New Beginnings

The Life of the Sixth Member

"Unnie, what should I get for Joohyun-unnie this year? I feel like I've given her everything and I'm running out of ideas," you pouted as you consulted your fellow chef and baker of the group. 

She laughed at your adorable predicament. She knew how much you valued the leader and basically wanted to give her the world if you could, which obviously wasn't available, so you tend to give her whatever she was in need of or something she really liked. These days, however, the leader liked things to be simple and just wanted to spend time together as a group a lot. 

"And for the cake, I don't think I'll have enough time to bake anything with the schedule we have. What kind of cake should I get her? I've given her numerous cakes over the years, I feel like I've given every type possible..." you trailed off, clearly struggling to find something worthy to give to your soulmate. 

Wendy couldn't help but look at you in adoration at your endearing traits. The girls were very lucky to have you in their lives. 

"Hey, calm down," Wendy reassured, going over to your side to wrap her arms around your waist in an embrace. "Unnie will like anything you give her. She loves you, remember? She'll appreciate anything you give her and still love you just as much. Which is a lot by the way," she couldn't help but tease and laughed as you shoved her off jokingly. She laughed but tightened her grip instead before pulling back a little so she could look you in the eye. 

"I know you like to give her, us and anyone you love really, the best things in life but that's simply not possible, Eli-ah," she chided affectionately, causing you to pout adorably. She chuckled lowly at the sight but continued, "We love the thought you've put into your actions and presents, and we know we're loved by you, a lot, and I think that's enough.

"You are enough, Liza," she emphasised and the words struck you to the core. 

All this time you've constantly been unsure whether you've given enough love to the people you most cherish, that's why you try to give them the best birthday presents every year to at least remind them that they are loved and cherished by you. Wendy's words really nailed it on the head. 

"Unnie," you whined as tears made their way into your eyes though you tried not to let them fall, causing your older sister to coo affectionately at the sight. She brought you back into her embrace and you settled your face near her neck in comfort, though you almost had to bend down to reach her height. You didn't mind though, you sought comfort from the mother figure that's been in your life for the past eleven years.

"You're making me cry," you whined again, causing her to laugh. Moments like these reminded her that you were still so young because you're very mature most of the time. "I love you so much, thank you for your kind words," you genuinely thanked her for her reassuring words. 

Wendy smiled to herself, glad that the leader was currently not at the dorm so this moment could happen. "I love you too, Liza. Don't worry too much, okay? If you want to give something different, I can still help you with some ideas if you want," she reassured once more before pulling back from the hug. She then reached up on her tippy toes to be able to wipe the tears off your chubby cheeks. You looked at the adorable sight with adoration and affection swimming in your eyes.

"Thank you, Unnie. I'll look for some ideas online and will go to you once I've found one or once I'm stuck," you chuckled and she swatted your arm in reply, chuckling all the while. 

Wendy made sure there were no tears left on your cheeks or there will be hell to pay if Irene found out she had 'made' you cry. She thanked God you never really looked like you'd been crying after you cried. 

"Trust yourself and trust me, okay? Unnie will love anything you give her. Even if you don't give her anything but your time and affection, she'll love you. She loves spending time with you, as simple as that." 

Wendy's words sparked some ideas in your mind as your eyes widened in realisation. Wendy grinned as she saw the change. 

"See? You have some ideas already. Go, do your research. I'm one text or call away if you need me." 

You looked at her gratefully before kissing the top of her head in thanks. You hugged her one more time before sprinting away to your room so you can browse the hell out of SNS for another idea you need. "Thank you!" you shouted as you ran to your room. 

Wendy could only chuckle as she shook her head in amusement. You can really be a child sometimes.

"My pleasure!" 


Since Irene's birthday would fall on one of the final concert practice days, you had been thinking to order a coffee truck and a food truck equipped with her favourite snacks, like tteokbokki, for everyone to enjoy. You could feed a lot of people just by those trucks alone. For the cake, you spent days on various SNS platforms to find the perfect cake you have not yet given your leader over the almost thirteen years you have known her. 

"Find anything yet?" Wendy brought up the issue in a quiet whisper as you finished one of your practices, two weeks away from the leader's birthday and three weeks away from the concert. 

"Not yet," you sighed exasperatedly before drinking from your water bottle. You tried to keep your voice as low as possible to not trigger Irene to come over. She was currently monitoring your practice at the other side of the room. 

Wendy sighed too, opening her phone. "I've saved a few that might be interesting. Take a look," she leaned closer so you could see what was on her screen as she scrolled through her saved pages on Instagram. You stayed quiet as you looked intently, finding a few interesting but not good enough. 

"This page seems interesting, Unnie, can you open their account so we can see more of their products?" you muttered lowly and your older sister did as you asked, clicking the name and opening the bakery's page. 

As you grew more defeated at not being able to see anything that catches your eye, one cake stood out. You quickly clicked on the photo yourself, startling Wendy in the process. 

She gasped at what she saw before turning towards you to see the excited glint back in your eyes. "This is the one?" she asked in English so the leader wouldn't be too suspicious. She knew the two of you converse in English often so she rarely thought much of it. 

"Yes," you looked at her excitedly. "This is perfect. Can you send me the link so I can order it? I hope they can do it quickly, we don't have a lot of time left..." You trailed off as Wendy hurriedly sent you the link, the phone in your bag vibrating in response. 

Wendy smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure we have enough time. Let me know if I can help with anything else." 

"You know what? Why not get her two cakes," you shrugged. "You choose, Unnie. I got to choose this one, so you should choose the other one." 

Wendy giggled amusedly. "I'm okay, Liza, we can just get her the one you've chosen." 

Even before she finished speaking, you were already shaking your head in disagreement. "No, no, Unnie, you should choose another cake that you'd like to give her. I know you think it's going to be too much but all the dancers are going to be there and I'm sure they'd like some cake as well. It makes sense," you shrugged coolly whilst Wendy was surprised. How did you know what she was thinking?

"How did you know?" she couldn't help but ask. 

You chuckled lowly before winking at her. "I just do. Now, let's order these cakes, shall we? On me," you started to say but seeing Wendy shaking her head, you had to interject. "It's okay, Unnie-" you started to say before the main vocalist cut you off. 

"No, let me get the one I get to pick. You're already getting her two food trucks and the special cake, Liza," her voice dropped to a whisper as she gazed around the room to see if anyone was paying attention. "Let me pay for this one at the very least. Or better yet, let me pay for one of the coffee trucks so we'll be even," she suggested but you shook your head adamantly at the suggestion. 

"Nope, not happening, Wani-unnie, thank you for the offer though!" You purposely moved away a little from her and made your voice a little louder so Wendy would think twice about arguing with you. You knew your tactics worked when you heard the leader ask from the other side of the room, "What's going on, El?" 

You winked cheekily at the angel-like main vocalist one more time before answering your soulmate. "Nothing, Hyun-unnie," you gave her a warm, reassuring smile while Wendy shook her head in defeat at your antics. 

She'd definitely get you next time but for now, she had a cake to choose and order. Now that she knew what the main cake was going to be like, she could order one that would complement the first one. 

She'd make sure the leader's birthday would be special, she promised you that. 


The day that you've been waiting for finally arrived and you couldn't be more excited. You just hoped that Irene would like the simplicity of her presents though knowing her, she would definitely like it when she could share her happiness wither others. You knew she was planning to give some vitamins away to the dancers even though it was her birthday, she was the one supposed to be receiving gifts, but her words rang in your ears. 

"I have everything I need, El. Right now I just want everyone to be healthy so our concert can go smoothly," she said softly after you asked her what she wanted for her birthday one random night the month before. 

That's why you opted to get her birthday cakes and some food and coffee trucks instead of other materialistic things. 

"Happy birthday to you," you began singing to the sleepy woman beside you. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday my lovely Joohyun-unnie," you watched as that breathtaking smile made its way to her face. "Happy birthday to you~ I love you!" you ended the song with your love declaration, complete with your low morning voice, and Irene couldn't ask for a better way to start the day of her birthday. 

"Thank you, sweetheart, I love you too," she replied as she looked up at you with those doe eyes before snuggling closer to your chest. You wrapped your arms around her small body, hugging her closer to give her some of your warmth. 

You let the comfortable silence stretch a little while before you broke it. "I'll give you your cake later if that's okay with you, Sunshine." 

You could feel her nodding in response. "Of course," she mumbled into your chest. "You don't have to even get me anything." 

She felt the chuckles rumbling through your chest. "Now you know I can't do that. This day only comes once a year, Unnie, let me spoil you." 

She whined as she pulled back from the hug so she could look at you. "You spoil me even if it wasn't my birthday!" 

That caused you to laugh though you tried not to move too much considering the woman laying snuggly on your chest. "That means I'm doing my job correctly!" It was silent before you continued. "I have one small present though. just a small one, I promise," you reassured her even before she could even open to protest, knowing she definitely would. 

Irene leaned back from the hug and sat up a little, feeling the moment turning a little bit more serious. You looked at her with adoration and love, she couldn't help but sigh in defeat before nodding, your favourite smile painted on her lips. Your smile widened. 

"With everything going on and with you preparing for an album, I thought I could give you something to remember this new chapter by," you started to explain before you reached to your bedside table, opening the top drawer to reach the present you've kept for weeks. You knew Irene respected your personal space so she never reached for your stuff unless she really needed it. 

Well, except for your clothes. She loved 'borrowing' them though you rarely see them back unless you really looked for them. 

Irene's eyes drew to the box on the palm of your hands, forming an 'o' as she gasped at what was inside. You had opened the box to reveal a simple silver necklace, just how she liked it, with one daisy pendant attached to it. She looked at the gift in wonder as her eyes flitted back and forth between your face and the gift in your hands. 

"Daisy represents a new beginning, a new start to you as a person and to your career, if you want it to be. I think I can speak for all the people that love you that you'll always be adored and loved by us, and we trust you fully. I hope at this new age, you get to have a career you've always dreamed of because you deserve it, Unnie," you continued softly and watched as your leader's eyes began to tear up. "You always put your best in everything you do and even through all the hardships, gossip, false accusations, and all the downs you've experienced, you stay true to your values and are still the genuine, loving, warm, but strict person I love and trust. I've always admired you as a person, as a member of our group, and as my leader, and I will always admire you even until we're old and have our own families. 

"I love you, Unnie, thank you for being one of the most important people in my life." 

Irene stayed silent before she couldn't hold her tears, surging forward to wrap her arms around your neck as she cried softly into your neck, very much touched by your speech. You held the box tightly in your hand before wrapping your arms around her to keep her steady. 

"What did I do to deserve you?" she asked rhetorically, still crying. You couldn't help but chuckle tearily, always finding it difficult to listen to her crying. She's one of the strongest people you knew, so seeing her cry always brought tears to your own eyes. 

"You did everything right, Unnie. I'd give you the world if I could," you replied tearily but strongly, meaning everything you said. 

She just cried even more, hugging you tighter like she would never let you go. You knew she had changed as a person even more after what had happened, and although you had made sure she felt no less love from you or any of the people closest to her, there were days that she doubted herself because of what had happened. You just hoped with the change of management at SM (though you were sceptical) and the reassurance from the people that love her, Irene could flourish even more and get more opportunities as Bae Joohyun, just like she had wanted. A new age could definitely mean a new start, and you hoped your older sister could see that and got the fresh start she needed. 

You held her as she cried, hoping she could feel the warmth and love you emitted. You truly adored and loved her more than you could even express, and you were forever grateful to have met and gotten to know such an enigma of a person that was Irene, Bae Joohyun, your soulmate. 

Irene calmed down after a little while, now just resting on your shoulder near your neck, energy a little spent after crying. You felt a little guilty for causing her such anguish just after she had woken up. 

"I'm sorry I made you cry, Unnie..." you trailed off. 

The woman in your embrace chuckled a little at your admittance of guilt, pulling back from the hug with a warm smile. You reached up to wipe the tears off her cheeks lovingly, a concerned frown making its way to your forehead. 

She looked up at you with those doe eyes, not an ounce of annoyance or anger in them. You watched as her gaze emitted the selfless love and adoration she had for you, causing you to smile softly.

"It's not your fault, El," she replied, voice a little raspy and deep. "I'm so touched by your speech and I can definitely feel the love you're trying to convey. Thank you for always being by my side, and constantly providing me with the reassurance and confidence I need. You have a special place in my heart, Eliza, and I promise you that I will treat this new age as a new beginning," she said determinedly, causing your gaze to soften. 

"You're right, the past few years hadn't been easy mentally for me and with how the company was treating me, it didn't help with my confidence. I know I deserve a lot more than what they can and are willing to give me, but I should've pushed harder because I know my worth. Well, you're right and I will treat this new age with care, as a push of motivation too. Stay with me?" she asked, hopeful. 

The smile she loved so much formed on your lips as you took in the message she was trying to convey. "Always, Joohyun-unnie. You'll always have me by your side." 

With that, she hugged you one more time and you could feel the relief as she melted in your arms. You closed your eyes in bliss, savouring the moment before remembering the necklace still in its place. 

"Can I put this on you, Unnie?" you asked softly, causing her to pull back from the hug albeit reluctantly. She was enjoying your love, thank you very much. 

She immediately nodded albeit a little shyly at the act of intimacy. You had done this a couple of times throughout the thirteen years she had known you but it got her every time. 

Pink hues made their way to her now-less chubby cheeks and you smiled softly before turning her around so you could clasp the necklace accordingly. She turned around after you were done. 

"I love you, El, forever," she tried to speak the English words as best as she could, making sure her pronunciation was clear enough for you. 

You beamed in happiness and Irene just looked at you in awe. "I love you too, Unnie. Forever." 


The members congratulated the leader through the group chat and Irene couldn't be happier that she would see them later for practice. All of you went to practice with lighter hearts and Irene was very surprised at the two food trucks waiting for her, complete with cheesy messages that she knew came from you even though it claimed it was from the members. The members, after finding out that you had booked two trucks and even gotten the leaders a cake on top of that, demanded they would pitch in. They scolded you, albeit lovingly, for not including them in the surprise. You sheepishly admitted that you didn't even think about that, doing everything just because it was for the leader. 

They could only shake their heads in exasperated amusement but were secretly glad that amidst everything, you were still you. 

As the practice ended and Irene was giving away the vitamins she had planned to give, all of you surprised her with the two cakes. Wendy was holding the one she had ordered whilst you held the main cake, a circular ball-like cake, complete with a black ribbon on top. Irene was pleasantly surprised though she did wonder why the cake looked so elegant but bland, already knowing you and the members always got her colourful and elaborate cakes. 

She knew something was going on when she was given a small pointy hammer to break the cake. 

"You have to hit it, Unnie!" 

She laughed loudly, slapping your arm softly, mindful of the cake. "Yah, what is this!" 

The members, the dancers, and the staff present laughed at the sight. "Make a wish then hit the cake, Unnie!" Yeri yelled.

"Strongly! Wish us a lot of money while you're at it!" Wendy jokingly said, causing that dolphin laugh to escape the leader. 

"Please give us a lot of money!" She laughed before blowing the candles from both cakes, then hitting your cake as hard as she could. 

"Harder!" Everyone cheered as she tried her best, hitting it a few times before the cake finally broke to reveal one of your favourite pictures of her printed on one side and the pictures from your Birthday MV on the other, both as pieces you could eat later on. Irene laughed at what was inside. 

"Oh my God, this cake is something else. Whose idea was it?" she asked and Wendy immediately pointed at you whilst still holding the other simpler cake she had ordered. 

"This one! It took her weeks to finally find the perfect cake to give to you, Unnie," she teasingly spoiled, causing the people around you to coo at the sweet gesture. You shrugged coolly, though your cheeks were hot. You hoped the others thought it was because of the practice you had just finished. 

Irene smiled that beautiful smile of hers, wrapping her arms around your waist in a side embrace. "Thank you, El. You're the best." 

You beamed at the compliment and your members chuckled at the sight, the childish, gleeful smile on your face warmed their hearts. 

"Well, let's party!" Seulgi claimed, causing everyone to cheer. 

Irene could not ask for a better birthday, surrounded by the people she loved and the people that loved her. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙