Knight In Shining Armor

Agma (악마)

Splashed of water waking him up immediately, he shook up violently thinking he were drowning from the amount of water entering his breathing pipe.

“Wakiey wakiey.” a playful tone waking him up more even now that he remember where he was now. Looking up he found one person looking down to him while there’s two more people sitting not too far from him.

‘Ah..I was caught’ thought him, he look at his tied limb, strapped strongly on a chair he was on.

“Well,your friend did a number on me. Start talking now or we end you here, Ryeowook-ssi.” said Kibum, it was a little dimmed in the room but he can still make out the bruised and bandaged hand the guy had.

“What friend? Where is Jongwoon?” said Ryeowook, genuinely confused by the other. Kibum smiles faded away and soon turn into one stoic face. He pulled the smaller hair and grab it close to his face, the smaller on cringing at the pain.

“Well I’m not the nicest one here so don’t play around. Where your friend, knight in shining armor taking our prince now, huh? He dare to shot me and hurt that tall guy over there.” said Kibum, pointing the beaten up Zhoumi who sit silently at a couch.

“Shushed it Kibum. Hey small boy, how many more out there?” said Zhoumi, looking right into Ryeowook eyes but the smaller didn’t feel intimidated at bit.

“Just me, that’s why I was weird out by your friend here. I don’t even know I bring a friend over. You won’t get a thing from since I lost contact with the team after I followed you guys here.” said Ryeowook casually. But then he frowned by someone there, the third person who have been keeping himself silent all this time. “You?!”

A chuckled came from the said person, he standing up walk towards the tied up guy with one can say the most scariest smile ever.

“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Hahaha, not really surprising, I had my suspicion on you when I heard about you, Kangta-ssi.” Ryeowook smirked at the older. He know everything, including why Kangta was there now. He had his own way.

Kangta laugh at the younger, cringing both Zhoumi and Kibum who not used to the older evil melody. Kangta took a chair and sit in front of the smaller.

“You smart one,why don’t you come and work with me instead. You seems like you know everything, but do you know this forest?” ask Kangta, his smile never falter from his well featured face. Ryeowook tilted his head, he didn’t know what the older talking about. He were only digging the history of the man in front of him, not some random forest.

“you know who I am?” this time Ryeowook nod, if anyone can see him now, they will thought he was some stupid kid who didn’t realize his in bad situation and in bad people’s hand.

“This forest belong to my family. I have the right to kill anyone who step a foot on my land. Including your prince. So why don’t you cooperate with me now if you want him safe. I know damn well where they heading to now. But before I get to him, I need to get rid of other nuisances. You’ll help me right?” said Kangta , beaming his sinister smile, knowing the smaller will do as he want to.


The spy mansion were quite a mess with people running around preparing for what it seems like a war than a mission. Consisting ten people from the spy side and seven from the mafia,gearing up for the mission to search for the kidnapped heir.

Heechul’s discussion with Kangin and Leeteuk were stopped when Leeteuk’s phone goes off.

“It’s him.”

Everyone froze and stop talking at once at that. All eyes now on Leeteuk.


“Ah, hello dongseng. How’s you doing?”

“cut the chase, what now?”

“haha so cold. Okay, your brother are one magnificent creature, he got away.”

“got away? Well he’s not stupid enough to wait for us to save his . So now what?”

“yeah, he’s one hot headed kid. What I’m saying is, yes he run away, but he run my territory. I can do what I want, even killing. But that’s not what I’m want to say---”

“You touch him even a strain of hair, I put a hole in your skull.”

Everyone shivering at the coldness in Leeteuk’s tone, no one dare to ask what’s happen. Although Heechul can figure enough to laugh it off as he know his baby brother already freeing himself.

“Easy there. I might put the bullet in his head first if you try me. So what I’m saying is, one of your lamb is here. How about we make a deal?”

“Lamb? Ryeowook?”

Sungmin ears perk up hearing the younger name. ‘Did he got caught too?’. he tried to call the younger right away but it was the operator voice only can be heard.

“Hyung, he got Ryeowok too.” muttered him to Heechul which can be heard by Leeteuk.

“What kind of deal?”

“Well, my people are looking for the prince now, you don’t know how big the forest are. I can let my hounds to hunt them down but I can’t assure his safety after this. So I want you to call off the person who’s helping him now. And then I’ll let go of this small guy.”

By now Leeteuk already turn the speaker on and Heechul heard all of it. The irritating feeling slowly crept up in Heechul, knowing well he gain nothing.

“Stupid, we gain nothing from that. Wookie, you are on your own.” shouts Heechul and ended the call right away. Leeteuk were too shock when the diva  cut off their deal knowing well Ryeowook could be in more danger situation.

Kangin pat the older shoulder to reassuring him. “Don’t worry. He won’t hurt Ryeowook, I mean not he had time to.” said Kangin.

“What do you mean?” ask Leeteuk.

“I didn’t send only one guy. I send a team. Besides, don’t you realizes that diva already send the duo?” said Kangin, grinning at his older brother. Heechul smirk back and proceed in ordering his people again. Leeteuk look around and the indeed never show up since they started to gather around.

“Don’t worry, Jongwoon’s in a good hand and Ryeowook is not that weak,I’m the one who train him so I know him the best. Besides, the duo are the scariest people than my men.” Leeteuk become relief once he knows Jongwoon and Ryeowook in a good hand.

“So let’s move now. If what Sungmin told us what Ryeowook found out about Kangta then we have to hurry. Why that small kid didn’t warn us earlier…” said Heechul looking at Sungmin. Sungmin himself just got the text from Ryeowook last night, possibly teh last one before he got caught.

Heechul ordering Kyuhyun and Shindong to be helping with the aid team since they weren’t prepared with what will come. That left Siwon who insisting to be in the same team as Sungmin.

Kangin look around for the last time so he didn’t left anyone behind. Then he realize it, he was missing one person.

“Wait… where’s Henry?”

“Oh, he was gone from this morning already.” said Siwon casually, feeling rather normal than suspicious about the missing hamster.

‘Hope he not doing something stupid, he’s at fighting…’ thought Kangin who then finishing his last preparation and follows the others.


‘it’s here again. That feeling of the darkness consume you. Not being able to wake up even if you want too. I hate this…’

He was floating, or so he thought he was, feet dangling in the air. The feeling when someone carrying you are the best, letting the person to take over all the weight on you.


“Prince? You awake?” the voice sounds rather worried and warm in his ears. He tried his best to open his eyes and to reply to the others but only groan can be heard coming from him.

“It’s okay. Take your time. We are quite far now.” the soft tone however didn’t lulled him back to sleep, he want to know who the person that been carrying him now, he sure that person have been walking all night since it was dark before he pass out.

“who…” said him, but come out more like whispers, with his position of being piggyback, the carrier can heard him well.

“Sehun, Prince Jongwoon . Prince Kangin send me and my team to help you. But I got separated from them before I found you being attacked last night. Are you okay now? We kinda got lost in this forest but I’m sure they gonna search for us.” said Sehun, it was tiring not just from the walk but he do had to fight off Kibum that night and ran with Jongwoon on his back right away.

“Ah… you can put me down now.. and stop calling me prince, I’m not.” said Jongwoon in more clear voice, he was now fully awake. Being carried are all nice but it was too much embarrassment to him. 

Sehun chuckled and choose a clear space to put down Jongwoon. “Sorry, I’m used to calling your family as royalty. My dad work with your dad before so it kinda become something in my family to respect you guys even with the reign is over. You okay now?”

Jongwoon about to reply but his stomach had to reply in growl for him, to embarrassed to look at the other, he turn his head away and blushed.

“They must have not feed you at all huh? We have to wait for the other because I can’t get any signal and the only thing I can do now is using this device to give off ping so the other can get it. For now we rest here for a while.” said Sehun and clean of the place first before let Jongwoon sit.

“Thanks. You don’t have to treat me like a prince. I’m not used to it,beside, I even work as assassin.” said Jongwoon and the other guy just smile it off, he do get all the info about Jongwoon beforehand.

Sehun suddenly got up and look around. Jongwoon look at him worriedly and about to ask him. “Don’t worry, there’s no one. I just looking for something we can eat for your breakfast.”

Jongwoon weren’t able to protest when Sehun ask him to wait and went on his way without getting any reply. He sighed, reflecting on his fate being the heir thought he remember nothing about his old life.

The other came back with something in his hand. “It’s wild berries, can be eaten right away and no poison. Here. Help yourself” He put all the berries on Jongwoon’s hand and eat his share.

“You are so nice… Sehun-ssi. I thought nice people didn’t exist anymore.” muttered Jongwoon ,taking a bite of the berries slowly.

“Well rather than nice, I called it loyal. Your dad are so nice to our family so I would love to repay the kindness. I actually didn’t know there’s another prince before, all I know is Prince Kangin and Prince Heechul. After the war end, both family work together for years to search for the stolen map. But although in the midst of hardest moment, they still helping us. It’s normal for me to act the same for you.” Sehun end it with the most heart warming smiles.

Jongwoon were touched by Sehun’s word, he never know how royal family works or he probably just didn’t remember thing from it. “Thanks anyway. I don’t even know how fated I am to work as an assassin for them at first and to here being chased because I was the heir. I guess it’s because I’m the easy target huh?”

Not knowing what he can response with that, Sehun just smile it off. 

“They called it off huh. I didn’t know you have no price,kids.” said Kangta looking at the smaller. Ryeowook at first feel offended when he heard Heechul told him off but he knows well to not believe the older in this situation.

“Let him go. He has no use.” said Kangta to Kibum. Kibum were surprise at first then he saw the look in the older eyes.

Once he was set off from the binding, Kibum dragged him out. Not once he felt relief, not when he know the history of the two. He was ask to walk away, not to look back.

‘This is not good.’ thought him but he still walk straight. Then he heard a shot before he fall to the ground, not alone. 

“Hi! Are you hurt? You not, right?” ask someone who the one responsible in pushing him to the ground.

“What? Wait what happen?” ask him to the guy.

“That guy is shooting. Don’t worry my partner are fighting him off. We need to run now. I’m Xiumin, that guy who fighting is Chen. Now let’s go.” Xiumin pull Ryeowook from the ground and rag him toward the forest.

Ryeowook just brushed his suspicion off as he at least know he will be much more safer than being near Kibum or Kangta.

‘I hope you too safe, Jongwoon-hyung.’




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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
401 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
401 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.