Take Care

The Life of the Sixth Member

Many people may not realise it but idols are far from protected from sickness. There are many instances where Red Velvet had to perform even when one or a few of the members are sick, which made you sound not the best but it's the effort that counts. Irene usually takes care of those who are sick but after the recent concert Yeri and Irene herself was sick and with Wendy being gone, you were the one to take over the role. 

You had noticed Yeri beginning to feel cold when you, Seulgi, and Joy were sweating buckets and you could see Irene attempting to suppress her coughs a few times both during the rehearsal and the concert. So, you took it upon yourself to take care of them both as best as you could before you got to go home and they could have the proper care.

After the concert, you went over Yeri's figure who was taking off her make up in the waiting room after taking pictures. "Yerimmie, do you want some porridge when we get back?" 

Yeri stopped cleaning off her makeup and turned towards you, surprise evident in her face. "Why so sudden, Unnie?" 

You gave her a warm smile. "I know you're feeling a little under the weather so I thought some porridge would be nice." You stepped closer so you could her hair lightly and she leaned towards your touch, seeking your warmth. 

She was just really cold.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea," she opened her eyes. "Are you getting one for Joohyun-unnie as well?" 

You gave her a wink. "You know it." You stepped back so she could continue whatever she was doing so you all could leave. 

"I'll leave you to it. I'll order a porridge up to your room, right after we get back, okay? Don't sleep yet." 

She giggled, proceeding with wiping off her makeup. She couldn't wait to just lay comfortably on the hotel bed. "I promise, Unnie. I wouldn't let your hard work go to waste, you know." 

You knew that was a way to thank you so you humoured her, shaking your head in amusement. "Right. Finish quickly, would you?" 

She nodded cutely and you placed a kiss on the top of her head before moving towards where your bag was.


When you got to your hotel room you immediately contacted the front desk to send a porridge and some medicine to Yeri's and Irene's room. You made sure to list the medicine, knowing what they're allergic to, and took a quick shower to get all the sweat off of your body. After you were done, you contacted Yeri's manager and asked her to check up on her whilst you went over to Irene's room to take care of her. You did this because you knew Irene is harder to take care of when she's sick due to her not wanting to worry other people so you just had to literally force her to let you take care of her.

You knocked your series of knocks on Irene's door, making sure your face was visible through the peephole. You heard some shuffling before the door opened slightly with no one in sight which was a signal for you to come inside without the leader showing off her face. 

After you closed the door, you took in her appearance. Irene's nose was starting to redden and she was wearing her fluffy jacket, a dead giveaway that she was sick. 

"How are you feeling, Hyun-unnie?" 

She closed the distance and hugged you as an answer, making you chuckle. "That bad, huh?" You knew it was because she would never completely show how weak she was feeling on any other day. 

You felt her nod on your chest so you hugged her a little tighter before slightly pulling back only to be greeted by her pout. You gave her your special smile, hand caressing her cheek. "I've ordered porridge and some flu medicine for you, and some for Yeri as well. Manager-unnie is looking after her right now and checking her food so don't worry, okay?"

She felt like she had no energy left so she just nodded slightly, sighing in relief. "I hate it when I want to take care of her but I'm not feeling the best myself. Thank you for doing it for me." 

You kissed her forehead before leading her to lay down on her bed. "Anything for you, Unnie. Yeri understands, don't worry." You had to add that in because you knew the leader was concerned that the maknae would think that she didn't want to take care of her. 

You spent your time waiting for her food by laying down with her and hugging her close to you, her head on your chest and your left arm around her figure. She closed her eyes to rest for a little whilst you texted Wendy with one hand, eyes focusing on your screen. 

After a few minutes, you heard the knock on the door so you gave her head a little kiss and she whined, not wanting to let you go. You were just so warm. 

You just had to chuckle at her clinginess. "Let me get the food, Unnie, then I can hug you again okay?" It took her a few seconds before she let you go. She thought that the faster she eats the faster she gets to keep her warmth again. 

After she was done eating you let her brush her teeth and take her medicine before tucking her into bed, making sure she was comfortably wrapped in the blankets. 

"Sleep well, my sunshine. I love you." You kissed her forehead one last time and went to pull back but she took your wrist in her hand, eyes pleading. 

"Please stay?" 

You wanted to immediately decline, arguing that she needed her rest but the look in her eyes was just begging for you to stay and who were you to deny your guardian?

You gave her a reassuring smile. "Okay, Unnie. I'll take your room key and check on Yeri, then I'll come back as soon as possible. How does that sound?" 

Worried about how the maknae was doing she agreed, making you promise to get back. After you checked on Yeri you entered her room to find her sleeping. You thought it was best to leave her be but you knew she'd knew you didn't stay so you tried to get into bed without disturbing her too much. As if sensing your presence she immediately snuggled into you after you laid down on the bed, making you grin. 

Although hating the fact that she was sick, you loved it when she was so soft and clingy. 


"Unnie, stay close to me, okay? I'll make sure they give you enough space." You got to go home the morning after and both the leader and the maknae were still sick, actually getting worse. Yeri said she'd be fine but Irene had it much worse, looking like she didn't even have the energy to walk through the airport. 

She nodded to your question and leaned into you even more, your right arm around her small body trying to give her extra warmth. The rest of the members were ahead of you and let the two of you be, knowing you're capable to take care of their strong leader.

"Or do you want me to carry you?" Your tone was teasing but she recognised the seriousness in your eyes, knowing you would do so if she wanted. 

"Yah," She punched your stomach weakly and you tried to hide your sadness with a grin. You hate seeing your guardian this weak and you'd made sure to take care of her when you get home. 

"As much as I want that I don't think the managers would appreciate that." Due to her low voice, you had to lean down slightly to listen to her, knowing that the fansite masternims present were having a field day capturing both your interaction. 

You leaned back a little so you could stare at her, making sure she knew you were serious. By the look in your eyes, she already knew what your answer would be. 

"See if I care, Unnie. Your health and comfort come first," you ended your statement by enveloping her with your much taller body, her arms around your waist. She couldn't help but snuggle even closer, head buried into your chest. 

You were just so, so warm. 

Eventually, all of you had to head out of the airport to reach your cars and you took a deep breath before pulling back from the hug and putting an arm around her shoulders instead. 

"You ready?" 

Although feeling like absolute crap Irene smiled her special smile, lowering her face mask a little so you would see it. 

"We got this." You grinned in response and kissed her forehead before leading her out. 

You kept close to her side, making sure she had space as she walked. You knew how bad these people are with personal space so you were not shy to ask for it, especially for Irene. 

"Please scoot back, give us some space." Irene only looked down but snuggled closer into you, making you look at her to make sure she was fine and hugged her protectively a little tighter.

The people around you were still trying to get the best picture or video by shoving their cameras into your faces so you fixed your posture a little straighter and gave them a serious look, speaking a little louder. 

"Please give us some space. We'd appreciate it. Thank you." 

You continued to glare at them until they all give some much-needed space, making you smirk. They knew not to mess with you when it comes to you and your members so they did what you asked. 

Though the moment you said it you knew this would make another headline but you could care less; you knew how to handle yourself now. 

Seulgi, being ahead of you and hearing your requests, snickered and looked back towards you, making you raise an eyebrow in question. She appreciated you voicing out what they all needed and wanted, even if it would put you in another spotlight. She applauded you for your bravery, honestly. 

"You look so cool right now, Eli-ah," She gave you her signature smile, eyes closed. "Our little protector~" 

Hearing that the other members snickered and giggled, looking back in your direction to gauge your reaction.

You smiled mischievously in response and Seulgi knew she was in for it. "If I'm little then what are you, Unnie?" 

Your response made the members laugh, covering their mouths with their hands with glee written all over their faces. Even Irene was chuckling weakly on your side and you could feel her body shaking with laughter.

Seulgi blushed and whine, going back a few steps to slap the arm that wasn't holding Irene. "Eli-ah, why do you have to bring my height into this!" 

You laughed out loud and the fans were just melting at the sight. They've missed listening to your loud laugh. 

"You started it, Unnie, don't call her little." Yeri chimed in after pulling down her face mask, giving Seulgi a teasing look.

Seulgi continued to pout and you just found it so adorable you had to hug her. "I still love you, Seulgi-unnie," you gave her your warm smile, making her smile back. "Come here." 

Seulgi happily ran to your side and hugged your other side, head on your shoulder. Wanting to receive your warmth as well Yeri pouted before hugging you in the only available space, her favourite one, your chest. 

After grunting jokingly due to the force of the hug you laughed, making sure all your members were included in the hug. The news outlet and all the people around you had to make more space for your hug which you were grateful about but it didn't stop them from taking pictures and videos. You could see and feel the camera flashes around you and figured you'd be trending all over SNS tonight, which you were right about.

Well, all is well in the Red Velvet household and you can't wait for the moment your Angel-unnie can join again. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1198 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙