This is Your Special Day

The Life of the Sixth Member

Your birthday was one of the most looked forward events in your life, though as you got older, you realised you would not get as excited anymore. Not that you were not looking forward to it, it just felt a little different, like you didn't have as much energy as you did years prior. 

The members could see it and it worried them. 

"Do you know what's going on with Eli? Is there something wrong that she's not telling us?" Seulgi was the first to ask when they had a break between their concert practice and you weren't there due to your filming. This conversation took place exactly a month before your birthday and all of you were still in the midst of concert preparation. The members used the one day you weren't practising with them to plan something special for your special day coming up the following month.

You have always been the one planning the special things for them, so it was time for them to do the same for you. 

"I don't know," the leader sighed, running a hand through her hair. "She tries to portray the same type of excitement every year but I know something's not the same anymore..." she trailed off as she tried to think of an answer. She suddenly remembered your previous birthday when you went to Tiffany with Joy, though you never really talked about it and she figured whatever was troubling you had gone away. Plus, a lot of things happened and she really did trust that you'd go to her if you needed to, so she didn't push.

"Sooyoung-ah, didn't you go with her to see Tiffany-unnie around her birthday last year?" Irene turned her attention towards the resident y dynamite and the rest followed, causing Joy's eyes to widen in surprise.

"You're right, I forgot about that!" The exclamation caused the rest to sigh and shake their heads in exasperated affection, the mood turning a little lighter though they were still rightfully worried. 

"She hadn't said anything to you, Unnie?" Joy asked and Irene shook her head dejectedly, now realising that the problem might still be there. You just didn't know it and that's why you didn't tell her.

Joy tuned the rest out as she thought of her best move. Should she tell the members? This is for you, but would you be angry at her for not keeping your secret? But you never said it was a secret, just something you needed to think to yourself before speaking to even your soulmate. What should she do?

"Sooyoung-unnie?" Yeri brought her out of her thoughts with a touch of her hand and Joy jolted slightly in surprise, looking at her members' now worried eyes. 

"Yah," Irene's leader voice came out, soft but stern. "What's going on? What do we need to know?" 

Joy sighed in defeat, praying that you wouldn't mind too much. "Last year, when she was turning twenty-six, I asked her how she was feeling, and she said she was feeling empty," Joy started to explain and watched as the members became surprised. Irene looked the most disturbed out of them all and Joy knew why. 

"I never told anyone this but I've been where she was and we agreed to talk to our seniors in Girls' Generation first before going to you, Unnie," Joy talked to Irene directly to show that they, specifically you, had the intention to speak to the leader and not intentionally keeping her in the dark. "When we got there, Tiffany-unnie and Taeyeon-unnie shared that this had happened to them before, maybe even worse, and they gave us some advice on what to do and how to overcome the feeling," she continued, sighing when she realised she really had to open up to the others about you and consequently, about her as well. 

So, she decided to just spill everything. "Eli looked kind of relieved but kind of impassive in a way, that she truly was showing how she was feeling and that was nothing. I admit it was kind of scary because I had never really seen her without emotion before, since there's always been a spark in her eyes, but don't worry," she quickly reassured the members as they began to fidget and looked rightfully worried at the concerning revelations. "I've noticed she's gotten better because we're always around her and I talked to her about it as well, she told me she was feeling much lighter and with the busy schedule, she hasn't really noticed it," Joy ended the explanation with a shrug. 

It was quiet for a little while before Wendy spoke up, "That's kinda worse, don't you think? She's gonna feel everything sooner or later and shut down even more once she's not busy anymore..." she trailed off and Irene just put her head in her hands in defeat, and the members sympathised with her. This was her favourite member, her little sister, her soulmate at this point. They could never imagine how they would feel if this was happening to someone so close to them. 

Seulgi, who was sitting next to her, ran her hand up and down her leader's back in an attempt to give her some comfort. Irene just leaned a little closer to her longest friend, though she kind of wished you were the one comforting her.

"Maybe it's time for therapy for her... we all know we need it," Yeri sighed and the others looked at her in surprise, even Seulgi stopped her comforting motions on the leader, though Irene stayed put. 

The members looked at each other before they realised Irene didn't even look up, so they knew Irene knew something. 

"Joohyun-unnie," Wendy called out and Irene didn't even have to look up for the members to know she heaved a sigh. 

A few moments passed and they realised the dancers had left the room, sensing something was going on. The managers stayed far away near the door, talking quietly amongst themselves to not disturb the serious discussion the members seemed to be having. 

Irene straightened up after a few moments, looking around at her members with somehow a relieved look, though she knew that caused some confusion amongst the others. 

"She is in therapy. She's been in one for a while now, but she hasn't told you because she didn't want anyone to be worried," the members heaved a sigh of relief in unison, causing the leader to giggle amusedly at the sight. 

"She didn't tell me in detail about why she needed one but I now I know," Irene started to explain. "I would like to also apologise on her behalf that she didn't tell you. Not because she doesn't trust you, not at all but you know how selfless she can be and she truly just didn't anyone to be worried because she's getting the help she needs," the leader continued to explain. "I know she's not as excited about her birthday as the previous years and trust me, I'm worried too but maybe it's part of growing up? I think some of us, especially the unnies, kinda feel the same way," Irene shrugged as she finished her little rant about you, realising something as she did. 

Maybe you're just growing up and because they have been with you and have known you for so long, seeing you not be excited for your birthday was like a slap in the face. It's the one thing that hadn't changed so seeing it starting to change scared them, but maybe you were scared too. 

"Okay," Joy nodded and sat up a little straighter as newfound determination made its way to her. "How do we still celebrate Eli and make her feel loved without making her feel guilty about not being that excited about her birthday anymore?"

That got them thinking hard. From an outside perspective, such one from the managers, it was comical to see the members all looking around in some direction in search of inspiration. Some of them even started giggling at the sight, though the head manager shushed them gently so they wouldn't disturb the members' concentration. Looking at them now reminded them of the older days, when the members were still in their early twenties for the unnies and late teenage years for the youngest two. So young yet they were forced to grow up quickly if they didn't want to be treated badly by the harsh entertainment industry. 

"Oh, I have an idea!" the maknae spoke up in excitement, causing the older girls to look at her in interest and for Irene to be surprised, her hand on her heart to calm herself down. She could only shake her head in exasperation. 

"Eli-unnie still likes surprises, right?" she looked around for confirmation and her eyes lit up as the leader and Wendy nodded. "How about we take her to her favourite restaurant but one of us should say like we have an emergency or something? That way she'd be too worried to even think a surprise would be waiting for her!" 

After Yeri finished her explanation, some of the unnies nodded their heads though your first sister, Seulgi, voiced her concerns. "Isn't that going too far? What if we make Eli really worried and she wouldn't even be happy about the surprise because we lied to her?" 

That caused Wendy to nod, knowing that was a strong possibility. "Yeah, we definitely don't want to make her angry. I'd hate to ruin her birthday like that." 

Joy shook her head whilst giggling, amused at the fierce protectiveness the older members were showing for you. "Calm down, Unnies. We can just say that one of us really needed her there because we're feeling lonely or something, and we can just ask her manager to take us to the room we're going to decorate so she'll be surprised without being too worried," Joy shrugged cooly, ending her explanation with confidence the others couldn't deny. 

They all looked towards the leader for approval because no matter how much they knew you, your leader knew you best. Besides, they didn't dare take any action without the leader's approval, especially when it came to you. 

They waited with bated breath as Irene looked at each one of them with a serious look on her face. Irene didn't mean to scare the others but they just looked so cute and eager waiting for her approval to surprise you like that. She's glad to have the others as her members and sisters. 

"I think that would work," Irene finally agreed and the others cheered loudly, even surprising some of the managers who were sitting quite far away. The members laughed but bowed their heads in apology, causing the managers to shake their heads adoringly. 

"So, who's going to be in charge of the decoration?" 


The weeks went by and your birthday was getting closer and closer. You felt somehow excited, knowing it wasn't going to be just another day and you probably could spend the day with all the members or only with Irene, but you didn't mind. It's a nice change from all the rehearsals you've been doing for the big concert and you were excited. 

Truth be told, you were grateful that the therapy seemed to result in a much lighter heart for you and the timing couldn't be more perfect for it. Your birthday would fall on a random Monday and you would have your birthday party the previous Sunday instead, so Luvies who worked could still get tickets and come to the party without much guilt if they couldn't make it on a workday. Your birthday would fall just a few days before the concert in Singapore, so you didn't expect much from your members or the staff around you since everyone would be so busy and tired. 

You just wanted to be loved and surrounded by the people who cherish you, that was enough. 

Irene's birthday party was a week before yours and you watched as she practised the songs and dance she was going to perform. You loved that she could showcase the song she had worked on for possibly her solo album, you knew the fans would love it. When she came home that night, she was tired but beaming with happiness. 

You loved the look on her. 

"I take it the party went well, Unnie?" You giggled as Irene nodded her head eagerly. "How did they respond to 'Kaching'?"

Irene smiled shyly but endearingly before lying down on the bed next to you. She wanted some cuddles after a tiring albeit happy day, and you were more than happy to provide her with it. You were on your period anyway, so you welcomed all the physical touch you could get. 

"They seemed to love it," she grinned cutely as she turned to face you. "They really didn't expect me to perform my own solo song, so I'm glad I could surprise them somehow." 

You smiled as you patted her cheek lovingly, watching her close her eyes as she released a relaxed sigh. You ran your hand through her hair softly. 

"You did well, Unnie. I watched all the fan cams and you were fantastic. Congratulations," you spoke sincerely and your leader let out that favourite smile of yours. 

She held your hand near her cheek. "Thank you, El, that means a lot to me." It was silent for a little bit before she broke it, trying to gauge your response to your birthday. 

"Speaking of which, your birthday is coming up. How are you feeling?" 

She resisted the urge to ask whether you were excited because she didn't want you to feel pressured into feeling excitement if you weren't, but maybe her worry wasn't warranted because she watched as your eyes lit up in excitement and relief flooded through her body. 

"I'm actually excited, Unnie! I know we probably wouldn't be able to do much since we're so close to the first out-of-the-country date for the tour and we'll all be tired but I'm excited I get to spend my birthday with all of us complete again," your smile slightly faltered as you thought of Joy and Irene frowned with you as she immediately knew the reason why. "Though maybe not with Sooyoung-unnie ... but that's okay!" your lips formed a smile again, "as long as she's healthy and healing, that's enough for me," you nodded as if to reassure yourself that you were going to be okay, and Irene couldn't help but lean forward to pull you into a hug, feeling your body melt as you snuggled into her neck like all your problems just went away. 

Irene couldn't fathom how selfless you could be sometimes but that was what made you you and she wouldn't have it any other way.

"I promise we'll definitely spend the day together since it's going to be an off day for preparation, remember? I'm sure we can plan something special," Irene said softly as she planted a soft kiss on the top of your head, silently rejoicing that she could tell the members what you wanted. She's sure their plans would go well. 

You nodded in relief, not knowing how much it weighed down on you if you couldn't spend your birthday with the people closest to you. 

"Thank you, Hyun-unnie. It doesn't have to be fancy or anything, I just want to have fun with you guys." 

Irene smiled and brought your body a little closer. "You will, El, you will. I'll make sure of it." 

The next day Irene informed the group chat without you in it to tell them what you told her. 

'Slight change of plans, girls. How about we take her to the park or the arcade before we surprise her with the restaurant? Maybe we can ask some of the managers to decorate instead, I'm sure they'll do it with the love they have for her.' Irene texted and the others quickly agreed, knowing that if the leader changed the plans then she knew better. 

Later they just about melted at Irene's explanation that you only wanted to have fun with the members. So, the plan was to surprise you with a birthday cake and breakfast in the morning, courtesy of the parent figures Irene and Wendy, then take you to Lotte World with the hopes that it wouldn't be too crowded on a workday, before secretly taking you to your favourite restaurant for dinner. You would definitely not assume the surprise they had for you. 

Your birthday party with Luvies came and went swimmingly, with you going home with happy tears on your still slightly chubby cheeks and the fans posting numerous fan cams of the performance you did. You sang a song that represented your affection and gratefulness to Luvies and the fans just screamed when they saw you coming out with your guitar. 

They said your hotness just upped a level when you sing with a guitar and you just laughed whilst shaking your head in amusement. 

Your actual birthday came and you were greeted with soft touches and singing when you were woken up the next morning, complete with a cake so beautiful you almost teared up. 

"Happy birthday Eli, happy birthday Eli, happy birthday dear Eli," all the members minus Joy sang, "Happy birthday Eli!" You were so surprised that almost all of them were there you only looked at them with shock for a few seconds before bursting into tears. 

Now, this was the first time this had happened and the members were rightfully worried. 

"Yah, why are you crying?" 

"Eli-ah... what's wrong?" 

"Unnie, is our singing that bad? We're sorry!" Yeri's statement made you choke up with laughter and the members giggled, though they were still a little worried since they hadn't seen this reaction before and they had known you for more than a decade at this point. 

"I'm just so happy all of you are here! I wasn't expecting it," your statement made them coo as they all tried to hug you all at once, causing some chaos that the group always create whenever you are together. 

It took a while for you to calm down but once you did, you wiped your tears away with the biggest most sincere smile on your face as you thanked your members. 

"Thank you so much, this is the best surprise ever." 

They all smiled lovingly at the sight of the second pillar of the group with your big smile and puffy eyes closing as you smiled. They were so glad they made the trip to the dorms silently last night, as warned by Irene, but you were so tired you didn't even notice. 

"Even though Sooyoungie couldn't be here physically, she's right here. Say hi!" Wendy shoved the phone close to your face and you brightened even more when you saw your older sister cooing and looking at you adoringly. 

"Unnie ..." you trailed off as you cried again, making the others slightly worry because they had not seen this much crying from you in a long time, but maybe age did make you more sentimental and more intuned to your feelings. 

"Aigoo my baby," Joy cooed. "Happy birthday Eli-ah, we wish you a life full of happiness because you truly deserve it," Joy grew serious as she gave her impromptu speech, having been wanting to say these words for a while. "I can say for all of us that we're very lucky to have you in our lives and to receive your love daily is one of the blessings we would not take for granted. Please take care of yourself first before you take care of others, okay? We love you and only want to see you healthy and thriving in life, just the way you should be. 

"Please get this through your thick head that you're never a burden if you ever want to come to us with your problems. Got that, dongsaeng-ah?" Joy playfully glared at you and your cries had turned into sniffles in order to hear what she had to say. You chuckled at her threat, nodding all the while.

You gave her that warm smile of yours and just about every member let out a relieved smile to see you smiling so genuinely again, seemingly without the weight of the world clouding you anymore. 

You raised your right hand and the members couldn't help but chuckle at the sight with Joy rolling her eyes at your antics, already knowing what was going to come. 

"I promise to take better care of myself and remind myself that I'm not a burden whenever I need to go to any of you with my problems." You might say it jokingly, but the members knew you were being serious beneath all of it. They were glad to hear that you finally accepted you would need help and that you weren't a burden to any of them. 

You looked around at the members that were with you and gave them the same smile, eyes almost closing. "Thank you for being the best members and sisters ever. I'm glad we get to become family and I hope we'll keep this bond going forever. I love you. Truly.

The members could only look at you with affection and love filling their eyes as they hugged you once more, Irene being the closest to you. She kissed your cheek affectionately as she replied to your sentiment. 

"We love you too, El. Very much," she replied in full English and you knew just how much she meant those words. 

It was quiet for a little while before the youngest pulled away with the biggest grin on her face. "We have a surprise for you, Unnie!" 

You tilted your head in confusion, causing your older sisters to coo. "Huh?" 

"Yes, dongsaeng-ah," Seulgi continued, "do you want to have breakfast now so you can eat your cake then we can take you to your surprise?" 

You immediately nodded furiously, causing your members to laugh at your cuteness. You, on the other hand, were already imagining the delicious seaweed soup Irene must've made you, knowing how she would be every year on your birthday. 

"Let's go!" 

True to their words, they brought you to your second favourite place, the amusement park. Lotte World wasn't that crowded in the middle of the day on a Monday, so you pretty much could run around freely without the fear of being bombarded by fans, though you didn't care that much since some of your bodyguards were there. You were confused as to why none of your managers were there but the leader had explained since this was a personal time they deemed you guys were senior enough to handle yourselves and you were grateful for that.

You happily interacted with a few fans who came up to you to say happy birthday and you were just over the moon. The members were glad to see that genuine happiness filling your eyes again and they just hoped they could help you in regaining your feelings and making you feel better. 

After the fun rides and the members all buying whatever you wanted, though insisted on paying but they didn't let you even touch your wallet, you thought the day was ending as you made your way to the car one of your managers came to pick you up with. 

"I really appreciate you spending the day with me and surprising me with this very fun day, Unnies and dongsaeng-ah," you turned towards your members with gratefulness evident in your eyes and words. "Thank you so much. You guys mean a lot to me and I hope we can always spend our birthdays with each other for many years to come," you couldn't help but become a little teary-eyed and your members just cooed, leaning forward to give you loving pats since they were in their own seats. Irene, who was next to you, wrapped her arms around your waist and snuggled to your neck in an attempt to give you some of her warmth. 

Seulgi was the first to speak up. "You mean a lot to us, Eli-ah, and maybe we haven't been able to be there for you as much as you were for us but we want to show you that we love and cherish you however you are," she explained and tears made its way to her eyes as well. You grasped her hand in yours in an attempt to comfort her.

"We love you, Eli-unnie, and want to thank you for everything you've done for us," Yeri continued, voice strong though she had become a little teary herself. "You mean a lot to us, Unnie and your happiness is our happiness as well. Whenever you're feeling down, please come to one of us so we can comfort you just like you always comfort us. We want to be there for you too, Unnie. We love you," Yeri ended her speech and you cooed, bringing your free hand to her cheek to wipe away the tears that had made their way there. 

You pinched her cheek softly and Yeri pouted cutely, causing you to giggle. You looked around at your members and nodded, and they knew you had gotten the message they were trying to send. 

"Okay, ready for one last surprise?" Irene's soft voice near your shoulder brought you out of your trance and you turned your attention to her with a raised eyebrow, causing her to chuckle. 

"What, you thought we were just going to end the day like that?" 

You shook your head in amusement as all of you sat properly, ready for the car to drive you away. 

"Well, I do love surprises, so take me away!" 

They covered your eyes with a cloth to make sure you weren't going to guess where they took you, though they should've remembered your sharp senses as you were able to guess where you were when you first stepped into the restaurant. 

You smelled the distinct smell and lit up in excitement. "Did you take me to my favourite restaurant?!" 

The members just sighed in playful exasperation, which caused you to laugh. 

"Yes, but we're not going to take it off just yet! You'll love this one." 

And you did, as you were brought into a room and when the cloth was taken off, you saw all your managers there in the beautifully decorated room complete with presents and a cake in the middle. What made you cry in happiness was your older sister standing there looking healthier than she was a few months ago, tears already in her eyes as she stood there with the rest of the managers. 

"Sooyoung-unnie?!" you gasped as you covered your mouth with your hands in shock, causing the rest to giggle tearily, including the managers. They were glad to be able to make you as happy as you did them with the surprise they had helped prepare. 

"Dongsaeh-ah, surprise!" That made you cry as you covered your whole face this time, causing Joy to run to where you were to bring you in a warm embrace. The other members followed, bringing you into a warm group hug and the managers all took pictures and videos, knowing they had to document this moment. 

"I'm so happy you're here, Unnie. Our family is complete again," you tearily said as you embraced your sisters and they couldn't help but cry with you, feeling touched by the sentiment. 

You really were family. 

"Happy birthday, Eli-ah, you deserve all the happiness in the world." 

That night ended with laughter and lots of presents, with your name being trending on all SNS platforms thanks to the members and managers who had posted about your birthday surprise. You couldn't have asked for a better birthday. 

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Thank you!
At first I wrote this for me but I'm definitely ecstatic because other people find it fun too. I hope this story, even though I can't upload as often as I used to, can still provide you with the same feeling after a long day. I really appreciate all of you beyond words can explain ♥️


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Youkim23 #1
Chapter 125: We missed you authornim thank you for these chapters!! We always want more so please them coming ❤️
MaraxSam #2
I'm glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter! To reply to a comment, I guess we're seeing a lot of her vulnerable side now, huh? That's because Eli's starting to accept them, not pushing her troubles away and asking her members for help when she knows she can :)
Uionam #3
Chapter 125: Always looking forward to new updates! That was great thank you!
Eunjober #4
Chapter 125: Wholesome chapter >.< Can't wait for more updates!
Xuxi4life #5
We missed you author! Thank you for the great chapter 😊
Chapter 125: Thank you for always writing splendid updates and chapters @MaraxSam! Reading them never fails to make my day!
Soyeonnim #7
Chapter 125: recently we’ve been seeing eli being scared of heights, cockroaches and now singing high notes..? where did her confidence go 😭
is there something going one that’s causing all this? i’m very intrigued to know what’s gonna happen next!
Osekop12 #8
Yuqiii #9
Chapter 125: Eli being shy and so nervous about singing is crazy… she’s the best at everything my girl should have more confidence in herself!
1188 streak #10
Chapter 125: Take all the time that you need, we will always be here whenever your ready 💙 it was a beautiful chapter as always 💙