Kiwi in the middle

Junior Quest

The dance class ended like always. Kids were just plain happy to learn the choreo and after practicing a few times, they were free to do random play dance. The triplets were doing great. They loved their classmates, their teachers, the shoes they got to wear…(completely normal ones that Heechul bought as a gift. Each one chose his color). Everything was just fine. At least, it looked like that. 

“Heeeeeey, buddiesssss” - Heechul was keeping some distance between him and the boys - “Guess who will shower as soon as we get home? I will give you a hint… mmmm they are three and like to dance” 

“Me! Me! Me!” - Donghae raised his hand and bounced excited - “I will shower and play with my Nemo!”

“I also want to shower” - Sungmin had his face fully red from the effort - “I’m hot” 

Heechul observed the sulky boy wearing green shoes. Usually, Eunhyuk was talkative. Really talkative. And he was the triplet that loved dancing the most… so, it didn’t make sense. 

“Are we feeling ok?” - Heechul patted his shoulder - “Did something happen?”

“Dad” - Eunhyuk was serious - “Teacher won’t let us perform” 

“How come?” - Heechul didn’t understand what he meant - “I don’t get it” 

“T-there is this amazing thing the school does when the year ends” - Donghae was speaking way too fast as he was hyperactive- “but we can’t participate!”

“Why?” - Heechul sighed. Before going back to the school and ask why his kids were left outside… he needed to know the reasons - “Can you explain it to me? Like everything?”

“It’s not like we are not allowed to perform” - Sungmin was reliable when it came to explanations- “It’s just that we joined the class too late. Scholar year is about to end… and yeah, they do something like a special festival in which all classes perform a dance and families go watch” 

“Oh” - Heechul pouted - “I would have liked to go” 

“It’s not fair” - Eunhyuk folded his arms - “I already know the choreo” 

“I bet there will be other opportunities to show your talent to the world” - Heechul tried - “We love to see you dance. Maybe we can do our own festival thing” 

“For real?” - Donghae was excited - “Like dancing for the family! I gotta make the invitations!” 

“It won’t be the same” - Eunhyuk sulked - “I wanted to dance. To perform in the big stage” 

“I know” - Heechul gave him a sad face- “I can talk to your teacher… but I don’t think it would make any difference” 

“After we shower, can you help me with my music homework?” - Sungmin pouted - “I need to practice a lot!” 

“I will help you” - Heechul giggled - “But you really need to shower well. I won’t let any sweaty monkey touch my precious piano” 

“Sweaty monkey! Sweaty monkey!” - Donghae jumped as he crossed the door 

“Someone is in a good mood” - Leeteuk chuckled - “And someone is not” 

“It’s a horrible day” - Eunhyuk sighed - “A tragedy! I wont dance in the big stage!”

“I’m lost” - Leeteuk glanced at Heechul- “What did I miss?”

“I will explain it to you later” - Heechul sighed - “Cmon, let’s go shower. You guys reek” 

Eunhyuk didn’t say a word during the shower. He didn’t complain even when Donghae tried to rinse his hair and shampoo got in his eyes. Sungmin laughed when Heechul made another drawing in the mirror. The parent loved to do so. Leeteuk hated it because he considered it “messy”. Heeyeon barely cared. 

“Don’t go running around with your butts!” - Heechul yelled as the kids ran away from him after drying their hairs - “Hey!”

“Oh, no! I see children being naughty!” - Heeyeon caught them - “You are going to be cold if you stay like that” 

“I wanna be !” - Donghae kept running in circles while Heeyeon showed them their pajamas - “My is free!”

Heeyeon laughed. Kids were something else. Only the boys would come with such things. 

“Cmon, Mr Free-. We need to get dressed for dinner” - Heeyeon managed to put him some underwear- “Can you do the rest? You are big boy, right?”

“I know to dress myself” - Donghae pouted 

“Then show me” - Heeyeon took out her phone - “Let’s see how long you take” 

It worked like a charm. In less than five minutes the triplets were fully dressed in their pajamas. 

“Oh, Minnie” - Heechul asked him to undress again. The boy was clueless - “You are fully clean now so, I was thinking we could try on your new suit” 

“Whoah” - Donghae chirped when Sungmin got fully dressed - “Minnie you are so handsome!”

“We bought one for you as well” - Heeyeon whispered - “Let’s try it on some other day” 

“Heeyeon, how do you see it?” - Heechul asked seriously 


“Of course, but I meant the length” 

Sungmin laughed. A few curious children came to see what was going on. Leeteuk also got into it. 

“Oh, is that the suit for the concert?” - Leeteuk was amazed - “what a handsome piano player”

“I won’t be the best piano player but I will be the cutest one” - Sungmin said confidently - “And not only piano. I will sing too. And play flute. I kinda at it. Should I really play it?”

“Baby, I think you are good” - Heeyeon was honest - “It’s just that you are still learning”

“Wookie wanna pway piano too” - Ryeowook sulked - “I nize”

“You have been working hard on your temper, I will give you that” - Leeteuk smiled to the toddler - “and you have been listening to me these past few days…” 

Ryeowook grew happier. Kyuhyun sighed. He knew Leeteuk best. He knew what came next after such praising. 

“But” - Leeteuk saw how the twins narrowed eyes - “You are still grounded” 

“Foweve’ “ - Ryeowook sang 

“And ever” - Kyuhyun chanted 

They both learned the little song Leeteuk sang to them whenever they asked about how long was it going to take for him to remove their ‘piano ban’. 

“Do you want to wear yours?” - Heeyeon mistook Eunhyuk’s mood for jealousy- “We got you one as well~ I still have to adjust the length but I think is nice. You will look really cool” 

“No” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “I don’t wanna wear a suit. I wanna dance” 

“We learned a new choreo!” - Donghae showed a little bit to the others - “See? See?”

“Woaaaaah” - Leeteuk made a big deal of it - “Awesome!” 

“That’s so cool” - Heeyeon clapped her hands - “Can you show us again?”

“Like this!” 

“Papa! Papa! Give us music!” - Sungmin urged - “It’s better with music!”

“Great, but if you are going to dance” - Heechul booped his nose - “First take off the suit. I don’t want it ruined before your recital” 

Leeteuk chased after the sulky kid. One boy decided to isolate himself after Heechul started playing music. He found the kid crying in a corner. 

“Hyuk? What’s going on?” - Leeteuk sat next to him. They could still hear the cheerful atmosphere at the other room - “are you upset?”

“Yeah” - Eunhyuk nodded and wiped his nose - “I wanna perform in the final dance this year” 

“Oh, The dance festival the school does, right?” - Leeteuk had some idea about it. Donghae mentioned it to him before - “I heard you are not allowed to perform because you joined late. Not because you are not good enough” 

“I know” - Eunhyuk did his best to stop tears from falling down. It didn’t work - “But it’s just unfair!” 

“Well, those kids have been practicing for a long long long time” - Leeteuk tried - “The festival is about recognizing their efforts during the year and showing the parents what they learned” 

“Sungmin is going to perform in a concert and he barely knows how to play anything” - Eunhyuk complained 

“That’s… Uhm” - Leeteuk wet his lips using his tongue - “I suppose they just have different rules” 

Eunhyuk cried annoyed. He already knew that. He just hated it. He wanted to perform so badly… he didn’t get why music school would let any student perform but dance school was so against it. He already knew the choreography and there were still a few weeks to practice. It didn’t feel fair to be left out. 

Dinner time wasn’t better. Heechul agreed to stop forcing him to eat… but not to stop judging him apparently. Even if the parent wouldn’t make a single comment about his food, Eunhyuk could feel the stares and the upsetting it was for him to see the kid wasnt feeding well. 

“I’m done” - Eunhyuk announced after just eating a few spoons of porridge - “Can I go?”

“Daddy” - Donghae called for Heechul’s attention - “Eunhyuk asked you somethingggggg” 

“He knows, he just doesn’t want to answer” - Sungmin his spoon - “anything he says will be used against him”

Eunhyuk sighed. He would have to remain there even if he didn’t feel like eating. At least the mood wasn’t that bad, he thought. Heechul was sulky, but the others were cheerful like always. 

“BAM! BAM!” - Henry was once again creating chaos by making sure half his porridge ended on his clothes - “WOOOOOH!”

“So messy” - Kyuhyun complained as he rolled his eyes - “Henwy please be nice!” 

A spoonful of mashed potatoes landed on Kyuhyun’s pajama. The boy was beyond disgusted. Kyuhyun hated getting dirt and moreover, he had a thing with sticky textures or some soft ones. He and his twin were the only kids at daycare that actually hated playing with wet flour, mud, and more. Slime was definitely a torture. 

“EWWWWW!” - Kyuhyun whimpered as Leeteuk cleaned him - “UNKWEE! UNKWEE!”

“I know” - Leeteuk was patient - “lets finish eating and then go change” 

Of course, that wasn’t going to happen. Kyuhyun wouldn’t just eat as he felt like the dirtiest toddler in the world. He was so upset about it. 

Henry loved serving chaos. Literally. He wouldn’t care less about what the adults did to him later as much as letting pass an opportunity to get revenge of his big brothers. 

He quickly scanned the table looking for more victims to hit. He locked his new target and proceeded to aim a full spoon of his mashed potatoes. 

If Kyuhyun was having a hard time over messiness, Eunhyuk was definitely dying. It was different for him. He also wasn’t exactly in a good mood to begin with. Usually, the triplets were pretty calm and reasonable. Today, wasn’t one of those days. 

Leeteuk panicked when Eunhyuk emptied his porridge leftovers on his baby brother. At least half off the bowls content was now dripping from Henry’s hair. 

“Uuuuhhh!” - Henry was crying. He didn’t care about getting dirty, but he wasn’t used to receive such bullying from his older brothers - “KWEE! KWEE!” 

“Hyukkie, that was mean” - Leeteuk scolded the boy calmly despite the mess - “Henry got scared…” 

“And I spent a full hour doing the porridge” - Heeyeon complained - “Playing with food is not allowed. You can decide what to eat or not, but don’t play with food” 

“Sorry” - Eunhyuk apologized right away. He felt guilty - “I’m just… angry” 

Donghae patted his shoulder. Sungmin was pouting. 

“I wanna go to bed” - Eunhyuk said sadly - Please, can I leave now?”

“What about watching TV?” - Heechul was doing a big effort - “Let’s watch those movies you like” 

Eunhyuk shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He wasn’t lying when he said he wanted to go to bed. He was tired. 

It was a great thing dance classes did for them. The kids returned so exhausted they would barely stay awake after dinner. Having the triplets full asleep before eight pm  without complaining?. Awesome. 

Leeteuk managed to put Henry and the twins to sleep. Heechul kept asking if he did some kind of sorcery, but truth was, the boys just relaxed a lot when he changed them to clean clothes. 

“Finally” - Heechul stretched - “The living room is monster free” 

“We are still here” - Yesung teased - “And we won’t go to bed that early” 

“It’s fine” - Heechul was drinking liquor- “we are all grown ups doing… grown up things” 

“Speaking of grown up things” - Kangin cleared his throat - “There is something I need you to buy me” 

“What thing?” - Heechul did a funny gesture - “are you going to ask me for another videogame?” 

“I need a ” 

Heechul spat his expensive beverage. 

“Dad, I’m being serious” - Kangin thought Heechul’s reaction was acted - “Do we have condoms in this house?” 

Heechul became ‘fifty shades of red’. Of course they had them… but… still… Kangin was a boy…? Why would he ask for such things?

The question that you should always ask first when you have kids, came once again from Heechul’s lips. 

“Why do you ask?” - Heechul tried to sound calm - “What do you know about condoms?”

“Not much…? I just know that they work for birth control” - Kangin was clueless about the Internal hell Heechul was living - “And I really need one” 

“Birth control” - Heechul repeated- “Yesung, what did you tell your brother?”

“I said that he should have put a on Batman” 

“I also read it online on a website about planned parenthood” - Kangin exclaimed cheerfully - “But seems like pills are for girls. Oh, and there was one weird thingy—-“

“No condoms, no pills, no weird things and no more free internet surfing until you are at least twelve” - Heechul bit his tongue and shook his head - “same for you, Yesung” 

“Is Cherry moving?” - Siwon was squinting his eyes in a really focused way - “I cant see her”

“She is too small” - Heeyeon giggled - “Even if she moves, you won’t see it…” 

“Cherry~ Siwon loves youuuuu” - Siwon whispered to the belly - “Come meet me anytime. I will let you play with my cars” 

“Alright, bedtime” - Heechul had enough discussing with Yesung and Kangin - “Go to bed, Cmon” 

“It’s not even nine pm!” - Yesung whined - “Why do we always have to go sleep so early? Some of my classmates sleep by ten!” 

“They don’t have me as a father” - Heechul smirked - “Nighty night, little brats” 

“Goodnight to everyone” - Siwon did a polite bow - “See you tomorrow!”

If Eunhyuk was already having a hard week, things got even worse. It had been a while since he had an accident like that. Even worse, it happened at daycare. 

“Heeeeey” - Leeteuk was already there to pick him up - “Your teacher called. She said—“

“I wet my pants” - Eunhyuk said in a bad mood -  “My zipper got stuck and I couldn’t take them off” 

“Oh, so that’s how it happened” - Leeteuk tried to be as nice as possible. Usually, the triplets wouldn’t demand going back home earlier. Even if they had accidents before, they were just fine changing into dry clothes. 

“Can we go home now?” - Eunhyuk insisted - “Please?” 

“Oh well, we are not heading home yet…” - Leeteuk did a funny face - “We are going out by the time teacher called” 

“We?” - Eunhyuk grunted. Could it get worse? He saw Heeyeon playing with Henry at the little park outside the classrooms. 

He regretted his choice. He would rather stay with his twins and classmates than going out with Henry. However, even if In a bad mood… Eunhyuk was a really nice child. He wouldn’t dare to tell his uncle he was going to stay after making him go all the way to get him. 

And that was one of the biggest issues Eunhyuk faced daily. Even if the adults haven’t realized it yet… he was the middle child of the family. Out of nine brothers, he was number five. He had three older brothers, two twins and three younger siblings about to become four. Unlike Sungmin who played this ‘perfect child’ masquerade or Donghae that went all for ‘I need attention’, Eunhyuk tried to balance. He had a good character and was easily one of the most charismatic children you would meet… but on the other hand, he didn’t feel pressured to hide his dislikes to please others. And he had a few traits that happened to be “problematic” for the adults. 

Number one, his ‘picky’ habits. It wasn’t his fault. Some foods just weren’t good for him. Either the texture was disgusting or the flavour too upsetting. Adults just didn’t get it. It didn’t help him his siblings would eat rocks if needed.

Number two, he was considered ‘stingy’ and even ‘selfish’. Again, not his fault. Having many siblings meant they were always forced to “share” even if they didn’t want to. 

“Eunhyuk, are you ok?”  - Leeteuk was asking him - “You are too quiet” 

“I’m bored” - Eunhyuk said annoyed - “Are we there yet?”

“Almost” - Heeyeon announced - “I heard speech therapy is fun. I bet you won’t get bored there” 

“Mhm” - Eunhyuk sulked. He doubted it. Speech therapy was for kids like Henry, he thought. He got dragged there in a try to run from doing other silly activities at daycare that probably would have suited him better. 

Henry had already recognized the place and had started to act out again. Leeteuk sighed. So far, even if Henry’s hearing was improving. The toddler’s lack of cooperation made things worse. Leeteuk could swear Henry spoke even less than before. 

“How are we doing today, Henry?” - The doctor greeted them - “High five!”

Henry ignored him and went straight to the toys. He sat on the floor playing with some stuff while the adults talked. Eunhyuk didn’t want to join him fearing a tantrum. He preferred to stay sitting with Leeteuk. 

“Oh, who’s this new friend?” - The doctor was being nice to him - “Are you Henry’s big brother?”

Leeteuk worried the kid would cause a bad impression.

“Is he also…?” - the doctor worried when there was no response. 

“No, he is just in a bad mood” - Leeteuk was so embarrassed - “Eunhyuk, the doctor asked you something…” 

Eunhyuk pitied the adults. Henry was enough for them. Also, they weren’t the ones to blame for his bad mood. Again, he was a really nice kid. 

“Good morning, Mr” - Eunhyuk said shyly - “I’m Eunhyuk. One of Henry’s big brothers” 

“Ohhhh! Nice to meet you!” - The doctor was fascinated- “You talk so well” 

Eunhyuk blushed. Heechul often said so, but most of the time, the kids assumed the parent was just complaining about how much they talked rather than their ability. 

“You should see the others too” - Heeyeon smiled  - “They all talk a lot and speak very well. We have twins just a year older than Henry and they don’t sound like babies at all” 

“That’s why we realized something was wrong with Henry” - Leeteuk sighed - “It was… too different” 

Henry rolled his eyes. He had no clue what Leeteuk meant but he hated the fact all his siblings got into ‘cool’ activities and he was only offered ‘speech therapy’. If he could choose, he would attend daycare like Ryeowook and Kyuhyun or go to dance classes like the triplets. But speech therapy? Boooooooring!

“Should we try doing the exercises?” - the doctor clapped his hands to get Henry’s attention - “Come here, let’s show your mom and uncle how you do it” 

Henry walked towards them but refused to do all he was asked. Leeteuk thought the battle was lost when suddenly Eunhyuk got involved. 

“I think Henry won’t do it because he is stupid” - Eunhyuk remarked - “There is nothing wrong with his ears” 

“Eunhyuk!” - both adults grew frustrated 

Heeyeon was deep red. As a mom, she felt directly responsible if the kids displayed such behaviours. 

“It’s easy” - Eunhyuk started doing the exercises himself - “This card is ‘apple’. This one is ‘pear’” 

Eunhyuk did all the easy ones and then moved to the hard ones. 

“Orange, tangerine, chestnut, pineapple, blueberry” - Eunhyuk continued easily - “This one… I don’t know what this one is…? I haven’t see it before” 

“Oh, that’s an easy one if you know the name” - the doctor was impressed by Eunhyuk’s speech abilities- “I will give you a hint: two syllables, four letters” 

“I don’t think I—-“

“KIWI!” - Henry blurted out loudly as he tapped the card - “KIWI! KIWI! KIWI!” 

Leeteuk widened his mouth. Heeyeon was plain happy. Apparently, Henry felt the need to compete and he got a chance since he was the one attending therapy. He knew the cards. The doctor had showed them to him several times. He wouldn’t lose against Eunhyuk at the game he had practiced for so long. 

“Henry, do you want to play against your brother?” - The doctor thought it could be his chance to really evaluate his development- “in order to win you will guess the word associated with the card, ok?”

“KAY” - Henry was excited - “HEWY’S ‘UN!”

“Henry’s turn” - the doctor agreed - “Let’s start with a simple on—“


“Alright, and how does the cow sounds?” 

“moo moo!” 

“Good job” - Heeyeon praised him - “Henry you are really good at this” 

Eunhyuk wasn’t going to lost against a toddler. He was competitive as well. He got really into his role and played hard. Naming animals, fruits, vegetables… he was good at it. Things got trickier when a card with a flower came out. 

“Flower” - Eunhyuk said confidently 

“Oh, you are supposed to say which one” - The doctor instructed - “how is this flower called?”

“Uhmmm” - Eunhyuk wasn’t sure - “D—“ 

“DAZZIE!” - Henry yelled - “DAZZIE! DAZZIE!”

“Daisies” - Heeyeon laughed - “Henry, you are amazing” 

Henry gave Eunhyuk a defiant look. Flowers? Easy. He knew the cards. It was his time to shine. 


“Rose, Tulip, Sunflower…” - Heeyeon tried - “I’m missing the last ones” 

“Lotus and Lavander” - The doctor laughed - “Very good, Henry!”

Henry rejoiced. Eunhyuk was done. He had won. It was a full victory against an older kid.
The games continued until the end of the session. The doctor said it was “a tie”, a little lie to keep both boys happy. Leeteuk and Heeyeon couldn’t be happier. Apparently, Henry was doing fine for his age. The toddler was about to turn two but he scored beyond that in most categories. 

“So, he mispronounces but knows several words” - Heeyeon was excited - “The doctor was impressed! He said Henry is really smart!”

“I wonder who…” - Leeteuk stopped. He couldn’t finish the sentence feeling he shouldn’t say it out loud. 

But his mind now had lots of things to think about. Today he got the impression Henry was just lazy and got easily bored before because he had no one to compete. Then, if that was the case… Maybe Henry was smarter than they thought. Not that he ever considered him dumb… but the uncle always thought of Ryeowook and Kyuhyun like very bright children. What if Henry was like that too and they haven’t realized it yet? 

“Who is a smart cookie? Who is a smart cookie?” - Heeyeon was playing with an amused Henry - “You are! My cutie baby is a smart cookie!”

Eunhyuk got jealous. It was obvious Heeyeon paid more attention to Henry since he was younger. 

“Mommy, I wanna play too” - Eunhyuk pulled her t shirt - “Hold me too” 

“Are you tired? Don’t you want to walk?” - Leeteuk rushed to their side - “I will hold you” 

“I want mom to hold me” - Eunhyuk said unimpressed by the way Leeteuk widened his eyes at him - “I’m mommy’s boy too” 

“Fair enough” - Heeyeon felt guilty since she understood that she may have triggered jealousy by playing too much with Henry - “Uncle holds Henry now” 

Usually, Henry wouldn’t care who was holding him. In fact, he didn’t care. It was just that he didn’t feel like letting Eunhyuk win this one. He knew that being younger he had the advantage. 

“Oh, no” - Leeteuk sighed - “Henry, don’t cry” 

“He got upset…” - Heeyeon pouted - “Aw baby” 


Eunhyuk just held onto Heeyeon really tight. He feared the woman was going to ask his uncle for switching the boys at any time. But it didn’t happen. Instead, Heeyeon just kept walking next to the other toddler. 

“I’m here baby” - Heeyeon spoke softly - “I didn’t go anywhere~” 

Henry stopped crying when he understood Heeyeon wasn’t going to fall for it. He sighed and gave her a sulky stare. 

“Maybe they are tired” - Leeteuk patted the toddler’s back - “I hoped going shopping before coming back…” 

“Shopping where?” - Eunhyuk fell for the bait - “At the mall?” 


“Where the little cars are?” - the boy asked again

Heeyeon giggled. Leeteuk was a pro when it came to leading children. 

“Oh yes, the little cars and the ice cream shop you guys like” - Leeteuk continued - “Heeyeonie said she needed to buy some stuff and I said we could go together… but of course, you guys are whinny because you are tired.  I understand. We should go home”

Eunhyuk and Henry exchanged quick looks. It was a silent amnesty pact. They both played it cool. 

“We are not tired” - Eunhyuk even allowed Heeyeon to put him down - “We are full of energy!”

“UNG!” - Henry nodded cheerfully. 

The mall was toddler paradise in some aspects. As promised, Leeteuk let the boys ride around in some little cars you could rent. They were having a blast. Heeyeon was doing her shopping. She was taking long in a haberdashery. It made sense since she worked with stuff like that. She looked so cute looking for stuff at the store. She was incredibly happy. 

“She must love her work, right?” - Leeteuk pointed out - “Look at her. She is so smiley right now” 

“Mommy is a fassssssshiiiiiion designer” - Eunhyuk said as he played in the car - “She makes pretty clothes for everyone” 

“That’s right” - Leeteuk noticed the toddler walking towards him with a defeated look - “Whats wrong? Did you run out of energy?”

Henry looked at him with big pleading eyes. 

“ ‘et” - he sulked 

“What? Are you hungry?” 

“Can we have the ice cream now?” - Eunhyuk rushed - “Pleasssseeeee?”

“Well… she is taking long, isn’t she?” - Leeteuk thought that maybe going for the ice cream wasn’t a bad idea - “Let’s buy her one too” 

“I want that one! The big one!” - Eunhyuk jumped excited when he saw the picture of a banana split - “It has banana, and cream, and sprinkles!!”

“Isn’t that too big for you?” - Leeteuk wondered how was he going to convince the boys to order something else. 

Leeteuk could smell defeat as Eunhyuk kept asking for the special ice cream. Henry would probably love it too… and they deserved a little spoiling after doing so well at the speech therapy. And Eunhyuk was so sad yesterday… 

Leeteuk sighed. He WANTED to give them the big ice cream. His heart desired so. 

“Henry, do you want the big ice cream?” - Leeteuk tried - “What do you say? Should we order a banana split?” 

Henry didn’t answer. He just gave Leeteuk a sulky look. 

“Aren’t you feeling well?” - the uncle worried - “does your tummy hurts?” 

“Nuh” - Henry finally said something - “et” 

Leeteuk tried to sit the boy on his lap but instead the kid squirmed and kneeled on him. He got the hint. 

“Henry, do you want me to change your diaper?” - Leeteuk patted his . He could tell it was bigger than before - “Did you poop?”

Eunhyuk did a disgusted face when Leeteuk sniffed Henry’s . 

“Nope” - Leeteuk was sure - “maybe you are only wet” 

“Let’s go change” - Leeteuk offered a hand to Eunhyuk - “You too. I can’t leave you here” 

Heeyeon found herself alone at the mall. Where were the boys at? Maybe Eunhyuk had to pee… or Henry pooped his diaper. Leeteuk was probably taking care of them. 

“Oh, sorry” - Leeteuk apologized when he found her sitting outside the store - “We had a wet diaper to take care of. It’s my fault… I forgot to change Henry after leaving therapy” 

Henry was in a better mood. His wasn’t bothering him anymore. Being wet was starting to annoy him.

“Did you pee a lot?” - Heeyeon was kissing him playfully. The toddler nodded shyly - “You did? What a good boy! Did you tell your uncle you were wet?”

“He tried to” - Leeteuk smiled shyly- “But I didn’t get it the first time” 

“Is Henry old enough to potty train?” - Heeyeon asked out of the blue 

“Do you want him out of diapers?” - Leeteuk teased - “We could start now… I actually planned doing so after his birthday. But, it’s going to take time, you know? And a lot of patience” 

“Oh no, don’t get me wrong” - Heeyeon giggled - “I know it sounds weird but I actually like changing diapers. It’s just that… I really don’t know at what age you are supposed to potty train your kids. I think Yesung was two but I can’t remember well” 

“You helped Hani to potty train?” 

“I got peed on more times I can count” - Heeyeon chuckled - “But you know? Gunhee got pooped on. Heechul laughed so hard he almost peed his pants. I think he took pictures and all” 

“How can you get…? Nevermind” 

“It’s a nice story” - Heeyeon smiled softly - “Yesung wet himself when we were playing in the backyard. We took off his pants and undies… but he started crying. So Gunhee, as the good father he was… he carried Yesung on his shoulders” 

“Sounds like a good memory” - Leeteuk saw how Heeyeon eyes were teary - “You had fun, didn’t you?”

“The best part was that Gunhee got pooped on” - Heeyeon shook her head and wiped some tears - “I actually got really grossed out. Back then I didn’t know if I could remain so calm if something like that happened to me”

“But you did” - Leeteuk patted her shoulder - “You are an amazing mom” 

“I haven’t been pooped on” - Heeyeon was forgetful some times - “I got peed on and yeah, Eunhyuk also threw up on me one time, right?”

“Kyuhyun literally pooped on you a few weeks ago” 

“But he was wearing clothes” - Heeyeon giggled- “It’s not the same!”

“Can we get the banana split or you need to keep talking about poop?” - Eunhyuk was clearly done waiting 

“We can get the banana split now” - Heeyeon laughed - “and after that, we will go shopping for a few clothes” 

Ice cream time was nice. Leeteuk had a great time following Heeyeon around the mall not knowing what she was looking for. 

“Aha!” - Heeyeon was excited - “This one!” 

“Are we going to buy clothes?” - Eunhyuk tilted his head - “For what?” 

“We are doing some shopping for your future sister” - Heeyeon smiled widely 

“Now?” - Leeteuk found it funny - “any particular reason?”

“Well, spring is about to start” - Heeyeon was an expert on the matter - “So, right now… clothes for girls have many spring patterns like flowers, bees and so. If everything goes well, Cherry will be born by summer. Which means, that if I buy her clothes during that season… my daughter will wear orange bodysuits with pineapples on it” 

“Anything wrong with that?” - Leeteuk found hilarious the way Heeyeon explained it - “Don’t you think you are exaggerating? Also, between the clothes you make and the ones your mom did… I think Cherry will have enough clothes for over a year” 

“Don’t ruin my fun” - Heeyeon pouted - “I have waited so long for this! And and… this one has cherries” 

She was holding a little small dress with cherries on it. Leeteuk softened. He was having fun earlier… but now his heart felt warm. 

“She is going to look beautiful” - Leeteuk took the dress - “Oh! This bodysuit has a yellow chick” 

“Add to kart” - Heeyeon giggled as she also took some hair ribbons - “And this too” 

“What are those?” - Eunhyuk took out of the shopping basket a couple of little socks 

“Mmm socks?”

“No way, this won’t fit her” - Eunhyuk was impressed by the size - “It’s too small”

Henry observed the socks. He thought Kyuhyun’s penguin plush could wear those. 

“Oh my God!” - Leeteuk was holding a pink dress ballerina style - “a mini Heeyeon!” 

Eunhyuk realized something. 

“Mom! You are a dancer too!” - He chirped out of nowhere - “You are a dancing fairy!” 

“Why are you bringing that now?” - Heeyeon kept inspecting clothes - “Did something happen?”

“You have performed before, right?” - Eunhyuk was excited. It looked like he finally found someone to talk about his dreams and ambitions- “on the big stage” 


“what did you do when they didn’t let you dance there?” 

“I don’t understand what is this about” - Heeyeon tilted her head 

“Eunhyuk wants to know how you felt when you weren’t allowed to perform on stage” - Leeteuk translated 

“Oh, that never happened” - Heeyeon sighed - “I wish it had. Performing was so tiring. I didn’t like it … but I was very good at it, so I always got lead roles and… all…?”

Eunhyuk was frozen. He looked at her like saying ‘for real?’ . Leeteuk covered his face. Heeyeon was so clueless. Didn’t she know what was all the fuss about? Eunhyuk had been truly sad since he learned he wouldn’t dance at the event and there was her saying how much she wished skipping those. 

“You didn’t like it?!” - Eunhyuk squealed - “How come? Your dance was awesome! Why wouldn’t you like performing?”

“Because, it was just plain stressful” - Heeyeon got the chills recalling those days - “I had to practice a lot… and wear tight clothes… and exercise… and tie my hair really hard… and the other girls were mean to me. I loved dancing… but performing was not for me” 

“It’s not fair” - Eunhyuk sulked - “I wanna dance in front of everyone and I can’t. You didn’t wanna and you did it” 

“Not everything turns out the way we want” - Heeyeon said softly - “Maybe you will be able to perform some other time” 

“Maybe…” - Eunhyuk sighed. Apparently, no one in the family understood his passion for dancing. Not even his ex ballerina mom. 

“How do you think a daughter of you two will look like?” - Leeteuk was having a hard time trying to choose between two dresses- “I mean, she will definitely be cute but…” 

“I’m also curious” - Heeyeon sighed - “my biggest fear is that I give birth to a female version of Kim Heechul” 

“Heechul is already feminine” - Leeteuk joked - “It wouldn’t mean a huge change” 

“If that so, then Cherry should look like her siblings, right?” - Heeyeon smiled pleased- “So cuteeee. Imagine a female version of Henry!”

“Hey yah?” - Henry wondered what was going on when both adults looked at him in a strange way 

“Maybe… we could figure it out” - Leeteuk held the boy in front of them - “Right?”

“It’s silly… but it could work” - Heeyeon gave him a nod 

Heechul was finishing his work when he started receiving several notifications on his phone. He cursed out loud. He thought it was probably from daycare or school. 

“Oh Cmon, stop wetting your pants, brats” - Heechul sighed defeated as he took his phone - “Although I had rather have kids wetting themselves than being sick…” 

However, he grew suspicious when the notifications came from the chatroom he shared with Leeteuk and Heeyeon. Several pictures were downloading. 

“What’s going—- OH MY” - Heechul laughed out loud - “Henry my boy! What have they done to you? “

In the pictures, Henry was wearing dresses. Some even included ribbons. The boy seemed to be having fun. They even sent a short video of Henry spinning to show his skirt. 

Heeyeon wrote something. 

“If Cherry looks at least half as cute as Henry… we have nothing to worry about. Also, boy has future as a model” 

Heechul laughed. They did his morning. He also received a picture of Eunhyuk and Henry eating a banana split. He smiled watching them so happy. 

Another video. This one was from the speech therapy. Henry was cheerfully playing and working hard. Eunhyuk was playing as well. 

Things were going better until lunch time came. They were all sitting at the table like usual. And the boys were just like always. Heechul saw the very moment Eunhyuk made a disgusted face when food was served. 

“You like this” - Heechul’s tone was stern - “It’s plain rice and chicken” 

“Mmmmm” - Eunhyuk inspected his plate - “No… I don’t like it” 

“What’s wrong with it?” - Leeteuk worried. It was his cooking after all… - “I thought I have done it the way you like it” 

“But they are touching” - Eunhyuk complained - “Chicken is touching rice” 

“So?” - Heechul tried to be patient but he could feel himself about to exploit - “They will mix in your stomach as well. Who cares if they touch?” 

“I don’t want it” - Eunhyuk did a grossed face 

Heechul left his fork fall on the table. He was done. So done. The kids looked at him anxiously. 

“Sorry, sorry” - Heechul shook his head - “I’m not mad… it’s just…” 

“Honey, would you eat it if I serve another one without them touching?” - Leeteuk tried negotiating- “I can give you separate plates if needed” 

“Mmmmm maybe” - Eunhyuk was also tired of having to explain everything to them - “I don’t like when my food touches each other” 

“Fine, we didn’t know” - Heeyeon nodded in understanding- “In the future, can you remind us when ordering or doing your food?” 

Eunhyuk nodded. 

“That’s bull” - Kangin complained - “You said he ate a banana split! His ice cream was touching fruits and cream and he didn’t care!”

“Kangin, language” - Heechul corrected even though he agreed with the boy on that - “and please don’t make it worse” 

Dont make it worse. Eunhyuk repeated on his mind. He knew Heechul was upset because he wouldn’t eat well. And God, he wished he could do something about it… but truth to be told, he wasn’t being just a spoiled brat. He truly disliked when his food wasn’t neatly separated since he feared he wouldn’t like something and therefore the other things he did like would taste the same since they were too close. 
Also, what was that about ‘you like this’ ? Who said he liked rice and chicken? Just because he ate it before didn’t mean he would eat it all time. 

“Would you prefer a spoon?” - Heeyeon offered to him - “I think is easier that way”

He accepted it with gratitude. He didn’t know why, but he liked it better when eating with a spoon. Forks were tricky. Spoons were easier for him. It wasn’t about not having motor skills to use cutlery, it was about preferences and feeling safe. 

Kyuhyun spat something in his hand. Leeteuk took a deep breath. 

“Kyuhyun!” - Heechul scolded - “Don’t do that” 

“Kyu no liwe this!” - the toddler protested annoyed. He chew on something he knew well - “OWIONZ” 

“Yeah, it has onions” - Leeteuk sighed - “but I chopped them really really well” 

“Kyu dont Wanna!” - Kyuhyun pushed away his plate and refused to keep eating - “Ewww!”

“Do you want a bowl of plain rice like your brother?” - Heeyeon tried hoping for the meal to end as soon as possible - “and a spoon?”

Kyuhyun shook his head. Heechul sighed. 

“Kyu zic” - Kyuhyun whined - “Gwozz! Gwozzz!”

“Get out of the table, Cmon” - Heechul took the boy out of his chair - “Go play or something, ok? And relax. Just don’t think about it” 

Kyuhyun had teary eyes. He knew Heechul was definitely angry at him. And he knew that refusing to eat his uncle cooking was some sort of direct offence as well. 

Leeteuk found himself pitying the kids when Heechul called for the two involved and made sure of dressing them for going out. 

“What is he doing?” - Heeyeon worried - “Where is he taking them?”

“Why you ask me?” - Leeteuk sighed - “I don’t know either. Why don’t you ask him?”

“Because I’m afraid I will slap him again” - Heeyeon confessed in a low tone - “Or worse” 

“Stop gossiping” - Heechul was looking at them - “Im not doing anything crazier than usual”

“Than usual” - Leeteuk repeated stressed - “What are you doing?”

“I made an appointment to the psychologist” - Heechul snorted - “If we can’t fix them, someone should do it” 

“Maybe there is nothing wrong to fix, baby” - Heeyeon used a warning tone - “And why are you taking Kyuhyun too? He eats well most of the time” 

“He is picky” - Heechul complained - “Just because he eats a lot doesn’t mean he eats well” 

Kyuhyun sulked. His dad was right. Still, it felt a little upsetting to be taken to the psychologist just for putting on a show once. Maybe twice. Or thrice? He didn’t keep count. But it was unfair, anyway. 

“I’m going with you” - Both, Leeteuk and Heeyeon said an unison 

“And who is looking after the others?” - Heechul fooled - “Yesung?”

“If you give me back my phone and pay me well…” - Yesung smiled - “I’m still not doing it” 

“Me! me! Me!” - Kangin jumped excited - “You won’t regret leaving me in charge!”

“Papa, You can’t take Hyukkie with you” - Sungmin folded his arms - “Hyukkie has dance class too” 

“He is skipping it” 

Eunhyuk turned so pale, Leeteuk thought he was going to faint. The former babysitter ended calling for reinforcements. 


The Kim couple was at the door moments later. 

“Oh, you are already here” - Heechul greeted her in a mischievous way - “It took you longer than expected! Was there too much ‘air’ traffic?”

Heeyeon blushed. She knew Heechul’s relationship with his mother was like that. Still, she found embarrassing how the man that would say the sweetest things to her would also imply his nice mother was a witch. 

“I was at the hair salon” - Mrs Kim defended herself 

“Oh” - Heechul faked surprise- “Was it closed?” 

“Good afternoon” - Heeyeon was extremely polite trying to compensate for the lacks of manners her partner exhibited. She stepped on Heechul’s foot on purpose - “Thank you for coming” 

“Gamma!” - Ryeowook was happy to have his grandparents around - “Gappa!”

“Hi, Ryeowook” - his grandpa melted - “Are you being a good boy?”

“Mmmmmm” - Ryeowook twisted his lips - “Nope” 

“Gandma” - Kyuhyun was sulking - “Dada iz angwy! Takes Kyu to wyworogis’ !” 

“Psychologist” - Leeteuk sighed - “and I wouldn’t say he is angry. He just went insane. If we are lucky maybe they will call a psychiatrist and have him sedated for a while” 

Mrs Kim squinted her eyes at Heechul. The man stared at her defiantly. Leeteuk could see where the kids learned that from. Heeyeon was anxious. 

“Shall we get going?” - she tried separating those two - “Heechul, don’t make it worse… I beg you” 

Heechul, somehow, felt it. He stopped bickering with his mother and promised to behave at the consult. 

“Oh no” - Heeyeon shook her head when Heechul took the car keys - “I drive”

Heechul didn’t argue. Leeteuk decided to sit at the back with the kids. He preferred Heechul going next to Heeyeon. At least, if someone was half immune to his bad mood… was her. Maybe because she was his girlfriend or because she was carrying their child. But even being about to explode, Heechul tried to remain calm around her. 

“I’m not that mad” - Heechul confessed in a low voice as he caught Heeyeon taking quick peeks at him - “I’m telling you the truth”

“You are scary right now” - Heeyeon whispered softly - “I can barely breathe here. It’s been ages since I saw you like this” 

“I’m not mad” - Heechul insisted - “I’m just… upset” 

“Because the kids won’t eat like you want?” 

“Because I don’t know what to do” - Heechul left out sadly - “I’m running out of ideas. I just thought the psychologist could help us” 

“I’m not an expert on the matter… but forcing your kids to leave their usual activities to attend a rushed psychology consult doesn’t feel like a good idea” 

“I didn’t want to wait” - Heechul looked out of the window 

Leeteuk wished for the appointment to end even before it was their turn. They were at the waiting room with two fussy kids that only wanted to go home. He lost track of time as he was busy trying to stop Kyuhyun from running out of the place. 

“Kyu doezn’ wanna be here!” - Kyuhyun was already crying scared - “Kyu wanna home with twin!” 

Leeteuk was about to hold the boy when someone did it first. He got a little dumbfounded when Heechul held the boy sweetly and started showering him with kisses. 

“I know, I know” - Heechul was soothing the boy - “It will be over soon, I promise. Dad will spoil you lots, ok? When we get back home, we can play piano again. What about that?”

“W-with W-Wookie? - Kyuhyun sniffed a bit 

“Yeah, with Ryeowookkie” - Heechul kissed him again - “Do you think you can be brave for dad?” 

Kyuhyun shook his head. 

“Can you try at least?”

“Ung…” - Kyuhyun hugged him tightly - “Kyu no wanna down” 

“You want me to hold you” - Heechul said calmly - “Did you see the fish they have?”


“Haven’t you noticed the big aquarium?” - Heechul held the boy so he could see better - “see? They have pretty fish in there” 

“Fishy!” - Kyuhyun chirped in a good mood as he relaxed watching the colorful friends swim from one side to other - “Pwetty” 

Leeteuk was mesmerized at the beautiful father and son moment. Heechul was actually being nice and patient to Kyuhyun despite displaying a temper tantrum an hour ago. Maybe he had calmed down? Maybe he came back to his senses? Whatever it was, Leeteuk wished he would remain like that for the rest of the YEAR.

It was finally their turn. Kyuhyun whimpered a bit when he realized they were going inside and there was someone else there. He kept clinging on Heechul and refused to sit properly. 

“Mr Kim” - the psychologist greeted him - “It’s been a while… and you guys must be…”

“Heeyeon. Her girlfriend” - Heeyeon introduced herself shyly 

“Leeteuk… his brother” - Leeteuk was also shy.

“Oh” - The psychologist was surprised- “Did you come to support them?”

“I came to make sure he doesn’t try anything stupid” - Heeyeon snapped - “our boys are just a little picky over food but he is truly worried” 

“Do you share his concern?”

“Just… a bit” - Heeyeon pouted - “Of course I would the kids to eat better since that means they will be healthier… but I don’t want them to feel upset over food” 

“I also think this is going out of scale” - Leeteuk added - “These two boys have struggled with food since they were young. Both of them display ‘picky’ habits but they do feed well most of the time” 

“Kyuhyun fits that category” - Heechul interrupted - “But Eunhyuk is nowhere close to that” 

“He isn’t starving either” - Leeteuk complained

“Let’s start with the youngest one” - The dr sighed - “What would you say is the problem with him?” 

“Our Kyunnie finds gross many foods” - Heeyeon explained - “mostly vegetables” 

“He even goes as far as spitting or throwing up”  - Heechul was patting the boy’s back - “I think is a very strong reaction. It’s not the common ‘I don’t like this, I don’t eat it’. He even gets sick from it” 

“He seems like a very healthy kid” - the man smiled at the boy cuddling on Heechul’s lap - “What did the paediatrician say?” 

“That he is doing fine but could do better” - Heechul sighed - “Kyu has a lot of bowel issues. Apparently, it has to do with the fact his diet is poor in fruits and veggies” 

“Are you worried because of that?”

“Yeah, but what worries me the most is that I don’t know how far will he take it” - Heechul bit his lips - “and we don’t really know what to do” 

“What about the other friend?” 

Eunhyuk gasped. It was his turn. He was sure the adults wouldn’t stop complaining. He even tried to cover his ears but Leeteuk scolded him saying ‘it was rude’. 

“Eunhyukkie has a lot of troubles when it comes to eating” - Heechul glanced at the boy - “He basically survives eating white rice and plain noodles. Sometimes, if we are lucky… he eats pasta and drinks some soup” 

“I eat eggs too” - Eunhyuk grunted. He was feeling ashamed as Heechul described his eating habits- “And I drink milk” 

“Only if it has one for those extra yucky full sugar cereals” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “Or if artificially flavoured”

Eunhyuk sulked and gave Heechul a bad look. 

“Sometimes he refuses to sit at the table and wants to leave” - Heechul continued - “He also has preference towards some type of plates and cutlery” 

“You are a tattletale” - Eunhyuk whined in a low voice. Heechul heard him. The kid got scared. 

“I’m not doing this to make you feel bad” - Heechul looked away - “I think we need help. Both of us. Neither of us can’t live like that” 

The doctor stared at them for a long time. 

“Am I a bad b-boy?” - Eunhyuk stuttered with teary eyes - “I don’t like causing troubles!” 

“Oh, honey you are very nice boy” - Leeteuk hugged him - “a little picky when it comes to eating but nothing else” 

“I don’t do it on purpose” - Eunhyuk cried - “I swear I don’t!”

“Baby, we already know that” - Heeyeon was wiping his tears - “We ALL know that” 

“I don’t think is behavioural” - The psychologist said in a calm tone - “my guess is that both of them are highly sensitive” 

“Well, Eunhyuk does cry a lot” - Heechul raised his eyebrows- “But Kyunnie… He is actually really sensitive too. He has been sulking for over a week just because his uncle got angry at him” 

“I didn’t—- are you still sulking over that?” - Leeteuk suddenly worried. He thought Kyuhyun was doing fine but Heechul’s statement made him doubt - “I thought he was clingy because of the pain” 

“I don’t think the doctor was referring to how much they cry” - Heeyeon shook hear head - “I think he was trying to say they experience eating in a way we don’t” 

“That’s right” - the psychologist stood up and walked towards Kyuhyun- “But ‘dad’ is also right. High sensitivity plays a role when it comes to personality and displaying emotions” 

“How do we know if they are high sensitive children?” - Leeteuk was still concerned over the fact Kyuhyun tried to avoid eye contact with him after Heechul exposed him - “Are there other signs?

“Mmm let’s try something. I will give an statement and you will see if it fits the kids” 

“Let’s go” - Heechul nodded - “I already know the results but… It’s better if we know for sure”

“My kid is highly empathetic” - The doctor said - “He will cry when others cry and gets easily emotional”

“Both of them” - Leeteuk was quick to answer - “Although it could be because they both have twins…”

“Kyuhyun suffers twice when it’s about his twin” - Heechul agreed - “Eunhyuk also hates watching his twins fight or get hurt” 

“Good, next one: my child asks a lot of questions” 

“they do” - the three adults agreed - “but all our kids are like that…”

“My child is cautious… specially over new situations” 

“Kyuhyun” - again, the three adults said at the same time

“My child has a low pain tolerance” - the doctor continued 

“Eunhyuk for this one” - Heechul looked at Leeteuk- “You do agree, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I was thinking about Kyu… I don’t think this one fits him. He endures a lot of ‘physical’ pain… I mean, he broke a finger and didn’t put on a show” 

“Good, then we agree” - Heechul nodded and turned to Heeyeon who also agreed - “Then, next one” 

“My kid is perceptive”


“I think my child overreacts” - the psychologist cleared his throat - “This one is tricky. We talk about overreacting when you think the response after some situation is unmeasured. Like throwing an awful tantrum over something that seems normal” 

“This one is hard” - Leeteuk was the first to talk - “They are kids. Of course they have tantrums over things we consider ‘silly’ but there are also many things that could play a part” 

“I’m with Teuk on this one” - Heeyeon whispered - “One of them was having a tantrum not long ago but turns out he was just tired” 

Heechul looked at the boy on his lap. Heeyeon had a point. Kyuhyun was sleepy. Maybe he needed a nap. The toddler rubbed his eyes again. If they weren’t under a ‘stressful’ situation (new place, new people) he was sure Kyuhyun would be fall asleep. 

“Me too” - Eunhyuk raised his hand. All the adults turned to him - “I feel really really REALLY sad cuz I’m not dancing on the big stage and NOBODY CARES” 

“Honey, we do care” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe Eunhyuk was that hurt 

“No, you don’t” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “You just don’t get it. I WANT to dance on the big stage. And and and! you won’t help me!” 

“What is this about?” - the doctor found interesting Eunhyuk understood the affirmations and tried to participate himself - “Eunhyukkie, do you agree with everything your family said about you?”

“I do!” - Eunhyuk folded his arms - “but I’m upset cuz they won’t listen to me!”

“We doooo” - Heechul widened his eyes - “How couldn’t we? You haven’t stopped talking about the big stage Or whatsoever. And Yeah, I know you are mad because you had dance class today” 

“But you haven’t helped me!” 

“How can I help you?” - Heechul was flustered- “I told you, several times already, that I dont choose who dances or not at your school play. I told you we could do our own thing at home but you refused” 

“But that’s not what I want!” 

“I’m suppose to give you what you need” - Heechul hissed - “Not what you want. Sometimes they will fit, some other times won’t”

“I swear we don’t fight like this all time” - Heeyeon worried the psychologist would write something negative about the family dynamics-“we are all stubborn but that’s it” 

“Oh, but he did say something interesting” - The doctor stopped the discussion - “Heechul, you said you should give your kid what he needs not what he wants” 

“That’s a father duty” - Heechul folded his arms 

“Of course. Then, try thinking like that when it comes to food and feeding him. Give him what he needs” 

“He needs healthy food” - Heechul tried 

“But he needs food he can actually eat” - The doctor helped - “What I’m trying to say, is that you are right about they needing to eat healthier. But you are wrong thinking they need to change their preferences” 

“I’m lost” 

“Let’s say Eunhyuk has a preference over some consistency” - The doctor explained with patience - “Let’s say he likes mushy foods but not crunchy ones. You want to feed him cereal. What do you think you should do?”

“Give him milk too” - Heeyeon got it first - “And wait until cereal loses crunchiness. Then, it will be mushy and he will eat” 

“Oh” - Heechul was smiling a bit - “So… you think that if I change the way I give him food… he will eat?”

“Maybe” - The doctor was smiling too seeing how a happy Heechul was - “But you both need to work on that. Eunhyuk needs to be honest about what he likes or not and why. And you need to be open to solutions and not judge him” 

“Sounds… good” - Heechul glanced at the boy - “I think we could try that” 

“Also, try making sure meal time is pleasing. If you engage in fights or try to force him to eat something he doesn’t want, he will associate meals with feeling bad and will get worse” 

“Told you” - Heeyeon stuck out her tongue. Kyuhyun giggled. 

“Another good thing you could do is to make him involved in the process of making his food” - The doctor wrote something down - “Cooking together, going grocery shopping…” 

“Sounds like fun!” - Heeyeon was excited - “Heechul doesn’t know how to cook but I do. We will have so much fun!”

Eunhyuk smiled pleased. He liked the idea. Kyuhyun frowned. 

“Kyu too” - Kyuhyun finally said something again 

“Yeah, you too. It’s good for all children” 

“Lastly, since you are deeply worried about they don’t getting enough nutrients, I suggest you visit a dietitian. They may help you to adapt meals to the kids and make sure they won’t be missing something” 

“Thanks” - Heechul felt like if heavy weight was taken from him - “I feel better knowing that there are things I can do for them” 

“Kyu wanna pee” - Kyuhyun announced unexpectedly 

“Toilet is next door” - the doctor laughed when the adults panicked 

“No! Mama!” - Kyuhyun refused to go with Heechul despite being all lovey doves with him the whole afternoon - “Want mama! Mama!”

“For real?” - Heechul complained to the psychologist- “is this also about being ‘high sensitive’? Lately, whenever he feels like, he will only ask for his mom!”

“You are jealous~ “ - Heeyeon said playfully as she retrieved the boy from Heechul- “Let’s go pee with mommy~” 

“Oh, no. That’s quite normal for his age” - the man laughed - “He is a boy after all. They tend to go through a phase in which ‘ mom is everything’ “ 


“Girls are the opposite” 

“For real?” - Heechul changed radically- “Girls go through the same but…”

“Everything is ‘daddy’. I want daddy and such” - The psychologist found funny Heechul’s reaction - “Of course it varies from child to child and—“ 

“It doesn’t matter” - Heechul grinned and made a rainbow using his hands - “Daddy’s girl” 

Leeteuk found hilarious Heechul was hitting a tantrum over Kyuhyun preferring Heeyeon and was now looking forward to the same situation with Cherry in a few years. 

The exited the psychology consult feeling way better. Heechul was sure all he needed to do was work harder to understand his children and find that middle point that would allow them to have healthy diets without tears. He was claiming victory when Eunhyuk spoke again. 

“I really wanna dance at music festival school does” 

This time, it wasn’t a complain. It was more like a heartfelt confession. 

“Fine” - Heechul was in a good mood and wasn’t going to waste it arguing with a little boy - “I will ask your teacher about it” 

“You will?” - Eunhyuk smiled widely - “Thanks daddy!”

“I promise nothing” - Heechul warned when Eunhyuk hugged him - “It’s not my call, ok? We are going to stick to their rules” 

“I wanna dance!” - Eunhyuk was dancing in the parking lot 

“Clown” - Kyuhyun said perfectly 

“HEY” - Leeteuk got goosebumps- “It’s not nice to call your brother like that” 

Kyuhyun cried. The uncle sighed.

“I just gave you a mild scolding” - Leeteuk was trying to hold him - “Why are you like this? Are you still upset over the fact I scolded you for the piano thing?” 

Kyuhyun refused to get hold and got stuck to Heeyeon. 

“Guess I’m not driving” - she sighed 

“Kyunnie, Cmon” - Leeteuk was hurt - “I swear I’m not angry” 

Kyuhyun was too upset to listen. He kept clinging onto Heeyeon and had a hard time when the woman made him sit on his seat.


“Oh, I know, I know” - she cooed - “But it’s dangerous when driving. Daddy is going to take us to the dance school and then home. Once we get home, we can snuggle all you want” 

Leeteuk was surprised Heeyeon could be so firm under that circumstance. She usually had this image of a naive young woman who would fall for her kids. It was shocking to see she did have an strict side. 

“He is just sleepy” - Heeyeon was trying to soothe the kid by his head - “cmon Kyunnie~ let’s take a nap~” 

Thanks to the ride, Kyuhyun fell asleep soon after. Heechul observed by the mirror and chuckled. Leeteuk felt better knowing the toddler was probably just moody because of tiredness. Yet, he still had to talk to him when he was feeling better. He couldn’t believe Kyuhyun would actually think he was still angry about what happened with the piano. 

“We pick your brothers, I talk to your teacher and we go straight back home” - Heechul was telling Eunhyuk - “no running around, ok?”

“Oh, Mr Kim!” - The teacher greeted him as soon as he spotted him - “I’m glad you came. We wanted to talk to you!”

“What a coincidence” - Heechul faked surprise. He wondered what the triplets got into now - “What did they do now?”

“Remember what we talked about the festival? Well, turns out a kid left the school this week” - The teacher did a sad face - “So, we got a vacant. We need a child to cover the spot…”

Eunhyuk was really excited. 

“So, we are having auditions” - The teacher handed him a flyer- “More like trials? We have five kids participating” 

Heechul felt his head spinning. 

“AWESOME! IM GOING TO WIN !” - Eunhyuk was bouncing next to him 

“That’s the spirit! Go for it, Hyukkie!” - The teacher gave him a high five - “make sure of practicing, ok?” 

“Daddy!” - Donghae was hugging him - “Guess what! Guess what! Teacher said I got a chance to win!” 

“What?” - Eunhyuk frowned a bit - “You are… auditioning too?”

“And Minnie too!” - Donghae said excited - “Teacher said the three of us could try!”

Heechul left out a big sigh. 

“Let’s go inside the car” - He rushed the kids - “Cmon, it’s going to rain” 

“It’s not cloudy, Papa” - Sungmin looked at the sky 

They got inside. Heechul leaned on the steering wheel. Eunhyuk started crying. 

“Why you cry? Hyukkie what’s wrong?” - Donghae cried too - “Why you cry?” 

Kyuhyun woke up thanks to the noise. He cried too out of pure annoyance. 

“Can I cry too?” - Heeyeon asked nervously 

“What’s going on?” - Leeteuk asked anxiously 

“Oh” - Sungmin said cutely - “It’s raining tears! I get it now!” 

Heechul laughed. Sungmin’s innocence was something else. Leeteuk and Heeyeon laughed too. It was so silly it was fun. 

“Why we laugh?” - Donghae was chuckling still with teary eyes - “What’s funny daddy?”

Kyuhyun was giggling too. Seeing everyone laughing made him laugh. The only one that remained crying all the way back was Eunhyuk. 

What was he supposed to do? He really wanted to perform. Right now, that was his only dream and goal. However, in order to accomplish that… he would compete against his siblings. He felt sorry for them… because he was definitely going to win. 


Next chapter will be about sibling rivalry~ 

(^-^)/ how are you doing?? Hope you are all doing great! 

Special “hi” to those who always comment on this story~ 

Iam_me00, Pamira, Lellemira and of course, HelenDamnation. <3 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it