All At End

Agma (악마)

The wind blow the curtain softly, letting in the spring wind into the room. Only beeping sound can be heard through out the room, accompanying the only person who laying weak on the bed. Uncounted machine and wires attached on the small body.

He was conscious of it now. He's in his memory again. The small Jonghoon who too weak to do thing other than reading and looking out of the window after another asthma attack. He remember it vividly.

His brother had ask him to play with him and so he did. But only few minute into running around the field with his hyung, he fall to the ground, wheezing hard for the oxygen.

He had remember the mother who running around to get him and the hyung who crying for his guilt.

Thought he had no control in his memory but he know well what he will be doing next, closing the book he had been reading and turn to the window to enjoy his scenery.

Feeling the need to awake to his real world, he close his eyes. Taking in all the memory that gushing into his mind. No matter how he want to take all in, he knows some were meant to forgotten forever.

“Jongwoon-ah. Wake up saengi…”

The voice, the person who have been the only family he had after he lost it all. He know how the person love him down to earth core no matter what happen.

Slowly he crack his eyes open and saw the worried looking hyung. He can feel his body getting better, he getting up into sitting against the headboard.

“feeling better?” ask Leeteuk, patting the younger head lovingly. Jongwoon smile while swatting off the older hand and chuckled.

“I’m not a baby. Yeah much better now. Where’s everyone? How are they?” ask him when he realize only Leeteuk were with him.

“Oh they just left the room few minutes ago, some went to lunch and some when to Heechul. They all were unharmed, other than small injury to those who fighting with us.” said Leeteuk.

Jongwoon were about to ask about his older brother, Heechul’s condition when Kyuhyun come barging into the room looking all scared. Leeteuk ask the younger but Kyuhyun come running to Jongwoon bed with panting.

“Yesungie…. Heechul-hyung.. he…” said Kyuhyun stuttering his words. 

Jonwoon widen eyes, thinking the worst could happen to his older brother. He pull of the blanket and ready to run to his hyung when Leeteuk took in his hand.

“Wait, Kyuhyun what happen?” ask Leeteuk suspiciously at the younger. Jongwoon managed to pry off his hand and follow Kyuhyun who ignoring Leeteuk.

They were running to a room where Kyuhyun open up and Jongwoon saw how people crowding around a bed. His eyes tear up thinking the older had gone forever. He went into the room, bawling his eyes out.

“Chullie-hyung!!!!” he pulled off the people who crowding the bed and saw his hyung.


Heechul look at the younger who eyes were red from crying and worried engulf him right away.

“Jongwoon? What happen?” ask him when the younger gaping at him and all of sudden a laugh come from behind Jongwoon.

Jongwoon were all red and turn around to see the maknae were on floor, laughing his guts out knowing his prank succeed. He was clenching his side and rolling around the floor while laughing.  

“Ahaha!!! you are so innocent Yesungie!!!” Kyuhyun laugh turn into wheezing from laughing too hard.

Jongwoon who too embarrassed to face off the older are now come running towards the laughing maknae and pull off a death move on him. He manage to head lock the younger while his feet around the younger waist.

“You!!! stupid evil brat!!!” shouts Jongwoon, still red from all the embarrassment he get after he thought his hyung had passed away and crying in front of the crowd.

Leeteuk walk pass the wrestling scene and straight to Heechul who were all confuse with the sudden intrusion.

“Hyu--hyung!!! sav-- me!!!” Kyuhyun choked on his words when Jongwoon tighten his grip around the younger neck.

“Nah, serve you right. He was just woken up and you had to turn him into a beast.” said Leeteuk casually, taking his seat right the diva bed. 

“What happened ?” ask Heechul confusedly at Leeteuk.

“He prank Jongwoon into thinking you are dead. I know it from the moment he come running into Jongwoon room but Jongwoon to clueless to realize it sooner. Let them be. That kid need to know not to mess with Jongwoon in the future.” said Leeteuk while he begin to peel of one of the fruit that served on the table.

“He called me Chullie again… My baby are back…” muttered Heechul, looking at the his younger brother who letting go of the maknae who gasping for oxygen. Leeteuk smile at the diva happiness, he know soon enough Jongwoon will get used to all the thing that happen. What worried him is whether Jongwoon will be apart from him after remembering his family again.

Heechul saw the look in Leeteuk’s face, he knows what bugging the other’s mind. He pat the Leeteuk’s shoulder, getting the other attention. “Don’t worry, I’ll let him choose with who he want to go. Kangin was right, he’s all grown up now. Thought I really want him with me, I can’t keep him to myself.”

Both of them turn to look at Jongwoon who running around the room, trying to catch the maknae who continue to laugh again despite having to taste the sweet grip from Jongwoon.

“Ahaha!!! gosh you so naive Yesungie! I’ll had fun in the future now!” said Kyuhyun, panting after both of them halting their cat and mouse game. 

“Hah! I dare you!” said Jongwoon. Then he remember the older brother he supposed to visit first. He went to the bed,joining the other crowding the older bed.

Ryeowook who had been laughing along Kyuhyun pat the shoulder. “You really fall for Kyuhyun’s prank. Heechul-hyung is fine, it was just scratch and anemia. You okay?”

Jongwoon nod and look at Heechul. “You okay, Chullie-hyung?” ask him. The image in his memory were finally clear, he remember the young Heechul who come running to him whenever he fall sick.

“You remember, Jonghoon-ah. I miss you so much.” said Heechul softly,caressing the younger cheeks, taking in the younger face more into his mind.

Jongwoon’s cheek color turn into pink dust from the older touch, he closed his eyes, taking in all the comfort given by the older.

“Not all… some I can’t remember. I can’t remember the moment when I was in captive. I can’t remember much of my childhood other than when it was with you and mom.” said Jongwoon.

Heechul just keep smiling which giving more crept to the others who were in the room with them.

“Stop smiling like a creepy old man and  stop touching his cheeks!” said Leeteuk while slapping of Heechul’s hand off from Jongwoon. All the occupant laugh at their hate relationship.

“Okay now that everyone all happy and good now, we should have a party. I’m need to get off from all this thing that happen. Who’s with me!” shouts Shindong, he has been the one who taking care of everyone when Heechul slip into unconscious state for few hours and everything turn into chaos.

Everyone cheer up and agreeing at Shindong’s word. The mafia duo start to jump around in happy after heard the word party were mention.

“Ah, don’t let Jongwoon drink.” said Leeteuk who earned a glare from the said person.

“Eh, why?” ask Henry curiously at the older.

“He can’t drink more than one shot or else he will pass out. This guy is a lightweight.” chuckled Leeteuk in teasing his brother off. Jongwoon only scoff of him.

“uh-oh, you shouldn’t say that in front of Kyuhyun…” said Heechul he throw a glare at Kyuhyun who begin to smirk and planning whatever in his mind now.

Jongwoon begin to look at Kyuhyun intimidatingly as if his eyes saying to he younger to not try anything funny once the party start. Ryeowook shaking his head at the two and went out of the room leaving them behind.

He went to Kangin’s office knowing that the rest were there. He walked in to found Sungmin, Kangin and Siwon were discussing something.

“What you guys discussing about?” ask him and went to take a sit beside Sungmin.

“About Kangta and the treasure. We sure Kangta won’t stop now.” said Sungmin while Siwon nod at them.

“Aish, Leeteuk-hyung should have kill him. What about his minions?” ask Siwon.

Now all of them remembering how the mafia duo had said about leaving them behind at the forest but none had heard anything about them.

“Don’t know. But I doubt they will start so soon. Oh why you here,Ryeowook-ah?” ask Kangin.

“Oh, Jongwoon-hyung already awake and Shindong ask to have a celebration party. I’m about to invite you guys.” said Ryeowook happily. Everyone perks up once listening about having a party.

“I’ll arrange it, we have it tonight then. I’m sure both Heechul-hyung and Jongwoon-hyung need to rest more. Oh Ryeowook, Thanks for everything, if weren’t about you and Sungmin’s plan, we must have failed. Thank you too Sungmin.” said Kangin with full of gratitude.

Both of them only smiles and so the meeting dismissed.


It was true to Leeteuk words about Jongwoon situation. After been forced by you know who to drank only a bottle of soju, Jongwoon were send off right away into a dreamland. 

Kyuhyun were now facing off three beast in the house right after he done the deed on Jongwoon. He can only watch as the half drunk Kangin destroying one of his psp that he brought him all the time while Leeteuk and Heechul pinned him down to the floor.

“Serve you right after looking for a fight with that three beast's princess.” said Shindong,slurring his word. Almost all were in a drunkard state after the party had been going for a few hours now.

Much to others surprise, Sungmin turn into one of the y beast who insist on giving few of them a . Ryeowook who had to take care off him were running around to catch him from giving one of the guard who helping them look after the party, a .

The mafia duo surprising holing onto their liquor better than most of them and still going with their fifth bottle. They were having a conversation with the team who were sent to save Jongwoon few days ago as a gratitude.

“So what are your team called?” ask Donghae to one of the team members.

“Ah, we don’t have name yet. We were just formed after Sir Kangin announce the mission.” said Xiumin sheepishly.

“hemm… you need name,I’ll find suitable name soon. Now let’s party!!!” shouts Eunhyuk cheerily. Turning the mood more exciting for the young teams.

“Ahh!!! Minnie-hyung! That’s a wall!” shouts Ryeowook who bring a laugh to the other after they saw how Sungmin are now somehow showing the most iest dance ever they seen to a wall.

Heechul went to Jongwoon side, the younger pass out sooner than they thought and sleeping comfortably on a couch in the living room where the party were held. He brush off the younger hair out from his face and saw how angelic the younger look at the moment.

“Teukie-hyung….. I’m full…” whine Jongwoon in his sleep. Heechul chuckled at the sleep talking Jongwoon.

‘I wonder with who you want to go, Jonghoon-ah… after years and now I got you back.’ thought him, caressing the younger face, making the younger scrunching his face with the touch.

He proceed in pulling  the younger head onto his lap and joining the younger in his sleep, taking the fatigue he been feeling from not fully recovering. 

“Chullie-hyung… I miss you…” muttered Jongwoon but goes it unheard by the sleeping Heechul.

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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
390 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
390 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
390 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
390 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
390 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.