Move On

The Girl In The Painting



       Wonyoung quietly walked outside of her house and then closed the gate, unaware of the person watching her.

       Someone then held her shoulders harshly before she could even face the road. Wonyoung screamed, shocked and afraid because of the person behind her.

      Yujin just laughed so hard while clutching her stomach. Wonyoung groaned when she heard the older girl's voice. She turned around quickly and hit the back of Yujin's head.

      "Hey! That hurt.", Yujin said as she glared at Wonyoung and rubbed the back of her head. Wonyoung just stuck her tongue out at Yujin and started walking to school.

      "That's what you deserve for annoying me so early.", Wonyoung said when Yujin finally catched up to her.

       "I woke up early just to walk you to school and this is what I get?", Yujin said while pretending to be sulking.

       "I never told you to walk me to school. What are you doing here anyway? Isn't your house from the other direction?", Wonyoung asked before rolling her eyes when she saw Yujin's shoelaces.

      "I told you I'll be here for you, didn't I? Your retaking the tests now, I wouldn't want our hardwork to go to waste just because you didn't hear your alarm again.", Yujin said as she now started to walk backwards while smiling at Wonyoung. Wonyoung rolled her eyes again, pretending that those words didn't comfort her.

      "I didn't think you meant literally, unnie.", Wonyoung said before kneeling down in front of Yujin.

      "What are you doing?", Yujin asked as she stopped walking and looked down. Wonyoung didn't speak and just continued tying Yujin's shoelaces.

      "What kind of 15 year-old girl doesn't know how to do this?", Wonyoung said, still kneeling.

      "What kind of 15 year-old girl needs to learn this when they have the 14 year-old Jang Wonyoung to do it for them?", Yujin kneeled down to to meet Wonyoung's eyes at eye-level. She then smiled at Wonyoung making Wonyoung freeze as her smile looked a lot different.

      "Whatever.", Wonyoung quickly stood up and walked ahead. Yujin followed and put her arm around Wonyoung's shoulder.

      "What kind of student leaves her teacher?", Yujin teased Wonyoung, reminding the younger girl of the upcoming test once again.

      Wonyoung feared two things right now. Failing the test and how her mind has been preoccupied by Yujin lately. As Yujin had her arm on her shoulder, Wonyoung couldn't help but feel nervous. She hated the feeling, it's not like it's the first time that Yujin did that to her, Yujin being clingy and flirty and all.

      She also hated how unaffected Yujin seems to be with what she's doing, unlike her. Wonyoung couldn't process what Yujin was saying.

     "Yah. Are you even listening?", Yujin asked her and then flicked Wonyoung's forehead.

      "YAH! What was that for?", Wonyoung said while rubbing her forehead.

      "Why are you so distracted? Listen to me while I'm giving you tips here.", Yujin said before laughing at Wonyoung's reaction. She seems to have flicked Wonyoung's forehead way too hard as Wonyoung was now frowning.

      Yujin then continued to talk, arms still around Wonyoung's shoulder but Wonyoung couldn't concentrate. As Yujin continued to say words that are all just a blur to Wonyoung, Wonyoung's eyes traveled from Yujin's eyes, to her nose and then stayed staring at Yujin's lips. It looks so...

      Yujin was surprised when she heard Wonyoung scream and then harshly remove her arms from her shoulder. Wonyoung walked quickly so that she'll be ahead of Yujin.

     "No. No. Stop. Stop.", Wonyoung continued to say while hitting her head with her fist. Yujin was only left there confused, not understanding what's happening with Wonyoung.


      "A!", Wonyoung said loudly making the librarian look at her with anger.

      "I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", Wonyoung whispered to the librarian and the people around her.

       "Correct.", Yujin said as she put down the book and ruffled Wonyoung's hair.

       "I told you not to do that every time I get it right.", Wonyoung said as she slapped Yujin's hand away making Yujin chuckle.

        "You're all set, Wonyoung. Make sure that you give me my points.", Yujin teased Wonyoung.

      "Are your points all you care about?", Wonyoung hissed.

       "Nah. I care about you too.", Yujin said as she wrote something on her notebook. Wonyoung was thankful that she looked down, if she didn't, Yujin would've seen how flustered she is. She couldn't go back to studying because of what Yujin said.

      "Unnie, I have a question. It's not about Science.", Wonyoung asked making Yujin look up from her notebook again.

      "What is it?", Yujin asked, suddenly afraid of what the girl might ask.

       "Why are you still avoiding Minjoo unnie? Are you mad at her?" Wonyoung asked as slowly as possible.

      "I... I guess it''s...", Yujin couldn't form a full sentence and answer Wonyoung.

      "It's fine. I was just curious. You don't have to answer if you're not ready or if you don't trust me.", Wonyoung said.

      "No. I do. Just let me think.", Yujin said as she thought of what to say. Wonyoung waited.

      "I'm not mad at her. I just used to get sad whenever I see her with Chaewon unnie, it made  me sadder that I have no right to be. It hurt to see her stare at Chaewon unnie like she's the only person she sees. It hurt so I ignored her to avoid getting myself hurt. I ignored her so that I can move on.", Yujin said as she now mindlessly drew at the back of her notebook.

      "So have you, you know? Moved on?", Wonyoung asked making Yujin think.

      "I think I have but I'm not sure. I don't know. I don't know how to talk to her now. It gets awkward for me.", Yujin said and then finally looked at Wonyoung.

      "What if the reason you haven't fully moved on is because you haven't cleared things out with her? Perhaps you just have to fix things her to be finally free.", Wonyoung suggested making Yujin squint her eyes at her.

      "For a baby, you sure know a lot don't you? Perhaps I should do that. I'll try that then.", Yujin said before standing up.

      "What? Now?", Wonyoung looked at her, shocked that she's gonna do it now.

       "Let's see if it works.", Yujin said before leaving the library  leaving Wonyoung dumbfounded. She just decided to continue studying.

       Yujin entered Minjoo's room after she saw that there was no teacher around. Minjoo saw how Yujin walked towards her direction, but thought that Yujin's purpose here can't be her. Yujin has been avoiding her since forever. Minjoo just continued to write on her paper or at least pretended to.

      "Unnie.", Minjoo heard Yujin say and then saw her shadow making it hard for her to write as Yujin was practically blocking the light. Minjoo slowly looked up to find Yujin looking directly at her.

      "Yujin?", Minjoo felt like she was about to cry when Yujin called her.

      "Let's talk outside.", Yujin said and pulled Minjoo by the wrist before she can even protest. They were unaware of the two girls who followed them.

        They went out of the room and stood in the hallway, a bit far from the room so that nobody could hear them.


      Minjoo walked towards the girl who's been standing in front of her classroom like she's lost.

      "Are you new here?", Minjoo asked the tall girl.

       "Uhh yes.", Yujin bowed after nervously replying.

      "Is this your new room?", Minjoo asked, pertaining to their classroom.

      "I... I don't know. I'm a bit lost.", Yujin said and gave her a piece of paper. Minjoo looked at it and noticed that it was a room number.

      "Wait. Isn't this the freshmen's room? You're a freshman?", Minjoo asked Yujin with wide eyes making Yujin laugh because she reminded her of a frog she knew.

      "Yahh yahhh yahhh. You may be taller than me but you can't just laugh at your senior like that.", Minjoo said or more like whined making Yujin laugh harder.

      "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please tell me where it is.", Yujin told Minjoo.

      "Okay. Let's go.", Minjoo said and guided Yujin.

      It's been a few hours since the two of them started walking but they still haven't found Yujin's room.

      "Unnie, are you sure you know where it is?", Yujin chuckled as Minjoo was now frustrated and continued to look around.

      "I do. Trust me. Oh I think it's here.", Minjoo said as then took Yujin's hand and pulled her to a room confidently. Minjoo opened the door only to meet an infamous teacher's wrath.

       "What are you doing outside while there are still classes?", Mr. Devil, a nickname the students gave him, said as he stepped closer to them.

      "Run. YUJIN. RUN!", Minjoo screamed as she ran from the teacher. Yujin was confused why she had to run but she followed her senior's order. She ran quickly and quickly ran past Minjoo making the shorter look at her with wide eyes.

      But Yujin then fell down and rolled down on the floor making Minjoo run to her and stared at her worriedly.

      "You. Stop there!", The teacher screamed across the hallway.

      Minjoo then pulled Yujin up and pulled her into a room.

      "I'm so sorry for causing this.", Minjoo said as she made Yujin sit down on the chair. Minjoo then sat on the floor and faced Yujin's wounded knee. She took her handkerchief and slowly removed the dirt on her wound. Yujin winced in pain.

      "I guess this will do for now, we wouldn't want Mr. Devil to find us. I'm so sorry. I really am.", she said, sounding like she was about to cry. She then blew on Yujin's wound, not having any idea what to do. Yujin just stared at the girl, noticing only now how pretty her new friend is. She then noticed how Minjoo's mouth was shaking.

      "It's fine, unnie.", Yujin assured her before Yujin laughed because Minjoo really cried now.

       "I didn't mean to cause you trouble on your first... On your first day.", Minjoo said in between hiccups making Yujin smile at how cute Minjoo is.

      "You think I can't find you?", Mr. Devil's voice boomed across the hallway and even in the room.

      Minjoo then pulled Yujin and went behind the door. Yujin was behind Minjoo so Minjoo put Yujin's arms around her waist so that they could fit behind the door more easily.

     Yujin smiled as she smelled Minjoo's hair while Minjoo worriedly looked around, hoping that the teacher wouldn't find them. She then cried out when Minjoo hit her wound.

      As the two stood outside the room while their arms were up, as instructed by Mr. Devil, they laughed at how stupid they were today for trying to run away.

      "Hey, you never told me your name.", Minjoo asked the new girl.

      "It's Ahn Yujin, unnie. How about yours?", Yujin asked the older girl.

       "Kim Minjoo. I'm sorry for hitting your wound.", Minjoo apologetically looked at Yujin while her feet were wobbling, finding it hard to balance herself.

      "It's fi---", Yujin was unable to finish her words when Minjoo fell, face first on the floor, her legs finally gave up. Yujin cackled when she saw Minjoo's face after falling. It was quite foolish of her to like a person she just met, but she did.


      As they stood in the hallway, Yujin cried and pleaded.

       "Why? Why'd it have to be her? Why can't it be me? I mean, have you seen how she treats you and everybody else? She doesn't care about anybody. She only cares about herself.", Yujin said while crying and holding Minjoo's hands tightly.

      "I'm sorry, Yujin. I just...I just don't think I'll ever be able to see you that way.", Minjoo said as she removed Yujin's hand from hers.

       "Why can't you see me? Why can't you? Why her, unnie? Why her?", Yujin screamed as Minjoo walked away.

      "Take one more step and our friendship is over. One more step.", Yujin warned her. Minjoo stopped for a moment making Yujin hope that she'd stay and choose her but all that hope disappeared when Minjoo continued to walk away.


      "Yujin, I'm sorry. I thought you'd never talk to me again.", Minjoo said and cried before hugging Yujin taking the taller girl aback. Yujin smiled because of how much of a cry-baby her unnie can be.

       "Shhh. You cry-baby. It's fine. I'm fine now. I'm sorry too.", Yujin said as she continued to rub her crying friend's back.

      "I told you she has Yujin now.", Chaewon said as she looked at the two girls  who are currently hugging each other. She then looked at Hitomi and smiled sadly. Chaewon stopped peeking by the door and lookig  at the two girls, she knew it right from the beginning. It was the right choice to just ignore her feelings and move on but she couldn't deny that it still hurts. Hitomi to stopped peeking, finding it useles when she can't even hear them.

       Hitomi sat back down to and looked at Chaewon. She was no longer looked emotionless, instead Hitomi could see tears about to fall. Hitomi then threw her handkerchief to Chaewon's face and then her book.

      "You don't have to hide your pain. Just cry instead and cover yourself with this.", Hitomi then said to Chaewon. If Chaewon wasn't about to cry, she might've punched Hitomi for what she did already.

       Chaewon covered her face with the book, and some minutes after that, Hitomi heard Chaewon's light sobs. Hitomi then played Koisuru Fortune Cookie on her phone and played it on it's loudest volume.

      "I missed you, Yujin. I'm really sorry for hurting you", Minjoo said while still crying. Yujin pulled away and made Minjoo face her.

      "I was hurt, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I missed you too. But it was wrong of me to just make you choose. We're even then. Can we be friends again? Just like before?", Yujin hoped Minjoo would take her offer.

      "Yes. Please. Just like before.", Minjoo said and continued to cry. Yujin just hugged the crying frog again.

      "Hey, Yujin. Can you buy ice cream? I'm hungry?", Minjoo asked, it was an excuse to hang out.

      "Oh. I can't right now, sorry. I need to take care of a baby.", Yujin apologized.

      "Oh. Okay then, see you later?", Minjoo asked.

      "Yeah. See you later.", Yujin smiled and waved before leaving.

      "So, how was it?", Wonyoung asked while she was still in the library when she saw Yujin walking towards her.

      "You were right.", Yujin just said before suddenly hugging Wonyoung. Wonyoung's eyes widened as she squealed because of the unexpected contact.

      "SHHHHHH!", the librarian scolded them. Yujin shyly walked and sat in front of Wonyoung.

      "It's almost time, Wonyoung. Let's go now.", Yujin whispered as she helped Wonyoung fix her things.

      "Geez, you sound like the gream reaper.", Wonyoung said as she too fixed her things. They walked to their classroom, Yujin sensed how nervous Wonyoung was so she held the other girl's cold hands.

     "You can do it.", Yujin assured her.


      "I DID IT!", Wonyoung screamed when she exited the room, carrying a bunch of papers with a 100 mark on it. She quickly hugged Yujin tightly and squealed. Wonyoung then instantly pushed away Yujin when she realized what she's doing.

      "What? Why did you push me?", Yujin pouted.

      "Nothing. It was nothing.", Wonyoung lied.

     "Since you obviously passed, can you treat me ice cream?", Yujin asked, she too used it as an excuse to hang out.

     "Tsk. What makes you think I'd agree to that?", Wonyoung said as she rolled her eyes at Yujin.

     "Tsk. I don't know how you convinced me.", Wonyoung rolled her eyes at Yujin who's now eating vanilla ice cream. Wonyoung then took a scoop of her own ice cream too, she smiled upon tasting the delicious Mint-choco ice cream. Yujin just giggled at her cute reaction.

      "Hey Wonyoung, how about you and Chaewon?", Yujin asked as she took a bite of Wonyoung's ice cream and instantly gagged.

      "For the nth time, unnie. I don't like her that way.", Wonyoung hissed.

      "Really? Then why did your face turn red when I teased you with her?", Yujin asked with her brow raised.

      "Because I easily get flustered. And it's your fault. You kept teasing us, it made me confused about what I feel for her.", Wonyoung said and pointed her spoon at Yujin.

      "So you do feel something for her, huh?", Yujin asked.

      "She's just like an Unnie to me, nothing more than that. She's just a person I could rely on. She was there every time to listen.  Recently though, I've noticed how she's been distant and bothered by something too. But she won't tell me. She listens to other people but when she's the one who has a problem, she doesn't tell anybody, I'm worried about her.", Wonyoung looked at Yujin, worry really evident in her eyes.

      "I'm sure Minjoo unnie's taking care of her now, so don't worry.", Yujin said and tried to comfort Wonyoung.

      "Hey Wonyoung, why don't you just move on from Chaewon too. With me.", Yujin jokingly said.

      "I told you, I don't like her tha---. What are you implying? That we date each other? Are you crazy?", Wonyoung looked at her unnie, who used to be her competition, with disbelief.

       "Maybe I am. So what do you say, can you be crazy with me?", Yujin asked. She's corny as , Wonyoung thought.


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Mother_duck #1
Chapter 17: The last part is so heartbreaking (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Thanks for updating this fic! (・ω・)ノ
1762 streak #2
Chapter 17: thank you for updating!
robirabbit_ #3
Chapter 16: This is really good.
Miss u authornim! ><
Chapter 16: omaigod i really loved n miss this story soo muchh..please update author nimm(╥﹏╥)
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 16: I havent been reading the update since forever but maaaaan.

This made me cry. Chaewon's story is so sad T~T
1762 streak #7
Chapter 16: I’m glad they’re slowly getting their friendship back together!!!!
Chapter 16: You're back! I can't help but smile as I read Hiichan 'warming up' to Chaewon and their banters are funny to read~ Though I'm a bit saddened by Ssamu not able to dance with Hiichan due to her father:( but hey, at least be a good friend to Hiichan, this time!
kimtaetaehwang #9
Chapter 15: Poor both of them
Because Chaewon's father they are really hurt especially Hiichan
She don't know anything but she is the one who hurt the most :((
Chapter 15: That's really heartbreakkng:( their classmates were snakes... poor Chaewon and Hiichan:(( I hope they will be friends again but this time communication is important!