Wookie and Minnie

Agma (악마)


After following the map given to him by Kangin, Heechul turn their car one more route before reaching to a private mansion belong to the spy. Sungmin who badly injured begin to awake after been asked to take a nap by Leeteuk.

“Are we there yet?” asked Sungmin who keep checking on his phone.

“A little bit more. Are you okay? You keep groaning in your sleep just now.” ask Leeteuk, looking at the back of his sit to check on the younger with worried face.

“Don’t worry. i just can’t believe those coward dare to beat me up even when I’m pass out. They won’t even dare to do so if I was awake and full of defense I guess.” chuckled him remembering how the younger afraid of his martial art skills.

“Well they are. So what’s the plan again?” said Heechul casually, earning a glare from Leeteuk. “we’ve been through this, gosh. Listen for once diva.” scold Leeteuk. Heechul just shrugged the other.

Sungmin chuckled at the older. ‘Can believe both his over-protective older brother are this childish.’ thought him. “It’s okay. So we make Ryeowook as the betrayer. Shift all blames to him to lure the real betrayer. Ryeowook already on those guys tail so we don’t have to worry about Jonghoon-hyung location for now. We have to send someone to accompany him, he might need some help.”

“Well we will have to discuss with the people we only trusted. I say we ask Kangin since he can be trusted in my eyes.” Leeteuk earn a suspicious smirk from the diva after Kangin was mention. Leeteuk throw a “what?”glare to the diva who then just shrugged it. “Also,can we call our brother as Jongwoon only? I kinda got confused with his old name. Besides he himself use to it. Is it all right for you two?” ask Leeteuk.  

“if you say so. But Hangkyung might used to Yesung right?” it’s Heechul turn to getting the same smirk from Leeteuk. Ignoring the other, he turn the car one more time to enter the gate of the mansion.

“You guys keep showing off your boyfriend or what?” said Sungmin innocently without meaning to mock those two.

“NO!” shout them at the same time, shocking the youngest of the three. Sungmin surrendered to them and sigh. ‘Jonghoon-hyung will be so tired with this two…’


Sigh can be heard from a petite guy who clad in full cover and were hiding himself in a bushes. Only trees can be seen as his company for the night as he were following the abductor deep into a forest. Just few meters from his hiding were an old abandon house that were used as the base for those people.

‘Please send someone soon. I’m bored now.’ thought Ryeowook. ‘Glad I did what I did just now. This is way to deep in the forest…’ 


Ryeowook knew the cops who have Jongwoon in their possession realize his presence. He decide to do the most talented thing he can, disguising as someone, woman to be more agreeable. Lucky for him they stop at a restaurant near a woman’s shop. He quickly went into the shop as the other enter the restaurant, possibly grabbing for food.

‘Yes, I had time!’ thought him when he finished his disguise and went into the restaurant to find Kibum still waiting for his food. He quickly went into the same line but soon get into his plan.

“Oppa!” said him with his high pitch tenor, what Kibum didn’t know is Ryeowook skillfully planted a small tracking device on his watch and his jacket.

“What?” said Kibum softly after saw a beautiful petite girl hugging his arm sweetly.

“Omo! Wrong person… Sorry, I thought you were my boyfriend. So sorry!” said him while bowing few times and went back into the line. His face scrunched into a disgusting face when after Kibum getting his order, the younger dare to wink at him with a lustful look. Ryeowook imitated a puked motion to annoy him.

‘Well at least I can grab my food now.’ thought him, he pulled is phone and turn on the gps, succeed in getting the transmitter to work. ‘Minnie will be proud!’


Ryeowook use the scope on his rifle to get better view but all the window of the house were shut closed. Huffed in frustration, he keep messaging Sungmin and keep reporting everything. 

He gets annoyed by the fact that he will be the black sheep for the plan to lure the betrayer but he accept it in order to help them with heavy heart. He had his suspicion but all went out of window with the new suspect though he keep it in secret til he can confirm it by himself.


‘We will be discussing with Kangin so he will send someone to you soon, be careful Wookie.’

Ryeowook smiles at the text and close the phone. He glad he reach for Sungmin right after the second meeting and all were exposed including how he heard Sungmin were include in it. 


‘Am I hear it right? Lee Sungmin?’ thought Ryeowook, Kangin was just finished announce all name that were include as the elders sons. He weren’t able to process everything when people around him fussing about something. When he came to, he realize Leeteuk and Jongwoon were no where in their sits and Heechul begin to follow those two.

‘What happen?’ curiously he follow behind the others who begin to follow the diva. After a while,trying to push the people who taller and bigger than him, he come to a view the moment the diva were punching Leeteuk and even hugging the scared assassin. 

Everything were solved when Kangin went into the room and announce more shocking news. After ushering everyone including him to outside, he quickly went to his room.

‘Hope I still got his number…’ thought Ryeowook ,scrolling through his phone. He squealed when he found the number he’s looking for and dialed it right away. Few more ringing, the call got connected through.




“Hyung! It’s been such a long time! How are you doing now?”

“Not much, I’m in cop now. You? You realize it’s been like five years since we last contact each other?”

“Haha.. yeaaahhh. About that. I’m just… okay. I’m just gonna straight to the point. Let’s meet.” Ryeowook end the call right away and send a text to Sungmin. 


Ryeowook were waiting for the other at their meeting place, Hangkyung’s cafe since it has the private booth. After few minute waiting Chanyeol appeared and lead the other into his booth.

“Hyung!” said Ryeowook happily and lead the older to his sit.

“Well are we on date or something, this is exclusive.” said Sungmin smiling while looking at the menu.

“Haha nope. Hyung I call your for a reason. Order first then we talk.” said Ryeowook. After finishing ordering from the waiter, he look at the older.

“You look so mess up, hyung” said Ryeowook wearily at the older, worried for Sungmin heavy dark eye bag.

“Yeah. Got problem with juniors yesterday.” Said Sungmin with a sigh. Ryeowook just smile at the older. “Oh and what you want to talk about?”

“Oh okay. Remember when every time we hang out after school you always told me about your brother who were separated from you and we will always stalking him once in a while?” said Ryeowook who manage to spark an interest in Sungmin.

“So? What about him? You always hated when I drag you with me and you don't even remember his face. Keep asking me who is who everytime we're on stalking.” said Sungmin coldly, teasing the younger.

Ryeowook smile sheepishly, he use to hate it since he always dragged by the older even when he’s on a date. “Aish hyung. So do you still stalking him now?”

“Nope. After I graduated from high school I only visiting him once in while. Not like he recognize me even after years….” sighed Sungmin for a nth time already.

“What his name again?” ask Ryeowook.

“Wait. Why you interested in this all of sudden?” Sungmin squinting his eyes at the younger who begin to look nervous without reason. “Ryewook”

“Just give me his name already.”

“Huh. Jonghoon. That was his last name, if I was not mistaken, his name now is Jongwoon. Why? You found him or something? Lost contact for five years and talking about a guy you didn’t know…” Sungmin shaking his head and sip his coffee.

“what if I am?”


“Aish hyung!!! disgusting!!” whined Ryeowook after Sungmin surprisingly spit out his drink on Ryeowook’s face.

“Sorry. Here,wipe it. What do you mean you found him? Wait I never ask your job actually. What are you?” now Sungmin getting nervous after the younger mysteriously smirk at him while wiping his face with the handkerchief given by the older.

“Hyung. I know what your real job is. And we have him with us.” said Ryeowook with undoubted evil smirk.

“You! What you doing to him! I didn’t know you work with those bastard!” shouts Sungmin getting worked out by the younger suspicious intention. He was about to grab the younger collar when Ryeowook pull out his gun.

“Sit hyung.” said Ryeowook,pointing his 9mm gun right at the older face. Sungmin obeyed, feeling disadvantage just because he didn’t bring his gun with him whenever he on his rest.

“So that’s why you bringing him up now. What you want now? I’m sure you won’t getting anything from me now that your people got him back. And I’m sure you only call me because that mafia ask to kill me now huh? Just so you know I didn’t send them to you guys okay.” said Sungmin with hint of angry and frustration in his voices while rubbing his face hard.

Ryeowook chuckle at the older that soon turn into big laughter. Sungmin look at the younger confusedly. Soon their booth got intrude by a waiter that come worriedly after heard a noise come from their booth.

Sungmin brushed the waited out and hit the younger head, managed to stop the laughter addict right away.

“Sorry. You really obsessed with him huh? Yes I’m with the mafia but not one of them, as in I’m not in their team. I’m sure you know all about Agustus family then?” ask Ryeowook, wiping off tears from his eyes.

Sungmin nod at the younger and gesture him to continue. “So, I guess you know they have two heir from two different family. One mafia and another is spy. I work as a spy in their spy team. So what I’m saying is, I’m currently were send to work with the mafia for.. you know what,right. And Jongwoon-hyung is with us. You said they send them. Who send who?”

“Are you okay talking this with me? The person who literally involve with the kidnapped heir?” Ryeowook only nod at him. “Okay. They are my team, the group who supposed to watch over Jonghoon-hyung. They are the most idiotic duo who send a group of amateur assassin to attack the mafia mansion yesterday. That’s why I was so mess up and mad when I know about it. He didn’t get hurt right?”

Ryeowook shake his head and put a thumb up as a way of showing that the assassin was in a good condition. “In fact, he finish almost all of them for us. Lucky you they send the stupids to us. But why they do it?”

Sungmin tell everything to Ryeowook even all about Jongwoon and his real identity. Afterwards both of them continue to meet more often to do their own plan.


“i should get a rise like this.” muttered Ryeowook and smile creep on his face. Quickly he type a message to Sungmin and continue his snooping on the house.


At Kangin’s mansion, Shindong were aiding Sungmin while Leeteuk and Heechul went to Kangin office to discuss more with the younger. They had to separate Kangta and Sungmin in a different floor when the oldest in the house trying to attack Sungmin for Jongwoon’s kidnapping. Much to Sungmin discomfort he had to be aid in the living room with bunch of unhappy mafia and spy even with Heechul explanation about Sungmin’s involvement.

“So you close to Jongwoon-hyung before?” ask Eunhyuk with soft puppy eyes, Sungmin cringed at the younger act and had to remind himself where he was. 

“Yeah, we grow up together for one and a half year. Then Leeteuk-hyung family take him from me. But I’ve been always taking care of him from far away so that my stupid old hag won’t touch him. I--Arghhh!!” shouts him when Shindong accidentally dabbing on his wound to hard.

“Sorry. So now what will you do?” said Shindong to avoid the bunny wrath when the said guy look into his eyes angrily.

“I don’t know. I was supposed to follow them but I got busted. We need to wait for those two older brother to finish their discussion...... Hey, don’t you guys know that Ryeowook are the one who rat you guys out?” said Sungmin casually, taking in all the people faces who heard him.

“What! No way!” shouts Donghae and Eunhyuk at the same times. 

“But… but Wookie are so nice to me….” Pouted Eunhyuk, his eyes tear up immediately. Donghae hug his partner in crime to calm him, earning a weird look from Sungmin who not used to the two affectionate relationship.

“Are they always like this?” ask him to Shindong.      

“Yeah… but they cried because Ryeowook become close with us during working for us. He’s a nice kid. Can’t believe it. Did he come to you guys?” ask Shindong, finishing his last wrap on Sungmin’s hand.

“Yeah. Not to me but the other. I didn’t know about it at first.” Lied Sungmin as if all were the truth. ‘Sorry Wookie-ah. At least we give you a head up first. And they love you so I don’t think they are the bad one. Please be careful dongseng-ah…’   







A/N:Poor wookie lol. Sorry for late upload,i got distracted by The newest mv, such a banger!!! I keep listening it everywhere even on spotify lol. Sorry for the filler,need to fill you guys how minnie work with wookie. The aegyo twin ~~~~


Go stream Otra Vez or I'm gonna be sad!!



And comments down below, which Exo members you guys want to accompany Ryeowook, I'm not exol but i love to watch them sometimes so make sure to choose those that can protect wookie 

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Have you guys stream the Otra Vez? What? You don't? What are doing reading my story?!!! Go watch it!!!
Reader :crazy author....


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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
401 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
401 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
401 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.