The invisible risk

Junior Quest

Leeteuk was still drying his hair when he heard a commotion. He took a deep sigh and decided to go downstairs only to realize the problem thanks to his nose. It wasn’t a smell you could confuse. He found Mrs Jung moping the floor. 


“Who was it?” - Leeteuk sighed - “Kangin? I told Kangin that was a lot of chocolate. No? Then, Yesung?”


“N-no” - Mrs Jung did a sad expression 


“I can’t believe a younger kid would have done such a mess... their stomachs aren’t that b—“


“It wasn’t a kid” - Mrs Jung said in a low voice as she gestured Leeteuk to go check on the culprit - “It was... unexpected”



Leeteuk found Heechul leaning next to the toilet’s bowl. The triplets were spying on him from the door. 


“Kids~ Lets Leave Dad alone” - Leeteuk pushed the kids aside and asked them to go - “He is not feeling well”


“Papa is sick” - Sungmin pouted - “We stay”


“Uhum” - Eunhyuk And Donghae agreed 


“Uhmmm... Actually, I think you could help” - Leeteuk decided to try something else - “Can you go and search for his medicine? The one that has a pink box”


“YES!” - The triplets ran to take care of their little errand 


“They will come back in a few minutes” - Heechul lamented- “They are good at running errands”


“They would find it, if it existed” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “There is no ‘pink box’. How are you feeling?”


Heechul gave Leeteuk a bad look. Then he took a deep breath. 


“I’m sorry for causing troubles” - Heechul sulked - “Mrs Jung must be having a hard time cleaning after me...”


“I know you didn’t do it on purpose. I’m just worried because it’s unlikely coming from you” - Leeteuk sat on the cold floor next to his friend - “Did it take you by surprise?”


“I only threw up” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I just probably ate something I shouldn’t. That’s it”


“Alright~ I will look after the kids” - Leeteuk stood as he patted Heechul’s back - “Tell me if you need anything. If you are feeling too sick, I will take you to the hospital” 


“Why would you do that?” - Heechul scoffed- “I—“




“I hate him” - Heechul sulked again at the hospital- “He is just taking revenge—“


“Do you really think Leeteuk would call me just because you threw up on him?” - The old lady pulled her son’s ear - “You are looking awful, my boy. He is probably worried because you don’t look well”


“I don’t feel that bad” - Heechul folded his arms 


“Uhm” - The old lady shook her head - “I disagree. If you went as far as having two ‘accidents’ then it must be serious”


“Mr Kim” - a doctor called - “Over here, please”


“Why are you coming with me? I’m not a child anymore” - Heechul twisted his lips annoyed when he realized his mother was following him 


“A mother never stops being a mother” - The old lady teased - “You could give me a break, though. Stop being so careless about your health”


“I’m not!” - Heechul protested 



“Whewe dada?” - Kyuhyun asked again as he played with his blocks - “Dada sic? Doc?”


“Yeah, he went to see a doctor” - Leeteuk was playing with the toddler - “Are you sad?”


“Uhmmmm” - Kyuhyun thought for a while - “Littwe”


“I see” - Leeteuk liked how the twins were getting better at expressing their feelings with words rather than just cry - “If you ever feel sad or sick, you can always talk to me”


“Uhum” - Kyuhyun smiled a bit - “Wookie bad”


“Uh? RYEOWOOK” - Leeteuk noticed the boy trying to open the main door again - “This is the third time already!”


“BUAAAAAAAAAAH!” - Ryeowook cried again - “DAAAADAAAAAAA”


“Dada is coming back anytime” - Leeteuk grunted - “But if you dare to get near the door again, I will ask him to scold you”


“WOOKIE WANNA GO ‘TZIDE!” - Ryeowook protested - “PWEASE”


“Its a No” - Leeteuk held the upset kid and locked him inside the playpen - “Play here for a while”


Ryeowook wailed on the padded floor. Henry started crying as he got sad for his brother. 


“UHHHHH WOOGIEEEE” - The Baby felt his sadness- “GYUUUU”


For Leeteuk’s surprise, Kyuhyun remained quiet. The babysitter had started to notice how the youngest twin wouldn’t care about his brother’s tears since yesterday . It was something weird considering that Kyuhyun had always cared for Ryeowook’s happiness. Leeteuk knew he probably was missing something. 


“Did you guys fight?” - Leeteuk tried asking the youngest twin - “are you ok?”


“Wookie ‘n Kyu no fwigt” - Kyuhyun shook his head denying the accusations 


“Good” - Leeteuk relaxed - “Then, Lets resume our—“


“Awgwumend” - Kyuhyun continued - “Kyu angwy” 


“Did you have an argument ?” - Leeteuk realized that the boy had only denied the fact they hit each other - “Why?”


“Bee” - Kyuhyun twisted his lips - “ztupid”


“NO ZTUPID!” - Ryeowook shouted from the playpen- “KYU BAD”


“Now  that I think about it, I haven’t seen your bee today” - Leeteuk turned to Ryeowook- “is that what you are looking for?” 


“Ung!” - Ryeowook nodded softly- “Kyu kiwapped bee”


“Kyu did what?” - Leeteuk still got amazed by Ryeowook’s ability to learn and use words most toddlers ignored - “Honey, What did you say?”




Yeah. There was no doubt. Ryeowook was accusing his twin brother of kidnapping his bee. Leeteuk believed that maybe Kyuhyun felt bad for the accusation but Ryeowook wouldn’t stop blaming him for it. 


“I don’t think Kyuhyun took your bee away, Ryeowookkie” - Leeteuk tried to reconcile the brothers - “I think you are mistaken”


“Uhm... Nuh” - Ryeowook pouted 


“Yes, you are” - Leeteuk insisted - “Lets say ‘sorry’ to Kyuhyun and then become friends again”


“I wefuze” - Ryeowook folded his arms and turned away - “Hphm!” 


“I still don’t know what surprises me the most” - Leeteuk sighed - “Either it is your bad temper or the fact you are learning words you shouldn’t know. Cmon, I will help you find your bee~ but after I prove to you Kyu is innocent, you will apologize”


Ryeowook frowned. Leeteuk found scary how the boy looked so much like his dad when angry. Leeteuk searched for the bee but he couldn’t find it. He was sure the so called toy haven’t left the house. He was sure Ryeowook took it with him last night before going to sleep. 


The conflict between siblings turned worse when Ryeowook realized his blanket wasn’t around either. Leeteuk was having a hard time trying to figure out how to calm the toddlers when Heechul called. 


“Hey~ how are you doing?” - Leeteuk tried to sound cheerful as usual 


“Not so Well” - Heechul hissed - “She kidnapped me”


“Oh~ it’s funny. Now I know where Ryeowook learned that word” - Leeteuk giggled - “Have you seen Ryeowook’s bee? I have been looking for the bee all day”


“No, I haven’t. Sometimes I feel like if we have a goblin hiding stuff around the house” - Heechul replied confused- “Anyway... it looks like I can’t go home now. Apparently, doctors believe I got an infection and say I should rest. I wanted to go home but Mom took me to their place”


“Well, She loves taking care of you”


“Please come and rescue me” - Heechul whined- “Please Teuk, I beg you”


“Whats so bad about being taken care of?” - Leeteuk found funny how Heechul hated the idea of being looked after - “Maybe you should stay there for the day. Take the day off~”


“Are you insane?! I can’t take the ‘day off’ “ - Heechul barked - “It’s SATURDAY! I’m supposed to stay home playing with my kids!”


“Bye ~” - Leeteuk cut the call. He smiled as he spotted the kids playing together. Ryeowook seemed to be in a better mood thanks to the triplets 



“I’m not a baby” - Heechul refused to get fed by his mom - “I can do it myself”


“Then do it” - the old lady teased - “I haven’t seen you take a single spoon since lunch started”


“I told you I wasn’t hungry” - Heechul pouted - “I consider this a torture”


“You can consider it as you want” - The old lady pinched her son’s cheek - “Only three spoons and you can leave the table”


Heechul took a deep sigh and nodded. Three spoonfuls of soup didn’t sound that bad. He finished his part of the deal and left. He ran to the toilet as soon as he was out of his mother’s sight. 


“Does your tummy hurt?” - Heechul got the chills when he realized he got caught by his dad - “You should have told your mom you were feeling nauseous again”


“Please don’t tell her” - Heechul begged - “She wont stop nagging me if she learns about it. I want to go back home as soon as possible” 


“I see” - The old man smiled sweetly- “But you need to understand that as your father, I worry about you and your health”


“I guess so?” - Heechul worried 


“Honey! Heechul is sick again!” 


“OH CRAP” - Heechul realized his father wouldn’t help him covering the truth 




“Wookie wanna peeeeeeeee” - Ryeowook was calling Leeteuk once again - “PEEEEEEE”


“I heard you the first time” - Leeteuk scolded - “Also, that’s not true. You only want attention from me, isn’t it?”


“Wookie wanna pee” - Ryeowook squirmed - “Pwease” 


“Nice” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid smiling at the toddler - “This would the third time in just ehm... five minutes? I bet you won’t actually pee”


“Pwease” - Ryeowook was almost crying 


Leeteuk took the boy to the toilet. Ryeowook only managed to pee a few droplets before announcing he was done. Leeteuk sighed. 


“See? I think you are just confused” - Leeteuk teased - “What happened Uh? You used to be so good at telling us your body needs”


Ryeowook just did cute sounds. Leeteuk laughed. 


“I will place a potty here” - Leeteuk showed the boy - “If you need to pee again, you can sit here by yourself, ok?”


“Kay!” - Ryeowook nodded. 


Kyuhyun was staring at his twin with puffed cheeks. 


“Are you angry?” - Leeteuk found it cute - “Are you still sad for what happened earlier?”


“Wookie Bad” - Kyuhyun folded his arms - “No Pway Kyu!”


“Uh? Are you upset because he is not playing with you?” - Leeteuk often tried to decipher what the boys wanted to tell him. Sometimes, the information they provided was really useful - “Has he said anything?”


“Wookie zaid no wanna  pway ” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “tiwed”


“Ah~ he said he was tired and didn’t want to play” - Leeteuk translated - “Maybe he is not in a good mood, Kyu. Maybe he is upset because we haven’t found his bee”


“No Bee” - Kyuhyun scoffed - “Wookie no pway daycawe”


This one was a little bit more complicated. Then, he recalled something Heechul told him. 


“ ‘Teacher told me Ryeowook was utterly quiet today’ “ - Leeteuk repeated - “He didn’t play that much yesterday, did he?”


“Nuh...” - Kyuhyun seemed upset - “Wookie no pway wi’ Kyu”


Leeteuk stared at the boy sitting on the potty while trying to read a book. He wondered why would Ryeowook ignore his twin. 




“Let me goooooo~ stop~~~~” - Heechul was whining again - “Pleaaaaaase”


“Silly” - the old lady smiled as she fixed a blanket for him - “Be quiet, you need to rest”


“I’m fine” - Heechul sulked - “That stupid bacteria wont kill me” 


“I know it won’t” - The woman patted his belly - “But I don’t want you to suffer nor feel bad. That’s why I will shower you with love”


“That sounds good, mom” - Heechul sighed - “But I have nine kids to take care of and... well, you know”


“You won’t be helpful at all with that problem of yours” - The mother fixed the blanket again - “You are going to scare the children with that weird way of vomiting”


“It’s called projectile vomit” - Heechul blushed - “Doctors told me I would stop doing it after the bacteria has left my body. They said it’s not contagious now but they worry about the original source”


“Well, I wouldn’t worry that much” - The old lady ruffled Heechul’s hair - “They said you would recover fast”


“Yeah... I don’t worry about that” - Heechul lamented- “I just can’t stop thinking that one of the kids could have gotten it. I’m nervous because I think Leeteuk is going to call me with bad news any minute”


“Honey, just relax~ You need to rest”


“I can’t...” - Heechul pouted - “I want to sleep but I’m too nervous and I can’t”


The old lady smiled and started Heechul’s head softly. 


“What are you doing?” - Heechul finally smiled - “I’m not a cat~”


“I used to do this to you when you were younger” - The old lady recalled - “You probably don’t remember it, but you used to get extremely clingy when sick”


“No, I do remember that” - Heechul giggled - “And I know I was unbearable. Gunhee had a hard time taking care of me”


“I only remember a scared boy that would cry when feeling ill” - The old lady pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “I don’t think you were specially ‘bad’ when being sick. I actually felt guilty because somehow, I liked it”


“What?” - Heechul did a shocked expression 


“Not that you got sick” - The woman explained - “But the fact you would let me take care of you... and the way you would get clingy”


“I hate to admit it” - Heechul bit his lips - “But some of my best memories... are from when I was sick” 




A young Heechul was tiptoeing around the house holding a basket with sheets. He was trying his best to not make any noise when someone the lights. 


“” - The ten years old boy turned to face his mom - “Hello mother”


“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” - the woman asked - “Wait. are those your sheets?”


“Ehm...” - Heechul looked around. He couldn’t think of a clever answer. He decided he would just go with the truth - “Yes...”


“Oh honey, did you throw up? Are you feeling sick?” - The woman approached her son but the boy flinched 


“I just... ehm...” - Heechul was deep red. He felt his face burning - “I...”


Too late. His mother was already inspecting the sheets. She relaxed when she found the cause. Heechul was ready to receive an scolding or worse: teasing. 


“You wet the bed” - The mother smiled - “Oh~ it’s alright~ Accidents happen. Just let me take care of it, sweetie. You go back to sleep”


“I- I can do it myself” - Heechul was starting to feel hot from embarrassment- “You don’t have to bother...”


“Is that why you didn’t wake me up?” - The woman sighed- “You think I would get mad at you for this?”


“Maybe?” - Heechul wasn’t sure of his answer. Now thinking about it, his mom had never said anything bad to him when those accidents happened years ago - “I’m ten now”


“So? That doesn’t change the fact you are my son” 


“But ten years old don’t wet the bed” - Heechul sulked - “Please dont tell anyone else”


“It’s not like I would make fun of you”’- The mother inspected her son’s face - “You are red”


“I’m embarrassed” - Heechul looked away - “Of course, I’m red”


“No, honey” - The woman placed a hand on his forehead- “I think you got a fever”


“Uhm no” - Heechul flinched again - “I’m fine”


“Are you sure? Don’t be stubborn and let me check your temp—“


“I just wanna go back to sleep” - Heechul pouted - “Please”


“Alright. I will take care of the sheets” - The woman sighed - “But promise me you will call me if you feel sick”





Two hours later, Heechul found himself regretting his choice of not letting his mother to take care of him. Unlike most of the time, Gunhee wasn’t home, so he couldn’t take care of him. 


He was feeling too cold. He wouldn’t stop shivering. He was having a hard time breathing. He thought he would die when someone the lights. 


“Oh boy” - He heard his mother - “I knew it”


Heechul couldn’t move. He was just too sick to even try so. All he could remember from that night was that his mom took care of him and he fell asleep at some moment. 


He woke up feeling thirsty. He rubbed his tired eyes and realized he wasn’t in his room anymore. He looked around: his parents’s room. It had been a while since he slept there. He was still half asleep when realized the bed was wet. 


“Oh no” - Heechul couldn’t believe it - “I did it again” 


The boy was about to get ready to go out of the blankets and undo the bed when someone opened the door. 


“D-Dad” - Heechul tried to pretend everything was fine - “H-hi” 


“Oh~ you are awake~” - his dad smiled to him - “How are you feeling? You had a though night” 


“Did I?” - Heechul wasn’t sure of what to say - “I cant remember that much but I think I got a fever”


“I brought you here after you threw up” - The father explained - “We were worrying you wouldn’t be able to tell us if you felt too bad” 


“Ah... I see” - Heechul worried a lot more over the fact he had managed to wet himself in his parents’s bed - “Don’t you have to work today? I—I have school and—”


“We took the day off” - the parent announced - “Your mother and I decided to skip school today and take you to the hospital. We just want to make sure you are fine”


“Ha?” - Heechul felt his luck couldn’t get worse - “I-I See” 


“Cmon~ Lets get out of that bed. Let’s take a shower and then have some breakfast”


Heechul felt his blood pressure dropped when his dad took away the blankets and saw the damage. The boy was utterly nervous but the parent just kept talking like if he had seen nothing unusual. 


“Do you need to pee?” - The parent asked softly after he helped Heechul undressing- “I will go out if you need to use the toilet. Just tell me when you are done and—“


“I-I wet the bed” - Heechul gathered all his courage for saying it out loud - “I’m sorry”


“Alright... so, you don’t have to pee now?” 


Heechul shook his head. This experience was probably the most embarrassing one in a while. He was unsure of what to say. He didn’t want to admit he actually enjoyed showering with his dad. 


“I can do it myself” - Heechul blushed when his dad tried to help him dress - “I-I’m feeling better now”


“Good morning my poor baby!” - Heechul got the chills when he heard his mother - “How are you feeling?”


Heechul didn’t have time to react before receiving a few kissed from his mom. He was still avoiding eye contact by the time he sat at the table and found his favourite food there. 


“Why?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid smiling a bit - “What are we celebrating today?”


“Another day with you” - his dad teased - “Your mom said you would like it”


“How did she know that?” - Heechul was now in a good mood 


“I’m a witch” - The mother joked - “Honey, I’m your mother. Even if you don’t believe so”


“It’s really nice” - Heechul decided it was better to stick to a normal conversation- “Mrs Jung is a great cook”


“Yeah, She is” - the mother smiled 




“Mrs Jung didn’t make me breakfast that day” - Heechul looked at his mother - “You did. Donghee told me later that you woke up earlier just to make it”


“Aren’t you lucky to have me as a mother?” - The old lady teased - “I didn’t know you remembered that episode”


“Of course I do” - Heechul smiled - “I felt weird back then. I wasn’t used to receive that many attention. Also, I was pretty embarrassed for what happened with the bed”


“Kids always make a big deal about wet beds” - His mother teased - “Who would scold a boy for such an accident?”


“Yeah, I know” - Heechul blushed - “When I was a kid I couldn’t understand why would you take care of me  after all things I did to you. Now after becoming a parent myself,  I understand all sacrifices you did for me and all the love I received”


“Aww Sweetheart” - the old woman has hugging him tightly - “I’m also thankful. Thanks for letting me be your mother”


“Dad was also awesome” - Heechul scoffed - “I cant believe I never got to caught ‘Santa’ nor ‘the tooth fairy’. He was like a ninja” 


“Sure he was” - The woman laughed - “I remember I once had to do his ‘fairy’ job. He was out of town and you had lost another tooth thanks to that skateboard I hated”


“Now that I think about it, I never understood why you hated my skateboard so much” - Heechul laughed - “Until Kangin got his scooter. Then, I understood”




“Sowy Mrz Jun’ “ - A cute toddler was apologizing to the old lady - “Wookie hewps cwean...”


Leeteuk took a deep breath. Ryeowook was giving him a lot of work that afternoon. The boy had refused to leave the potty and when he finally convinced to do it; had an accident. He couldn’t get angry at the boy. Toddlers were toddlers, Leeteuk thought. He still wondered why would Ryeowook have accidents after being perfectly potty trained just one day ago. 


“Sowy Ukwee” - Ryeowook was now apologizing to him - “Wookie weally Sowy. No wet fwoo ‘gain” 


“I’m sure you didn’t do it on purpose” - Leeteuk Carried the boy - “You are acting weird today, you know?”


“Ung” - Ryeowook agreed as he leaned on Leeteuk’s shoulder - “Tiwed”


“Do you want to take a nap?” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “Maybe you will feel better after sleeping”


“Ung... Wi’ Dada” - Ryeowook rubbed his eyes softly- “Wookie wanna baby”


“Uh?” - Leeteuk almost laughed by the random confession. He controlled his expression after he adverted Ryeowook’s upset look when he tried to giggle - “Ehm... Dada is sick and your grandma is taking care of him”


Ryeowook did a squeaking sound and covered his eyes in a dramatic way. Leeteuk was sure the boy was about to cry. 


“Do you really miss your dad that much?” - Leeteuk asked softly - “How can I make you feel better?”


“Dada” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie wantz Dada”


Leeteuk ended calling Heechul for help. However, it wasn’t his friend the one that got the call. 


“Oh! Hi there~ Look who we have here!” - The Grandma seemed pleased to see Ryeowook’s face on FaceTime - “Why are you so gloomy?”


“Gamma... Pwease... Dada” - Ryeowook sulked 


“He is been extremely sad today” - Leeteuk sighed - “I was thinking of letting him see his dad through FaceTime “


“Heechul just fell asleep” - The Grandma pouted - “But if you want, you can come over to pay him a visit. Maybe Ryeowook can be useful here”


“Useful?” - Leeteuk tilted his head


“Just bring him here, ok? I will take care of him while Heechul is here” - The old lady smiled - “I will send your dad to help you with the others. You must be tired” 


“Alright...” - Leeteuk wasn’t still used to calling Heechul’s parents as his own - “Thanks... mom?”


The old lady smiled widely before cutting the call. 


Leeteuk packed a few things for the boy and took him to his grandparents’s house. He had just rang the bell when he heard the toddler did a strange sound. 


“Ryeowook, What are you—“ - Leeteuk sighed - “Again?”


“Sowy” - Ryeowook was red from embarrassment. He hid behind Leeteuk’s legs as soon as his grandmother opened the door 


“Oh! Are we playing peek a boo?” - The old lady spotted the little kid hiding behind Leeteuk 


“He had a potty accident” - Leeteuk whispered- “And it’s not the first one today...”


“Toddlers wet themselves all time” - The old lady smiled sweetly- “When they are nervous, scared, excited...” 


“Sowy Gamma” - Ryeowook was taught he should apologize after he did something wrong or misbehaved. Somehow, the toddler understood he was supposed to apologize after potty accidents as well.


“Ryeowook, I will help you wash” - Leeteuk held the boy’s hand - “Dont worry. In a few minutes we can pretend nothing happened”


“Uhmmmm” - Ryeowook seemed doubtful 


Leeteuk helped the toddler and made sure of letting him know he wasn’t mad at him. The babysitter even tickled the boy trying to get smiles from him, but Ryeowook seemed more worried about not wetting himself again. 


“I brought this” - Leeteuk showed Ryeowook a pair of cloth diapers - “These are like special undies~ If you have an accident you won’t wet anything else. What do you think?”


“Wookie no liwes diapey” - Ryeowook grabbed one of the cloth diapers and inspected it - “But Wookie wantz diz”


“Don’t worry, we know you are potty trained like the big boy you are” - Leeteuk kissed the boy - “It’s just for making sure you won’t wet your grandma’s couch”


“Ung” - Ryeowook agreed - “Thwankz”


“You’re Welcome, honey” - Leeteuk smiled seeing the kid in a better mood - “I’m going back home. If you need anything you can always call me ok? Be nice to your grandma”


“Wookie hewps Gamma” - Ryeowook nodded 



Leeteuk was back to the mansion. He could hear a lot of laughter. The kids were having a blast playing with their grandpa. The old man seemed so used to the chaos that Leeteuk could only stare and smile. 


“You could join us, son” - The old man teased - “I would like to have a partner! I can’t win against all those kids by myself!”


“Sure” - Leeteuk laughed - “I would love to help” 



Heechul woke up after a long nap. He was feeling way better and even a little hungry. He was still rubbing his eyes when he listened to a few laughs coming from the other room. 


“Mom?” - Heechul was amused by the laughs - “Oh! So it was you! My sweet baby bagel!”


“DADA!” - Ryeowook was laughing hysterically- “DADA! DADA!”


“I swear he is so cute!” - The Grandma seemed pleased with Ryeowook- “He is such a good helper”


“Dada! Wookie hewped Gamma!” - Ryeowook was hugging Heechul’s legs - “Wookie good!”


“Wow~ did you help grandma? Such a good boy!” - Heechul praised as he lifted his boy and took him to the bed - “You are so cute that I think I will eat you~”


“HAHAHAHA ZTTTTOPP!” - Ryeowook laughed uncontrollably while Heechul tickled him and tried to ‘eat’ him with kisses - “ZTOP ZTOP! HAHAHA!”


“Do you want me to stop?” - Heechul asked playfully as he held the kid carefully to prevent he fell from the bed. Ryeowook shook his head while laughing. He was expecting Heechul to resume the game, but the parent had found something else to focus on. 


“Why are you wearing these?” - Heechul was pulling down the boy’s shorts to have a better look at his underwear - “Is because they have cute animals on?” 


Ryeowook’s smiled faded away. He seemed embarrassed. He looked at his grandma like asking for help. 


“Teuk told me he had a few accidents today” - The grandmother explained - “He proposed this so he could play well without worrying for accidents”


“Oh~ Cool” - Heechul smiled sweetly- “Its Alright little bagel. Dada doesn’t care if you wear those. Isn’t it time for your nap?”


“Wookie wantz dada fow nap” - Ryeowook his thump 


“So, you are admitting that you want to be babied” - Heechul teased - “You want me to spoil you” 


Ryeowook nodded. The adults laughed. 


“Come here. You can have your nap while mom and I talk” - Heechul sat on the bed with the boy on his arms - “sleep~ sleep~”


The boy fell asleep quickly. He was feeling well now that he was being held by his dad. 


“My my~ he is so spoiled~” - The grandmother teased as she also the boy’s head - “Have I told you how much does he resemble you?”


“He needs a change” - Heechul smiled softly- “I realized he was wet before, but I thought he would feel embarrassed if I pointed it out”


“Oh my~ I took him to the toilet twice but only peed a few drops! I guess you tickled him too hard” - The grandmother laughed- “I will wash that diaper for— honey are you alright?”


“This... it smells” - Heechul wrinkled his nose as he removed Ryeowook’s diaper


“Well, he peed” - the old lady found strange  Heechul’s concern - “Maybe it’s because you are sick and your nose—“


“No... I’m pretty much sure this smells weird” - Heechul was now sniffing it - “Maybe Teuk fed him something different today”


“Honey” - Heechul’s mother sat next to him - “Are you worried?”


“I am” - Heechul couldn’t lie - “I’m sure Ryeowook’s pee didn’t smell like that”


“I can’t sense any change...” - The old lady smiled - “But you are his dad. You know him better than me”


“What if I am just crazy?” - Heechul was cleaning the boy with care - “Leeteuk and you didn’t—“


“You are his dad” - The woman looked at her son with bright eyes - “Parents known their babies the best”


Heechul nodded. A few minutes later, he found himself at the ER with his mother and a sleeping toddler. 


“Uh? Dada?” - Ryeowook rubbed his eyes as he woke up in a strange place - “Whewe we?”


“Hi buddy” - Heechul kissed the boy as he remained calm to not scare him - “Did you sleep well? We came to the doctor”


“Dada sic” - Ryeowook recalled. The boy seemed unconcerned about his own health - “Dada nee’ doc” 


“Uhum~ Maybe” - Heechul found cute how the little kid worried about him - “Do you have to go pee?”


“Uhm...” - Ryeowook thought for a moment - “Ung!”


“Good” - Heechul smiled to his mom - “Then let’s go potty~” 


“Byeeeeee~” - Ryeowook was waving to his grandmother with a silly smile 


“Bye, Honey” - The grandmother also found cute how innocent and pure Ryeowook was 


“You need to pee here” - Heechul showed the little cup to Ryeowook


“Potty?” - Ryeowook pointed at the toilet. He wasn’t sure why Heechul was asking him to pee in a cup when there was a toilet just there - “Big Potty” 


“I need an urine sample” - Heechul sighed - “You have to pee here”


“Uh~?” - Ryeowook tilted his head. He wasn’t sure of what was that, but if his dad needed it... - “Kay~”


“Good~ I will help you” - Heechul kissed the boy again - “Lets just pray for me being crazy and nothing else”



Leeteuk was having a blast as the kids were having fun with their grandpa. The old man new a bunch of funny tricks that made the kids burst with laughter. They were having a great time together. 


“I will go outside for a while” - Yesung informed - “I’m going to ride my bike”


“Are you wearing your watch?” - Leeteuk smiled to the boy - “You know your uncle only allows you to go outside if you follow the rules”


“Not going out when it’s dark, not going out while raining” - Yesung recited- “Wearing the watch. Wearing the special tag that I won’t mention where is it”


“Good” - Leeteuk nodded - “You can go”


“I want to go out tooooooo” - Kangin whined - “Cmon! I’m almost seven!”


“You know Heechul hates that scooter of yours” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “And I cant deny I also dislike the idea of you being away from home without supervision”


“But Teuuuuuuuk” - Kangin pouted - “Yesung is only one year older than meeeeeeeee” 


“I’m afraid maturity it’s not about numbers” - Leeteuk sighed - “Yesung knows how to take care of himself. You obviously don’t”


“Why would you say so?” - Kangin folded his arms - “I’m a first grader now”


“You have lost a tooth once” - Leeteuk pointed at the boy’s knees- “Not to mention the stitches you got”


“Alright” - Kangin bit his lips - “Then lets make a deal! You come with me!”


“How is that a deal?” - Leeteuk sighed - “You are not giving me anything in exchange...”


“Cmooooooon” - Kangin kept testing Leeteuk’s patience - “Just for a few minutes”


“Min, Hyuk and Hae too” - The triplets were pushing their tricycles - “Please”



“I will go with you as well” - The old man patted Leeteuk’s back - “Let’s just enjoy the nice weather ~”


“Can I stay home?” - Siwon pouted - “I promise I won’t give troubles to Mrs Jung”


“But you are going to miss all the fun...” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “Well, Its Alright” 


“Kyu wanna biwe too” - Kyuhyun sulked as he realized all his brothers had bikes - “Me too...”


“Mmm I’m afraid you don’t have one...” - Leeteuk pitied the toddler - “The only bikes we have left are Siwon’s and one for adults... and both are too big for you” 


“Kyu no biwe?” - Kyuhyun looked at Leeteuk with puppy eyes 


“I guess we should fix that then” - The old man laughed as he figured out something- “I think boys have grown a lot” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk realized the old man was staring at the triplets - “Oh my”


The triplets did so well with their tricycles. They have learned how to use them so well, that sometimes Leeteuk forgot all the hard time Heechul had teaching them how to ride those. However, the triplets were now really big. The tricycles that were once big for them, now seemed quite small. 


“Aren’t you uncomfortable?” - The old man tried negotiating with the boys - “I think those are for babies” 


“We are no babies!” - Eunhyuk protested 


“My bike...” - Donghae pouted as he realized his ‘bike’ was different from the ones big boys used - “Hae’s bike has three wheels”


“Yeah, because it’s for babies” - The old man smiled - “I think we should fix that~”



“Twinkwe~ Twinkweee~ liwe ztaaaaaaaaaaw! Ho’ I womdew what you a—-“


“Ryeowook, we are supposed to be quiet” - Heechul covered the boy’s mouth. The parent blushed when he noticed a few ladies laughing at them. 


“You weren’t different from him” - Heechul’s mother giggled - “You were kinda noisy when young. At least, Ryeowook is a natural singer”


“No shoez~~~” - Ryeowook was now taking off his shoes - “Wookie zocks Cute”


“Oh dear” - The old lady laughed as she saw Heechul trying to remain calm - “How does it feel? I remember I used to pray so one day one you could experience what I had to endure while raising you”


“Well, someone is granting your wish” - Heechul couldn’t avoid smiling at the toddler that was now trying to put his shoes to the giraffe plush he carried - “Ryeowook ~ Lets be good and behave~”


Ryeowook pouted and looked at Heechul with teary eyes. 


“I didn’t say you were ‘bad’!” - Heechul worried - “I just... forget it”


Ryeowook giggled. If Heechul wasn’t mad at him then there was no need for crying. He kept squirming on his dad’s lap until a doctor called for them. 


“So?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid glancing at the few lab results the doctor had over his desk - “Is he ok?”


“He is got an UTI” - The doctor replied 


“A what?” - Heechul was familiar with the term, yet he couldn’t believe it 


“UuuuuuuTiiiiiii” - Ryeowook repeated slowly making the doctor and his grandma  laugh


“Yeah, I heard it the first time” - Heechul chuckled - “It’s just... he is too little for having one” 


“Well, I have seen younger kids getting one” - The doctor teased - “An urinary track infection it’s actually pretty common” 


“Oh... How could that happen?” - Heechul took a deep sigh - “I thought boys didn’t get that much UTIs. I have heard many mothers complain about their daughters getting one and how lucky I was for having just boys”


“That’s true” - the Doctor agreed - “But that doesn’t mean boys don’t get one. Sometimes it’s just happen. Bacteria are everywhere and little kids are often exposed to them all the time” 


“Like the pool” - Heechul did a disgusted face - “or public restrooms. We do visit a lot those... having many kids mean lots of trips  to the toilet”


“Maybe you caught the bacteria thanks to the boy ” - The doctor smiled as the toddler played with his instruments- “ ‘Eating’ a bacteria gives a violent response so, I would say you got it recently. However, for having an UTI... you need some time for the bacteria to grow and infect”


“The same... bacteria?” - Heechul sighed - “Geez, I won’t stop catching all kind of virus and bacteria my boys bring home”


“Fwiendz” - Ryeowook chirped 


“N-no, not your friends” - Heechul pinched Ryeowook’s cheeks - “Bacteria And virus are like the germs you hate”


“Ewwww” - Ryeowook folded his arms - “Wookie no wanna batewia”


“Cool. Then I will give you a prescription so you can get rid of it” - The doctor was amused by Ryeowook’s personality- “Since it could be contagious, I would recommend to take precautions” 



“I cant believe he is got an UTI” - Heechul sulked while his mom drove back home - “He is so young to have one! Also... Since it can be contagious, that means he probably infected his siblings” 


“Why would he?” - The old lady smiled- “Its only contagious if you get in touch with his pee. The only ones in contact were Teuk, Mrs Jung and you” 


“That’s... right?” - Heechul nodded - “However that doesn’t explain how did I get it. I mean, I do wash my hands after taking him to the potty... if you have told me an older kid got it, I wouldn’t have any doubts that I caught the bacteria thanks to them. Kangin still forgets to flush and Siwon had troubles wiping his own a— ”


“!” - Ryeowook clapped amused 


“Yeah, toddlers aren’t that clean either” - The woman laughed 


“But Ryeowook doesn’t pee without our help” - Heechul pouted - “It’s strange” 


“The only thing that matters is that both of you are fine and will feel better with a little help” - the old lady smiled as she parked the car 


“Why did you bring us to your place again?” - Heechul couldn’t avoid smiling - “Moooooom!”


“You still haven’t had any food. I won’t let my baby starve” - The old lady gestured Heechul to go inside - “Cmon”




“Dada iz gamma’s Baby?” - Ryeowook found rather amusing the fact his grandmother referred to his dad as ‘baby’


“Yes, so Grandma will get sad if Dada doesn’t go inside” - The grandmother pouted 


“Inzide” - Ryeowook was now pushing his dad - “No mawe Gamma zad!”


Heechul giggled. He found funny how the boy thought he could move him just using his strength. The parent gave away and pretended the boy had pushed him inside. 


“Wook, would you like to stay here for dinner?” - Heechul Carried the boy - “Grandma said she would cook for you”


“UNG!” - Ryeowook seemed excited 


“Don’t worry, cutie” - The old lady ruffled Ryeowook’s hair - “I will take care of you as well. It’s not the first time one boy gets an UTI”


“Now that you mention it...” - Heechul tried to recall the name - “I once got that thing that sounded like...”





“Syphilis?” - A young Heechul tried again after Gunhee spat his cereal. Donghee was still laughing. 


“Are you sure it was that?” - Gunhee tried to recover as he wiped his face with a napkin - “It doesn’t sound right. I think you got the wrong idea”


“I don’t know” - Heechul shrank his shoulders. The boy was still too young and innocent to understand the magnitude of his confusion - “It sounded like that”


“Alright... let’s forget about the name” - Gunhee tried to remain calm - “What did the doctor say?”


“Uhm... that I should be careful because it could be contagious” - Heechul recalled - “And that I needed to rest because my body was trying to fight infection itself”


“How come you got so sick?” - Gunhee sighed - “You were just fine before I left to that camp” 


“It’s ok... mom and dad are taking good care of me” - Heechul blushed - “They had been... so nice?”


“Gunhee you won’t believe it” - Iittle Donghee giggled - “But Heechul went as far as wetting— Ouch!”


“You shouldn’t make fun of that, my dear” - The mother scolded - “Heechul is sick and needs love and attention. He doesn’t need his little brother making fun of him”


“I’m leaving” - Donghee ran to his room as he feared earning another scolding- “Get better!”


“S-sure?” - Heechul was now nervous as well 


“Are you feeling better, sweetie?” - the woman was now hugging the ten years old - “Cystitis can be so uncomfortable. Make sure of drinking plenty water and keep yourself hydrated. It doesn’t matter if you have an ‘accident’ ok?”


“Uhum” - Heechul was deep red again 


“So it was Cystitis” - Gunhee was now laughing 


“Of course” - The mother glanced at her oldest son - “What did you think it was? The poor boy got an UTI. Thanks God we realized it soon, because if not he could have gotten a kidney infection”


“Whats a kidney infection?” - Heechul worried - “I don’t want one”


“Of course you don’t!” - His mother kissed him - “Who would want one?”




Heechul had fallen asleep on the couch. He only woke up after his phone started vibrating. He thought it was an incoming call but it turned out it was Leeteuk sending him several pics at once. 


“Bee?” - Ryeowook was climbing his dad to get a look as well - “Ukwee found bee?”


“N-no, he is sending me pictures of your bro—- OH MY GOD”


“Pwetty!” - Ryeowook tapped the phone’s screen - “Wookie Too!”


“Mom! Come take a look!” - Heechul chuckled - “They are so freaking cute!”



“Like this?” - Sungmin was trying to imitate the pose Leeteuk asked him to do - “Cheeeeeese~”


“Oh God, your dad is going to love it so much” - Leeteuk couldn’t stop taking pictures of the boys with their new bikes and helmets - “Did you say thanks to grandpa?”


“Uhum” - Eunhyuk nodded happily - “We good”


“We Loooooove new bikes!” - Donghae was beyond pleased as he got to choose the one he wanted - “Watch us !”


“Honey, I don’t th—-“


“UWAAAAAAAA!” - The triplets cried as soon as they fell from the bikes. They haven’t realized that bikes were not the same as tricycles. 


Kyuhyun also fell from his new tricycle. Lucky for them, the boy was stubborn and tried until he finally managed to ride it a bit. The triplets, however, were struggling to adapt to the new change. 


Dinner time came and the triplets were in a bad mood as they couldn’t ride their new bikes as they would like. 


“They are having a hard time” - Leeteuk told Heechul as soon as the parent approached them - “I told them you would teach them once you felt better”


“Sure” - Heechul smiled - “I helped Gunhee teaching Yesung how to ride a bike. Now look at him! He is almost better than me!”


“Ukkkkwweeeeeee!” - Ryeowook jumped on Leeteuk - “Bee?”


“Oh boy, sorry” - Leeteuk sighed - “I haven’t looked for it again... I was kinda busy and I forgot”


Ryeowook pouted and looked at him with disappointment. 


“Is that plush still missing?” - Heechul tilted his head - “Did you look under the bed?”


“Of course I did” - Leeteuk frowned - “I looked for it all morning and half of the afternoon, but I couldn’t find it”


“Did you look in the room that is behind my office?”


“Why would I look there?” - Leeteuk sighed - “That’s an storage room”


“Some kids like to hide stuff there” - Heechul whispered - “How Do you think I found out about Kangin bad grades?”


“Fine” - Leeteuk giggled - “Wait here, Wook. I will give it a try” 



“Why are you going there?” - Kangin couldn’t hide the fact he was nervous - “It’s not like I’m hiding something but...”


“Alright. Let’s make a deal” - Leeteuk teased - “You go inside and bring me the bee plush that Ryeowook loves and I promise I won’t tell your dad whatever you hid in there”


“Deal” - Kangin ran inside the room and searched for the bee. He found it and was heading back when he spotted something else. 


“Did you find it?” - Leeteuk was getting impatient 


“Yes! Im giving it to you” - Kangin returned and handled the bee to the babysitter - “I’m going upstairs! Don’t follow me! I’m not hiding anything!”


“Yeah, right” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes. He thought Kangin had tried to hide his failed homework from them.


“Bee!” - Ryeowook was so pleased with the fact his friend had returned 


“Ugh” - Kyuhyun rolled his eyes 


“Did you hide the bee?” - Heechul pulled Kyuhyun’s ear - “Im sure that plush didn’t walk by itself”


“Pway wi Kyu” - Kyuhyun sulked - “No bee...”


“Kyu~” - Ryeowook offered his bee to his twin - “Pway togwethew”


“Wookie...” - Kyuhyun’s eyes sparkled - “UNG!”


“Ryeowook didn’t play with you earlier because he was feeling a little sick” - Heechul clenched to be the same size as them - “Not Because he was busy playing attention to his bee”


“Sick?” - Kyuhyun turned to his brother - “Awwwwww”


“Wookie gotta kill bawtewia” - Ryeowook explained seriously- “Dada n Gamma hewps”


“Sure” - Heechul smiled - “I would never leave some ugly bacteria to mess with my boys!”



“Siwon” - Kangin was holding what it looked like folded underwear- “Isn’t this your—-“


“Don’t tell uncle” - Siwon was scared - “Please. It was an accident”


“I don’t think dad would get mad for a wet bed” - Kangin shook his head - “You should tell him”


“I don’t want to” - Siwon was almost crying  - “Just when I finally stopped... it happened again. He said he was proud of me! He said he was so happy I wasn’t wetting the bed anymore! Please!”


“But you cant leave it there forever” - Kangin sighed - “It reeks”


“Help me wash it” - Siwon urged - “I don’t know how to settle the wash machine”


“Alright...” - Kangin smiled - “I guess a good brother always help at times like these”


“Thanks!” - Siwon relaxed - “You can’t tell anyone, ok? It’s going to be our secret”


“Yeah yeah” - Kangin stretched - “Lets do it after the adults fall asleep. Now, let’s get ready for dinner. Grandma cooked today!”


“Ung! I will go wash my hands first!” - Siwon rushed to the restroom - “Don’t wait for me, ok?”


“I will eat yours too!” - Kangin teased 


Siwon locked the restroom’s door. He went to relieve himself. 


“Aish” - The boy felt uncomfortable as he peed. It had been a few days since he started feeling that burning sensation when he relieved himself. He got the chills when he realized his urine was now almost pink. 


“Siwon?” - Leeteuk knocked on the door - “everything Alright ?” 


“Ung!” - Siwon flushed the toilet quickly fearing for the adult going inside. 


Leeteuk managed to open the door only to find the boy washing his hands. 


“That’s nice. Wash well~ Your uncle told me Ryeowook got an infection” - Leeteuk helped the boy wash - “We need to be very careful when going to the toilet. If you don’t wash well, you could get an infection too”


“Uhum” - Siwon was unable to say the truth. Now that he suspected he had gotten the same as Ryeowook, there was no way he would let Leeteuk or his uncle learn that he had it too. They would probably scold him for being careless or think he wasn’t good enough at washing hands. He didn’t want them to believe he wasn’t ready to take care of his needs. 


He didn’t realize his little lies could turn into a dangerous game. 




Author notes 





Siwon is the third son. He has a difficult position being one of the oldest yet still a boy. He is often well behaved and a true gentleman. Being a little older than the triplets, he had to endure losing his toys over his “younger” siblings and therefore grew being concerned about his possessions, making him behave selfish sometimes. He also received less attention from his parents as the triplets took over his place really quickly. He spent a lot of time with his grandparents when younger. He is highly competitive, hates ghosts, monsters and all creatures Heechul mentions. 





He is the little rascal of the family. He tends to be reckless and get in troubles very often. Despite that, he is also kind hearted and loves taking care of the pets. He also likes flowers even if he doesn’t admit it. He admires Yesung and likes to tease Leeteuk. He likes his younger siblings and finds Ryeowook extremely cute. He has troubles communicating with Sungmin and therefore, they don’t play together unless someone else is around. 



Heechul’s mother 


She loves her children and grandchildren. Even if Heechul likes to picture her as a “witch” she is a charming old lady. Heechul and her had a complicated relationship thanks to their personalities and the fact she didn’t spend enough time at home. She admits that Heechul is the son that most resembles her in character and looks. Leeteuk thinks both mother and son have the same scary aura. She is smart and witty. Her favourite hobby is to tease Heechul and take care of her family. She loves Leeteuk as her own son. 


Author comments:


Having fun? Sorry for the lack of updates in all stories (not only this one). I have an important test on Monday so... I guess we will see (read) each other starting April(?) 

Fighting~ Have a nice day!

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it