteria, Chaewon always avoided her eyes.

     When Chaewon would see Hitomi walking to her direction in the hallway, she would quickly face the other direction and run as fast as she could.

     When Hitomi came to hang out with her friends, Chaewon would quickly escape, always coming up with an excuse to leave.

      "Did something happen between you two? You've been acting weird when she's around lately.", Yena asked as she chewed on her sandwich as she sat in front of Chaewon. Yena was again inside their classroom instead of staying inside her classroom.

     "Who? I don't know what you're talking about.", Chaewon successfully said without stuttering but she was unable to look at Yena in the eyes. She pretended to write on her notebook but Yena isn't as dumb as people think she is.

     "You look like you've confessed to her or something.", Yena said before laughing at Chaewon's expression. Chaewon's eyes widened and she couldn't say anything for a few seconds.

     "Yah! It's not like that.", Chaewon tried to defend herself.

     "Not like what? So something DID happen?", Yena asked her and squinted her eyes at her friend.

     "N-no.", Chaewon stuttered. She sighed, unable to lie to her friend.

     "Why are you even here? Don't you have classes or something?", Chaewon complained.

     "Hitomi!", Yena called the girl who was currently reading. Chaewon instantly shoved all of Yena's sandwich into . Chaewon then covered Yena's mouth to prevent her from speaking even more.

     "Hmmm?", Hitomi asked and then looked up only to look  at the two weirdly as Chaewon dragged Yena outside of the room. Chaewon then let go of Yena's face. Yena took in all of the air she could take.


      "Why'd you have to call her?", Chaewon ignored her unnie's whining.

     "Is she your crush?", Yena wiggled her brows.

     "Stop being so childish, unnie. Doesn't that word sound corny to you at this age? I told you it's not like that.", Chaewon said.

      "Then what's the problem then? I'm your friend too but you never seem to tell me anything.", Chaewon turned quiet since Yena suddenly turned all serious, which was very rare.

      "Fine. If you can't tell me, at least tell it to someone you trust. Everyone's noticed how you've been distant, if not absent,  lately.", Yena said as she pinched Chaewon's cheek. Chaewon only nodded as a reply.

     "You'll always have us. Even if we get separated, you have us by your side.", Yena said and smiled at Chaewon.


      As Hitomi continued to read in the library, her pen fell on the floor so she bent down to get it.

      "Shi-", Hitomi held onto her chest as she was shocked when someone suddenly spoke.

      "Come join us, Hitomi!", a voice from the other edge of the table said.

      Hitomi sat properly on her chair, only for Chaewon to copy her and face her. She was quite shocked to see the other girl speaking to her now, after she's been avoiding Hitomi at all cost.

     "Join what?", Hitomi irritatedly said.

      "Join the dance club. Chaeyeon said that she desperately needs you. Please?", Chaewon asked. It was the first time for her to plead, much more for someone's attention,  so it sort of hurt her pride.

     "No.", Hitomi said before quickly getting her things and leaving the library.

     As the teacher discussed, someone suddenly called Hitomi. The girl on her left kept on whispering to her.

     "Hitomi, join our club, pleaaaaase"


        People looked at Chaewon as it was the first time she was being the noisy one.



      "Hiichan!", Chaewon called for her. Hitomi snapped at the nickname that Chaewon used.

      "Don't ever call me that.", Hitomi hissed before looking back at the teacher. Chaewon realized why the girl instantly went mad.

      "I'm sorry. Hitomi, please.", Chaewon continued to disturb her.

      "Ms. Chaewon, do you have anything to say?", Ms. Kwon suddenly asked.


      As Hitomi was running around the field during their pe, Chaewon kept up with her and matched her pace.

     "What? Even here?", Hitomi asked, clearly tired from all the running.

     "Okay, fine.", Chaewon turned around, defeated, and ran to the opposite direction.

      Chaewon stood with her other classmates, watching Hitomi run around as it was her turn. Minjoo bid goodbye from Yujin and Wonyoung and stood beside Chaewon.

      Chaewon saw a water bottle being offered in front of her. She was about to take it but she saw who's the owner of the hand holding the bottle.

      "Unnie...", Minjoo called for her unnie's attention.

     "It's fine. I'm fine. Just drink it.", Chaewon said, still not looking at her.

      "But I'm giving it to you.", Minjoo replied.

      "Why don't you just give it to Yujin instead?", Chaewon said before finally looking at Minjoo and smiling sadly at her.

      "W-what are you talki...", Minjoo was unable to finish her question as Chaewon already started to walk away from her, leaving her dumbfounded.


      Hitomi is exhausted, she walked back to her home, sweat all over her body because of all the running. Not only from running on the field but also from running away from Chaewon.

      She sighed, finally she was free from the clingy girl who has been trying to persuade her to join the dance club.

     Or so she thought.

      She entered her room and was about to plop herself down on her bed but someone was already there.

      "Hi", Chaewon waved awkwardly at the room's owner.

      "How'd you get here?", Hitomi asked, shock and anger written all over her face.

      "Oh. Ms. Miyawaki let me enter your room. She insisted that I stay and wait for you here instead.", Chaewon explained.

     "UNNIE!", Hitomi screamed loud enough for her cousin, Sakura, to hear. They then heard footsteps quickly running away from their direction.

      "If you're here to persuade me again, I will kick you out.", Hitomi warned the older girl. Hitomi then quickly covered the painting of Hyewon. Chaewon has seen it but it would be better if no one finds out that Hyewon is somehow alive a d quite frankly, she doesn't even wanna face Hyewon right now.

      "I'm not. I'm not", Chaewon awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of her neck.

      "I'm only here for our project, I swear!", Chaewon explained when Hitomi looked at her with no expression.


      As they lied on their stomachs while they were on Hitomi's bed, Hitomi suddenly asked Chaewon.

      "So who are you gonna draw now? If not Minjoo?"

     Chaewon was taken aback by the question even if she sort of expected that Hitomi will ask, she is her partner for this project.

     "I-...", Hitomi stared at her expectantly. Chaewon couldn't finish her sentence and just rolled on the bed so that she could lie on her back. She didn't wanna tell her who she wanted to draw.

      "I don't know.", Chaewon then sighed.

      "You, how's Hyewon?", Chaewon asked while she was staring at the ceiling.

     "WHAT? You know who she is?", Hitomi's eyes widened as she scooted closer to the older girl and faced the ceiling too.

      "Well, the last time I went here, you told me you were gonna draw her.", Chaewon looked at Hitomi weirdly.

     The room went quiet as the two then continued to draw on their papers, or at least pretended to since both of them at drawing.

     "Hitomi. Join the club please?", Chaewon asked out of nowhere.

     "I knew this doing our project thingy was just your alibi. I knew it.", Hitomi glared at Chaewon, while pointing her pencil at the other girl.

     "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just have to.", Chaewon raised both of her hands, copying the action of a criminal who got caught by the police, in this case, Hitomi.

      "What do you mean by 'you have to?'? Did Chaeyeon unnie tell you to do this?", Hitomi asked as she slowly put down her pencil.

      "No", Chaewon replied, clearly embarassed.

      "Then why?", Hitomi asked her again.

      "It's because I'm sorry.", Chaewon continued to avoid Hitomi's by just continuing to stare at the ceiling.

      The room went silent again, neither of the two knew what to say.

      "What does dancing have to do with being sorry?", Hitomi looked directly at the girl who still avoided her eyes. Even if Chaewon couldn't see her, she could feel Hitomi's stare boring into her head.

      "Because I still remember everything you told me when we were younger.", Chaewon said and then finally looked at Hitomi.

      "I remember how much you wanted to dance...", Chaewon said.

      " I remember how happy you were while we danced..."

       "And  I remembered how sad you were when I wasn't with you when you were about to do what you wanted to do in front of our school."

      "And quite honestly, I wanted to perform with you. It was like a little innocent dream that we shared but...

       "I left and made your dream a nightmare.", Hitomi stayed quiet as Chaewon continued to speak.


     "So please, can we do it this time? Perform together.", Chaewon looked at her with pleading eyes.

     "Then promise me.", Hitomi finally replied.

      "I promise that we'd perform together. I promise.", Chaewon said and like what her young self did years ago, she held out her pinky finger.

      Hitomi intertwined it with her pinky finger and smiled.

      Hitomi then pulled the blanket that Chaewon was laying on until they heard a loud thud.

      ". What was that for?", Chaewon glared at Hitomi as she sat up from the floor.

     "That's for lying to me earlier.", Hitomi said and giggled as Chaewon rubbed the back of her head. Chaewon then laughed with her after that.


      Hitomi let herself fall on the floor and turned her back on the dance practice room's mirror.

     "Yahhhh! You're giving up already?", Chaewon said as she was positioned behind the practicing girl. So right now, Hitomi was facing her with Chaewon looking down at her. Hitomi stopped looking up at her and just closed her eyes.

     "No. I gave up years ago. That's why I can't even do the basics.", Hitomi sulked as she continued to lie on the floor.

      "Stand uuuuuup.", Chaewon struggled to finish what she was saying as she also struggled to make Hitomi stand up.

     "Damn, I've underestimated your weight. You're a LOT heavier than you look.", Chaewon said as she finally made her stand up. Hitomi glared at her making Chaewon laugh. Hitomi pouted and walked to the direction of the door.

     "Fine. I'll just go then.", Hitomi sulked making Chaewon laugh even more but she quickly held onto Hitomi's wrist and made the 'heavy' girl face the mirror.

      "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's be serious now.", Chaewon said while still laughing. Hitomi continued to glare at her through the mirror. She only stopped when Chaewon put both of her hands on Hitomi's shoulder.

     "Breathe.", Chaewon said.

      "Eh?", Hitomi was confused.

       "Just breathe and don't worry.", Chaewon smiled at her.

       "I seriously don't get what you're saying.", Hitomi admitted.

      "You know why you can't move freely? You're afraid.", Hitomi only nodded lightly, now a bit afraid of how the older girl turned all serious.

      "You're afraid to make mistakes and would rather do nothing to not embarass yourself.", Chaewon added and looked at Hitomi, this time, it's not through the mirror. Chaewon made her face her, looking directly at her eyes.

     "Just breathe and don't worry. I won't judge you. If you make any mistakes, I'll be here to correct you and you'll do the same for me too, right?", Chaewon asked her.

      "Now come on, let's dance.", Chaewon smiled at her.

      Hitomi nodded and took a deep breathe. Chaewon's hands were still on her shoulders so it was quite hard for her to start.

      "You know, you always find excuses to touch me.", Hitomi jokingly said making Chaewon abruptly remove her hands and her face turn red. Hitomi cackled at her reaction.

      "W-wahhhh!", Chaewon said with wide eyes.

     "I didn't know you're that full of yourself.", Chaewon rebutted.

      Hitomi just laughed and stuck her tongue out at Chaewon's direction. She then faced the mirror and played the music on her phone.

      "Now teach me, sensei.", Hitomi told her friend.

      "Ew, don't call me that.", Chaewon said making both of them giggle. They then started dancing.

      Of course, Hitomi wouldn't get it at first, years of not dancing sure had it's disadvantages but Hitomi learned more quickly as time passed by, all was possible because Chaewon was there to guide her the whole time.


     Chaewon was there the whole time unt she suddenly stopped coming to practice. It started with just her being late, to her skipping practice to being absent from classes the whole day. Hitomi was mad at her friend slowly breaking her promise but more than that, she was worried.

     One day, she decided to skip classes to  look for her and figure out where the hell Chaewon is recently and what she's been doing for her to skip practice and even skip school. She looked for her in every room. She looked for her in the library, fhe school's garden, it's yard, it's bathroom and even in the storage room but she wasn't able to find Chaewon. She asked everyone but no one knew.

      There's only one place left.

      Chaewon entered her room, tired and drained but she wasn't able to lie on her bed.

      "Chaewon.", Hitomi said while glaring at her. Chaewon gulped and quickly ran out of her own room.

     "Seriously?", Hitomi said while running after the girl.

      "After leaving me for so many days, after breaking your promise...", Hitomi just kept on talking. This was one instance where Chaewon felt like she wished Hitomi wouldn't speak, just like she was before.

      "Would you just st-", Hitomi's words were cut off when Chaewon suddenly stopped running, faced her and covered with her hand. Hitomi tried to break free but she noticed how Chaewon froze.

      They were in front of a room. Chaewon still hasn't moved one bit. Hitomi watched Chaewon and for the first time ever, she saw side of Chaewon no one knew that existed. All she could see were Chaewon's eyes that showed so much fear. Chaewon looked fragile and looked like she was about to cry any moment now. Chaewon was looking at the woman lying on the bed. Hitomi looked at what she was staring at.

      She finally figured out why she's afraid and her heart almost dropped too. The woman still wasn't moving. No signs of life, the woman's chest laid still, it was if she wasn't breathing.

      They waited until finally, there was movement. It was now clear that the woman is still breathing. Chaewon took a deep breath too and finally moved, showing a sign of relief. Hitomi watched how Chaewon's eyes seemed to glisten, tears almost forming from her eyes. Hitomi slowly held Chaewon's hand and made her let go of .

      Hitomi could sense how weak Chaewon was so she went closer and hugged her.

      They were in that position until they heard the door open. Chaewon's eyes widened before she dragged Hitomi into her room. Chaewon then opened the window.

     "Are you crazy? We are not going through there.", Hitomi whispered.

      "Just trust me, please.", Chaewon held out her hand but was startled when someone screamed.

      "CHAEWON!", a voice boomed from downstairs, clearly intoxicated by alcohol.

       "Please?", Chaewon once again pleaded. Hitomi hesitated but took her unnie's hand only to find out that the window lend to some sort of steps that would lead them to the roof. They struggled to climb up but it Hitomi was at awe when they reached the top. Chaewon motioned for her to sit down as she did too.

      "Are you sure he won't find us here?", Hitomi asked.

     "Dad's too drunk. He probably won't even be able to go up the stairs.", Chaewon laughed but Hitomi sensed the bitterness in it.

      "Is he... Is he always like this?", Hitomi hesitated to ask at first but she still did.

      Chaewon nodded and just stared at the sky. Hitomi noticed how uncomfortable Chaewon so she decided to look for another topic.

     "You broke your promise.", she said and pouted, hoping her pout would make Chaewon  smile like it always does.

      "I'm sorry.", Chaewon looked at her apologetically. Hitomi was sad that she failed to make her smile.

     "Believe me, I wanted to.", Chaewon looked at her.

      "But I can't leave her, now that she's gotten... She's gotten worse.", Chaewon explained as she looked at tbe sky again.

    "I have to study hard for the college entrance exam. I really need to.", Chaewon continued.

      Hitomi kept quiet as she just played with her shoelaces, signalling Chaewon to continue.

     "It's the only way I can quicy get a job. Passing is the fastest way we can afford her medicine.", Chaewon's voice started to crack.

      "It's the only chance left for me to make them proud. Perhaps if I pass the most prestigious school, Dad would look at me differently.", Chaewon said. Hitomi saw tears falling from her eyes now and she didn't know what to do.

      "So I'm sorry if I broke the promise I just made. I really am.", Chaewon said as her tears continued to fall.

      "Just change the promise then.", Hitomi said after she took a bunch of tissues from her bag. She then proceeded to wipe Chaewon's eyes and cheeks.

     "Change?", Chaewon asked, not quite getting what the other girl meant.

      "Instead of dancing with me, promise me you'll be by my side.", Hitomi said softly and then threw the tissues down the roof.

      "Promise me that you'd be at school on that day, watching me perform.", Hitomi continued and held out her pinky.

      "I promise. I promise to be there to watch and support you.", Chaewon said as she linked her pinky with Hitomi's. They smiled at each other.

      "So that you can see how better I am than you at dancing now.", Hitomi boasted right after.

      "You tricked me!", Chaewon  looked at her with wide eyes before smiling. Both of them giggled after that. Other than their giggles, Hitomi heard someone's stomach grumble.

      Chaewon held her stomach as her cheeks went red from embarassment.

      "Oh. Right. I forgot.", Hitomi said before taking something from her bag. She excitedly showed a paper bag full of cream buns.

      "What's tha-", Chaewon was cut off when Hitomi stuffed with bread.

      "You have to taste this, this is the best.", Hitomi told her as she held Chaewon's chin so that she'd start chewing.

     "I've alreajy shasted cream bu-", Chaewon froze when she was finally able to process the taste.

      "See? I told you this is the best", Hitomi smiled and took one from the paper bag too. They silently ate together.

     "You know, if ever you're sad, you can tell me and lean on me, right?", Hitomi said and took away her stare from the bread and looked at the girl beside her. Chaewon looked at her too, sadness evident on her eyes as she looked away from Hitomi.

      "Right, Chaewon unnie?", Hitomi asked making Chaewon look at her again.

      "You called me unnie?", Chaewon asked her with wide eyes, a smile gradually forming on her face.

      Hitomi smiled and nodded before hugging Chaewon. Chaewon was ecstatic to finally hear her call her that again. It was a step to finally being friends with her again. Chaewon hugged her back and closed her eyes.

      "Yes. Thank you, Hitom-..Hiichan.", Chaewon said to her.

      "Now stop crying unnie, you look like an ugly baby.", Hitomi making both of them laugh.

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Mother_duck #1
Chapter 17: The last part is so heartbreaking (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Thanks for updating this fic! (・ω・)ノ
1761 streak #2
Chapter 17: thank you for updating!
robirabbit_ #3
Chapter 16: This is really good.
Miss u authornim! ><
Chapter 16: omaigod i really loved n miss this story soo muchh..please update author nimm(╥﹏╥)
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 16: I havent been reading the update since forever but maaaaan.

This made me cry. Chaewon's story is so sad T~T
1761 streak #7
Chapter 16: I’m glad they’re slowly getting their friendship back together!!!!
Chapter 16: You're back! I can't help but smile as I read Hiichan 'warming up' to Chaewon and their banters are funny to read~ Though I'm a bit saddened by Ssamu not able to dance with Hiichan due to her father:( but hey, at least be a good friend to Hiichan, this time!
kimtaetaehwang #9
Chapter 15: Poor both of them
Because Chaewon's father they are really hurt especially Hiichan
She don't know anything but she is the one who hurt the most :((
Chapter 15: That's really heartbreakkng:( their classmates were snakes... poor Chaewon and Hiichan:(( I hope they will be friends again but this time communication is important!