Family business

Junior Quest

Leeteuk always wondered if their morning would ever be normal. Having nine kids the answer was clear… 

“Not even in my wildest dreams” - Heechul scoffed when Leeteuk gave him that look - “NINE. N- I - N - E” 

“And soon, we are going to be ten!” - Siwon chirped 

The adults shuddered. Silence came into the busy kitchen and the room temperature felt decreasing. 

“What?” - Siwon was a little confused - “I thought you said it could happen” 

“So, how does it work?” - Donghae asked with his chirpy voice - “Does the stork know our address?” 

“I thought babies came out of cabbages” - Eunhyuk laughed 

“Don’t be silly” - Sungmin rolled his eyes - “Babies come from mother’s womb! That’s like common knowledge!” 

“Dad, are we really having more siblings?” - Kangin asked annoyed

“Only my little sister” - Yesung smiled pleased - “Oh gosh, she is going to be so beautiful! What if she has my eyes ?” 

“Then she won’t see us” - Eunhyuk teased

“I have never seen a baby wearing glasses” - Donghae pouted 

Yesung sighed. He finished his breakfast quietly while taking glimpses at his dad occasionally. 

“Heechul” - Leeteuk shook him after the kids were gone - “We need to get going” 


“We are going to be late for school” 




“Are you ok?” 

Heechul bit his lip. Then smiled in a silly way. 

“When Yesung said it could have his eyes…” - Heechul played coy - “I could picture it” 

“I won’t deny I would like having another nephew or a cute niece but… you said it yourself” - Leeteuk whispered into his ear - “Nine” 

Heechul got the shivers. Lately, he had been thinking a lot about it. He and Heeyeon got really excited when they thought they could be parents. However, things were very different now. Heechul had nine kids and Heeyeon would be their step mother. Would it be wise to add another kid to the equation? Maybe later. Maybe, they should wait until the boys were older. 

“Dada?” - Kyuhyun interrupted 

“What’s up my baby?” - Heechul lifted the boy who instead of looking pleased just twisted his lips 

“Not in mood” - Kyuhyun gestured Heechul to place him back on the floor - “Wookie weird! Again!” 

“What’s wrong with your brother now?” - Heechul sighed - “He was just fine at breakfast” 

“Wookie fine!” - Ryeowook appeared out of nowhere - “Dada dun worry” 

“Oh, here you are” - Leeteuk inspected the boy - “I see nothing weird, Kyu” 

“Explain yourself” - Heechul pinched Kyuhyun’s cheek playfully. The boy pouted cutely. 

“Wookie… abc… weird! And and mumbens!” 

“Mumbens?” - Both adult tilted their heads 

“One, tzoo, tea…” - Kyuhyun tried 

“Fouw! Five! Six! Zeveh! Nah! Ten!” - Ryeowook jumped excited 

“Well done!” - Heechul offered a hi five to the little chirpy boy - “You mastered them!” 

“He can count up to a lot more than that” - Leeteuk said pleased - “He is definitely a smart boy” 

“Kyunnie too, right?” - Heechul ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair - “You also mastered the abc and the numbers!” 

“Dada” - Kyuhyun whined - “Dada no helpin’ “ 

“Why do you I am not helpful?” - Heechul teased - “Your brother is just fine. He is being silly as always” 

The adults enjoyed Ryeowook little happy dance until the kid hit his face against a wall. 

“Oh, boy” - Heechul held the crying boy - “Let me see, Cmon” 

“Was it too bad?” - Leeteuk was shocked- “It sounded painful” 

“Whatcha doi’ !” - Henry shouted loudly - “Wookie!” 

“He just hit himself with a wall” - Leeteuk explained

“HUWTZZ” - Ryeowook cried 

“I know, I know” - Heechul kissed him several times - “Maybe we should skip school today” 

“Huh?” - Ryeowook stopped crying automatically- “NO!” 

“No?” - Heechul looked at Kyuhyun- “What do you say? Do we skip daycare today?” 

“Uh… no” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “No, no” 

“But Ryeowook was crying” - Leeteuk followed Along 

“Nuh!” - Ryeowook wiped away his tears - “Wookie iz done cwyin’!!”

Heechul laughed. Leeteuk did his best to keep a poker face. 

“Then we should get ready” - Leeteuk clapped his hands - “We are going to be late” 

“NO!” - the twins stormed out together 

“They do hate being late” - Heechul giggled 

“They didn’t inherit that from you” 

“But apparently, they are fond of school” - Heechul smiled - “They hate the idea of missing a day there” 

Leeteuk didn’t pay attention to what was Heechul telling him while they searched for the car keys. 

“Earth to Teuk!” - Heechul aimed a tangerine at Leeteuk’s head 

“I was thinking…” 

“Oh you do?” - Heechul joked around - “I didn’t know you could think” 

“Ryeowook is being clumsier than before, right?” - Leeteuk pointed at the wall - “How could he crash that badly?” 

“Don’t you dare” - Heechul used his index finger to put pressure on Leeteuk’s nose - “I already have enough with Sungmin’s possible anemia” 

“I’m just saying that maybe we should make an appointment and have him checked” 

Heechul blabbered a lot of things. Henry laughed. Leeteuk just couldn’t help but smile softly. 

“It’s ok, we will manage” 


“Who cares about school anyway” - Kangin yawned - “It’s always boring” 

“I like school” - Siwon confessed 

“You do?” - Heechul was actually surprised. Siwon often complained about kindergarten

“Yeah, I think so” - Siwon said happily - “I’m starting to like it” 

Leeteuk was full of smiles until he saw Heechul’s expression. Why would he get so sad over such  statement? 

Back home, things were quiet until the doorbell rang. Leeteuk bursted in laugh when he opened the door. 

“Seriously?” - Leeteuk wiped away some tears 

“I heard you guys had lice” - Heeyeon sulked while wearing her shower cap - “And I definitely can’t get lice while living with Mina” 

“Yeah, you are right” - Leeteuk nodded - “She would put you to sleep in the balcony” 

“Are you busy? Is not a good time?” - Heeyeon looked around 

“Kids are at school” - Leeteuk explained - “Heechul went to work. It’s only Henry and I” 

“I need advice” 

“I don’t wanna know anything about your life” - Leeteuk covered his ears 

“Why you…? Wait, has Heechul ever made any comments about what we do” 

(All time) 

“No” - Leeteuk lied.

“The thing is, if you had a secret and you would like to keep it but then a friend would benefit from knowing your secret… would you keep it? Reveal it?” 


Heeyeon took a deep sigh. 

“I didn’t explain myself at all, did I?” 

“I only know you have a secret” 

“You know how strict Mina is to her children, right?” 

“Of course” - Leeteuk got the chills just remembering it 

“Lately, the boys spend a lot of time studying for admission tests… and I may know something… or someone, who could help them in without—“ 

“What admission tests?” - Leeteuk was confused - “They are not going to college yet” 

“For the new school, duh” - Heeyeon was flustered - “They moved recently, remember? Mina said they would change schools after scholar year ended but most prestigious schools have this silly admissions test for kids” 

“I wasn’t aware of” - Leeteuk scratched his head 

“But you should be” - Heeyeon was now the confused one - “The triplets need to take the test in order to get to Yesung’s school, right?” 

“I’m not sure our school has that protocol” 

“Mina is aiming for that one” - Heeyeon explained - “So, I believe they do” 

“I thought she didn’t want her kids to be classmates of Heechul’s ones” 

“She changed her mind” - Heeyeon sighed - “It’s a good school and she said it would be nice if cousins supported each other” 

“Cool” - Leeteuk smiled 

“But wait, aren’t the triplets studying?” - Heeyeon asked softly - “I mean, I know their test must be easier since they are quite young but… still… is Heechul not worried?” 

“About what?“ 

“What if they don’t get in?” - Heeyeon said in a low voice 

“Pfff” - Leeteuk was confident - “I’m pretty much sure Heechul is doing his best” 

“Actually, I think I need to tell you something” - Heechul had a hard time not running away from the conversation he has been avoiding 

“What do you mean?” - Leeteuk was getting suspicious - “They are getting in, right? They are going to school” 

“Yeah, they are… but not that one?” - Heechul avoided eye contact - “I mean, Teuk, there is an admission test” 

“So? How did the others get in?” 

“Yesung and Siwon were remarkable and Kangin barely did the cut” - Heechul swallowed- “If I tell you the truth… I’m sure Eunhyuk and Donghae won’t make it” 

“That’s so stupid! They are smart boys!” 

“Cmon Teuk, Yesterday Donghae told me he didn’t like his toast because it had butter… I flipped it over and he ate It happily” 

“He is just innocent!” - Leeteuk defended 


“Also?” - Leeteuk warned him - “Also?!” 

“Kangin can’t study there next year” - Heechul sighed- “I was called into principal’s office a few days ago and they informed me that Kangin can’t attend their school next year. They are not expelling him so it would not reflect on his academic record but, still, they say his performance is not good enough for their school” 

“What?” - Leeteuk worried - “How come?” 

“we both now that Kangin is kinda lazy and hates studying” - Heechul sighed- “And that he often forgets about doing homework… He still struggles with simple math and reads too little” 

“There must be something we can do” 

“Im changing schools” - Heechul shrank shoulders - “and I’m changing all of them” 

“Yesung too?” - Leeteuk asked worried 

“I can’t split myself” - Heechul shook his head - “It’s already a lot of work having kids in daycare and school at the same time. Having three different places wouldn’t be easier” 

“You are right” - Leeteuk had to agree - “It makes me a little sad but… if you think this is the best for them… I’m sure they will understand” 


“Because I can’t take more trips than the ones I already make” - Heechul sighed 

“So? Why aren’t they getting in MY school?” 

Kangin looked down. He was silent. He knew why. 

“Aren’t we going to Yesung’s school?” - Eunhyuk asked confused 

“They failed the admission test, didn’t they?” - Yesung scoffed - “And now you make me pay for it” 

“Sorry for being stupid” - Donghae apologized instantly

“Oh honey” - Leeteuk rushed to stop the boy - “Don’t! You are not stupid!” 

“But we failed “ - Eunhyuk Shrank his shoulders - “So sad” 

“It’s not my fault they failed a stupid test!” - Yesung kept complaining 

“I didn’t” - Sungmin sipped his juice box - “I got in” 

“Wow” - Donghae smiled - “Then you can go to Yesung’s school!” 

“I’m not going” - Sungmin shook his head - “I’m going to the school that has Hyukkie and Hae” 

Leeteuk felt warm. Triplets loved each other so much.

“Aren’t you mad about this?” - Yesung was now aiming his anger at Siwon 

“It’s ok” - Siwon pouted 

“No, it’s not! Dad is going to compromise our future just because Eunhyuk and Donghae can’t tell the difference between a circle and a square!” 

“There was a square with only three sides” - Donghae told Leeteuk- “Just three” 

“That’s a triangle” - Sungmin laughed 


“Yesung calm down” - Heechul instructed- “I know you were happy there but we can’t allow us to have only one kid at that school while the others attend a different one” 

“Can’t you just help Eunhyuk and Donghae in?” - Yesung begged - “Like a trial? I bet they will get better once they start kindergarten…” 

“There is no guarantee” 

“But is still better than nothing!” - Yesung shook his head - “Kindergarten is not that strict! Maybe if we talk to—“


“I can’t attend our school anymore” - Kangin finally said it - “I was told I wasn’t good enough” 

“What?” - Yesung was boiling - “So, it’s you? It’s not only for the babies, then” 

“Yesung…” - Heechul warned 


“We can’t talk like this” - Heechul covered his face with his hands 

“THIS IS SO UNFAIR” - Yesung was mad 

“Sorry for not being a nerd” - Kangin rolled his eyes 

“Hey!” - Heechul complained 

“Sorry for not being an lazy idiot”

“Boys” - Heechul was getting angry 

“At least I’m not the one making drama” - Kangin retorted 

“Like if you had rights to” - Yesung said bitterly- “Im the one paying for YOUR mistakes” 

Kangin imitated his brother. Of course, it didn’t end well. 

“STOP! STOP!” - Leeteuk and Heechul were having a bad time trying to separate both boys. They were fighting each other as much as they could. 

“Enough!” - Heechul said angry as he managed to hold Yesung away - “To your room, Now!” 

“You too, Kangin” - Leeteuk was still catching his breath - “To your room” 

“I hate you” - Yesung said before leaving 

The next few days, Yesung and Kangin remained quiet. Leeteuk worried for them. Heechul was stern and despite his mother and Donghee’s offer about taking Yesung to the school everyday, he remained firm regarding the boy’s transfer. 

“Yesung? Come on, Buddy” - Heechul pointed at the boy’s closet - “Get dress” 

“I don’t want to” - Yesung said in a low voice yet he stood and started grabbing clothes - “Why do I have to go? It’s going to be Kangin’s school. Not mine” 

“It’s going to be your school as well” - Heechul sighed - “Don’t make it harder” 

“Then why aren’t you taking Kangin with you?” - Yesung looked down as he showed Heechul two pairs of socks 

“Because… I want my older boy to come with Me” - Heechul replied as he pointed to the socks on the right 

“I’m gonna sabotage the interview” - Yesung rolled his eyes 

“I know you won’t” - Heechul smiled softly- “I will be waiting downstairs” 

“Sure” - Yesung sighed sadly 

When the boy was ready he exited the room only to crash with his sibling. 

“Sorry, I didn’t see you” - Yesung admitted as he looked for his glasses - “I swear I didn’t do it on purpose” 

“I know” - Kangin found the glasses first - “Did you get hurt?” 

Yesung shook his head. Kangin nodded. Both boys were about to go separate ways when the twins ran into them. Kyuhyun stopped on time. Ryeowook was literally stopped from crashing thanks to the big boys. 

“Hey” - Kangin giggled - “You should be careful!” 

“Sowy” - Ryeowook apologized cutely 

“We made diz!” - Kyuhyun showed them a drawing. It had two faced potatoes with a big heart. 

“Oh… could it be us?” - Yesung got it first 

“U holdin’ handz!” - Ryeowook explained pleased 

“With luuuuuuuuv” - Kyuhyun pointed at the heart 

Yesung only smiled and ruffled the twins hair. They seemed a bit puzzled. 

“He loved it” - Kangin whispered to them - “and so did I”

Both boys seemed happy and proud of their doing. 

“Are you ready?” - Heechul asked Yesung - “Did yo go—“ 

“If you dare to ask me if I went to the toilet, I swear I’m not talking to you for the rest of the day” - Yesung said bitterly - “But yeah, I did pee. Thanks for your concern” 

“You are not going to make this easy, uh?” - Heechul said before leaving.

Leeteuk thought it was his chance. He would put the younger ones to take a nap and use that time to re connect with Kangin. He could feel the boy was struggling with all that was happening. 

“Dad” - Yesung rolled his eyes - “You missed the exit. The new school is on the other side” 

“I know but we are stopping at the pharmacy first” - Heechul smiled to the boy using the inside mirror - “It’s going to be quick, I promise” 

Yesung didn’t reply. He didn’t mind going with his dad to do grocery shopping or stuff like that. He just wasn’t expecting it. 

“Ah, Yesung” - Heechul called the boy that wandered around - “Choose something nice for you” 

Yesung sighed. He knew Heechul was just trying to be nice to him since he understood his mood. He decided a package of gummy bears would do. 

“Here” - Yesung gave it to his dad - “Thank you” 

Yesung wasn’t really paying attention to what Heechul has ordered until the cashier gave him the bag. 

“Do you want the gummies now?” - Heechul found it funny when Yesung kept staring at the bag 

“What are those?” - Yesung asked curiously pointing at the little box with tears - “Are those for crying?” 

Heechul tilted his head. 

“You know, these are artificial tears  ” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Like the ones I use but for kids. I have noticed that lately you rub your eyes a lot and I thought it was because they felt dry” 

Yesung looked down. Heechul then understood his assumption was wrong. 

“But I’m guessing I was mistaken, wasn’t I?” - Heechul twisted his lips - “Let’s just go home” 

“What about the Interview?” - Yesung asked softly 

“Its ok, I will call and say something—“ 

“No” - Yesung shook his head - “If you do so, they will think we are not reliable and we won’t get in” 

“You don’t really want to have this conversation” - Heechul realized the boy’s intentions - “That’s why you don’t want to get back home” 

“I know we are going to have it anyway” - Yesung folded his arms - “I just thought I would feel better if I ruined the interview first”

Both of them laughed. 

“Fine” - Heechul shook Yesung violently- “Let’s get going” 

Leeteuk wasn’t being as lucky as he wished. To begin with, he took longer than expected to make Henry and the twins fall asleep. Also, the triplets refused the idea of taking a nap and in order to keep them busy, he got them a movie to watch. 

“Kangin? Can I come in?” 

“You know you can” - Kangin replied sassily- “The door is open” 

“Right” - Leeteuk scratched his head. He was about to tell the kid about his concern when Kangin turned off his videogame and sat on the bed by himself. 

“You came to talk to me” - Kangin nodded - “I knew you would do so” 

“That’s unexpected” - Leeteuk was pleased - “At least you know this” 

“I also know Yesung is not mad at me” - Kangin sighed - “I heard him cry the other night. He is just sad because he actually likes our school” 

“He cried?” - Leeteuk felt guilty not knowing that - “Im not here to talk about Yesung—“ 

“I caused troubles to everyone” - Kangin interrupted- “Even to uncle and grandma. They came to help Yesung but dad didn’t let them” 

“I listen” 

“I’m not sad because I’m changing schools. In fact, I don’t care” - Kangin admitted - “I’m upset because when the principal called us to his office, dad only agreed with him. I got angry but then after that fight with Yesung… I know they are all right. I’m not good at studying” 

“We are all different” - Leeteuk placed a hand on Kangin’s head - “There are things that you can do better than your classmates” 

“Like what?” - Kangin’s eyes were watery 

“How many of them have a pet raccoon?” - Leeteuk teased - “I bet none of them knows how to bath one” 

“Right” - Kangin giggled 

“You are really good taking care of our pets. You are also good watering the plants and helping your brothers” 

“I won’t be able to help them with math” - Kangin sighed - “So when they get older, they won’t need me” 

“There is much more than maths” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly - “I’m not good at them either” 

“I was thinking that I should apologize to Yesung” - Kangin pouted - “but I don’t think he will forgive me” 

“I’m sure he will” - Leeteuk held the boy’s hand 

“I hate it” - Yesung said as soon as they were back in the car 

“I’m going to give you an award for acting” - Heechul joked - “Thank you for not sabotaging the interview” 

“They are nice” - Yesung confessed - “The teachers, the kids… and the classrooms aren’t ugly. I’m just salty because I don’t want to change schools” 

“Do you think you could be happy here?” 

“Maybe. I don’t know” - Yesung shrank his shoulders 

“You probably know your aunt and half of the family offered to take you to school every morning” - Heechul took a deep breath - “and you know I rejected all those offers” 

“Yeah, I know” 

“I know I’m giving you a hard time and I’m sorry” - Heechul explained - “But you are still a boy and you are my kid. So I will choose what I think is better for you even if that means you will hate me” 

“I don’t hate you” - Yesung blurted out - “I said it because I was mad but I don’t hate you” 

“I know” - Heechul had a hard time going to the back seats only to sit next to Yesung - “And you know I hate when one of you cries so I have been forced to reconsider my options” 

“It’s going to be complicated to be in different schools” - Yesung sulked - “And I love you, Kangin and the babies more than I love my school”

“I swear that I will compensate it to you” - Heechul hugged the boy 

“I want a car for my sixteenth birthday” - Yesung teased as Heechul showered him with kisses



“Yesung, I—“ - Kangin tried to do it like he just practiced 

“You are going to like the new school” - Yesung stopped him - “They have a nice pool” 

Kangin smiled a bit. Yesung hugged him. 

“I’m sorry for saying you are stupid” 

“I’m sorry for calling you a nerd”

“Give me! Pweaseeeee” - Ryeowook did a cute show for his dad when he spotted the gummy bears

“Kyu too! Kyu too!” - Kyuhyun danced with his feet 

“These are Yesung’s” - Heechul shook his head - “I will get you something else, Ok?” 

“ ‘kaaaay” - The twins agreed 

“Don’t be silly” - Yesung took the package and opened- “Here you go. We can share, right?” 

The twins eyes sparkled when Yesung poured some gummies in their tiny hands. 


“So, did you like the new school?” - Leeteuk asked the happy boy 

“No, I actually don’t” - Yesung was blunt - “But I guess I will get used to it. I don’t want to miss the triplets in kindergarten” 

“Sure” - Leeteuk often wondered if Yesung knew how much he had inherited from his father 

“Is it a bad time?” 

Leeteuk jumped scared. It took him by surprise. He wasn’t expecting her. 

“When and how did you get in?” - Leeteuk asked scared while Heechul kissed his girlfriend 

“I have keys” - Heeyeon showed him 

“Since when?” - Leeteuk raised an eyebrow 

“I have had them for a long time” - Heeyeon puffed her cheeks - “Even before you came into this family”

“When did you get here?” - Leeteuk’s heart was still racing 

“I don’t know. I was taking a stroll when I saw Heechul was coming back” - Heeyeon danced happily - “And I decided to stop by and say hi!” 

“You are always welcome” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “But don’t go around acting like a ghost. My heart is not that strong” 

“That gives me some ideas for our role plays” - Heechul smirked 

“Even thought it sounds tempting” - Heeyeon played with her hair - “ I come here in a less y plan: future step mother” 

“I’m not going to let you change my boys haircut” - Heechul teased 

“What’s wrong with their hair cuts?” - Leeteuk worried 

Heeyeon just made a funny face. 

“No, it’s not their hair cuts” - Heeyeon opened her bag - “I know I have been distant since all this school madness started but… I took a decision and did all the paperwork and…” 

“You have gotta be kidding us” - Leeteuk recognized the envelopes - “This is… how did you get them in such a prestigious school?” 

Heechul remained silent. 

“Heechul… this is like the best school in our zone” - Leeteuk was so excited - “I heard some of the triplets classmates mothers talking about it. It’s so fancy and so well rated!” 

“Why did you change your mind?” - Heechul’s way of asking caught Leeteuk’s attention - “You said—“

“I know what I said” - Heeyeon was serious now - “But I have changed my mind. I realized that if I was going to become their mother, I couldn’t let my own beliefs to play against their future” 

“I really appreciate it” - Heechul was quite happy - “I never thought you would actually agree” 

“Well, Uhm… I also helped Mina’s boys so… They are all attending school together” 

“What did I miss?” - Leeteuk was confused 

“Heeyeon didn’t want the kids to attend this school for personal reasons” - Heechul explained calmly - “I asked her to reconsider it but I wasn’t expecting she would actually do it. We both tend to be really stubborn” 

“Now that I think about it… I heard that is incredibly hard to get in…” - Leeteuk counted the letters. There were six exactly, meaning their kids got all in. 

“You may want to hear it from me” - Heeyeon sighed - “Because you are going to hear it from the kids later but… I think I owe you this” 


“My family owns the school” - Heeyeon confessed - “Dad is the principal” 

“And… you don’t get along?” - Leeteuk tried

“Actually we are pretty close” - Heeyeon bit her lips - “And they both love Heechul as their own. They were kinda excited with the idea of seeing the kids all time” 

Leeteuk was going to interrupt but Heeyeon stopped him. 

“And that’s exactly what worries me” - Heeyeon fidgeted - “They haven’t been doing specially well since Gunhee and Hani died. So I felt a little bad having to ask for such a favor…” 

“Don’t worry that much” - Heechul stretched - “Im pretty sure the kids are going to have fun” 

“Oh, I don’t doubt that” - Heeyeon twisted her lips - “But I have my own doubts when it comes to Dad spoiling them” 
Leeteuk folded his arms and shook his head. Heechul shrank his shoulders. 

It was midnight and the adults were still awake. Somehow, both of them had a lot to discuss.

“What if she is right and their grandpa spoils them too much?” - Leeteuk hissed - “We promised Yesung we cared about their future” 

“I know” - Heechul yawned - “But they are kids. Maybe they need to relax a bit. I feel like there is too much pressure about school nowadays” 

“Don’t you think is weird Hani and Gunhee chose a different a school?” - Leeteuk shut his eyes - “I can’t stop thinking they had their own reasons to do so” 

“They had an ugly discussion about it” - Heechul recalled - “At that time I only knew that siding with any of them was a bad idea. But, leaving that aside, I didn’t like the school they chose after all that madness” 

“I just want to make sure this will work” - Leeteuk said softly - “I don’t want them to change schools every year” 

“Uhum” - Heechul thought for a minute - “Maybe you should go see the school” 


“I mean, I can’t do it” - Heechul explained carefully - “He already knows me” 

“Let me just get this straight” - Leeteuk shook his hands quickly - “You want me to spy on Heeyeon’s dad?” 

“At the school” - Heechul held Leeteuk’s hand in a mischievous way - “There is no need to follow him home!” 

“I— That’s ridiculous!” - Leeteuk whined - “I mean, how am I supposed to get in? He is going to recognize any kid that I take with me!” 

“Go by yourself” 

“Are you listening? That’s a school! It’s going to be weird being an adult—“ 

“Unless, you go as a student” - Heechul made funny expressions using his eyebrows - “Don’t you have intern practices to do?” 

“Not until I’m in second year” - Leeteuk shook his head 

“But he doesn’t know that, right?” - Heechul smirked - “It could be your cover! Leeteuk the shy teacher wannabe that comes asking for an internship” 


“It suits you!” 

“I said no” - Leeteuk didn’t even want to think about it 


Leeteuk didn’t understand at all how he ended in front of the main gate of the said school, wearing clothes that he had never seen in his entire life before while holding a few folders. 

“Oh! You must be Leeteuk!” - A nice man with white hair approached him

“N-nice to meet you!” - Leeteuk stuttered a bit - “Im Leeteuk, Im—“ 

“I know who you are!” - The old man patted his back - “Come in, son! I’m so glad you chose to do your internship at the future school of your nephews!” 

“Ah, yeah— What?” 

“You are Heechulie’s new brother, aren’t you?” - The man tilted his head - “Are you feeling ok? You look pale” 

“I beg your pardon… but I don’t get it” - Leeteuk tried to be polite despite his cover being blown up- “How…?” 

“Ah, I have seen you in some photos” - The man explained - “You know, Heechul sends us photos of the kids” 

(I’m gonna kill him) 

“Ah, sure” - Leeteuk smiled a bit - “I hope at least I looked well on them” 

“I’m a big fan of the bee pajama you have” 

(This is it. I’m killing Heechul as soon as I get home) 

“It was a gift from the kids” - Leeteuk was deep red - “They thought I liked bees since I say ‘Honey’ a lot” 

“My wife, she likes gardening so…” - The old man was scanning Leeteuk’s face - “She likes bees too” 

“And I also like gardening” - Leeteuk smiled shyly 

“Yeah, I heard so” - The man nodded - “And I heard you also liked tea” 

“Oh, yeah but there is no—“ - Leeteuk found incredibly amazing the office he was taken to - “This place is wonderful” 

“Sit down, please” - The man was holding a cute round  tea pot - “Oh, I didn’t ask you first. Which tea would you like? I love them all so I often forget most people have a preference”

“Oh, I’m also like a tea lover myself” - Leeteuk took a quick glance at the pretty box filled with tea - “I can’t decide~ but if I had to…” 

“Hibiscus tea…” 

There was a silence for a few seconds. The old man then sighed. 

“Does your wife like Hibiscus tea?” - Leeteuk tried 

“Actually…” - The man scoffed - “It is MY favorite” 

Leeteuk tilted his head. The man bit his lip and nodded. 

“You and I are going to get along just fine” - The old man smiled softly 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it