Remember, remember

Junior Quest

Heechul woke up feeling his energy replenished. He was feeling good until he tried to stretch and forgot about the cast he was wearing. He squeaked a bit trying to not wake up anyone else… and then he realized the bed only had him.

“You are awake!” - Heeyeon was greeting him cheerfully - “How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?”

“I’m fine” - Heechul looked around. There was too much silence - “Where are the kids?”

“What kids?” 

“The kids!” - Heechul sat quickly - “Our boys!”

“At school, silly” - Heeyeon kissed him softly - “you overslept” 

“Oh… what a bad father” - Heechul sulked 

“It’s not like you could take them to school with that arm” - Heeyeon pointed at him - “You can’t drive like this” 

“There are many things I can’t do like this” - Heechul noticed Heeyeon was giving looking at him full of mischief- “I don’t know what you are thinking, but I’m not in the mood for teasing. I feel like I would cry” 

“Do you need help?” - Heeyeon asked amused - “With anything?” 

“I can pee by myself thank you” - Heechul blushed 

He, however, went back to the room swallowing his pride. 

“Do you need help?” - Heeyeon offered again 

“The stupid zipper got stuck” - Heechul was deep red - “I can’t put it down”

“Usually, this would lead to something else” - Heeyeon - “but since you are feeling sick…” 

“I’m not” - Heechul rushed to say - “Let’s do it” 

Heeyeon kissed him. They were getting into it… the room heating up… when Heechul stopped. 

“Does it hurt?” - Heeyeon worried 

“No, uhm… can I go pee first?” - Heechul sighed annoyed - “Before things turn…uh…”

“Right” - Heeyeon agreed - “Before you wet our bed”

“You can’t see it because it’s inside the cast…” - Heechul teased - “But I gave you a middle finger” 

Leeteuk was tidying up when he spotted the couple having breakfast at the table. Well, Heechul was the only one eating. Heeyeon was just making him company.

“Hey, you are awake” - Leeteuk greeted him - “How is your arm going?”

“Better?” - Heechul was being fed by Heeyeon- “Iff huff a biff”

“You can take your painkillers after breakfast” - Heeyeon was cutting everything into tiny pieces - “if you take those without food, they will open a hole in your stomach” 

“She takes seriously her role as a nurse” - Heechul teased

Heeyeon gave him a shy look. Heechul smiled naughtily. Leeteuk frowned. 

“Seriously? Having the arm like that isn’t stopping you from that?”  - Leeteuk shut his eyes - “And you are pregnant!”

“So?” - both of them replied at the same time

“Anyway” - Leeteuk tried to forget about it - “I’m glad you are feeling better. Let me know if you need anything” 

“Oh, don’t worry” - Heechul batted his eyelashes playfully - “I have Heeyeon” 

“Well, I’m sorry but I’m not wiping your ” - Heeyeon shook her head with a silly smile 

Heechul gasped. 

“Don’t worry, I will do it for you” - Leeteuk patted him in the healthy shoulder - “Or we can call the twins. This morning they were telling teachers about it” 

Heechul turned to Heeyeon again with a suffering face. 

“It’s ok” - Heeyeon soothed him - “I would do it. I would do anything for you” 

“I don’t need -or want- anyone wiping my !” - Heechul hissed - “I can do that myself!” 

“Oh, he is awake” - Mrs Kim was there - “How is he doing?”

“He is fine” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to tease Heechul- “Talking about not wanting anyone wiping his and so” 

“Well, It wouldn’t be the first time I do so” 


Heechul was getting teased endlessly. He needed help almost for everything. His arm was in a cast and his whole body ached from the fall. It was a good thing he could walk and sit, but not being able to use a hand was driving him crazy. 

The only good thing about the silly situation was that Heeyeon spoiled him lots. She would give him anything he wanted and be incredibly nice to him. 

“It would be way easier if you actually attended classes” - Mrs Kim found Leeteuk chewing a pencil in front a book - “What’s your excuse today?”

“I’m the only one that could lift Heechul easily in case he needed help” - Leeteuk half smiled - “Heeyeon is pregnant and you are…”

“Old” - Mrs Kim said it in a funny way - “Fine. You are right. But don’t stress yourself over… this” 

“I should be writing  an essay about a book I haven’t read” - Leeteuk sighed - “I’m supposed to submit it before the weekend ends” 

“Good luck, sweetie” 

Mrs Kim closed the door behind her. She sighed. She couldn’t get out of her mind the whole picture controversy. They didn’t know how much Leeteuk and Heechul had investigated or how far they really got. Leeteuk mentioned he knew who his parents were and that he still had an aunt… he said nothing about cousins or siblings. Was he related to Mrs Ahn?

Leeteuk was going out of the room with a defeated look. 

“What’s wrong? Weren’t you going to read ?” - Mrs Kim got a bit startled as she was still standing in front of the room - “I thought you—“

“I’m going to make coffee” - Leeteuk yawned - “I’m falling asleep” 

“It must be a pretty boring book” 

“I don’t think so” - Leeteuk yawned again - “I think is good but… I’m just tired”

“I will make the coffee” - Mrs Kim smiled sweetly - “Heechul won’t reject a cup if offered. I can also have some” 

“Thanks” - Leeteuk yawned for the third time 

“Oh, its urgent” - Mrs Kim teased - “We need that coffee right now” 

As Mrs Kim predicted, Heechul was more than glad to join them. He was feeling a bit lonely since Heeyeon was working in her room and he didn’t want to disturb her. He was bored since he was supposed to stay quiet watching tv or reading. 

“What’s this?” - Heechul was taking a glance to the book Leeteuk was holding - “Man’s search for meaning” 

“Give me that” - Leeteuk tried to snatch back the book but Heechul was faster even with just one arm - “It’s for a class”

“Are you taking philosophy?” - Heechul glanced at the book and then him - “It’s an easy subject: there are no correct answers… therefore, there are not wrong answers”

“It’s for psychology class” - Leeteuk corrected his brother 

“Oh, damn it” - Heechul made a face - “That one does have incorrect answers”

“It’s not a test” - Leeteuk sighed - “It’s an essay” 

“An essay? About this book?” - Heechul scoffed - “I don’t remember university being so easy. That’s the typical assignment you got in high school, right?” 

“Well, I suppose” - Leeteuk was a bit uncomfortable since Heechul made it sound really easy - “I haven’t read that book before and…”

“You haven’t?” - Heechul seemed surprised - “I thought we all have done so during high school” 

“Maybe in your high school?” - Leeteuk tried - “I went to the one closer to the orphanage…? It wasn’t very big… or good…” 

Mrs Kim gave Heechul a warning look… but it wasn’t needed. The man seemed to have realized his mistake by himself. 

“It’s ok, I’m sorry” - Heechul apologized truthfully- “It wasn’t my intention to be so… insensitive” 

“No, no” - Leeteuk was shaking his head with a fake smile - “It’s fine” 

“It’s not” - Heechul was giving him a soft look - “Would you like me to help you with assignments?”

“I… I can’t ask you for that help” - Leeteuk blushed - “And you are hurt… you shouldn’t stress yourself over my silly homework” 

“Nonsense” - Heechul smiled widely as he took the book - “I like helping you study. And my brain works just fine~ I don’t need my arm to read” 

“You should take the offer” - Mrs Kim nudged Leeteuk with love - “Heechul is good at this stuff. He is smart and he is good at teaching” 


“And I kinda like teaching Teuk because it makes me feel like the older brother!” - Heechul shouted from the couch 

“You are not !” - Leeteuk shouted back playfully 

“You don’t know that!” 

Mrs Kim laughed at her silly boys. Those two got along just fine. 

An hour later, they were already arguing. Mrs Kim could hear them from the kitchen. 

“You are not going to add a quote from a Disney movie to my essay!” - Leeteuk complained 

“Why not? It sounds incredibly good there” - Heechul tried - “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” 

“That’s from Mulan” - Leeteuk frowned - “No” 

“It’s a great movie!” - Heechul insisted - “And you are allowed to quote whoever you want as long as you do it well and follow the rules!”

“This one over here” - Leeteuk pointed at another quote - “Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace”

“Beautiful quote” - Heechul smiled pleased 

“That’s from a tv show, isn’t it? Can’t you stop doing this?”


“I’m googling it” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes and showed him the phone - “From Naruto?! Seriously?”

“Hey, Pain’s discourse about war and hate remains being one of the biggest—- are you listening to me?” - Heechul pouted when Leeteuk started deleting his masterpiece - “hey! I worked hard!”

“Thanks for your help” - Leeteuk sighed - “But I think I will write the essay by myself… reading the book together was fun”

“Can I proofread your essay at least?” - Heechul sulked - “I will also check for you following quoting rules…” 

“Deal” - Leeteuk smiled to him - “Now, I will go write” 

Leeteuk was tempted to just submit whatever garbage Heechul had wrote. The man joked about university professors being too busy to read every essay in a detailed way… and he kind of agreed. 

(If my class has over one hundred students and there are four teachers… each one would have to read at least twenty five assignments… if each essay should be around 4 pages long… they would be reading…)

Leeteuk shook his head. No. He shouldn’t be thinking like that. He should focus on the essay… but he had other assignments. And Heechul gave him free advice about that. He said he should focus on targeting most of them but giving priority to those that actually played  an important role on his final score. Yet, the man also insisted in being wise and choosing which ones were more likely to get scored higher with little effort. 

(This is all… too complicated for me. I only want to take care of kids… why do I have to study all this?)

“Heeey” - Heechul was blowing air into his hear - “How is it going?”

“Why do I have to study all this?” - Leeteuk asked half whining - “I truly appreciate all you have done for me and I don’t want to sound ungrateful but… maybe Im not good at studying”

“I never expected you to be ‘good at it’ “ - Heechul noticed the sad face - “I didn’t want to be rude. Im just saying we knew you would struggle with it since you are not used to it” 

“Then what’s the point for all this” - Leeteuk tossed his pen - “I don’t think this heading somewhere”

“That’s pretty normal on the first year” - Heechul shrank shoulders - Did you really think you would feel like a teacher the first year? No. You are a student right now” 

Leeteuk sulked. 

“Teuk, you are a freshman” - Heechul saw how the man smelled his own armpit - “It means you are in your first year” 


“The first year is the harder one in all careers” - Heechul explained carefully- “You don’t know what are you doing and you feel like university is not for you” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk sighed - “If you say so…”

“Maybe you don’t feel like an university student because you are not living like one” - Heechul tried to help - “Maybe doing stuff they usually do would help you enjoy the experience” 

“Like doing drugs? Getting drunk? Being arrested?” - Leeteuk was joking - “participating in ? Getting an STD?”

“Those are called STI now…” - Heechul was deep red 

“Are you mad?” - Leeteuk mistook the color and the expression - “I was just joking…?” 

“I know” - Heechul couldn’t even smile properly - “It’s just I’m embarrassed since I did four out of five”

Leeteuk gave him a curious look. 

“Forget it” - Heechul chuckled - “I’m not telling you” 

Heechul had fallen asleep in the couch. Mrs Kim and Leeteuk were writing things in a blackboard. 

“He did drugs” - Mrs Kim placed an X on the sentence - “And he definitely got drunk all time” 

“Getting arrested…?” - Leeteuk was holding another marker - “He once got caught for public urination but I’m not sure if he was still in university…”

“Just once?” - Mrs Kim was not shocked about the fact he got caught but the number of times - “Considering how much he drank and his weak bladder, it’s a miracle they only caught him once” 

“Fine. He definitely got arrested” - Leeteuk marked the affirmation- “Now, we have two left: participating in or getting an STD”

“It could be any of them” - Mrs Kim giggled - “Oh, my sweet boy”

“Heechul loves ” - Leeteuk did a face - “it’s very unlikely he wouldn’t have gotten an STD before…”

“Besides, if he had participated in an …” - Mrs Kim twisted her lips - “He would have caught an infection anyway” 

“That’s right” - Leeteuk nodded

“Hey, what are we doing?” - Heeyeon was right behind them - “guess what Heechul didn’t do in his university years? Mmmm Thats a hard game…”

“H-Heeyeon” - Leeteuk was blushing - “What are you doing here?”

“I live here” - Heeyeon pouted - “And it’s almost time to go look for the boys” 

“Ah, we should get going” - Mrs Kim went to look for the car keys - “I’m going to pick up the boys at school”

“We go… no?” - Leeteuk realized Heeyeon was shaking her head 

“I’m going to daycare” - Heeyeon pointed at the living room - “You are staying here in case he needs anything” 

“Then, I think he would prefer you to stay” - Leeteuk agreed someone had to stay with Heechul - “I have been getting better at driving”

“I know, it’s not that” - Heeyeon shook her head - “it’s just that I can’t lift him in case he falls” 


Leeteuk was coming back from waving goodbye to the women when he found Heechul watching TV and eating a cookie he stole from the kitchen. 

“It’s almost lunch time” - Leeteuk scolded 

“I’m hungry” - Heechul shrank the healthy shoulder - “I’m Mrs Ahn cookies are the best”

“True” - Leeteuk closed the lid of the cookie jar - “But one is more than enough” 

“No need to watch this ” - Heechul was trying to change the channel since they were talking about attending childbirth preparation classes - “Hey!”

“This is actually educational” - Leeteuk eyes sparkled - “Heechul! Maybe you and Heeyeon should attend those”

“We already tried” - Heechul giggled - “We got kicked out of those” 

“Come again? You got expelled from childbirth classes?” 

“Kind of” - Heechul smiled 

“It’s not funny! What did you do to get expelled from such a thing?!”

“Why do you think it was me?” - Heechul was sulking - “It was Heeyeon’s fault too!”

[ a few weeks earlier] 

“Breath… breath…” - Heechul wasn’t taking it seriously. He kept making weird noises that had the whole classroom blushing - “Push… Push…”

Heeyeon was hitting him playfully and laughing. It was the third time already they sabotaged the class. 

“Baby, you are ” - Heeyeon hit him again - “Stop!”

“Ugh… it hurts…” - Heechul kept messing around 

“Excuse me” - the woman in charge was done with them - “The couple over there” 


“Its the mother the one that should be giving birth” 

The woman scolded them for playing. Heechul and Heeyeon had switched positions as Heechul complained about Heeyeon not being realistic enough while ‘giving birth’ . 

“For the record” - Heechul whispered in her ear as they switched again - “I did it better”

“Are we going to try again?” - Heeyeon was still chuckling - “Without weird… wait! HAHAHA” 

“Oh Cmon” - the woman was highly annoyed 

“She is ticklish” - Heechul tried defending themselves

“You are… breathing… in… my… neck…” - Heeyeon was still laughing 

“If you don’t take it seriously, you wont be able to come back” - The woman warned them 

“You heard her” - Heeyeon playfully hit Heechul again 

“… giving birth is a beautiful experience…”

“It’s not. Women even themselves” - Heechul told Heeyeon- “Dont be scared if it happens” 

“Ewww” - Heeyeon did a face - “Then, we shouldn’t record it. I mean, just in case” 

“…it’s a wonderful moment in the mother’s life…” 

“Hani said it hurt her a lot” - Heeyeon worried - “Mom says she wouldn’t stop cursing during Kangin’s birth” 

“Maybe that’s why Kangin turned out like that” 

“Do you have any questions?” - the woman asked to the whole group. Heeyeon raised her hand quickly - “Yeah, Mrs…”

“Ahn” - Heeyeon cleared - “what do we do to prevent pooping ourselves during delivery?”

[end of flashback]

“I’m gonna kill you both” - Leeteuk grunted - “Why dont you take anything seriously? It’s your baby the one being born that day!”

“I know” - Heechul agreed - “I participated actively for the pregnancy to happen” 

“What are you going to do? Huh?” - Leeteuk was folding his arms - “You can do better than this” 

“Who cares” - Heechul sighed - “It’s not like I will be there during the birth” 



“Come again?” - Leeteuk was mad - “YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE THERE FOR THEM?”

“Well, I’m going to be outside the delivery room” - Heechul explained - “I don’t like blood or needles” 

“You can’t be serious” - Leeteuk seemed hurt - “You won’t be there when your daughter is born? You won’t be there to hold Heeyeon’s hand?”

“Look, I know myself” - Heechul shook his head - “And I know my limits. I tried being there once when Hani was giving birth and it didn’t end well”


“Gunhee wasn’t going to make it and she asked me to be there…” - Heechul looked at the floor - “But I can’t remember a thing because I passed out the moment I saw a little blood” 

“Who’s birth?”

“Siwon” - Heechul was sad - “It should have been a magical moment… but it wasn’t. At least for me, it was one of the worse days of my life. How can I tell my boy that?” 

“You don’t” - Leeteuk agreed - “In fact, you would do him a favor if he never learns that” 

“Anyway… Heeyeon is fine with it” - Heechul smiled softly - “She says it doesn’t matter if I’m not there during birth but her whole life” 

“Dada!” - The twins were storming inside 


“Dada! Loo! I made u a dwawin’ !” - Ryeowook was holding his drawing up high as he wanted Heechul to take it - “Loo’ loo! Itz uz!”

“Let me see…” - Heechul raised an eyebrow while Leeteuk giggled next to him - “Here you are feeding me and then in this one we are bathing together… and this…”

“Wookie hewps Dada wipe azz!”

“That’s a bad word…” - Leeteuk used his warning voice - “we say or bottom” 

“Mine too” - Kyuhyun crawled next to Heechul on the couch - “We all wewis”

“It’s a family of… penguins?” - Heechul tried - “Are we penguins here?”


“It’s lovely” - Heechul found cute the boys had such an artistic side - “Thank you so much” 

“Uhuuu” - Henry was crying on Heeyeon’s arms “Ukweee!”

“He is upset” - Heeyeon gave the toddler to the confused uncle - “I don’t know why” 

Henry cried on Leeteuk arms. The man paced around the living room trying to comfort him. It seemed to work as the kid would calm down. 

“Are you feeling better?” - Leeteuk saw how the toddler was smiling - “Why were you crying?”

“YEE!” - Henry burrowed his face on Leeteuk’s chest playfully - “TATATTATA!”

“At least we know he feels well” - Heeyeon smiled as he turned to the boys on the couch - “Shall we go potty ?”

“For the last time” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “I don’t need help” 

“I wasn’t asking you, silly” - Heeyeon carried Ryeowook- “He looks like he wants to pee” 

“Pee!” - Ryeowook shouted excited as Heeyeon took him to the toilet 

“Uh, wee wee” - Kyuhyun followed them in a rush 

“Huh?” - Henry pointed at them - “Whewe go?”

“Where are they going?” - Leeteuk repeated the full sentence - “To the toilet. They are going potty” 

“Powy!” - Henry nodded in understanding- “poo” 

“Yeah, you poop in the potty” - Leeteuk kissed the funny toddler - “But you also pee there, right?” 

“No pee unwiez” 

“You don’t go pee in your undies” - Leeteuk found cute how Henry was getting better at talking and expressing his ideas 

“Henry, why don’t you tell your uncle the new poem you learned?” 

Heechul was holding back his laughter. Leeteuk got the impression it wouldn’t be something good. Henry was thinking. 

Leeteuk had a hard time trying not to laugh as Henry recited a poem about farts. He did very well… but it wasn’t good to praise such a thing. So, instead, Leeteuk made sure of looking ‘serious’ and told him it wasn’t funny and he shouldn’t repeat it again. 

However, the twins loved the poem and were now reciting it around the house. 

“Oh! Deaw fawt! Zmelly fawt” - Ryeowook was good at it - “! Pwease go far n dun come ba’ !”

“Gas in the wind! gas that zmells bad!” - Kyuhyun continued - “pwease leave ma wi’out a cwap!” 

Heechul’s belly was hurting from so much laughing. Heeyeon was about to pee herself. Leeteuk ended laughing too. It was a lost battle. 

“Dad! Oh, dad!” - Siwon was dramatically hugging him - “You are still alive!”

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” - the triplets were running around in a crazy way 

“Hey, Sungmin!” - Heechul scolded the cute boy - “stop running! Even if you are feeling better you are supposed to rest!”

Sungmin cried. The adults got alert. It was weird for him to cry like that. 

“Why? Why?” - Heechul was trying to hold him with just one arm - “Why are you crying?”

“I-I-I- I s-shortened your l-life span!” - Sungmin cried in sorrow - “YOU GONNA DIE!” 

“Ok, I feel like we are missing something” - Heechul was now sure of it - “This can only have one explanation… YESUNG!” 

“Father” - the boy was giving him a funny look 

“What did you tell your brothers?”

“I told them that if you got stressed you would die” - Yesung was giving them a blank look that Leeteuk considered scary and disturbing- “Every time you yell, you short your life—- OUCH” 

“It’s not true” - Heechul told the other kids after hitting Yesung with a book - “He is just teasing you” 

“You no gonna die?” - Sungmin was still sobbing 

“Not today” - Heechul saw how Donghae opened his mouth - “or tomorrow, or next week…” 

“Daddy, when are you going to die?” - Eunhyuk asked softly - “When Hyukkie is old too?”

“Maybe” - Heechul glanced at Heeyeon- “We don’t know when we are going to die” 

“We don’t have a due date?” - Donghae asked amused - “Like eggs?”


“I won’t die” - Sungmin was fully recovered from his initial shock - “I’m gonna find a vampire and ask him to turn me into one” 

“Cool, I want to be a werewolf” - Kangin raised his hand 

“Mmmm nope” - Eunhyuk shuddered - “Too hairy” 

The twins seemed scared. They hugged Heechul trying to feel safe. 

“It’s a joke” - Heechul told them - “Your brothers are playing. They are not turning into monsters” 

Even after lunch, the twins remained anxious. Henry was doing fine and reciting his fart poem anytime a brother asked him to. 

“Nana?” - Ryeowook was looking out the window - “whewe Nana?”

“She is not coming today, baby” - Heeyeon pouted as she found cute Ryeowook wanted to see his grandma - “Pops is coming to take the triplets to dance class but she is not coming to babysit… she had things to do” 

“Nana no comin’ ?” - Kyuhyun seemed about to cry 

“Gamma no go ‘way” - Ryeowook was now clinging into his other grandma as he realized she was wearing clothes to go out - “Gamma!”

“I’m going to speech therapy with Henry” - Mrs Kim kissed the boy - “Your ‘Pops’ won’t be able to handle him” 


As expected the twins went away to cry. They got used to have the house full with all their grandparents around. They loved having their parents back… but they wanted to keep the grandparents. 

The older kids were not different. They just handled it better. Or at least, they made sure it didn’t show that much. Out of the older trio… Yesung suffered the most. He was completely attached to his grandparents from mother’s side of the family. It’s not like he loved them more… it was just, they made him feel home. Having them around felt like having a piece of his late mom back. It was the same reason why he got stuck to Heeyeon right away. Yesung was the older boy and he got to meet his mom the best out of the siblings. Therefore, he also missed her the most. 

“ why isn’t your mom coming?” - Heechul inquired as Heeyeon fixed some pillows - “She seemed pretty eager to come just yesterday” 

“And she wanted to come” - Heeyeon pouted sadly - “But her oven failed this morning and she called someone to repair it” 

“It’s very important she has her oven in good conditions” - Heechul smirked - “She shouldn’t stop baking” 

“Right” - Heeyeon laughed a bit - “Although I don’t know why is she in such a rush. I mean, she could have just chosen another day to get it repaired…?” 

“You are sad too” - Heechul did a cute face - “Because mommy didn’t come” 

“Not all of us are lucky to have our mom living here” - Heeyeon stuck out her tongue 

“Lucky, she says” - Heechul rolled his eyes.

“NOOOO! NOOOO! NOOOOOO!” - The twins were hitting an awful tantrum now that Mrs Kim tried to leave.

“Sweethearts” - Mrs Kim worried for the kids as they cried so much - “It will be just an couple hours” 


“Grandma, can we go now?” - Eunhyuk was in a bad mood since the twins were delaying them - “We are going to be late!”

“We can’t be late today” - Donghae sulked - “It’s a new choreo and if we are late…”

“We will get send to the back” - Sungmin wasn’t even bothered - “Nobody wants to be in the back” 

“Ok, Henry is ready” - Leeteuk came back holding a cheerful Henry - “Again” 

“Henwy powy!” - Henry announced cheerfully his whereabouts 

“Yeah, good boy” - Leeteuk was tired - “Are you sure you don’t want me to— right, Heechul”

“We should get going” - Mrs Kim managed to give the twins to Leeteuk- “We don’t want any kid getting send to the back”

“I wouldn’t forgive you” - Eunhyuk agreed with his arms folded - “Ever” 

Mrs Kim and Mr Ahn left to take the boys to their respective activities. First, they dropped the triplets at dance school and then headed to speech therapy. 

Now they were at the waiting room. Like always, Henry got fussy as he got bored and started running around. In a try to keep him busy, Mrs Kim let him play with her bag. Henry ended emptying it by accident while she was busy filling a questionnaire about the boy. 

“Oh boy” - Mr Ahn was putting everything inside again - “Hey, don’t play with that. That’s grandma’s wallet” 

“Mowey!” - Henry ped the wallet searching for money and shiny things. His eyes sparkled as he saw the credit cards - “whoooo” 

“Don’t play with that” - Mr Ahn tried to retrieve the wallet but Henry was now investigating it - “Oh, be careful with those” 

“Henwy” - Henry pointed at a photo of a baby - “Me” 

“Mmmmm” - Mr Ahn recognized the boys. The first boy was Gunhee… next to him Heechul and the one Henry was pointing at, was probably the other son of the Kim: Donghee - “Thats not—“

There was a fourth picture. He knew that boy. He had seen him so many times before. He had even dreamed about him. The man rubbed his eyes a few times… why did Mrs Kim have a picture of his lost nephew? Then, it clicked. If those were baby pictures of her boys… He was most likely one of them. Leeteuk got adopted not long ago. 

(This can’t be? But what if…? No, I need to make sure first)

He wasn’t going to face Mrs Kim about it. At least not right now. He only took a picture of the photo using his phone and put everything back in place. Henry was busy playing with the keys his grandpa gave him. 

“Everything alright?” - Mrs Kim found Mr Ahn being a little distracted- “Is Henry being too naughty?” 

“Pfffft” - Henry did his favorite fart sound and shook his head denying the accusations- “Nuh” 

“Really? But good boys don’t go around throwing their grandma’s bag on the floor” - Mrs Kim giggled as the toddler threw her bag again - “Oh boy, Henry. You really take after daddy” 

“I bet Heechul was even cuter when younger” - Mr Ahn was back to his senses - “He has been always so cute” 

“Cute and naughty” - Mrs Kim did a face - “He was a little troublemaker even when he was a baby. Although I have to admit he was very sweet” 

“I really like how my daughter turned out” - Mr Ahn pouted - “And I’m glad she is doing so well now… but sometimes I miss that time when she was a little helpless toddler waddling next to me with a short dress” 

“Heechul was so pretty people mistook it for a girl” - Mrs Kim smiled softly- “His pretty face saved him from getting scolded more than once” 

“Well, I understand that” - Mr Ahn laughed - “I had a daughter that could do anything she wanted when I was around. I found really hard to say ‘no’ when she asked with that sweet smile of her. We are lucky Heeyeon was a pretty calm child…” 

“Can’t say the same” - Mrs Kim pointed at Henry was the boy was up to mischief again - “Henry, I wonder if you inherited something else from daddy and not only his ability to get in troubles” 

Henry ran back to them with a silly face. 

“Wee wee” - The boy held his crotch - “Powy” 

“Of course” - Mrs Kim was laughing - “You all inherited his weak bladder” 

Heechul sneezed. 

“Bless you” 

“We Hewp!” - The twins were climbing Heechul with paper towels to wipe his nose 

“Guys, I’m fine” - Heechul was a little worried since the twins haven’t stopped ‘taking care’ of him since they returned from daycare - “you can go to play” 

“Nuh, we hewp dada” - Kyuhyun shook his head and sat next to him in a possessive way - “Dada sick” 

“I’m not sick” - Heechul sighed - “I just hurt my arm” 

“Awwww” - Ryeowook was rubbing his face in a lovely way - “Go ‘way, ouchie ouchie” 

Heechul had it when the twins sang to him the boohoo song again. It was like the fifth time that afternoon. He was going crazy. 

“I will go shower” - Heechul tried to get rid of them - “By myself. I can’t help you bath with this arm so…” 

The twins seemed understanding. They both nodded and finally went to play with something else. Heechul was thankful he had such cute sons ready to take care of him… but he was overwhelmed with so much attention. The only reason why he got rid of the triplets was because they were out. If not, they would be after him too. 

“Where are you going?” - Leeteuk inquired when he spotted Heechul walking upstairs - “You can’t go far from me, ok? What if you fall and need help…” 

“I’m going to shower” - Heechul tried. He realized he was in troubles when Leeteuk blocked his way - “or not?”

“You can’t just ‘go’ shower” - Leeteuk grimaced - “We need to cover your cast first. It can’t get wet” 

“Right” - Heechul agreed thinking that was all - “Thanks for reminding me… now, if you— What are you doing?” 

“I’m going in with you” - Leeteuk was so calm Heechul was dumbfounded- “What? I already said it was dangerous for you to get away from me” 

“Teuk, I truly appreciate it” - Heechul thought his mom wasn’t the only one with a problem respecting privacy - “But I can do it by myself. There is no need for you to make such sacrifice” 

“Oh, it’s not a sacrifice” - Leeteuk insisted - “I’m used to bathing children. Giving you a shower won’t be harder” 

“HEE—!” - Heechul tried calling for help 

“No!” - Leeteuk tried covering Heechul’s mouth but it was too late - “Shhhh! You shouldn’t go around bothering her!” 

“Baby, what’s wrong?” - Heeyeon was already there - “are you feeling unwell?” 

“Unbelievable” - Leeteuk wanted to curse but the twins were already wobbling their way towards them - “Yesung, please. Can you keep an eye on your siblings for a while?”

“Uhmmm” - Yesung knew Leeteuk wasn’t in a good mood - “Sure. Cmon, babies… let’s go play something” 

“Uh?” - Ryeowook was confused - “Dada” 

“Dada huwt” - Kyuhyun sulked - “No pway. Hewp Dada” 

“Cmon, let mom and uncle handle it” - Yesung took the twins with him 

“So, what’s wrong?” - Heeyeon was still nervous- “Are you in pain? Did you hurt yourself somewhere else? Are you feeling sick?”

“Oh, no” - Heechul felt a little guilty for giving her a scare - “Teuk was just being annoying…” 

“You are being a j-e-r-k” - Leeteuk muttered - “You shouldn’t be bothering Heeyeon for something so trivial when you have ME” 

“Mind you, she is my girl” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “You can’t be jealous of me preferring her for these things” 

“I’m your brother” - Leeteuk hissed - “and she is a pregnant woman” 

“I don’t get it” - Heeyeon sighed - “Why did you call me?”

“I want to take a shower but Leeteuk won’t stop pestering me about how I could injure myself again” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “He and mom have been nagging me all day! I have had enough! I don’t want to shower with him!” 

Heeyeon thought for a moment that it was weird Heechul would reject such an offer since he was always in the mood for teasing Leeteuk. She was sure that if her boyfriend felt well, he not only would accept the invitation but make sure the experience turned into an endless suffering for his brother. 

“I will run a bath for you” - Heeyeon nodded - “I will help you. If that’s ok for you, of course” 

“I can bath by myself” - Heechul muttered 

“I just want to make sure you don’t drown” - Heeyeon shrank shoulders 

“Well, I suppose I can’t deny…?” - Heechul observed how Leeteuk not only gave him a reproving look but seemed ready to slap him - “You do understand it was a joke and I have nothing against you… right?” 

“This is unacceptable” - Leeteuk hissed in a bad mood - “She is pregnant, moron. I understand you are hurt, but she is PREGNANT. You are giving her too much work!” 

“It’s just a bath…?” - Heechul somehow saw it coming - “Ok, I have been a nuisance the whole day but—“

“The whole day?” - Leeteuk scoffed - “You and I got sick not long ago… and before that you also fell from the stairs. She has been taking care of all of us when we should be the ones taking care of HER” 

“Heechul, your bath is ready!” - The so called woman chirped from the bathroom 

“I promise I will behave” - Heechul told Leeteuk with an apologetic look 

“You are too quiet” - Heeyeon worried something was odd - “You are usually chatty… is the pain too bad? Or maybe the water is cold and you haven’t told me..?” 

“N-no, everything is perfect” - Heechul rushed - “But, uhm, Heeyeon… I think you have been overworking yourself… and I know is kinda my fault and…” 

“Nonsense” - Heeyeon kissed him softly - “It’s not your fault needing help” 

“I should be the one taking care of you” - Heechul sighed- “You are pregnant and… It must be starting to get uncomfortable since the baby is growing and…” 

“I wasn’t here when you needed me the most… so…” - Heeyeon gave him a silly smile - “Just let me help as much as I can!” 

“Heeyeon…” - Heechul gulped down. His eyes got teary. He loved her… so much! - “It’s alright… you have done enough for us… Promise me you will let us take care of you” 

“I will” - Heeyeon squeezed a bath sponge playfully - “When I need it”

Leeteuk wasn’t having a very great week. It was already weekend and he was far from submitting all papers he had due those days. University work was making him collapse. It didn’t help Heechul was needy and out of combat. The man needed help for a lot of things plus he couldn’t help with the kids like usual. They were lucky the grandparents would help. Still, the Ahn couple have been missing for the whole weekend… but Leeteuk had no time to worry about it. 

The kids on the other hand… they weren’t taking it very well. They were kinda upset their dad was hurt and they missed two of their grandparents. It didn’t help they had to stay home since Heechul wasn’t feeling well enough to go out and their usual Saturday outing got cancelled. Adding fuel to the fire, their so loved uncle seemed distant those days. 

Monday began with a very angry toddler hitting a tantrum about going to daycare. Henry was incredibly grouchy that morning and the adults couldn’t figure out why. Heeyeon had a hard time taking him to daycare and even a harder one leaving him there. 

The twins were a bit irritable too, but at least they loved daycare. They just wanted to stay home to ‘take care’ of Heechul. The older kids didn’t give their grandma troubles… or at least it seemed that way. 

“Just the two of us…” - Heechul glanced at a busy Leeteuk- “Again” 

“I won’t go anywhere” - Leeteuk was daring - “I don’t care about what you say” 

“I wasn’t going to say anything” - Heechul pouted. He felt like his arm wasn’t the only thing he had strained… his relationship with Leeteuk wasn’t definitely as his best - “I was just… uhm… sorry…?”

“You would need to be more specific” - Leeteuk scoffed - “Sorry for what, exactly?”

“Mmm, for being a nuisance? For injuring myself and giving you and everyone so much troubles?” - Heechul wouldn’t stop ranting - “And for putting in danger your beloved little sister? I know you worry a lot for her and I really respect that. And yeah, she is pregnant and I should be the one taking care of her—“

“I’m not mad at you” - Leeteuk sighed - “Did you think I was?” 

“Well, you have been a good brother to me and have helped the whole weekend…but, you barely talked to me” - Heechul sulked - “So, I figured out you would be mad about something” 

“I admit I was kinda upset when you told me you wouldn’t be there for Heeyeon during delivery” - Leeteuk looked at him carefully - “But I didn’t get angry at you. I know you don’t lie when you say you have a hard time with blood” 

Heechul nodded. 

“And I wouldn’t get mad at you for getting hurt” - Leeteuk was apologetic - “it wasn’t my intention to make it sound that way. I was just… stressed. I am stressed” 

“Too much work?” 

“It’s not just the fact of having to study or submitting papers” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “It’s feeling my effort isn’t paying off at all? “ 

“I think you are getting better at it” - Heechul gave him a tender smile - “I already told you it’s normal to have doubts” 

“Yeah, but… when will I see it?” - Leeteuk pouted - “I really want to know if I’m doing well enough… Will I be able to help a kid in the future?”

“You have already helped many” - Heechul said softly - “Me, included” 

“I wish I could test myself” - Leeteuk nodded 

“I would be careful with what you wish” - Heechul warned him - “I once wished for a lot of and ended trapped in an ” 

“You… participated…?”

“I wouldn’t recommend it” - Heechul got the chills - “I mean, it was fun… and it was totally a weird experience… but, it’s not worth it” 

“Then… you haven’t been arrested” - Leeteuk tried - “for public urination” 

“Oh, no” - Heechul laughed - “They don’t actually arrest you for that unless you were a pain in the … I mean, most of the time you only get fines” 

“Then… have you ever been…?”

“I have been to jail” - Heechul recalled - “Once. But not for a long time…? And not in the prison. I was just arrested and taken to the commissary” 

Leeteuk widened his eyes. 

“Bar fight” - Heechul giggled - “I broke my beer glass on someone’s else head” 

“Why would you do that? Were you drunk?” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I never thought you could be aggressive” 

“Things happened” - Heechul did a face - “Anyway, those years were sure wild” 

“Wait… if you got arrested and also participated in an …?” - Leeteuk did the math - “You have never gotten an STD?”

“lucky me” - Heechul did a silly face - “and thanks to all the preservatives I have used. Protection is the key” 


“Anyway” - Heechul cleared his throat - “Would you help me dress? Heeyeon will scold me if I’m not ready for going out when she comes back” 

“Where are you going?” - Leeteuk was already picking clothes - “To the doctor?” 

“Nope” - Heechul shook his head at Leeteuk’s options - “She said something about shopping…?”

“Maybe for Cherry” - Leeteuk smiled pleased- “She will be here in no time!”

“There are still a few weeks for that” - Heechul yawned - “around three months” 

“Those will pass flying” - Leeteuk was very excited to be an uncle again - “I can’t wait to meet baby Cherry” 

“Guysssss!” - Heeyeon was storming inside the room where Leeteuk was helping Heechul to change - “Let’s go! We have a lot to do today!” 

“You mean ‘buy’ “ - Heechul giggled - “What is in your mind? Dresses? Plushies? Maybe a rattle toy? I don’t want pacifiers, huh” 

“Why would Yesung want those anyway?” - Heeyeon gave them a face 

“Wait” - Leeteuk was shocked - “We are going shopping for Yesung?”

“We?” - Heechul repeated amused 

“Of course we are, silly!” - Heeyeon folded her arms - “Yesung’s birthday is this week!”

“He is turning nine” - Mrs Kim entered the room - “can you believe it? Our little Yesung is going to be nine!”



“Why don’t you knock first?!” - Heechul was blushing deeply 

“Oh, sweetie” - Mrs Kim was giggling - “It’s not the first time I see your underwear. I potty trained you, remember? You were so cute running around with those little dinosaur—“


“Do we have pictures of those?” - Leeteuk was already into it - “Heechul in silly underwear?”

“Of course” - The proud woman nodded

“Awww! I bet he was so cute!” - Heeyeon was also excited but for a different reason - “Can we go to your place later and search for them?” 


“You have videos of the twins pooping their diapers” - Heeyeon pulled his ear - “You have no rights to complain. Besides, toddlers like showing off their underwear after they potty train”

“I can’t wait for it” - Leeteuk was having fun knowing he would have something else to tease Heechul for a while - “Maybe we should go look for those first” 

They stopped first at the Kim house. There, even if Heechul complained about looking for the pictures… he was the first one to head straight to the library where his parents kept them. 

“Mom, were you watching our pictures?” - Heechul found weird the albums weren’t in place - “I can’t find… There is one album missing” 

“Don’t go around messing with their stuff” - Leeteuk was scolding him 

“Sweetie, it must be…” - Mrs Kim bit her lips realizing Heechul was telling the truth - “How weird… maybe your dad took it?” 

Then, she remembered their conversation. Mr Kim was sure he had seen Leeteuk as a young boy in their pictures. Maybe, he was looking for those. 

“I’m sure this is your dad’s doing” - Mrs Kim said softly - “There is nothing to worry about. I will ask him to bring it back later” 

“Why would dad take a photo album?” - Heechul tilted his head - “It’s weird” 

“It’s not” - Heeyeon puffed her cheeks - “I love pictures too. I watch them over and over again and never get tired” 

“True” - Heechul fixed his hair with his free hand - “Guess we are going shopping for Yesung’s birthday, then” 

“Teuk, sweetheart?” - Mrs Kim noticed Leeteuk lost in his thoughts - “Everything alright?”

“You have so many pictures” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “I’m kinda jealous” 

“We gifted Gunhee a camera when he turned nine” - Mrs Kim recalled - “He was around Yesung’s age when he started taking pictures like crazy. He said he wanted to make sure he would never forget anything and he got so obsessed” 

Leeteuk gave her a sweet look as the woman teared up a bit. 

“We got so mad at him back at that time” - Mrs Kim chuckled a bit between tears - “back then you needed to use camera film rolls for taking pictures… and Gunhee would always spend so much on those…” 

Heechul was back in the room. He probably heard his mom crying and couldn’t endure it. He was snuggling with her in a sweet way. 

“If I could go back in time, I would let him use all camera rolls he wanted” - Mrs Kim sulked - “I would buy him tons of those and ask him to take pictures of everything” 

Mr Kim wasn’t different from his wife. He was at the office inspecting the photo album that was missing at home. The pictures began by the time Heechul was around two and covered his third year including his time at daycare. 

He smiled at the pictures of his cute boy in a daycare gown frowning at the camera. The next few ones were a sequence of him crying about what he guessed was staying there. There was another one of Heechul crying while clinging on Gunhee… maybe Mrs Jung took it. 

Then, a few pictures later of their daily life, Heechul was once again wearing his daycare uniform. This time, he was smiling. He was playing with other kid his age. Mr Kim stopped. That kid was definitely the same on the photo his wife have gotten recently. 

The man inspected the next few pictures carefully. Gunhee probably took those of Heechul and his best friend at the time…
He liked one in which Gunhee was hugging both kids. The three of them were smiling to the camera. Maybe the kid had asked someone else to take it. 

[Many years ago]

“But Mom!” - Gunhee protested - “I need a new one!”

“Again?” - Mrs Kim was so done with Gunhee and the camera - “Sweetie, this is the third roll in less than two months” 

“So? I’m making memories” - Gunhee defended himself - “Dad, say something”

“Listen to your mom” - Mr Kim was also tired with the whole discussion

“B-but at least you will send this to reveal, right?” - Gunhee was holding a bunch of camera rolls - “If you don’t do it they will get ruined and—“

“Oh, boy” - Mrs Kim saw the bunch of rolls - “Here is the deal. Choose three rolls and we send those to reveal. Store the rest of them, and once you have saved enough money… YOU will take them to the store yourself” 


“Listen to your mom” - Mr Kim whispered softly as the boy started crying - “just choose—- Gunhee” 

“No cwy! Gunhee!” - a little Heechul puffed his cheeks  - “Mommy bad!”

“Great, now I’m the bad one” - Mrs Kim sat on the couch exhausted - “He is truly upset, isn’t he?” 

“I will go talk to him” - Mr Kim ruffled Heechul’s hair - “Can you keep an eye on mommy and your future little brother?”

“No like new baby” - Heechul replied cheekily- “Bye bye, baby”

“Right” - Mr Kim was still laughing thanks to his second son by the time he reached the firstborn’s room - “Gunhee, I’m going in” 

Mr Kim often wondered how could it be he and his wife made such different kids. As babies, Gunhee was pretty calm and well behaved since day one… and Heechul was like a hurricane. Then, their personalities were totally opposites during toddlers years: Gunhee was a cheerful outgoing boy and Heechul was a crybaby. Right now, Gunhee was a dramatic kid. He figured out Heechul wouldn’t be the same and he feared for  it. 

“D-daddy, I r-really worked hard” - Gunhee sobbed - “Those pictures are v-very I-important t-to me and and and… what if t-they get ruined?” 

“I get it” - Mr Kim sighed - “Would you feel better if I told you I will reveal all of them?”

“Y-yeah…” - Gunhee took off his glasses to wipe his tears - “F-for real?”

“But in exchange… you have to promise me you will be more careful from now on” - Mr Kim glanced the rolls - “Don’t waste pictures on a banana or your breakfast”

“Most of them are Heechul’s” - Gunhee shrank shoulders - “and once the new baby is born, I will also take his” 

“Let’s make a deal” - Mr Kim smiled sweetly- “I will pay for your pictures and you will stop crying about it, ok?”

“Mom got mad at me” - Gunhee sulked - “She says I’m wasting money since half of the pictures are useless. A lot of them come out blurry” 

“Well, there is always room for improvement” - Mr Kim teased - “Cheer up a bit, son. You got what you wanted… I will pay for them”

“Dad, do you like my pictures?” - Gunhee asked in a low voice. He feared the answer 

“I do” - Mr Kim kissed him on the forehead- “And mommy likes them too. She just wants you to be more responsible… that’s it” 

“I will be more careful from now on” - Gunhee nodded - “I promise” 


“Sounds like Heechul got in troubles” - Mr Kim did a funny face - “I will tell you something. If you change really quick we can go to the store and start revealing some of those film rolls” 

“You just want an excuse for going out of the house” - Gunhee giggled - “But I get you. I will be ready in a minute” 

“That’s my boy” 

[Back to the present]

Leeteuk was taking air at the front-yard. He felt a little guilty over his mom crying since it was his comment about pictures what brought back the ‘sad’ memories. Although, it was actually not that way. Those were very happy ones. It was just… Gunhee wasn’t there anymore and you couldn’t ask a parent to live pretending nothing happened to their baby. It was normal. 

“Are you ok?” - Heeyeon was sitting next to Leeteuk on the little stairs - “Don’t worry about your mom. It’s normal… she will be fine in a few minutes” 

“I know” - Leeteuk gulped down - “I just… It wasn’t my intention…” 

“So…” - Heeyeon wanted to lift up the mood - “Did you find out which one Heechul didn’t do in his university years?” 

“Ah, yeah” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “He didn’t get an STD… and he said something about being arrested but not for the reason I thought” 

“The bar fight” - Heeyeon smiled a bit - “Wasn’t it?” 

“You know about that?” - Leeteuk found it funny since Heeyeon blushed deeply - “Were you dating back then?”

“N-no… Back then we weren’t dating… yet” - Heeyeon covered her face out of embarrassment- “But it was my fault… Heechul wasn’t the only one that did stupid things in college” 

“You too?” - Leeteuk was amused - “I didn’t think you would be the kind of girl getting in troubles” 

“And I wasn’t” - Heeyeon was deep red - “but at that time… I was… uhm, ‘upset’ because the boy I liked wasn’t giving me attention” 

“The boy you…? Was it Heechul?” 

“He is almost two years older than me… plus he skipped two years during school, you do the math” - Heeyeon shrank shoulders- “by the time I went to college, he was about to graduate”

“Go on” 

“And I was so jealous of him having girlfriends and dates and… ” - Heeyeon bit her lips - “at that moment, he was actually doing fine. He had stopped getting drunk and having stupid parties. He was also ‘clean’ if you know what I mean” 

“What did you do?” - Leeteuk could feel the story was good 

“There was a small party before graduation” - Heeyeon did a face - “You know. Only ‘young’ people? No parents…They rented the place and you could only attend with an invitation” 


“Heechul… didn’t invite me” - Heeyeon couldn’t stop closing her eyes - “And I was so but so mad. We weren’t dating back then, but I still hoped he would invite me there” 

“Did you go there without an invitation?”

“Way worse” - Heeyeon got shy - “I went with another boy. One of his classmates. In my head it was totally reasonable to date another guy just to make him jealous” 

“Oh dear” 

“It gets worse” - Heeyeon sighed - “I was silly and I didn’t know what could happen when my ‘date’ got drunk. So, we were at the party and this guy starts… uhm…” 

“Did he touch you?” - Leeteuk felt his blood boiling - “Heeyeon, I swear—“

“He went beyond boundaries and I was scared” - Heeyeon recalled it wasn’t a pleasant experience- “I asked him to stop but… he wouldn’t. He even pulled me to his side and tried to force a kiss” 

Leeteuk was anxious. Heeyeon used the word ‘tried’ so, he hoped the guy didn’t get what he wanted. He felt sorry for a young Heeyeon going through such a traumatic experience. 

“Then, I heard guy saying ‘she asked you to stop’ “ - Heeyeon smiled - “Heechul was right there. He pulled the guy aside and asked him to stop harassing me. The guy touched me again… and Heechul broke his beer glass right on his head” 

“That’s how it happened…” - Leeteuk now understood it 

“They started fighting and then someone called the police and the cops took us all to the station” - Heeyeon sighed - “I remember Gunhee showing up to pick up Heechul… He was so pissed… but then, when he saw me there… I think he knew. Just looking at me, he knew it was about me and relaxed” 

“What a night…” - Leeteuk relaxed too - “I bet you fell for Heechul even more” 

“Actually… I was mad at him” - Heeyeon did a guilty face - “I was young and stupid. So, I didn’t take very well he scolded me after all that” 

“Sounds like something Heechul would do” - Leeteuk giggled - “I would have scolded you too” 

“I know! Right now I would have scolded myself as well” - Heeyeon covered her face - “I was so irresponsible” 

“Yes, you were” - Heechul and his mom were behind them - “But if you are going to tell a story, then do it well. You are missing the important point” 

“I was just getting there” - Heeyeon complained - “we had an argument and things got heated up” 

[Back to the day]

“Because you were so irresponsible!” - the young adult yelled - “And no, I won’t shut up about it! What were you thinking?! Do you think all boys are going to hold back like I do?”

“Why are you scolding that much?”  - The girl protested - “It’s not like you care” 


“No, you don’t” - Heeyeon was upset - “What are we? Friends? Ever since you came to this place you have been… distant” 

“Right, now all this is my fault” - Heechul scoffed - “You don’t understand” 

“Then help me understand” - Heeyeon hissed - “Why dont you even look at me anymore? Why you ignore my calls? My texts?” 

Heechul couldn’t look at her. His eyes would drift away to the other direction. Heeyeon made sure of moving places to be right in front of him. 

“Look at me” - she demanded - “Heechul, look at me” 

“I can’t” - Heechul said sharply - “How could I…?” 

“Is this about what have you done here?” - Heeyeon asked in a serious voice - “Is that why you can’t face me?” 

“Maybe” - Heechul turned his face away - “I didn’t want you to… get involved. You deserve better than a stupid troublemaker” 

“You don’t get to decide that” - Heeyeon folded her arms - “It’s not your call” 

“It is if I’m the one dragging you to anything dangerous” 

“Then, don’t” - Heeyeon gave him a pleading look - “Heechul, I—“

“Don’t say it” - Heechul urged her - “Please, don’t” 

“I love you” 

“No, no” - Heechul was shaking his head - “Don’t do this to me”

“You don’t feel the same way…?” - Heeyeon was about to cry. Was it a one side love? Was she the only ones having other feelings that went beyond friendship? 

Then, it happened. For the first time… Heechul kissed her. It only lasted a few seconds… but it felt like ages. For the first time, she understood what he thought without needing words. 

“I… I’m so sorry” - Heechul seemed to have snapped - “I don’t know… I shouldn’t have… This is not right” 

Heeyeon tried to kiss again but the boy rejected her. He took a few steps back and Heeyeon could read fear on his face. 

“I’m ready” - Heeyeon nodded - “What about you?”

“Let’s take it slow” - Heechul was breathing oddly - “My heart is about to explode” 

“How cute” - Heeyeon was trying to fight the awkwardness- “You are turning really r—“

“I love you” - Heechul left out without thinking twice 

Even if it was what she always dreamt about… she still froze. She was nervous. What was she supposed to do now? She had played that scenario several times in her head… but none of those were real. This one was. 

“Heeyeon, uhm…” - Heechul offered her a hand - “W-would y-you go out with me?” 

“Like… dating?” - Heeyeon tried not to sound too shocked - “for real?” 


It was hard to tell who was more nervous about it. They both exchanged shy looks for a while without knowing what to do. 

“This is so…” 


They laughed a bit. 

“Shall we kiss again?” - Heeyeon could feel this time she wouldn’t get pushed away 

“Are you sure you want this?” - Heechul asked carefully - “Gosh, Gunhee and Hani are going to kill me” 

“They don’t need to know” - Heeyeon shook her head as she giggled - “It’s not their business” 

“It won’t be easy… I’m working with them” - Heechul said softly - “And after I graduate next week… it’s going to be a full time job” 

“We will think about something” - Heeyeon kissed him playfully - “Maybe you could get a third degree” 

“That’s actually a great idea” - Heechul smirked - “That way we could be both in university and they wouldn’t suspect a thing”

“Heechul, I was kidding” - Heeyeon laughed - “Why would you take a third degree? Having to study all over again…” 

“I like studying” - Heechul did a funny face - “And that way I can keep an eye on you and avoid you get in troubles” 

“Oh, am I the one that needs to be taken care of?” - Heeyeon chuckled 

[back to the present]

“Heechul really took care of me… he was pretty adamant about keeping me ‘safe’ “ - Heeyeon recalled those years - “He wouldn’t let me try anything he considered ‘bad’ and helped me focus on my studies” 

Leeteuk was feeling way better. It seemed like Heechul and Heeyeon had the type of relationship in which they supported each other depending on the needs they had. So, it made sense their dynamic changed all time. Right now, Heechul was the one needing ‘help’ the most since he was injured… but Leeteuk could tell the man would go back to being the “protective” one once he was fully recovered. Next time he would think twice before accusing Heechul of giving troubles to her. 

“Sounds like a great guy” - Mrs Kim was proud of her son - “That’s my boy” 

“That’s why I’m not scared of the future” - Heeyeon placed a hand on her belly - “If Heechul is next to me… I know there is nothing to fear” 

“I will do my best to be there” - Heechul nodded full of confidence - “I will help you during childbirth” 

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” - Mrs Kim widened her eyes - “You get dizzy at the sight of blood” 

“I won’t” - Heechul shook his head in a try to fight dizziness- “I will be there to support Heeyeon and Cherry” 

“I’m glad you want to do so…” - Heeyeon giggled - “But I truly don’t see you cutting the umbilical cord without passing— HEY” 

“I got him” - Leeteuk caught the dizzy man - “See? I knew I would have to lift him” 

Heechul was cold and pale. His blood pressure went down the very moment he pictured himself taking an umbilical cord between his hands. Messy, bloody, probably sticky… He could even imaging the sensation going through his fingers. He got even dizzier as his brain decided to play an ugly trick and remember him the smell of blood and…

“Yikes!” - Heeyeon hid behind Mrs Kim 

“Oh, this brings back so many memories” - Mrs Kim sighed as Heechul threw up right on the doormat - “He used to ruin those all time” 

“Good aiming… right into the doormat” - Leeteuk teased - “Next time, you can do it in the garden” 

“It was better than your shoes” - Heechul grunted and then turned to his mother- “and by the way, that was a lie”

“Why are you calling me a liar now, brat?” - Mrs Kim was wiping Heechul’s mouth with a paper towel - “You did ruined many of those in the past”

“But not yours” - Heechul protested - “I didn’t live here when I was in university”

“Hah, my bad” - Mrs Kim realized the misunderstanding - “I was thinking in all those accidents—“

“Yeah, I get it now” - Heechul stopped her - “I will buy you a pretty doormat” 

“You peed those too?” - Heeyeon asked carelessly as she understood what Mrs Kim meant 

Leeteuk and Mrs Kim laughed as Heechul’s ears turned red. For them, it was the fact Heeyeon added that last ‘too’ . She said it all with that sentence.

“Well, it was actually cute” - Mrs Kim started sharing facts about Heechul again - “He would hold it during outings but couldn’t wait until we opened the door” 

“Awww” - Heeyeon looked at Heechul with love - “Just like our boys”

Heechul’s expression softened. He was still embarrassed but if the others found it cute then it was ok. They deserved all moments of joy they could get even if that meant he was being exposed by his mother. He loved it when all his family laughed. 

Leeteuk was the type of guy who would smile really widely when happy. His smile was contagious… and his laugh was priceless. Their mother who was always fancy and elegant, was showing them their silly side. Heeyeon had that mischievous innocent look that she only owned. 
It was a precious moment. 

Heechul felt like if he wanted to stop time from going by. He wanted to freeze the moment for the whole eternity. He wanted to be able to live it again and again… and then he understood. 

“Hey, everyone” - Heechul was using his phone to take a selfie - “say cheeseeee!”


“Do we look good?” - Heeyeon was trying to inspect the result 

“That’s so random” - Leeteuk giggled - “Why are you taking pictures now?”

“Just… contributing to your photo album?” - Heechul smiled softly - “I don’t know. I felt like I wanted to remember this moment forever” 

“Lovely” - Mrs Kim was tossing the doormat away - “ ‘the day I ruined my mother’s doormat’ “

“Maybe I do want to record it even if it’s messy…?” - Heeyeon was thinking out loud - “If I myself we could edit it out, right?”

“What are you talking about?” - Leeteuk was half amused half worried 

“Childbirth?” - Heeyeon placed her hands on the belly lump - “what do you think, Cherry? Shall we record your birth? One kick for no, two kicks for yes” 

Leeteuk arched his eyebrows. Mrs Kim giggled. Heechul placed a hand on the belly as well.

“She kicked twice!” - Heeyeon chirped 

“This is silly” - Heechul bit his lips. He thought it was stupid but he still wanted to try - “Cherry, should daddy be there during your birth? One kick for no, FIVE kicks for yes” 

They were still laughing when the baby inside the womb moved a lot. Heeyeon widened her eyes as Heechul panicked. 

“Those are way more than five” - Heeyeon teased 

“Well, it looks like your daughter made a decision” - Leeteuk patted Heechul’s back - “You are going to be there for them” 

“Don’t worry, sweetie” - Mrs Kim was rubbing his back - “It’s a hospital. If you pass out, they will help you” 

“I feel like I’m going to throw up”

“Fine, but not on the roses” - Mrs Kim pointed at the bush - “they are about to bloom” 

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” - Leeteuk quoted with a huge smile 

“Breath, just breath…” - Heeyeon kept repeating as Heechul kneeled down next to the grass - “take deep slow breathing~ inhale~ exhale~”

Heechul was feeling nauseous but he still found funny Heeyeon was using what she learned from birth preparation classes. Maybe those weren’t as useless as they thought. Maybe they should find another place and start again… after all, If he was going to be there during childbirth, he needed to prepare. It’s not like he could run away and leave Heeyeon there by herself. 

(I can do it. I just need to prepare. I still have almost three months to do so)

He felt a kiss on the top of his head. Heeyeon held his cast free hand tightly and looked at him sweetly. Heechul smiled shyly. 

(There is nothing to fear if we are together)

“Are you feeling better?” - Leeteuk was also there - “Do you want help to stand?” 

“Yes, please” - Heechul took the offer - “And if not too much trouble, I would like to go inside and rinse my mouth” 

“Sure” - Leeteuk carried him in a bridal style much to the man’s disgust - “Stop whining, it’s safer this way. You could get dizzy again” 


“I already did” - Mrs Kim was still holding the phone up - “I’m recording a video now” 

Mr Kim was working in his office when he received a very funny video of Heechul cursing out loud while Leeteuk carried him around. 



Hi there~ Messy chapter when it comes to writing. It doesn’t feel right at all but next one will be better again >_< “

Next chapter will be about Yesung’s birthday. What do you think he feels about turning nine? 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it