New Mission

Agma (악마)

“Don’t move, Agma.”

Jongwoon ignoring the order and continuing packing up his stuff calmly. Once he’s finish he stand up to see the intruder already ready to shot him but stopping himself when he heard a phone ringing from the assassin. Giving the space for the assassin to pick up the call, the intruder lowered his gun.

“Hello Jongwoon. Is the target finished?” asked Leeteuk from other side of the phone call. Jongwoon become confused as how he supposed to reply when his was held up by a hamster looking boy. Not receiving any response from his younger brother, Leeteuk can sense something wrong.

“ Are you okay? Tap the phone once if you okay and already finish your job. If you not do it twice.” Jongwoon think for a moment, he really not that okay that now he being held up, not that he’s scare or what but what does he supposed to tell his hyung when he didn’t dare to use his voice ,afraid of exposing himself. For now he tap his phone once and wait for more question from his hyung.

The ‘Hamster guy’ as thought by Jongwoon become aware of the silences and the phone tapping. “Don’t do anything funny or I’ll shot you, Agma.” that didn’t goes just like that since Leeteuk can heard it quite clear.

“Is someone else there? Tap one for yes and otherwise twice.” and so did Jongwoon tapped it once. A sighed can be heard from the call. “Give the phone to that person now”

Jongwoon hesitate for a while, he really didn’t want to touch the guy’s hand but he need to pass the phone to him. Giving up with he’s own stubbornness, he gesture the other guy to take the phone once he put it on the ground. After putting the phone on the ground, he walk backwards few more step then he point the phone to the guy.

The guy didn’t get the clue at first then he pick up the phone and put it near his ear. “Hello.” said the guy. “Hello, seems like you intruding my assassin. Do you have any request to do?” 

“I didn’t know Agma is a mute. Do everything had to be through you?” ask the intruder. He frowned when he heard a chuckled from the call. ‘Is there anything funny from what I said?’ thought him.

“Yes. I’m his boss. So for now send your number to this number using this phone and I’ll call you right away. Let him go, it’s not like he gonna listen to you now. And oh, don’t talk to him at all. You are dead meat if you force him. Now follow my instruction.”

The phone call ended. The intruder quickly do as what Leeteuk ask him, once he finish, he throw the phone at Jongwoon which he quickly avoid it. The phone fall on the ground making the intruder more suspicious towards him. ‘I swear, why this assassin are so weird.’ After he successfully avoid the phone from coming near him, he pull out a handkerchief to wrap the phone in it and put it inside his pocket.

Remembering the deal between the assassin’s boss, he keep quiet while waiting the phone call. He saw how the assassin become annoyed with the silent. ‘Gosh how do i do this… his boss does ask me to let him go. Do I talk? Or do I play charade again? Think Henry! Think!’

Gathering his courage, he speak out. “Your boss ask you to go now.”. Jongwoon tilting his head with the word ‘Boss’. He realize Leeteuk fooled that intruder. But of course he won’t say that they are brother, that will ruined everything they had now.

Shrugging at that, he use the rooftop’s stairs and disappear from the intruder sight. After one minute waiting, Henry’s phone vibrating, showing a private number. ‘Finally.’



Leeteuk went to the front door quickly and greet his dongseng. Jongwoon keep walking with head low until he saw a feet in front of him. “Hyung? Why you home now? I thought you won’t be home tonight. If this about the mission, I finish it clean.” said him confused with his hyung present. 

“Is the guy just now did something to you? Are you okay? Did he touch you somewhere?” ask Leeteuk nonstop. Say it that Leeteuk is over-protective brother but he does worry about his dongseng. Moreover after the phone call with Henry, their new client just now. Jongwoon chuckled at his hyung act right now, his hyung really wanna hold him and turn him around but he held himself from touching Jongwoon because of his OCD.

“I’m okay hyung. He said my ‘Boss’ ask me to go home so I did. What does he want.” said Jongwoon while making his way to his room. Leeteuk followed him till they reach his bedroom an lean at the door way. 

“Jongwoon.” said Leeteuk in all seriousness, making Jongwoon stopping in front of his closet and turn to his hyung. “What. What with that face?”

Leeteuk expressions darken for a while and he sighed. “For the next few days or might be months, you are gonna work on a case. No assassin activity. No killing, thought I don’t know if you need to do one in this new job but you will be helping our new client in their case.”

Jongwoon who was just about to resume his night routine got his ear perk up at after listening to his hyung. He look into his hyung’s eyes to search any lies and found none. “No killing? What kind of mission that need assassin in not killing people, hyung?”

Leeteuk really didn’t want to except the mission but it was too interesting to refuse. At the same time he can’t stop worrying about his dongseng that will be busy from now on and will be separate once in a while. 

“All the information for the mission will be given to you tomorrow. You had to meet them. But remember, never show your face or even talk. This is a small town. People can recognize you easily. I told them you a mute okay? Gosh, I shouldn’t let you work as a singer in that cafe. Too risky.” sigh Leeteuk again. 

Jongwoon only lowered his head, not wanting to look into his hyung eyes. Being a singer was part of their agreement in making Jongwoon an assassin. Only with the thought of being a singer, Jongwoon trying to cure his OCD and making his life easier for him and people around him.

He realize that the latter become quiet. “I’m sorry. Just promise me you won’t slipped out anything or even show your face  okay? Our client seems like a dangerous people. I don’t want they know a thing about our personal life. Promise me , Jongwoonie.” said Leeteuk, he might sound like a selfish person who trying to cover up his dirty deed even thought he’s a cop but the real thing is he really didn’t want Jongwoon normal life wasted. No one know why he even let his precious dongseng became a murderer in the first place, not like he had any choices.

Nodding at his hyung as an agreement, he resumes he paused routine and ready to go to bed. Leeteuk closed the door and went to living room. He fish out his phone and send a text to the client, noting that Agma will take the case.


Somewhere else on the same night, Henry was walking back to his hotel when he realize he’s been followed. Checking out he’s gun, he ready for any attack from the stranger. A hand on his shoulder and he was ready to shot the stranger but quick enough to stop himself as he saw the stranger.

“Wookie-hyung!” said Henry, relief for not mistaken his colleague as someone suspicious. He put down the gun and nodding Ryeowook to follow him back to his hotel room to discuss.

Once they reach Henry’s room, Ryeowook quickly ran towards the bed and resting himself there. “You come alone here?” ask Ryeowook to Henry who seems busy taking off his gear. 

“Yeah, Kangin-hyung send me to get someone who can help us. You? Where’s the mafia Diva?” asked Henry when he realize Ryeowook was alone just now. Both of them come from Kangin group who consist of only spies, but with Ryeowook who had to transfer under the mafia group to help them, they didn’t have time to report to each other.

Ryeowook huffed in frustration, he look at Henry with bored eyes making the chubby cheeks guy frowned by his sigh. “What’s wrong?” ask Henry.

“That Diva ask me to search for someone too just now. So I left him to search for any information about this guy. Do you know Agma? I don’t know why this guy so important. Is he that good?” said Ryeowook in frustration.

All his activity stopped when he heard the Agma name. “You say Agma? Hey, coincidentally we manage to get that guy to work with us! Now you just go tell the Diva that we will be meeting him tomorrow.” Ryeowook expression become brighter, lucky for him that he didn’t have to do the hassle part himself.

He standing up from the bed and ran towards the chubby cheeks boy who almost the same height as him and hug him. “Thank you! You don’t how much I hate to search a person! But how you did it? I heard it’s hard to contact that guy?” said confused Ryeowook. 

“Easy. I ask their loyal client and set up a fake missions. It’s easy to find him when you the one who set the place. But it’s kinda hard to get the deal, you know. I had to contact his boss because he didn’t make any deal directly and the most hardest part  is he’s a mute.”

Ryewook eyes went wide, he couldn’t believe the professional assassin is a mute, no wonder they had to go through his boss, thought Ryeowook. “Well, as long as he can help us find what we want, Kangin-hyung must be happy at least.” said Ryeowook, feeling happy that they at least make some progress in their problem.




A/N: Ayyy Henwook for the win! Haha jk. I don't ship them. But our Teukie eomma are so caring~~~  i wrote so many chapters already but I'll upload it one by one. Just incase if i procrastinating for too long,i can just upload it by date hahahahhahahaha!!!! I'm sorry lol. Tell me what you think about this chapter!  Our Yesungie baby is ocd freak lol

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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
401 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
401 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.