Special Guest!

The Life of the Sixth Member

As promised by the maknae, you were invited to be a special guest at Yeri Han Bang by the PD, though wasn't going to go as she thought it would. Yeri thought she'd have you in her show in the second season due to some scheduling conflict when she first asked your manager the first time, and that still would happen, but you were asked to make a surprise appearance at the last episode that's going to be aired. The last episode of the first season of Yeri Han Bang stared Dara of 2NE1, and as a closing section of the show, PD-nim asked if you would be down to surprise both Yeri and Dara. You answered within seconds when the offer came to you. Who wouldn't? Dara was considered a legend amongst K-pop idols, as do the rest of 2NE1 members, so you jumped at the chance of meeting her again. 

When the filming day came, you arrived at the company after lunch to meet with the staff of the show. The taping would happen much later in the evening, almost dinner time, so there would be enough time to talk about how you were going to appear and what you would have to prepare. You approached the room booked for the meeting and greeted the staff inside as they stood up at your arrival. 

"Hello everyone, I'm Red Velvet's Eli," you bowed and they all bowed back before sitting down with the exception of the PD who remained standing.

He then approached you with his hand stretched out for a handshake, "It's nice to finally meet you in person, Eli-ssi." 

You shook his hand firmly with a warm smile on your face. "Likewise, PD-nim," he then gestured to the seat across from him so you and your manager took a seat, making sure to look at everyone and give them a smile before the meeting started. You wanted to leave a nice first impression even though they indirectly had met you through that one phone call with Yeri at the earlier episode of the show. 

"So, Yeri would be meeting Dara-ssi at the entrance of SMTOWN &STORE to take a look around the shop, then they would have dinner in one of the meeting rooms. After dinner, there would be a Q&A session Yeri has with every guest, and if you're up for it, we'll put some questions in for you as well." 

You hummed in thought as everyone waited with bated breath. If you agreed, they would have to make the questions and get approved by your manager, so time was of the essence. "Will that disturb Dara-unnie's interview though? I mean, she's the main guest of the show, I don't want to disturb that." 

The staff now knew the rumours were true. You're very considerate and humble through and through.

PD-nim smiled, "Don't worry, Eli-ssi. We'll make sure that Dara-ssi gets equal time as the rest of the guest. Your questions would only be a few, as a prequel to your future appearance if you would, to tease the fans a little and to let them get to know the future guest a little more." 

You turned towards your manager with an eyebrow raised in question. She tilted her head a bit before nodding, a smile on her face. They could see your face lit up before you turned to face PD-nim, giving him your approval. He and the rest of the staff smiled and clapped, making you blush as you were treated like such a big deal. 

"What do I have to prepare, PD-nim? Is there anything I could help with?" 

He looked at his writers and they shrugged, one of them turning to face you. "When do you think is the best moment for you to come in, Eli-ssi?" 

"At first I thought it would be better if I come when they're shopping, maybe acting like one of the store's staff? That's gonna surprise them for sure." You looked around in thought, eyebrows furrowed in concentration whilst you continued to think aloud. "But then I would have to be there for the rest of the show, and Yeri's attention would be divided, so maybe not that..." you trailed off in thought while the rest of the staff looked at you with wonder in their eyes. You truly were thinking of other people's comfort and making sure they get the spotlight they deserved. 

A few seconds passed before you turned your attention back at the writer, a glint of mischief in your eyes. "Who's going to deliver the meal?"

Your question surprised them a little and the PD leaned back in his seat, looking around at his staff to look for the answer. "I think it would be one of the restaurant's staff, Eli-ssi. We're not too sure." 

You looked at your manager and she immediately nodded to your silent question, chuckling at the prospect. You turned back towards them. "My manager can help you figure that out because I think it would be a total surprise if I were to help bring the meal in. Maybe I can hide behind the staff? I'm guessing they would order quite the amount of food so there would be multiple trips. Instead of only one person, I would come in behind them with the food. Do I need to dress like the restaurant staff too?" 

The writers and PD-nim looked at each other before turning back towards you. They were delighted. "That's a great idea, Eli-ssi! I think it's okay to wear what you're going to wear so you wouldn't have to change for the rest of the taping." 

PD-nim nodded, a happy smile on his face. "I agree. We'll let you know when we found out who's going to deliver the food so we can plan it with them. Thank you, Eli-ssi." 

"Of course!" You nodded with an excited smile on your face. "If you need me to come and get the food from the kitchen so there will be less of a hassle, I'm okay with that too." 

You truly would go above and beyond to make this happen. They might just become hardcore fans of Red Velvet because of you now. 

"We'll let you know, Eli-ssi." He then stood up followed by the rest of the staff so you followed suit, your manager already walking towards the door. 

"Thank you, PD-nim. Eli and I will be waiting at the meeting room across the one that's going to be used. The stylist is here." 

You almost huffed at the thought of not being able to wear your own clothes to the taping but then you remembered this would be watched people around the world so maybe it was a good idea to change out of your sweatpants and sweatshirt combo. 

"This is going to be good, Eli-ssi. We're sure of it." 

You bowed in thanks, them replying in kind. "Thank you for the opportunity, PD-nim, everyone. Thank you for loving and taking care of my little sister." 

They would definitely become hardcore fans now. Now they know why Yeri is such a lovely young lady. She's surrounded by good-hearted people.

"Of course, Eli-ssi. Thank you for doing this." They all bowed back. 

This was gonna be fun.


After a few hours of waiting, it was finally time for you to make your appearance. You quietly made your way out of the room after the signal from the staff and met with the staff from the restaurant downstairs, him standing there with a food trolly containing all the food they had ordered.

You raised an eyebrow, impressed. "They really didn't hold back, huh?" You quietly remarked which made your manager snicker and the staff to smile sheepishly. He was screaming internally being in the presence of one of his favourite idols.

"Okay Eli, grab the pasta because it's going to be the last dish brought in." Your manager had made sure you didn't grab the steak because you'd be too excited and no one knows how that's going to end up. 

You nodded and made sure to have the dish securely in your hands, before looking at the staff and nodding your head. He began walking inside and you waited for your manager's signal before going inside. 


You walked in to see the two huddled together before they looked up at the staff who was putting down the steak. You then switched places with the guy but the two were too busy looking at the steak to notice you so you just had to improvise.

"Enjoy your meal~" you quipped up as you put down the plate. Yeri's eyes widened at the very familiar voice so she took one look at the bracelet around your wrist and that was enough to confirm her suspicions. 

She looked up and gasped, "Eli-unnie!" 

Her claims caused Dara to look up as well before she lit up in recognition. "Eli-ah, what a surprise!" 

Yeri pushed her chair back to stand up and immediately wrapped her arms around your waist, causing you to laugh. You returned the embrace. "Hello, dongsaeng-ah." 

"What are you doing here?" She pulled back a little to look up at you and Dara just had to coo at the adorable sight, holding her phone up to take a picture. 

You gave your little sister a warm smile. "I'm here to surprise you! Are you surprised?" 

She nodded vigorously which caused you and all the people in the room to chuckle. Yeri had always had that reliable young lady image though they could see that she let that image falter whenever she was in the proximity of her members, her older sisters. 

She pulled back from the tight and warm embrace so you would be able to greet her guest. "Dara-unnie, it's great to see you!" 

You wrapped your arms around the older woman's shoulders and she looked so small in your embrace it looked like you were engulfing her whole. Dara's manager laughed at the sight, making sure to take a picture. 

"It's been so long, Eli-ah. How have you been?" Her voice slightly muffled though the mic could still pick it up. 

You pulled back from the embrace to reply with a smile. "I've been good, Unnie. How have you been? Very busy I see."

Dara giggled, slapping your arm in response. "I'm great, thank you. Are you joining us?" 

"Is that okay with you both?" You looked between her and Yeri to see them nodding immediately, one of the staff from the show already bringing in your chair. 

You moved to take a seat on the chair that was placed beside Dara and couldn't help but tease. "Don't worry, Unnie, I won't take your spotlight." 

"Yah!" Dara slapped you on the shoulder as a response of the tease whilst you laughed out loud, causing Yeri to giggle as well. 

Before you dug in, you paused mid-air. "Is it really okay for me to eat with you? I can order my own meal." Now that you thought about it, maybe ordering your own meal would be ideal so they got to enjoy the meal they had ordered undisturbed. 

They both looked at you and Yeri shook her head in reply. "It's really okay, Eli-unnie. In fact, you'll be helping us because we had ordered too much for us to finish." 

"Yeah, Eli-ah, eat with us!" 

You giggled and looked at them with a cute smile on your face your dimple showing. Dara couldn't hold back the desire to pinch your cheek, it's been a while for her, so she did. 

You grinned at her. "Okay, thank you for the food~"

The show went on as you all enjoyed the food and you were content with just sitting there, listening to the stories Dara were telling in order to answer all of Yeri's questions. At the end of the show, your name was called by the DJ which caused you to sit up straighter, a trait you had picked up over the years. 

"Everyone, now that I have asked Dara-unnie all the questions I could, it's Eli-unnie's turn!" She turned towards you and gave you a mischievous smile, her infectious giggles accompanying her expression. 

"Now, now Yerimmie, save your questions for my next appearance," you winked at the camera for good measure. 

Yeri gasped in surprise. "So this is not your only appearance? I thought I could only have you once!" She then turned towards the staff, pointing her hand accusingly. "Oppa, why didn't you tell me!" Yeri asked PD-nim and the staff laughed while PD-nim raised his hands in an apologetic manner. 

"I really thought this was your only appearance. I was so worried I wouldn't have enough time with you, Unnie." Yeri pouted which caused you and Dara to coo. Yeri had a field day being the youngest there. 

"It's alright, dongsaeng-ah. We will have plenty of time." 

Yeri huffed playfully and Dara was just hiding her laughs behind her hand. "Because of this, I'm just going to make up questions then." 

"Uh oh," you playfully widened your eyes in alarm, followed by the staff of the show because they didn't know what kind of questions Yeri might throw at you. 

"Okay first question," Yeri put down her cue cards and faced you. "Whose idea was it to surprise me?" 

You pointed at PD-nim. "Not mine." 

"Oppa...." Yeri muttered playfully while you and Dara shared a laugh. 

"Moving on. What is the main goal you have for 2021?" She then turned towards the camera. "By the way, I'm asking this because we'll see Eli-unnie on the second season of Yeri Han Bang! Please look forward to it, everyone!"

She turned back towards you and gestured for you to answer. You hummed in thought, "Getting to do things with my members as six again." 

"That's true," Yeri nodded and Dara looked at you both sympathetically. "It's going to feel like a reunion." 

You nodded at her. "Okay, last question, Unnie. What are you most looking forward to?" 

You raised an eyebrow in question and Yeri giggled, shrugging her shoulders in response. You looked at your manager at the corner of the room to see her sighing in defeat because she knew Yeri and Joy had already talked about it in other broadcasts.

You looked at the camera with a glint in your eyes. "Red Velvet comeback!" And at that moment the fans knew it was real because you had confirmed it. 

Dara gasped while Yeri turned towards the camera to close off the session, a playful glint in her eyes. "That's it, everyone. This has been Streaming DJ Yeri," 


"and Eli" 

"Dubbai~" All of you waved at the camera in goodbye. 

You giggled at how Yeri cut it there to create suspense. You were sure fans weren't expecting you to appear, as the staff told you they weren't going to publish anything regarding your surprise appearance, so you couldn't wait to see how the fans react to the episode when it aired. What you were sure of though was that the fans would definitely be freaking out about the comeback. You couldn't wait. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1199 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙