
The Girl In The Painting


      Yuri sat in their classroom, unable to think properly as the thought of what she did to her Yena unnie, the guilt kept bugging her. As her teacher kept saying things that she'd probably need for the exam, she couldn't help but just look outside, not in the mood to do anything today. As she mindlessly just tapped on her desk using her pencil, she couldn't but feel empty, like there's something.

      After class was over, Yuri waited for someone to arrive. She nervously waited, hoping her cheerful duck would waddle her way over to her again and annoy her again but she didn't. There were less and less people as more people left the room to eat, Yuri stayed their while staring at the door. Now she was the only one there, stomach grumbling but she decided to wait just a little bit more. She kept on hoping that Yena doesn't hate her.

      Hunger won over her making her stand up and walk to the cafeteria. She then slowly walked when she reached the door of Yena's room, hoping she'd run into her but it seems like she already left as there were no people there now.

      She then smiled when she saw Yena, seated at their group's usual spot in the cafeteria. She heard the duck's voice and was quite glad that she's as loud as always. Yena then stood up and walked  to Yuri's direction making Yuri smile even more as she wasn't expecting Yena to just forget about everything at all. Yuri then started to walk closer to Yena too, arms ready to hug her friend.


      Yena just passed by her like she didn't exist. Not even a word, not even a smile, nothing. All she felt was the cold air as Yena just continued to walk. It's my fault, Yuri thought so gathered all the courage she had, not wanting to make things worse and longer.

     "I'm sorry, Unnie!", Yuri said loudly, making sure that the other girl heard her.

      "I'm sorry, please!", she said in an even louder way while she started to walk to Yena's direction, trying very hard to catch up to her.

      But then Yuri stopped.

      She stopped when she realized that Yena didn't have any plans of stopping or even slowing down. She just watched her unnie as she  walked away.


      Yuri didn't want to give up so easily, especially since it's Yena that we're talking about here. Yuri looked for Yena in her classroom but there were no signs of her there. She wasn't at the rooftop, she wasn't in the dancing club's room, she was nowhere Yuri can think of, except for one place.

      She took a deep breath as she stared at the door's knob, contemplating if she should really do it. This was the place where they first met.

      Yuri felt lost in this new school, not only because of the big buildings and endless rooms but because she didn't have anybody here with her. She was quite shy and awkward with new people so it made it very hard for her to make new friends. It was her first day in this school, but she felt lonely again.

      She wasn't as active or hyper as other people would think. She's shy and just stayed in her classroom and inside her home. She had friends but none of them were close enough to actually care about her.She guessed that it would be just the same in this new school.

      She was afraid she'd just be like dust again, someone who came and then someone who left, like she didn't evem exist in the first place. I mean, how can even people remember her when all she is is mediocre. She's fine in class, but she was just up to that, just fine.

     The only thing that could let her be free from all the thoughts and insecurities she had was Music but she never had the guts to show anyone.

      As Yuri continued to walk, she saw a room with it's door slightly open. It was clearly unused because of all the dust it had but that didn't matter to Yuri, all she saw was the piano in the middle of the room.

      She quickly sat in front of it and blew on the piano, instantly making her cough. After recovering from her coughing fit, she checked if it's working just fine. After playing a few notes, she started playing the first song on her mind.



We may not have all the answers
Oh I know that we can change some of the things that are beyond our control
And the vision of us may be blurry
But use your heart to see
Just follow the beat, the rhythm will lead you right bac...


      "Wahhhh, your voice is so nice!, Yuri stopped when she heard a husky voice behind her. She slowly looked to the direction of the door and saw a girl leaning on it while looking at her with awe.

      "Why did you stooooooopppp?", the girl now whined. Yuri was quite weirded out but she continued because of the cute stranger's request.



Sometimes it's a game of give and take
It's easy to break
But hold on and wait
Have a little faith
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love


      "Wahhhhhhhhhh", the girl said again and she then said something Yuri couldn't hear, making Yuri stop.

      "Why'd you stop again?", Yena asked as she stepped closer.

      "Because you spoke again.", Yuri giggled, feeling quite comfortable with the girl already but she didn't know why. Perhaps it's because she didn't look smart enough to hurt Yuri.

      "Oh right.", Yena said while she scratched her cheek before holding out her hand.

      "I'm Yena by the way, Choi Yena.", Yena said, making sure to say her name clearly. Yuri nodded and smiled.

      "Hey kid, this is the part where you're supposed to say your name.", Yena said before laughing.

      "Oh. Yuri. Jo.", Yuri said and shaked hands with the other girl.

      "That was beautiful.", Yena said to Yuri, instantly making Yuri happy because she honestly wasn't so confident with her voice.


      As Yuri stared at the audience, she suddenly felt the urge to vomit because of how nervous she is. Everyone stared at her, waiting for her to sing and play the piano. This was the first time she sang in front of people, other than Yena. She ran backstage and fell on her knees.

      She took deep breaths because it felt like her chest was closing in, preventing her to breathe properly. She held on to the nearest chair and gripped it tightly. She found it very difficult to stand back up.

      "Yuri!", Yena screamed as she ran to the girl.

      "What happened?", Yena looked at her and held both of her hands as she too knelt down on the floor with her.

      "I'm... i'm afraid, unnie.", she said, still unable to breathe properly. She looked down and cried.

      "Look at me.", Yena said as she cupped Yuri's cheeks.

      "You can do it.", Yena said. It was rare for Yuri to see Yena being this serious.

      "I. I can't. What if they don't like my performance? What if they don't like me? What if I mess up?", she said after she looked up and looked at Yena.

      "You can do it, I know you can. I've heard you before, and everything about it, everything about you is beautiful. I'll be there with you, I promise. So please, don't worry because I believe in you, you should too, alright? I'll be here, singing with you.", Yena said to Yuri.

      Yuri nodded before Yena hugged her tightly. She nuzzled her face into Yena's neck closed her eyes, as she felt her breathing become steady as it follows Yena's pace.




I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Then you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you




      Yuri looked at Yena as she stood behind the doorway leading to the backstage. The audience could only hear Yuri's voice, unaware of the girl singing with her. They looked at each other as they sang. When the song came to an end, Yuri smiled at Yena, showing her how grateful she is.

      "You did well", Yena mouthed to her. Yuri then looked at the audience, very happy to see that people appreciated her perfomance.

      Yuri took a breath and finally opened the door.

      But she suddenly wishes that she didn't.

       At the place where she thought only the two of them hang out in was Yena and Hangyul. What made it worse was they were sitting side by side while they played the piano playfully. Yuri didn't understand why they were laughing so hard but what she did know is that it hurts. She's never seen Yena being so happy like that whenever she's with her. It felt like Yena is happy without her so she closed the door quietly and just left.


       As she walked home, she felt empty as she thought about the girl who she usually walks with. It feels so quiet without the dork trying to annoy her. When she reached her place, she decided to just quickly go to her room and have some time for herself but her mother didn't let her.

      "Yuri, come back here. Are you just gonna ignore our guest?", Her mom asked her. Yuri just opened her door again, just wanting to get it over with.

      "Yuri!", Yena said while she was eating  in the kitchen.


      Yuri awkwardly just stood by the door and stared at the girl who flopped down to her bed. She didn't know what to say or do. She didn't know what's happening. She just cried.

      "Unnie, I'm sorry!", Yuri cried out like a little kid.

       "I'm sorry too. I missed you!", Yena cried out too and stood up, arms wide open as she was ready to hug Yuri. It was just a day since it happened but it was the longest that they weren't with each other. Yuri tried to wipe her tears but they just keep on coming so she just decided to hug Yena back, wiping her tears  using Yena's shirt.

      "You disgusting kid, first you poured milk and now you wipe your snot using my shirt!", Yena teased Yuri and slapped her arm, making the other girl laugh out loud.


      As Yuri laid on her bed, facing the opposite direction of the girl  snoring loudly beside her, she thought about how happy Yena was with Hangyul earlier. She felt Yena shift and then a heavy arm suddenly s around her waist, hugging her tightly. It hurt her even more, knowing that all these things Yena showed her and made her feel were all just because they were friends. And it hurt but she decided to just accept that. She just chose to accept that it was all that they could ever be. If Hangyul was the one who made her happy, she's willing to accept that. Being with her, even if just as her friend, is a lot better than not being with her at all.

      She couldn't cry loudly so she just covered with her hand and let her tears fall.


      "Why are those two so excited to go home anyway?", Chaeyeon asked and then laughed while looking at the girls quickly leaving the school.

      Two pairs of short legs quickly ran as they raced to their own homes. They'd usually walk home together but it was a lot different now. They stopped before they could even reach Hitomi's house, feeling breathless because of all the running since they came out of their classroom.

      "Why are you so excited to go home anyway?", Nako finally asked Hitomi as they sat down at the side of the road.

      "I could ask the same to you.", Hitomi just replied making Nako glare at her.

      "Tell me. Why?", Nako seriously asked while still breathing heavily making Hitomi laugh.

      "Because of someone.", Hitomi answered, leaving out a lot of details.

     "And here I thought you liked me.", Nako chuckled while taking her drink from her bag and then drinking it.

      "I did though.", Hitomi answered making Nako choke on her drink because of how blunt Hitomi can be.

     "You did? What made you stop liking me then?", Nako asked, now curious because of Nako's sudden revelation.

      "Just because.", Hitomi asked before taking her water bottle from her bag too and then drinking. Nako whined like a kid, making Hitomi laugh and the water she drank drip from the side of . She quickly tried to wipe it before Nako could see it.

      "Fine. I feel like I liked you because you were so nice to me, and you were the first one treat me that way in a lot of years. I guess I just wasn't used to that type of treatment. And besides, I like someone else now.", Hitomi honestly answered Nako. It was silent after that.

      "1ST TO REACH YOUR HOUSE IS THE WINNER!", Nako suddenly screamed while she ran without telling Hitomi first.

      "You're cheating!", Hitomi whined before starting to run too.


      Hitomi watched the stars above her while she laid on the grass. She fought the urge to stare at the girl beside her but she couldn't help it, knowing that Hyewon is much more beautiful than the constellations above her. She watched as the girl again had no expression on her face while she focused on the stars. It was dark but because of the moon's light, Hyewon's features became more enthralling.

      She wondered how the other girl felt. It's been weeks since they kissed but she still didn't know what it meant to Hyewon. Was it a real one or did she just to it to fulfill Hitomi's wish of experiencing it? It's been bugging Hitomi but she's been too much of a coward to actually ask. She really wanted to know if Hyewon felt the same way.

      She bit her lip and contemplated whether she should tell it now but Hyewon looked so calm and peaceful. Suddenly, Hyewon looked at her and laughed.

      "Why are you looking at me like that?", Hyewon asked her and pinched Hitomi's cheeks.

      "You're just really pretty.", Hitomi replied without thinking. She looked away immediately when she realized what she said, unable to see the blush on Hyewon's face.

      "You're quite brave, aren't you Hiichan?", Hyewon teased Hitomi and chuckled. Hitomi just playfully glared at Hyewon and pouted. If only Hyewon knew what Hitomi really meant to say, she'd think otherwise.

      "Stop doing thaaaat! You look like a cute lil broccoli", Hyewon said as she continued to pinch Hiichan's cheeks.

      "Broccoli, my .", Hitomi just said making the both of them laugh. They then went silent again but it wasn't a problem since the silence was quite comfortable. They continued to stare at the stars.

      Hitomi then felt a hand take hers. Hitomi looked at her hand and saw Hyewon slowly putting her fingers in between hers. She then looked at Hyewon and saw how her expressionless face slowly and discreetly  turned into a smiling one making Hitomi smile too, feeling Hyewon's soft and warm hand as Hyewon then slowly ran her thumb across Hitomi's. Hitomi looked back to the stars, feeling quite contented.

      Yeah, she'll just tell Hyewon how she feels later and just make the most of what they are now.



Shin's Note: I'm sorry, I never really get the chance to proofread this so I'm sorry for all the typos. I'll fix them later on.

Also, I'm quite curious. What are your thoughts, opinions, and theories about Hyewon and also about Chaewon?

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Mother_duck #1
Chapter 17: The last part is so heartbreaking (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Thanks for updating this fic! (・ω・)ノ
1762 streak #2
Chapter 17: thank you for updating!
robirabbit_ #3
Chapter 16: This is really good.
Miss u authornim! ><
Chapter 16: omaigod i really loved n miss this story soo muchh..please update author nimm(╥﹏╥)
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 16: I havent been reading the update since forever but maaaaan.

This made me cry. Chaewon's story is so sad T~T
1762 streak #7
Chapter 16: I’m glad they’re slowly getting their friendship back together!!!!
Chapter 16: You're back! I can't help but smile as I read Hiichan 'warming up' to Chaewon and their banters are funny to read~ Though I'm a bit saddened by Ssamu not able to dance with Hiichan due to her father:( but hey, at least be a good friend to Hiichan, this time!
kimtaetaehwang #9
Chapter 15: Poor both of them
Because Chaewon's father they are really hurt especially Hiichan
She don't know anything but she is the one who hurt the most :((
Chapter 15: That's really heartbreakkng:( their classmates were snakes... poor Chaewon and Hiichan:(( I hope they will be friends again but this time communication is important!