You Don't Know Me

The Girl In The Painting

Third Person POV

      Yujin groaned as she watched the blank spaces in her Science test paper. She laid her head on the back of her seat, her being tall made her posture look awkward. She sighs as she tries to think again and again but she can't seem to recall what she studied. Her cold sweat was forming as she heard the ticking of the clock. She looked at the pages again but gave up when she could no longer answer more than she had already answered. She then looked at Wonyoung at the seat beside her. She could see how she was already done and how all of the blank spaces were already filled by Wonyoung's blue pen. Wonyoung caught Yujin staring so Yujin immediately looked back at her paper. Yujin wondered why she feels like something's off with Wonyoung, she didn't look as confident as she was before. Yujin sighed again, now accepting that she again lost to Wonyoung.

       After checking, everyone waited for the name of the person who got the highest score. Everyone knew that it was either Yujin or Wonyoung. Yujin already knew that she lost so she just closed her eyes and waited for Wonyoung's name to be mentioned.

      "Yujin.", Ms. Kwon announced. Yujin was right. She knew that Wonyou--- Wait. What? Did she hear it clearly? She opened her eyes and looked at Ms. Kwon.

      "Me?", Yujin asked. She couldn't quite believe it.

      "Yes, Yujin.", Ms. Kwon chuckled but then smiled sadly at Wonyoung. Yujin knows that something's off.

       "Ms. Jang, you have to stay here after dismissal. You too, Ms. Ahn but could you please wait by the door?", Ms. Kwon requested.

       "Oh. Okay, Ms.", Yujin answered before looking at Wonyoung. Wonyoung's feet kept moving up and down, her hands that were on her lap kept fidgeting. Wonyoung kept her head down and didn't bother too look at anybody, including Yujin.

       Yujin waited by the door as instructed. Ms. Kwon was speaking to Wonyoung so she patiently waited for Ms. Kwon to call her inside.

      The door opened revealing Ms. Kwon.

"You can come in now, Yujin.", Ms. Kwon said. Yujin followed and sat on the chair next to Wonyoung.

       "I called to tell you that the one with the highest score was Wonyoung-", Ms. Kwon explained leaving Yujin confused.

       "If she got the highest score, why'd you say it was me?", Yujin asked and then stared at Wonyoung. Only now has she noticed the faint traces of tears on Wonyoung's cheeks.

      "I'd like you to please keep this as a secret, Yujin. Someone caught Wonyoung cheating so I asked her if it was true, she then confessed that she's been cheating recently, writing down formulas from the eraser's cover to the water bottle's label.", Ms. Kwon explained. Yujin gasped and looked at Wonyoung again but now with wide eyes. She looked back to Ms. Kwon.

      "But what have I got to do with this? Why'd you call for me? Why are you telling me this?", Yujin asked.

      "I'd like to give Wonyoung a chance. I know she's a bright student so I'd like to let her take another set of tests. I'd like you to teach her.", Ms. Kwon explained.

      "Like a tutor?", Yujin asked.

      "No. Since she probably won't pay you. Like a friend who'll help her, Yujin. You're close friends, right? Don't worry, points will be added for you if you teach her.", Ms. Kwon said to Yujin.

      "Oh. Okay. Thank you for explaining, Ms. Kwon.", Yujin awkwardly thanked Ms. Kwon, not having any idea what to say in this situation.

      "I'll be going now.", Ms. Kwon then left the room.

      "Are you happy now?", Wonyoung now finally looked up and looked at Yujin, but Yujin noticed how dark her eyes looked. It wasn't the bright girl's eyes she's grown accustomed to seeing.

      "What makes you think I'd be happy?", Yujin asked, confused as to why Wonyoung would think that way.

      "Oh come on, Unnie. Don't play dumb. Just tell me you're happy because you won. You won at everything now.", Wonyoung said through gritted teeth.

      "Wha- What are you---", Yujin tried to ask but was instantly cut off by Wonyoung.

      "You don't have to teach me. I can do it on my own.", Wonyoung said before taking her bag and leaving the room.

      Yujin was left there dumbfounded.


      Wonyoung walked home as slow as she could. Many things were going on in her mind. She felt guilty for lashing out at her friend. She felt scared of going home and facing her father. As she reached their door, she was surprised to see a tall girl with short hair standing there already.

     "Wonyoungiiieeee. What took you so long?", Yujin asked her while still standing by the door.

      "What are you doing here? Didn't I make it clear that I don't need your help?", Wonyoung said to Yujin but Yujin didn't budge.

      "Like Ms. Kwon said, I'm your friend. I'm here as a friend who'll help you.", Yujin said before smiling.

     "Move.", Wonyoung just said making Yujin move to the right so that she can pass through. She then immediately closed the door before Yujin can enter.

      Wonyoung walked to her room, threw her bag on the floor and flopped down on to her bed. She then heard footsteps entering her room.

      "Yiesh, such a child. Do you just throw your bag in wherever you can throw it?",Yujin said while removing her shoes and placing it beside the door along with her bag. She laid on the bed, next to Wonyoung.

      "How'd you enter?", Wonyoung glared as she asked.

      "I knocked and then your maid let me in.", Yujin said before sheepishly smiling.

      "I told you I don't need you.", Wonyoung said, still lying on her bed, facing the ceiling.

      "And I told you, I'm your friend, one that's willing to help you.", Yujin stubbornly said as she too stared at the ceiling.

      "Cut the bull, unnie. I know you just want to step on my pride, saying you won.", Wonyoung said.

      "Language, Wonyoung. And do you really think I'm like that? I know I'm competitive but that's too much. We've been friends for years and still, you don't know me.", Yujin said, her eyes now closed.

      "I know you more than you think. I know how you and Minjoo unnie aren't talking because she rejected you. I know you can't even tie your shoelaces, I could go on and on. It's you people who don't know me. None of you enough care to know me. All I am to you is the pretty and young girl.", Wonyoung scoffed. Yujin's eyes fluttered open upon hearing how much Wonyoung knows. Were they that obvious?

      "I mean it's good that you don't know me though, you'd probably just leave me too if you do.", Wonyoung said bitterly and then laughed dryly. Yujin remembered the pictures in the hallway of Wonyoung's house. Only in one of them was she with her mother, the only one where she actually had a genuine smile.

      "JANG WONYOUNG COME DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!", Wonyoung's father's voice boomed inside the entire house making Wonyoung sit up abruptly. Yujin sat up too, holding Wonyoung's arm as she saw the fear in the younger girl's eyes. Wonyoung was clearly hesitating.


       "Wonyoung", Yujin whispered, eyes pleading Wonyoung not to leave.

      "I... I have to go.", Wonyoung said before leaving the room and going downstairs.

      "Did you do it? Hmmm? Did you?", Yujin heard Mr. Jang say. She didn't mean to listen but their voices could be heard all the way to Wonyoung's room.

      "I... I did. I'm...I'm sorry, Dad.", Wonyoung said, it was now obvious from her voice that she's crying.

      "Is your sorry enough to take back how embarrassed I was when your principal told me?", her dad scolded Wonyoung.

       "I'm sorry. I... I won't do---", Wonyoung tried to apologize but was cut off.

      "Why can't you be more like your brother? Look at him, he can excel in any aspect. He can achieve the highest scores without cheating. Look at you, what can you do huh? All you are is a spoiled and dumb brat!", Mr. Jang said making Yujin form her hands into fists. Yujin stopped herself from going out of this room and meddling with other people's business.

     "I just wanted to make you proud like he does.", Wonyoung cried out.

     Yujin's eyes widened when she heard a hand slapping someone's face.

     "Are you blaming me now? Go to your room and study. Right. Now.", Yujin heard Mr. Jang say. She then heard footsteps coming her way.

      She saw Wonyoung enter the room, her left cheek red and tears were falling from her face. She then heard car wheels screeching, driving away from the house.

      "Wonyoung", Yujin said as she stepped closer to Wonyoung but Wonyoung stopped her from getting any closer.

     "Leave, please.", Wonyoung said as she stared at her, tears about to fall from her eyes again.

      "But-", Yujin tried to say but Wonyoung didn't let her.

     "Please.", Wonyoung pleaded.

      Yujin then started walking out the room with Wonyoung unable to meet her eyes. Wonyoung just stood there, processing what just happened and feeling the pain on her cheeks.

     Someone then hugged her from the back.

     "I... I know we fight a lot but we're friends, right?", Yujin said and started to cry like a baby making Wonyoung's tears stop from falling. She held back the urge to laugh at how ugly Yujin's cry is.

      "I'm here. I'll never leave you. I'll be by your side and make you feel that we don't just see you as someone who's pretty and young. You're one of the most amazing people I've met. And besides, who said you're pretty? You're one ugly baby when you cry.", Yujin continued to say in between her cries. She continued to hug Wonyoung tightly making Wonyoung chuckle. Wonyoung wiped her tears using her arms as she waited for Yujin to continue.

     Wonyoung then felt a hand on her face as Yujin continued to backhug her.

     "What are you doing?", Wonyoung asked. Yujin didn't answer and instead moved the hand from her cheek to . It then moved to her nose, as if she was looking for something. She then reached the space in between Wonyoung's eyebrows.

     "Ahh there it is. This is so hard when I can't see your face.", Yujin now stopped crying and chuckled. She massaged the space in between Wonyoung's eyebrows.

    "There. It seems like you've been mad at the world. I'll prove to you why the world and us, the people around you, aren't as bad as they seem. Gosh, I'm so disgusted by my own words. I'm too cheesy went it comes to this type of things.", Yujin said to Wonyoung before letting go.

     "Bye bye", Yujin ran out of embarrassment, quickly bolting out the door. Wonyoung laughed when she saw Yujin's shoes by the door.

     "Oh, my shoes. I forgot.", Yujin's head popped out from the door before getting her shoes. She then left again quickly making Wonyoung laugh harder.

     Her left cheek still hurts but her heart doesn't hurt as much anymore as she smiled while flopping back to her bed.

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Mother_duck #1
Chapter 17: The last part is so heartbreaking (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Thanks for updating this fic! (・ω・)ノ
1761 streak #2
Chapter 17: thank you for updating!
robirabbit_ #3
Chapter 16: This is really good.
Miss u authornim! ><
Chapter 16: omaigod i really loved n miss this story soo muchh..please update author nimm(╥﹏╥)
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 16: I havent been reading the update since forever but maaaaan.

This made me cry. Chaewon's story is so sad T~T
1761 streak #7
Chapter 16: I’m glad they’re slowly getting their friendship back together!!!!
Chapter 16: You're back! I can't help but smile as I read Hiichan 'warming up' to Chaewon and their banters are funny to read~ Though I'm a bit saddened by Ssamu not able to dance with Hiichan due to her father:( but hey, at least be a good friend to Hiichan, this time!
kimtaetaehwang #9
Chapter 15: Poor both of them
Because Chaewon's father they are really hurt especially Hiichan
She don't know anything but she is the one who hurt the most :((
Chapter 15: That's really heartbreakkng:( their classmates were snakes... poor Chaewon and Hiichan:(( I hope they will be friends again but this time communication is important!