Soft Irene Hour

The Life of the Sixth Member

"Eli-ah," Irene called softly, causing you to look up from your book to find just about everyone that was in the room looking at you. 

You made sure to put your bookmark on the right page before closing the book completely and putting it away, your attention fully at the leader that was sitting beside you. 

"Yes, unnie?" 

She smiled underneath her mask, eyes twinkling in happiness, glad she asked you to accompany her to this meeting. You were currently free of schedule and she had asked you if you could accompany her to the company for a meeting with her manager. Knowing some things still made her nervous, you agreed immediately with an easy smile on your face. The staff was used to you being in each other's meetings at this point so nobody really batted an eye when you came in with her. 

"Do you think the theme 'my first time' will make people get to know me more?" Even though she was relaxed, you could still detect the slight concern she had over the whole thing. Due to the scandal she faced last year, even though it's solved, to this day people especially her haters still made a big deal out of it so the company had the idea to create a series for her where Irene could present herself naturally in front of the camera. They figured it was a good idea to let people know just how normal she was and how much of a sweetheart she actually was.

Seriously, you got upset at someone once and suddenly all the kindness you had been doing and spreading for years were thrown out the window. You guessed the saying was true, people only wanted to hear what they wanted to hear. 

Nevertheless, she agreed, wanting to also put out wholesome content for Luvies who had had her back all this time. She figured the fans deserved longer content where she was being herself, the Joohyun everyone had glimpses of over the years. 

"Is that where you will be doing things you haven't done before?" You tilted your head slightly in question and the leader's smile widened, eyes closing even more. 

She and her manager, who was sitting in front of the leader, nodded in response. "We still have to figure out the activities but we think this would be a great way for Irene to be herself in front of the camera without too much pressure, all the while still enjoying herself," Manager-unnie added.

You hummed in reply, thinking over her words. The theme would guarantee that she would do more than just one activity without actually being tied to a certain number of activities. Plus, she could do different types of wholesome activities that she had been meaning to do for a while, so that's definitely a win-win. 

"I think that's a great idea, Unnie," she could see the signature smile hidden underneath your mask, "that way you can have many episodes of you doing different activities, things that you have been wanting to do as well," you finished with a shrug, giving her ideas. 

A couple of "ah's" went around the room and you giggled, looking at your guardian before winking in her direction, causing her to chuckle. She appreciated you being there with her and giving her inputs. It's also great that she had a member to think things through together. 

Manager-unnie turned towards the girl in question. "Is there any activities that you've never done before and been wanting to do?" 

Irene hummed, looking around the room in thought. "We've gone camping before, right? Even fishing and knitting, too..." she trailed off as she listed the things she had done as a member of Red Velvet.

"But you haven't gone camping by yourself, right, Unnie?" you interjected her thought, causing her to turn towards you. 

"That's right, I've never gone camping alone before," she softly added and you could hear her hesitance. Did she want to go camping all by herself? Could she do it? Was there any chance that she could bring you with her even though the whole theme of the show was her first time doing different activities?

"That could work," Manager-unnie nodded as she looked around the room to see their nods of approval. The other staff began listing the things Irene would need to bring with her and all the nitty-gritty regarding camera crew and all that. 

Irene stayed silent so you scooted your chair a little closer to hers and wrapped your left arm around her figure, bringing her into a side-hug. 

"Is that something you want to do, Unnie? If not, there are plenty of other things you could try," you reassured her softly, making sure she knew it was completely her call. 

She looked up at you with uncertainty dancing in her gaze. "It's not that..." she trailed off before leaning closer so she could whisper in your ear, "can you come with me so I won't be alone?" 

You leaned back so you would be able to look into her eyes as you gave her your most reassuring gaze. "Manager-unnie and the others will be there with you, Unnie. Yes, you would have to do things alone but you can still ask for guidance whenever you feel like you need help." 

It's not that you didn't want to go, you truly did because that would definitely be fun, but you being there would beat the whole purpose. 

You could definitely see the pout she had on her lips. "But it would be more fun if you were there..." 

You chuckled as you brought her closer to your embrace, making sure she would feel your warmth. "I would love to be there, Unnie, but that would beat the whole purpose of the show, wouldn't it? I'm only one phone call away, we can video call anytime. In fact, I can keep you company on the phone while you're driving if that would make you feel better," you rambled off options to make your soulmate feel more comfortable only to feel her body shake as she giggled. 

"You are too cute, El," she giggled even more and you could feel the vibration on your chest where she was situated, causing you to smile. 

"So you'll go camping first?" 

You felt her nods on your chest, causing you to bring her even closer. "Yeah, I'm sure I can do it!" 

"That's the spirit," you chuckled before kissing her head softly and pulling back from the hug. 

You turned your head towards Irene's manager only to see her phone up like she was taking a picture before putting it down again like nothing had happened.

You gave her a playful glare, mischief clear in your eyes. "That better not go anywhere except the both of us, Unnie," you pointed at her and Manager-unnie gigged sheepishly, looking down at her notes in pretence. 

She nodded as Irene tried to get your attention by pulling on your sleeve. "What, what did she do?" 

"Nothing major, Unnie," you patted her cheek adoringly, "you can ask her for the picture though." 

You could see the confusion in her eyes but before she could respond, Manager-unnie spoke up. "Okay, so camping right, Joohyunnie? This would be interesting with how clumsy you can be," she chuckled good-heartedly and you followed suit, causing your leader to punch you in the arm with a glare. 

"Just you watch, Unnie," she addressed the manager as she huffed, "I'm going to do very well." The rest of the staff giggled at the adorable interaction as Manager-unnie nodded while giggling quietly. It's always good to tease and joke around with the Red Velvet members, just like a family would. 

"Right, let's talk about the details of the trip!" 


It was the day of her filming and while she got on about her day just like any usual schedule day, you could tell there was some anxiousness hidden underneath by the way she was moving. 

You were in her room watching her pack her outer clothes and everything she could ever need while she talked to you in between, convincing you even more with how nervous she actually felt. 

You silently got up from your seat on her bed before walking towards her, making sure she heard your footsteps so she wouldn't be surprised. 

"El—" before she could finish, you had wrapped your arms around her figure in a back hug. 

"How are you feeling, Hyun-unnie?" you asked softly, leaning your head against hers. You could feel her melt into the touch before she turned around so she could wrap her arms around your waist and bury her face on your chest in a proper hug, just the way she liked it. In turn, you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and back for some added warmth. 

"I got you, Unnie, we got you, you're never alone," you murmured into her hair while rubbing her back in an attempt of giving her comfort. She snuggled even closer to your warmth in response. 

"I'm scared," she eventually whispered, causing you to lean back a little from the hug to face her properly. 


She huffed cutely with a pout on her face, causing you to squeal internally. She was the most adorable 31 year old you've ever met. 

"What if I can't do things properly? What if I don't show enough of my personality and this video will be useless?" she asked quietly, "what if I'm clumsy in doing things just like Manager-unnie said I would be?" she the last question almost inaudably but with how close the two of you were, you could still heard it. 

You wanted to giggle because of how adorable she was but you knew these were her genuine concerns and you didn't want her to think you didn't take her seriously. 

"Then so be it, Unnie," you shrugged lightly, "people who watch your video, especially Luvies, will see you just how they know you, soft-spoken, playful, but attentive and caring."

You looked at her reassuringly with a loving smile on your face. "There will still be people who don't like the video or who don't like you but so what? You should not and could not please everybody, and that's okay," you emphasised and watched as the tension released from her body, "you're being your authentic self and that's enough." 

She just stared up at you for a few long seconds before an attentive smile, albeit genuine, graced her beautiful face. "You think so?" 

"I know so," you answered confidently, her favourite smile of yours on your lips. 

She tiptoed to wrap her arms around your neck so you put yours around her waist to keep her up. You're basically carrying her at this point though you're used to it and would not complain one bit.

"I'm really grateful to have you in my life, do you know that?" You knew it was a rethorical question but you answered anyway, a content smile on your face. 

"I know, and so am I. I'm so glad to have you in my life, my sunshine." 


And so the leader went into her filming with a light heart and an excited skip in her step, finally being able to enjoy the moment. Although she was driving alone in the car, she had the staff folllowing her in another car and you accompany her by making your appearances through a series of both phone and video calls. 

"Hello?" you answered the phone with a soft smile that appeared after you saw her name as the caller. 

"Eli-ah say hi to everybody~" she cued and you chuckled lowly, the camera picking up the audio just fine. 

"Happiness, hello this is Eli!" you greeted the 'audience' before putting your attention back to your soulmate, "are you on your way yet, Unnie?" 

She hummed as she nodded. "I accidentally turned off the GPS too," she giggled sheepishly, causing you to gasp. 

"Aw, Unnie! Have you asked Manager-unnie for help yet?"

She smiled at the camera. "Yeah, I just pulled over immediately," she answered you before speaking to the camera, "I usually don't have to worry about these things since Eli usually rides with me."

You laughed out loud this time. "That's right, I usually take care of the tech things since you know..." you purposely trailled off, which caused the older girl to protest. 

"Yah! I called you not to be teased about my age!" 

You laughed even louder, already picturing the mock glare and pout she was currently supporting. "I know, I know. You know I'm joking, Hyun-unnie," you placated her. 

When the fans watched the video, they wonder just how much you get away with your teasings when the leader was known to not let her members too much, even Yeri who she considered her daughter. 

After picking up food on the way and taking pictures of the scenery, Irene cooked dinner for herself and the staff at her tent. Even though there were some clumsy moments she couldn't help but have, much to the amusement of her manager and staff, she managed to have a great dinner before settling down with her hot chocolate. 

She was talking to the camera before a gasp escaped her lips, eyes wide in realisation. She proceeded to pick up her phone to type in your number while stopping her previous train of thoughts to tell the viewers what she was doing. 

"Let me call Eli, I need to update her of the successful dinner I cooked!" She looked so excited that the staff, and later the viewers, couldn't help but coo. 

She put the call on loudspeaker before settling it on the table again so she could drink her hot chocolate while talking to her soulmate. 

"Hello, Hyun-unnie," you greeted her as you picked up, causing her smile to widen. 

"Hi, what are you doing?" 

You hummed in thought. "I'm currently having dinner with Wan-unnie, she's home for the night." 

"Hello, Unnie!" Irene could hear the far-off greeting from the main vocalist and she giggled in response, looking up at the camera before turning her attention back to her phone. 

"Hi, Seungwan-ah! El, is it okay to video call?" she asked shyly, her voice turning quiter. 

She could hear the smile on your voice. "Of course, Unnie, let me do it." So you changed the call into a video call, making sure you looked appropriate enough just in case the leader would give the camera a glimpse of you. 

"Hi, Unnie," you greeted with her favourite smile and Irene couldn't help but blush, giggling into her hands. 

"Hi, Eli-ah, do you want to say hi to the camera?" 

You shrugged cooly. "Sure," you replied and waved to everyone once she turned her phone towards the camera and the staff. 

"Hello, Manager-unnie! Hello, everyone!" 

The staff waved enthusiastically while Irene laughed. "Yah, you're going to let everyone know I'm not exactly doing this alone!" 

You laughed in response. "I think they know already, Unnie, don't worry," you gave your soulmate a grin, the camera recording as her smile widened. 

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "I cooked the steak perfectly this time!" 

Your eyes widened in wonder. "Really?! Congratulations, Unnie, we should have that the next time we go camping!" 

"Yeah," Wendy piped up and you turned the camera towards her so she could be seen on the screen, "I've been meaning to go camping too, maybe we can go together!" 

Irene shrugged in thought. "Sure, that sounds like fun," she responded as you turned your camera back to you, "I also made tteokbokki but forgot to add the cheese," she whined and a pout formed on her lips, causing you to coo. 

"Aw, that's unfortunate. But it was still good, right?" 

"Of course," Irene answered and you chuckled, nodding your head in agreement. 

"I'm really glad you're having a good time, Unnie, send me pictures, alright?" You decided to end the call there, knowing the leader still had a little bit of filming to do before she retired for the night. 

The adorable pout was still on her lips but she knew it was time to end the call. "I will, I'm going to post them on SNS too." 

"That's great!" You gave her a wide smile, proud that she was taking the steps to be more active on her social media again. 

"I'll be home tomorrow. I love you."

You smiled warmly, love and adoration shining in your eyes. "I love you too, my sunshine. Drive safely and see you tomorrow! Bye, everybody!" 

A chorus of "Bye, Eli!" sounded from the background and Wendy managed to squeeze in a "have fun!" to the leader before she ended the call, the smile you reserved only for her being the last thing she saw. 

She was glad she got to do this, getting closer to the fans and everyone who watched her video got to see glimpses of her personality too, no pretenses. The fans were also glad that they got to see her being so natural. The numrous gifs and clips of your interaction they got to make was an added bonus. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1198 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙