Caught and Betrayal

Agma (악마)

At the usual prescient, the trio were packing everything they will be needing for the plan. They already arrived there at the early hour just so they can prepare for the worst. 

“Sungmin-hyung, you ready? Don’t back out now, you want to meet him right?” said Zhoumi not looking at the older. Sungmin only nod and ignore them for the rest of time.

Kibum went to Zhoumi and pat the taller. “Give him time, once he saw our heir he forget everything other than him.” Zhoumi only look at the younger ice cold, no one can read his expression.

‘We gonna move soon. You better get out first.’ Sungmin send the message in a flash and joining the two on their ride. 

“So, according to the gps I plant on their car, they still not out. We will wait at the planned spot first till their near enough to us. Said kibum,checking on their position.

“How do you know which car they gonna use?” ask Sungmin curiously while still driving the car.

“I plant it on every car I see and that Kangta guy too. He always so close with them so I just follow my gut. I don’t get it why he want to be on their side, I mean the elder promise a treasure to us".

“We gonna wait till they reach their place first to avoid suspicion if they gone to soon. Sungmin-hyung, you’ll prepare to get him later.” said Zhoumi sternly. Sungmin only clicking his tongue at the younger annoyed.

One hour later they arrived at the apartment and setup they plan. Sungmin become more agitated when the person who spying Jongwoon for him text him that they already on the move. 

Kibum saw the older keep looking at his phone. Slowly he open his phone and text Zhoumi something, the older manage to keep his stoic face when his phone got the message. He widen his eye at the youngest of the three text message but then agree for whatever had the younger plan.


Jongwoon and Kangta arrived a resting place to grab some food since they rushed out before they eat breakfast. Not far from them, a petite young lady keeping a sharp gaze at the two. Once in a while she will at as if she waiting for someone. Clad with dark shade and pink hat, not suspicious enough for those two to realize they were being followed.

“we gonna arrive there in one and half an hour so eat more. I don’t know if there’s a stop along the way because I never use this road much.” said Kangta smiling at the younger. Jongwoon nod and choose something from the menu. 

They sat right in front of the petite young lady, not aware of the deep gaze under the dark shade. They eat in silent, only speak once in a while but it’s comforting enough for the two.

She wait for them to move first, after 5 minute she quickly went to her car. Closing the door, she huffed and pull of the shade. “Aish. Why woman have to wear short skirt. If not for Minnie I will never put this pink ugly hat.” said the petite young lady who appear to be young petite man. 


“Hyung, I don’t remember since when we meet. I mean I even have vague memory of the first time I meet Teukie-hyung.” ask Jongwoon, turn to the older who driving at safety speed, unlike his hyung.

“Emm. I think you probably at age 5 but you really look lost. You didn’t even look at Leeteuk at all. Only your dad, I mean Park ahjussi can make you talk. After that day I promise to play with you so you don’t feel anything other than fun.” chuckled Kangta, he was 9 years old when he came across the poor soul, look tortured and refuse any contact.

“Oh.I didn’t remember that. Why I even forgetting all my memory before that?” said Jongwoon with a pout. 

“I don’t know. But I promise you will remember soon enough.” muttered Kangta but were heard by Jongwoon. Jongwoon frown at something in Kangta speech. “what hyung?” ask him.

“Nothing, I just wanna help you to get back to where you belong.” said Kangta, smiling at the younger for a moment then continue focusing at the road.

The drive did take an hour and a half. After a parking their car, Jongwoon went up to their apartment but accidentally bump onto someone softly.

“Yesungie! Where have you been! Ahjumma worried when there’s no one in your apartment.” said their caring old neighbour.

“Ahjumma! Sorry, are you? I went to vacation with hyung. He got a free ticket so I went for few days. Sorry ahjumma, I’m in hurry.” said Jongwoon smiling at the old lady and went inside his apartment, he really not good at lying so better avoid than been interrogate by the caring old lady. Kangta only bow and smile at the old lady and follow Jongwoon into the place.

“Haha, you really at lying.” Laughedd the older. “ Get the stuff faster, I feel like we been followed,Jongwoon-ah.” said Kangta quickly close the door and hurried to grab the stuff.

“Followed..?” muttered Jongwoon goes unheard by Kangta who already when to the storage room.

After a while searching for everything, Kangta called the younger to where he was. Jongwoon arrived at the storage room after finish fining all the stuff his hyung ask for. “Yes hyung? I finish with my side.”

“Jongwoon, what is this?” ask Kangta curiously.

Jongwoon look through the older shoulder and saw an old rag with some foreign language that he thought he won’t understand it but for some reason he spell it one by one. 

“Only heir… wi.. can search for.. what is that. Treasure?” said Jongwoon raise his brow at the cryptic old language.

Kangta take a long gazing at the younger. “How do you know how to read this?” ask him, the younger broke his daze and look at the older.

“Emm.. dad teach me. He said I will need it one day. Is this the map?! where you found it hyung!?” ask Jongwoon frowned at the item that been the important role in finding the treasure.

“Here, in Park ahujissi stuff. We have to go now! Remember when I said we been follow? This must be the reason. You finish right? Let’s go!” said Kangta, put the old rag with the cryptic code inside his jacket and pulled the younger out.

Jongwoon manage to grab his hyung stuff that he put in a duffle bag and follow Kangta out from the apartment. Before both of them even reach the elevator, two guys come out of nowhere and blocking their way.

“Damn it! They here already? Jongwoon, go run to the stairs!” Kangta push the younger to the stairs and blocking the two. Jongwoon hesitated to leave the older one but then he realize, he too were blocked.


“Sh*t! Jongwoon!” shouts Kangta when Jongwoon cowered at the corner of the stairs. One of the guy look at him with longing gaze, he pull out something from his jacket and walk closer towards Jongwoon who become more scare. Kangta were helpless when the other two manage to pin him on the floor.


Squirming in the guy arm, try his hard to avoid what seems like syringe. ‘Drug’ thought him in the mid fighting. 

“Sungmin, faster. Make him sleep already.” said Kbum coldly. Kangta still trying to fight the two, although he skilled in hand combat but it become useless when the two pinning them with full force.

“Don’t touch him!!!

“Sorry Jonghoon-hyung, don’t worry. This will end soon.” whisper Sungmin, he manage to point the syringe close to Jongwoon’s neck. Jongwoon eyes turn horror when he felt the tip of the needle penetrate his skin. Soon enough he felt the hand around him loosen up and he slumped down to the floor, to groggy to think about anything.

Sungmin was about to pick up the older when he were hit hard right behind his nape and fall right onto Jongwoon. The last thing he remember is someone pulled Jongwoon  from him. 

“no…. let hi...” everything when black, he can’t fight the pain from the hit and pass out.

“Good job. Now let me take care from here. We continue it after I go.”

“Roger, Hyung.” said Kibum with sinister smile.

Jongwoon who close to loss his consciousness tear up from the figure who hit the guy that now laying unconscious in front of him.

“No… it can’t be… betrayer…” he losing himself to the drug with tears welling in his eyes.

A beautiful person enter a cafe, inviting a stare from his unbelievable beauty. Heechul smirk at the people who seems enchanted by his beauty. 

“Heechul?” a person come from a staff room and surprised by the diva. Heechul turn to the person and saw Hangkyung smiling at him.


“Hi, what you doing here? Don’t say that you spying on Yesungie?” chuckled the owner of the cafe. Heechul blushed and scoffing to hide his embarrassment.

“Nope. I just happen to meet a doctor here so I thought I’ll just have a lunch here. I don’t know where their apartment at.” said heechul, his eyes darting at the menu.

“Yeah right. So why doctor?” ask Hangkyung.

“Let me order first and talk after.” said Heechul smirk at the younger.

“So you saying the reason why the last doctor died is because someone faking the results? How’s the new results?” said Hangkyung, sipping his tea slowly while watching over his worker from their table.

“I ask the fastest one I can get and it will finish in few more minutes.” said Heechul then continue his lunch. Hangkyung hummed at the older and just keep silent the whole time.

Hangkyung wave at the older as Heechul exit his cafe, he startled when someone poke his waist. Chanyeol laugh at the older surprised face. “Haha your face hyung!!! Hyung, why Yesung didn’t come to work anymore?”ask Chanyeol after wiping his tears from laughing too hard.

Hnagkyung hit the younger with a magazine that he grab from the counter. “I think he went too vacation or something. Why don’t you go to his house and check on him?” said Hangkyung even though he know well the younger but to avoid any suspicion he make an excuse.

“Okay! I’ll go after my shift. Bye hyung!” said Chanyeol as he went back to the cashier.


“Here’s the results Heechul-ssi. You can make the payment at the front counter.” said the doctor with a service smile.

Heechul smile widely at the results and literally skipped out from the doctor’s room leaving the doctor cringing at the scary person.

‘Kim Jonghoon’

Heechul smiles scare the receptionist as he make his payment. All his glory moment broke off when his phone goes on. Looking at the caller, he sigh.

“Hello Leet--”

“Gosh!!! why can you pick up faster,Diva!”

“Stop shouting, you at falsetto. What is it?”

“Jongwoon! Our Jongwoon! He.. he got caught..”

The world seems to stop moving, he can’t feel anything from the shocked. His eyes weren’t focusing where he want it to be. 

‘No.. not after I know it is you… they took you again…’

“Heechul! Please response. We still have hope. They left Kangta and took him. Maybe Kangta know something but I need you and Hangkyung to help him, his car got crashed by them and he’s hurt. I think he lost conscious right after he ended our call because we can’t contact him.”

Heechul heard all of Leeteuk blabbering. He tried to get hold of himself. It took him few minute to regain his thought than reply to the frantic friend.

“Ye.. yes. I’ll go to him. Send me the last location he call you from.”


After ended the call, Heechul ran to his car fast an drove right to the cafe.


Chanyeol walk home from his shift with the thought of visiting Jongwoon. “Yeol! Wait for me! You and your long leg!” shouts a person who shorter by him.

“You slow. I feel something not right with Yesung-hyung so I want hurry and go to their house!” said Chanyeol, not slowing down for the poor guy who lack of breathe after trying to catch up with his speed.

“Don’t worry, didn’t Sangjjanim said they went on vacation.” said Baekhyun trying to convince the taller to at least slowed down. 

“don’t you see how he frantically run out after that beautiful guy come to the cafe just now? I heard Yesung-hyung name. Come on! We already here.” said Chanyeol, pulling the shorter not caring how the shorter are tired already from just catching up to him.

Once they arrive at their friend’s floor, Chanyeol went to knocked the door when the door swing inward without much force.

“Yeol… I’m scare…”

“Stay behind me. Yesung-hyung ?”

The two went inside and turn on the light after making sure there’s no reply. They walk further inside when the saw the living room.

“Arghh!!” Bakhyun scream in horror but Chanyeol quickly close his mouth.

“Is he dead?” said Baekhyun, he walk in front of the unconscious figure who tied up to a chair, hard enough to leave a red mark.

Chanyeol checking his breathe and pulse, he frown when the person fidgeting. “Shot, this guy alive. Should we call police?” said Chanyeol.

“No, call Hangkyung-hyung first. The cop woukd already been here first if this guy were beaten up like this in a cop house,Chanyeol. I don't think calling them is an option. You go lock the door first, I’ll take care for him.” said Baekhyun, he went to the kitchen and found a scissors. After letting the unconscious person on the couch, he went to look for the aid kit.

“Hello? Hangkyung-hyung?” 


“Damn it Minnie! Why won’t you pick up the call!” shouts a petite guy who keep driving his car, following discreetly the car in front of him.

“You not hurt right… please be okay. I will continue my mission and wait you there… Minnie-hyung.”








A/N:There's so many people @~@. The story finally get into the suspense part~~~ comment down below what do you think happen here lol


Why do i look like i have in Yesung getting kidnap all the time? 

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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
401 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
401 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.