Bonding time

Agma (악마)



A tall figure turn to the new comer. “Hey” said him. Only surrounded by trees and bushes, no human, no disturbance. 

“So how’s the thing there?” ask the taller to the other one. The stoic one only shaking his head, proceed in giving an envelope to the taller. 

Opening the brown envelope carefully, he smirk to the stoic guy. “Good job. How’s your friend’s hanging? Don’t let him do what he want yet. I need to finish this first.”

“That guy? Yeah sure, he still hanging to that guy. But I don’t think he know where the guy right? You need to do it fast,hyung.” said the stoic guy.

“I wish I can do it faster but only he can read the map. So I’ll get to him first then we continue with our plan. Now I need to go. You will do your part in two days, not to soon or the plan will ruined.” said the tall guy.

“Right away,hyung. I’ll see you soon. “ said the stoic guy. Both of them went to their own vehicles and drove away with somehow greed and happiness on their side.


In a meeting room that were occupied with only two human being, deep in discussion. Books and documents scattered on the round table, whiteboard were scrabbled every information they gain from the 2 hours meeting.

“you know..” said the biggest of the two yet younger by 3 years. The oldest stopping all his activity to listen to the younger.

“Since you already quit being a cop, why don’t you join us? I mean, we spy would love your service. You are better than Siwon at least.” said Kangin with a chuckled remembering his hacker.

Leeteuk smiled at the younger, something feeling different since the moment both of them start working together, probably the caring feeling Kangin shown once he know Jongwoon is his hyung, or might be something else.

“I would love too. But we need to search this first, I feel like we have to investigate the police too, especially that Lee Sungmin guy. Before dad take Jongwoon into our family, that guy hate to the gut. I guess that have to be with the elder, me and him being the sons but we took a heir in our family while they still fighting for the shares. I mean, if i suddenly went to your group without knowing why i was involved would be bad right? ” said Leeteuk, looking dejected.

Kangin smiles looking at the older. ‘If Jongwoon really are our brother, thank you for taking care of him…’ thought him while continuing his work. “So he really didn’t remember a thing from his past?” ask him.

Leeteuk raise his head, thinking deeper about Jongwoon whom he meet almost 18 years ago. “When we first meet, he was all weak and his asthma getting the worst of him. It’s take him almost a year to accept me and dad. Not to mention when dad said he was involved in a fire making me become over protective towards him. I guess we need to meet to meet Heechul to ask him about Jonghoon childhood.”

"Heechul hyung did say something about his brother is sick or something. I guess your brother is our brother. I mean to this point, this is not a coincidence anymore right? I hope they are not sleeping yet. Doubt those kids already sleep.” said Kangin while gathering his stuff. “Let’s go hyung”


Once the two entering the living room, a loud noise and a ‘massacre’ were greeted by their eyes. The thought of interrogating Heechul went out of the window already. Few of the underlings and butler were on the floor, while the bratty duo were jumping from a spots, holding a rope. Following the duo gaze to the upper part of an antic cupboard, they found Jongwoon, all scared and crying. 


“Ouch! Hyung! Why you hit me! Only me and not Hyukkie!” ask Donghae in disbelieve, earning a glare from the said person. Kangin sighed and look up at the poor figure.

“Why you scaring him? What’s with the rope?” ask the older to the duo. 

“Oh, Jongwoon-hyung running from us. He didn’t want to change into pyjama so we want to tie him down just in case he ran again.” said Eunhyuk innocently while smiling at the older. Kangin cringed at the sadist smile, he knew well the younger sadistness.

“Jongwoon-hyung, come down. You don’t have to be scared of them. Why you didn’t change yet, it’s already midnight.” said Kangin, reassuring the older while smiling softly and reaching his hand to the older.

Jongwoon shaking his head ,his swollen red eyes shown that he being crying for a while. “No! I want to go to my room but they didn’t let me and said that they want to change my clothes for me! They scary as hell!” shouts Jongwoon.

“Not us! Heechul-hyung ask us to bring you to him. Look at the defeated victims hyung. Think about their sacrifice. Come down! We won’t do bad thing” said Eunhyuk trying to convince the older but Donghae’s smirk weren’t convincing enough for Jongwoon. 

Leeteuk hit both duo’s head and trying to comfort the younger. “Come, I won’t let them touch you. But you have to remember your promise, you won’t get your ocd ruining your life right? So you have at least getting used to my touch” said Leeteuk without even using any soft tone but yet manage to convinces the younger. Jongwoon slowly climb down the cupboard while hesitantly holing his hyung hand.

It was bad move when he thought he was free, out of nowhere, Heechul come charging to him and catch him. 

“Hyung!!!” scream Jongwoon, he was forced to take off all his clothes at that moment while Heechul grinning happily helping him wearing his new pyjama. Leeteuk was about to pull his brother when he realizes the way the pyjama look on Jongwoon.

“Ahahaha! Jongwoon-ah!!! why you look so sweet!” said Leeteuk, still laughing maniacally, making the younger embarrassed.


Jongwoon forced to sit on Heechul’s lap nicely, clad in a baby blue pyjama that might be a little big on him. He’s trying hard to even out his breathe normally. After the episode of struggles and mess, Heechul were inviting the guys to have supper.

“Hyung….” said Jongwoon, fiddling his finger at his new pyjama. Receiving a humming from Heechul, he huffed in frustration. “Hyung… let me down…”

Jongwoon still sitting on Heechul’s lap, not believing the older surprising strong hold despite looking the most feminine than the people in the dining room. Leeteuk smile at the new side of Jongwoon. Not once he saw the younger looking strong and arrogant like he always does. ‘Reminder to myself to thanks this guy for bringing back my cute younger brother. This guy might already cure his ocd.’

“Jongho--Jongwoon-ah, sleep with hyung tonight okay? I can’t sleep alone” said Heechul pouting at the younger,cue the gagged sound across the dining table. Jongwoon frown at the idea of someone touching or even hugging him, squirming in protest, he throw a puppy eyes at Leeteuk but Leeteuk were deep in chatting with Kangin to realize his suffering. 

“No! Let me go!!!” shouts Jongwoon after Heechul forcefully pulled him towards the older room. “He won’t listen to you! He got new favorite” said Heechul teasing the younger who then look so defeated and giving up in fighting back. 

Once they arrive at Heechul's bedroom,the older tuck the younger under the blanket and the slip into it. “here you go. Sleep tight my baby. Tomorrow I’ll prove to you that you are indeed my baby and from that….” paused Heechul, looking at Jongwoon who laying beside him with sad eyes. Jongwoon saw the hurt in Heechul’s eyes, he felt bad for the older. 

“I will.. I will atone everything that I should have for this twenty years you have gone. I will never let you suffered any longer, my baby. I miss you so bad. Don't you know, I never stop searching for you.” Tears streaking down from the older cheek. Taking his time to caressed the older cheeks much to the older surprise, looking all sad from the older crying. 

“Don’t cry, chullie…hyung…?” said Jongwoon, sounding more like asking. ‘Chullie?… what..’. he’s face scrunched up from the pain striking his head but quickly he ignored it. 

Heechul gasped at the younger. ‘Chullie-hyung! You came!’. A memory came into Heechul’s in mind, the memory of his dearest.

Heechul smiles at the younger. “You will slowly remember me, Jonghoon. No. Jongwoon. You will remember your real family, Jongwoonie…” said Heechul, pulling the younger into his embrace. Smiles creep on his face again, waiting for the sun to come where he can finally be relieve, knowing the man in his embrace is indeed his baby brother.




A/N: I'm sorry for the shortness lol. Next chapter, i will compensate it with possible longer chapter?  Idk lol. Thanks to my loyal readers,i love you guys so much!  You don’t know how happy i am whenever you guys say something like so eager to read this!!! Love you!!! 💙 💙 💙 

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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
401 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
401 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.