To Infinity

The Life of the Sixth Member

Ever since your teenage years, you've always thought there was something about the infinity symbol that intrigued you. Back in 2013, the Pinterest and Tumblr days of tye-dyes, colourful shirts and shorts, flower crowns, and infinity symbols thrown everywhere made it look somewhat tacky. Yes, you admit that in-between classes and preparation for debut, you scoured the internet for sources of inspiration and you stumbled upon those two sites that seemingly took over the teenage population, at least in the West. When you first encountered it, you couldn't fathom how something infinite could be a good thing. You've always believed in change, anything staying the same would mean you were not growing as a person, right? You've read the actual meaning of the symbol and it's meant to be a good thing, but you knew nothing good lasts forever.

As you got older, your view changed. As an idol that debuted at quite a young age, you've been surrounded by different types of people and have experienced different scenarios of life. As you matured, you began to find yourself hoping for something to stay the same way forever, just like your bond with your members and the connection you shared with your guardian slash leader. You knew you'd never have that kind of connection with any other people, no matter how much you'd try, so you want to cherish it forever.

You've finally found your kind of infinity. 

Ever since then, every time you see the symbol, you're always reminded of your members. You're not a jewellery person, so you have none with the symbol, but you had something better. When Yeri first came to you with the idea of getting a tattoo, you lit up in interest. 

"Can I come with you?"

Yeri was floored. You weren't mad that your little sister wanted to get a tattoo? "Uh... sure. You're not mad?" 

You furrowed your brows in confusion. "Mad? For what?" 

"I don't know," Yeri mumbled, blush decorating her cheeks in embarrassment as she played with the hem of her shirt, "at me maybe? Isn't it outrageous that I want to get a tattoo as soon as I'm legal?" 

You read the question 'I'm an idol and a girl, is it allowed for me to have tattoos?' loud and clear. 

You approached your little sister and put comforting hands on her shoulders, giving her your signature warm smile when she finally looked up. She could see the sympathy and understanding in your gaze. 

"Yerimmie, it's your body and you can do whatever you want with it as long as you're not harming yourself. So what if you're a girl? An idol? You have the same rights as everyone else that's 'normal'", you pulled one of your hands back to gesture the quote on the word before caressing her cheek with it.

She looked up at you in wonder. How come you were able to understand her worries even though she couldn't word them out explicitly? You were truly a role model to her. 

"Taeyeon-unnie has tattoos, doesn't she? Do you see her differently the first time you knew about them?" 

The maknae still shook her head no at your rhetorical question. You gave her another smile before kissing her forehead, causing her to close her eyes in contentment and lean into the embrace a little bit more. 

"My little sister. Be confident, okay? As long as you're taking care of your body and know the consequences of your actions, you will be just fine." 

With that, she wrapped her arms around your waist in a hug, prompting you to wrap yours around her neck and back in return. She tucked her head into your neck.

"So, can I come with?" 

Yeri heard the playful lilt to your question which caused her to giggle, nodding her answer into your neck. "Of course, Unnie." 

That day you painted the symbol on your skin, ensuring it to stay forever. When your leader found out a few days after you were allowed to take off the protective plaster, she looked at you in wonder. 

"You did it." She marvelled over the tattoo wrapped around your middle finger like a ring. You had chosen that specific finger as a symbol for success. You did think about getting it on other places but thought your finger would be the body part you see the most, and since you couldn't wear rings unless you want to get some allergic reactions, you thought what better way to mimic a ring than to have a tattoo that looked like one?

She knew you wanted to have the symbol with you at all times for quite some time now, she just didn't expect you to ensure its place for as long as your body existed. 

You gave her that special smile. "For you, for me, for us." 

She wrapped her arms around your waist tightly, head on your chest to listen to her favourite sound and closing her eyes in bliss. She'd treasure your loyalty forever. 


When Irene made her first public appearance for her film debut, the fans could see the infinity symbol on her ring, situated on her middle finger. She knew people would talk about it, especially the fans, more so where the ring was purposefully put. She smirked under her mask as she made her way towards the car after the showing, her right arm around your left one. 

"The ring will definitely be talked about on SNS today, Unnie," you leaned down to her level as you spoke, her leaning closer so she could hear you speak amongst the screams of fans and clicks of cameras. 

The shouts and clicks intensified as you interacted. 

Her eyes turned into crescents as she smiled, putting her left hand on your arm, joining the other that was already wrapped around your left arm. "I know. I will make sure your name will be in the headlines with mine, Eli-ah." 

You leaned back to look at her, shaking your head in exasperation. Your leader laughed softly in response whilst your arm absentmindedly, her thoughts going back to the day you had given her the precious gift. 

It was the week after her almost panic attack during filming. The day after you visited her on set in the middle of the night, you made sure to let her know that she was never alone even though you weren't able to physically be present near her before you had to go. Your solo schedules prevented you from staying too long and Irene didn't want you to waste time just staying in her trailer, knowing you couldn't watch her during her shooting. She assured you that she'd call you just like before, especially if she felt overwhelmed just like she did. Although agreeing with her, you knew she needed more reassurance and that your calls weren't enough for her, since you knew she also didn't want to disturb you. So, when you remembered how she had talked about her ring one day, an idea immediately popped into your head.

"Yeah, I got us this ring to symbolise our friendship," she let out a soft chuckle while looking down at the ring that always decorated her finger, "I know we'd both be too busy to contact each other all the time, so this ring is to symbolise that we'll always be there for each other even though we might not be able to talk or see each other every day," she explained the meaning of her matching ring with her Purple-friend. 

You always wondered the meaning behind it, as you knew she wasn't a big jewellery person, so why did she always wear that ring almost everywhere, even on schedules? 

You gave her an understanding nod. "I get it. I wish we have something like that, too." 

Irene looked up and blushed, slapping your arm in her embarrassment. "Yah, we see each other almost every day!" 

You pouted. "There will come a time where we won't be, Unnie, and you'll regret that." 

She glared at you. "Are you saying you'll leave me?" 

You laughed out loud. "No! Of course not, my Sunshine." You then her cheek and her glare softened, an adorable pout forming on her lips. "I'm just saying, maybe one day you'll get a big project where you have to stay away for a while. I'll always be one call away, you know that, but will that be enough for you?" 

"Why is it me and not you that get the big project?" 

You chuckled at her question. "Okay, let's say it's one of us then. Will it be enough?" 

Your guardian shook her head no, causing you to chuckle softly. She's just too cute. "You're too cute, Unnie. Come here." 

She climbed onto your lap and snuggled close, head resting close to your neck. "I love you," you pressed a kiss on her forehead which caused her to melt even more in your embrace. 

"I love you too, El, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Being reminded of that conversation led you to browse through your usual jewellery store to look for the right ring to match your tattoo.

"Did you find what you're looking for, Eli-ssi?" 

You looked up at the older man with a sad smile. "Unfortunately not, Ahjussi. Do you think I can get one customised?"

"Of course, Eli-ssi. Do you see any band you like?" 

After working out the design and being assured when you'd get the ring in the next few days, you went home with a satisfied smile. When the ring was done, you picked it up along with some tteokbokki to welcome the leader home. When you got there, she was already in the living room seemingly having just arrived and putting her stuff down. 

She turned around when the door opened, a smile lighting up her face. "Eli-ah!" 

You beamed back at her before putting everything down to embrace her in your arms, to which she didn't hesitate to run to. You sighed in relief. "I've missed you so much, Unnie." 

The arms around your waist tightened even more. "I've missed you a lot, El." 

For a few moments you just stood there, your leader in your arms as you savoured her presence and warmth. You could finally have her without her or you having to rush to some other place afterwards. 

"I bought tteokbokki, are you hungry?" 

Your question made her nod furiously as she pulled back from the hug, causing you to chuckle. You looked at her with a loving gaze and she blushed but didn't pull back, seemingly taking you in for the first time in a while. 

You kissed her forehead and she leaned even more into you. "I'll prepare the food and you can change or take a shower first, Unnie. I know you're not too comfortable right now." 

She sent you a grateful smile and tiptoed to give your cheek a kiss, making you smile. "TV or no TV?" 

You looked at her after she pulled back. "Let's eat in the kitchen. I want to hear everything from our big-time actress!" You winked at her and she slapped your arm in retaliation, a loud "YAH!" coming from her. 

"Not even five minutes and you're already teasing me," she muttered as she shook her head, waking away towards her room after grabbing her bag from the sofa. 

Your loud laugh echoed throughout the empty home. "You love me!" 

"Unfortunately, yes!" Her slightly muffled reply was heard before you heard her door close. You just chuckled and shook your head in amusement.

You loved having her back with you. 

After your delicious early dinner, you both went into your room to cuddle and chill, just enjoying each other's presence that's been taken away for the past few months. 

"How are you doing, Unnie, really?" 

Irene, whose head was on your shoulder, sighed. She pulled back a little so she could look up at you and you immediately adjusted your hold to accommodate her. "Exhausted but also relieved and excited for the film to come out," she gave you a small smile. 

You looked at her intently. "Is there something else?"

You both just stared at each other before the leader heaved a playful sigh, chuckling. "I hate it that you know I'm not telling you everything." 

"We're soulmates Unnie, what do you expect?" You with a wink and she slapped your shoulder lightly, making you grin. 

You sobered up. "Seriously though, you know you can tell me, right?" 

"I know, I just don't know how," she sighed again. "I'm scared, El," she looked up and let you see the desperation and fear in her eyes, "I'm scared that I didn't do well enough and that the film wouldn't sell well. Did I act good enough? Was my expressions good enough? What if it isn't enough? What if the fans hate it?" She was spiralling and you didn't like where this was going.  

"Hey, hey," you sat up a little and cupped her face in your warm hands, "breathe, Hyun-unnie. You're okay, I'm right here." 

She followed your breathing and managed to calm down after a while. "First of all, I think you did an amazing job and me and Red Velvet are very proud of you, Unnie. You're our leader and you made us proud, okay? Never forget that," you her cheek with your thumb and she leaned into your touch. "And secondly, was the director satisfied with everything? Was he honest with you when something isn't going well?" 

"Yeah, he would make sure everything is as it should be before moving to another scene." 

You beamed at her. "See? You have nothing to worry about if the expert is satisfied with your work, Unnie," you pat her cheek softly. "I know you have your own expectations and other people do too, especially with you being the lead, but everyone would always have expectations, Unnie, the best you can do is do your best and being confident in what you can do. We're very proud of you, Hyun-unnie, I'm very proud of you. You should be too." 

For a while you both just communicated with your eyes, conveying the feelings that couldn't be put into words. After a while you smiled, causing pink hues to decorate Irene's cheeks as she replied with a shy smile of her own. 

"I have something for you." You proceeded to pull back from the embrace to reach into one of the drawers in your bedside table and take out the special gift. When you turned back towards your guardian, she gasped after seeing the box. 

"Yah, what is this?!" She honestly didn't know what to think. 

You opened the box and the ring appeared, causing Irene's eyes to widened even more as she looked at the special symbol. 

"I know you know that the members and I are always here for you but this is just to always remind you that we're really here for you and very proud of you, Unnie," she could see the seriousness in your eyes even though you were giving her that special smile of yours, "so every time you wear this and see it, you'll always be reminded. I know it's hard for you to open up but I hope you'll be comforted everytime you remember us. I hope you like it, Unnie." 

She was just staring at the ring for a few seconds before looking up at you with tears already making their way into her eyes. You cooed, bringing her into your warm embrace again. 

"Unnie, why are you crying?"

You held her shaking figure as she sobbed silently into your chest, causing you to frown. You didn't mean to make her cry! This was supposed to make her feel happy, not sad. 

"Because you're just too sweet!" She gripped your hoodie tighter in her hands, snuggling closer to your chest. "What did I do to deserve you, Eli-ah?" 

You just hugged her tighter and she could feel rather than hear your low chuckles. "You deserve the world, Unnie. I'll give it to you if I could." 

"So cheesy," she mumbled and slapped your chest a little, causing you to laugh out loud and for her to giggle. Even moments like this you knew how to calm her down. 

She pulled back after a few moments, wiping the tears on her cheeks to find you staring at her oh so lovingly. She smiled shyly at you. 

"So we'll match?" Her voice came out to small it was so cute.

You grinned. "Yeah! We can finally match, Unnie. Do you want me to put it on you?" 

She nodded excitedly and you chuckled, taking out the ring and slipping it onto her middle finger. She had told you numerous times how she wanted to match the symbol in your finger but she's not too into tattoos. You thought the ring fitted her beautifully.

"Now we match," you said quietly, putting your hand beside hers. Irene gasped before pulling back a little to get her phone from the table next to your bed, opening the camera app and taking a picture. 

She looked so proud. "Now I can tell everyone that we match!" 

You giggled at the look on her face before pinching her cheek, causing an adorable pout to form on her lips. You grinned. "You are just too cute, Unnie. I'll let you post that one then." 

She draped her body on top of yours in a form of a hug, you putting your arms around her to make sure she's comfortable. "Thank you, Eli-ah. I'll wear this every day and cherish it forever." 

You smiled and closed your eyes in bliss, hugging her a little tighter. "I'm glad you like it, Hyun-unnie," 

"I love you." 

You kissed the side of her head in affection. "I love you a lot, my Sunshine." 

Irene held back from posting right then and there because she knew the moment would come after her movie premiere, as she was already planning on wearing the ring and she knew you'd be there as well. 

When the moment came and after seeing the frenzy the fans were having over her ring on SNS, she posted the picture she took a few months prior. With the caption "Now we match, thank you El" with a heart after it, she posted knowing she'd create more frenzy though she didn't care. 

You and her members are always there for her, never-ending, and that's all she needed.

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1198 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙