Turn Around

The Girl In The Painting

     After the little reconciliation Eunbi and Nako had when Eunbi was sick, you'd think that their bickering during Ms. Kwon's class would change but their interaction became even more interesting (annoying for some) for the other students who were a part of the class, especially now that their teacher seems to have learned how to small student back.


     "Ma'am, your handwriting's too small, I can't read it." The whole class starts to sigh, it was clear that she was starting to get bored again. It seems that teasing their teacher has become Nako's way of passing time.


     "If this is your way to get closer to me, Ms. Yabuki, you have to try harder.", Ms. Kwon turns and said confidently. She turns her back at the class once again and continued writing.


     Nako sat there, red and unable to think of a comeback. At this point, her seatmates would no longer be shocked to find out that their friend possibly has a crush on the teacher. Originally, they wondered why the girl seems to hate the teacher, doing all sort of things to get her mad, but they realized now that it wasn't being done for that reason.


     "I hate her.", Nako whispers loudly as she turns to Hitomi and crosses her arms.


      "Yeah, right.", Hitomi replies sarcastically.


     "We believe you, Nako. It's not like we think that you're into her or something like that. You hate her with all your guts.", Yuri, who's surprisingly awake this time, adds before sharing a look with Hitomi.


     And it continues to be like that for days. When the class turn quiet, the short girl's high-pitched but cute voice starts saying all of these useless things to start another fight with their teacher.


     It continues to be like that until that one person entered their classroom. A man, tall and with a fair complexion, entered the classroom, a box of light-blue macaroons in his hands. It was the teacher almost every girl in the school has a crush on, Mr. Han Seungwoo. Not only was he known to be a great and good-looking teacher, but he was also known to be a great singer and dancer.


     While soft murmurs of how cute the two teachers looked continued to resonate around the room, Nako stayed silent. She sat there watching their interaction. She watched every detail of their conversation, trying to guess what they could be smiling about. Nako watched  their 'cute' interaction and tried very hard to pretend that it meant nothing to her, that was until Mr. Han gave the other teacher a very long hug. She rolled her eyes before letting out a scowl. The others, too, let out a gasp. Phones were secretly used to take pictures of the rare interaction. Rumors about them would probably reach the whole school before Mr. Han even gets out from the classroom.


After that, no more could be heard from Nako.




     "Man, I never expected that Ms. Kwon and Mr. Han would be together.", a guy says as he leaves the classroom.


     Nako rolls her eyes for the nth time as she too exits the classroom, her irises would probably be stuck behind her eyelids the next time she does it at this rate.


     "Nako.", Miu whispered as she suddenly appeared next to Nako.


     "What?", Nako replied, clearly not in the mood to bicker with the tall girl.


     "Geez, what's with the sour mood?", Miu asks as they walk towards the cafeteria.


     "She's been like that since earlier, can you maybe hit her with you camera to fix Nako, Miu-chan?", Hitomi asks cutely, even though her words were far from cute.


     "Gladly.", Miu grabs something from her bag. Nako's eyes widened, afraid of the girl who seems to be serious. She flinches as Miu finally lets out what she was trying to look for in her bag. Expecting for Miu to really hit her with a camera, she step backs, at this point, Nako was well aware that Miu would actually hit her.


    "Don't you da-", Nako was cut-off by the sight of what looked like a journal being given to her.


     "What's th-", she was again cut-off while trying to open the journal, Miu suddenly slapped her hand.


     "Wait. Not here.", Miu tried to glare at her but failing miserably as Nako and her friends noticed that her cheeks were turning a bit pink.


     "Can I borrow her for a moment?", Miu asks but was already taking Nako with her while holding her wrist.


     "You can keep her forever, if you want. We'd be grateful.", Minjoo replies before sticking her tongue out at Nako.


      Nako was almost ready to attack Minjoo but she was still being pulled by Miu.


     "Thanks!", Miu shouted to Minjoo as they were now a bit far away.


     "Wh- Thanks? You little sh-"


      "Shut up.", Miu cut her off again. Nako kept quiet as Miu seemed to be serious this time, she would be afraid if she hadn't noticed how red Miu's ears were. She just went along with where Miu was taking her.




      A few more days, while the rumors of the two teachers dating spread around the whole school, another dating rumor followed. This time, people were even more shocked. The two girls who've hated each other's guts have suddenly started hanging out more than usual.


      As Miu and Nako walked together to and from their class, people started to wonder how the it happened. ao Miu was always close to hitting Nako with her camera and Nako was always close to burning the other girl alive, now the two were laughing together during lunch, like the years of them being sworn enemies never happened. Nako's group of friends wanted to ask, but never got the guts to ask her.




      Nako noticed how distant Eunbi has become. At first she was the one trying to put the distance between them, but Nako realized Eunbi wouldn't know. The teacher was avoiding her too. The smiles they shared secretly in the school's hallway have turned into expressionless faces, both of them pretending not to know each other. Eunbi wouldn't even look at Nako and would just walk straight to where she's going.


     "Shouldn't I be the one avoiding her?", Nako scoffs as she put her books in her locker. Yuri couldn't hear her as she was too busy reading another letter from her oldest secret admirer.


     Even Ms. Kwon's class has noticed how Eunbi has changed the past few days. She no longer joked around with everyone and would no longer greet back, it was even more awkward as the classroom that used to be filled with Nako and Eunbi's bickering has now turned into the most silent room within the school, everyone could feel how cold and awkward the atmosphere in the room was. Everyone was now afraid of Ms. Kwon Eunbi.



     If it was awkward in school, it was even more awkward in Nako's own house. Having to face each other was inevitable, both of them, however, were stubborn. Eunbi would still cook for both of them as it was her job to take care of her but she doesn't even say a word or look at Nako, even when they were eating right in front of each other. Eunbi would always finish first and would leave her plate on the sink, leaving Nako to do the dishes, annoying Nako even more but she didn't want to budge.


      It continued to stay that way for weeks, Ms. Kwon's class being silent and the Yabuki residence being quiet, it was as if no one lived in the house anymore, except for the sound of the showers, doors, footsteps and that one time Eunbi fell from the stairs but pretended not to be in pain when she looked up to see Nako staring at her clumsy self, nothing could be heard inside the house.




     Weeks after, some noise could finally be heard as Nako's Dad screamed at the top of his longs.


     "Nako! We're home!", he missed her so much, his scream could be heard in the whole neighborhood.


      Footsteps could be heard running quickly towards the people who have just arrived.


      "Mom! Dad! I missed you!", Nako said as engulfed both of her parents in a tight hug.


     Eunbi walked to greet Nako's parents as she listened to one of the three crying like a baby, but stopped because of the cute sight, she didn't want to interrupt.


      It was Nako's Dad who was crying loudly.


      Eunbi smiled at the cute interaction. The three hugged each other for a very long time.


     Nako realized something and finally let go of their hug. A lot of thoughts quickly ran in her mind, her heart suddenly ached because of  those thoughts.


     For the first time in weeks, she finally looks at Eunbi, only to find Eunbi already staring at her. So many words wanted to be said but both of them only kept quiet.


     Mr. Yabuki ushered them all into the kitchen.


     "Let's eat. We brought a lot of food!", he said. But Nako quickly took the that Mrs. Yabuki was carrying.


     "Let me bring those to your room, Mom. You aren't allowed to carry heavy things.", Nako said as she took her mom's bag to her parents' room. Nako's mom and dad became silent as they stared at each other.


     "D-does she know about my illness, Eunbi-chan?", Nako's mom asked Eunbi, worry written all over her face.


     "She sort of always knew.", Eunbi replied, a sorry look on her face.


     "I- we...", Nako's dad couldn't finish his sentence. He was about to cry again, this time, it wasn't because of happiness.


     "Don't worry. She's mature enough to understand now. She isn't mad at you for keeping it a secret from her. All she wants now is for you to tell her properly so she could understand how to take care of you.", Eunbi assured Nako's parents.




      After Nako's parents explained to Nako, she went directly to her room and still kept quiet around Eunbi, even when her parents told her to talk to the older girl. "I'm not feeling so well" was the only words she said to not raise any suspicions from her parents. They let her go to her room to rest but Nako didn't go to bed early, like her parents expected she would. She waited by her window.


     She saw her dad put Eunbi's things inside the taxi. Her eyes then followed Eunbi as the girl walked from the porch to the car. Her heart felt heavy as she stared at the Eunbi.


      Her heartbeat's pace quickened when she saw Eunbi stop walking. Eunbi stood in front of the taxi for quite a while.


     "Turn around, please.", Nako whispered weakly, but Eunbi just stood there for a while, bowed to Nako's Dad and entered the taxi without ever turning back.


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Mother_duck #1
Chapter 17: The last part is so heartbreaking (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Thanks for updating this fic! (・ω・)ノ
1761 streak #2
Chapter 17: thank you for updating!
robirabbit_ #3
Chapter 16: This is really good.
Miss u authornim! ><
Chapter 16: omaigod i really loved n miss this story soo muchh..please update author nimm(╥﹏╥)
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 16: I havent been reading the update since forever but maaaaan.

This made me cry. Chaewon's story is so sad T~T
1761 streak #7
Chapter 16: I’m glad they’re slowly getting their friendship back together!!!!
Chapter 16: You're back! I can't help but smile as I read Hiichan 'warming up' to Chaewon and their banters are funny to read~ Though I'm a bit saddened by Ssamu not able to dance with Hiichan due to her father:( but hey, at least be a good friend to Hiichan, this time!
kimtaetaehwang #9
Chapter 15: Poor both of them
Because Chaewon's father they are really hurt especially Hiichan
She don't know anything but she is the one who hurt the most :((
Chapter 15: That's really heartbreakkng:( their classmates were snakes... poor Chaewon and Hiichan:(( I hope they will be friends again but this time communication is important!