It’s not about the kids

Junior Quest

“I won’t behave” - Yesung folded his arms annoyed - “I don’t want to stay here just with Teuk!”


“Good” - Heechul smirked - “Today is your lucky day! Teuk won’t be the only one here!”


“Really?” - Siwon got interested - “Who is coming?” 


“Your aunt offered to take care of—“ 




“Ah, that’s so sweet!” - Leeteuk was happy to know at least someone thought of him like that - “But, Hey~ Your aunt is nice too! Also, I think is so thoughtful of her to come helping... I mean, she has a lot to worry about!” 


“Yes, she does” - Heechul pointed at the kids - “Dont give her troubles. She has enough of those to worry about” 


“Why her? Why not grandma?” - Siwon asked worried


“Grandma is busy helping to take care of Zhoumi” - Heechul smiled - “Now, I will go change and I definitely don’t want shows when she comes. Do you understand?” 


“Yes sir” - Kangin pouted 


“Well, that doesn’t make sense” - Yesung fixed his glasses - “If Zhoumi needs to be taken care of, why would she come?” 


“I haven’t thought of that...” - Leeteuk realized Yesung had a point. He wondered if she had truly offered herself to help or if Heechul had asked her 


“Ukweeeee~” - Kyuhyun was pulling Leeteuk’s shirt - “Hug Kyuuuuuu!”


“Uh? Do you want a hug?” - Leeteuk found the toddler so cute he couldn’t refuse - “You are growing up so much!! Just look how big you are now!”


Kyuhyun giggled when Leeteuk lifted him and stood in front of the mirror to show the boy his reflection. 


“Kyu big!” - Kyuhyun seemed happy - “Tall!”


“Yes! You are tall!” - Leeteuk kissed the boy. He was so proud of Kyuhyun’s learning skills - “Oh my, if you keep growing like this your clothes won’t fit!” 


“No pwobwem” - Kyuhyun shook his head happily - “Hewy” 


“Give them to Henry? That’s nice, Kyunnie” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “That’s so sweet of you~” 


Leeteuk’s relaxing time ended when he spotted the shortest twin climbing a bookshelf. 


“RYEOWOOK” - Leeteuk rushed to hold the boy - “You still have those stitches on your head! Do you want to add more?”


“Nuh” - Ryeowook replied innocently 


“Then don’t climb onto things” - Leeteuk was beyond worried. Kids often did things they didn’t consider dangerous but were a potential risk - “Please please please” 


“Pwease Pwease Pwease” - Ryeowook repeated amused - “Kay!”


“Are you going to be good and listen to me?” - Leeteuk tried 


“Uhhhhh ung!” - Ryeowook nodded - “Wookie lizenz ukwee! Wookie goo’ !”


“You are so cute” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid falling for the short boy - “You all are such good boys” 


“Yes, we are not Kibum” - Eunhyuk replied sassily- “We are nice” 


“Eunhyuk, Your aunt is coming today” - Leeteuk warned - “Please dont say things like that” 


“Bummie has a piiiiiiiiig” - Donghae did a big circle with his arms - “A biiiiiiiig piiiiiiiig” 


“Piggy goes oink oink and its pink” - Sungmin added 


“And and and pigs like mud!” - Donghae continued - “Pigs are pink but get dirty with mud!” 


Leeteuk chuckled. You could always count with those two to lift the mood. 


“Let’s do Something” - Leeteuk found what Ryeowook was trying to get from the bookshelf - “Lets make some drawings for your aunt~ I bet she will love them” 


“Minnie is going to make a big one!” - Sungmin rushed to the table where Leeteuk put some papers sheet and a box filled with crayons - “It’s going to be pretty!”


“Mine too” - Donghae giggled excited - “I’m going to make a pig” 


“I will draw a dancing pig” - Eunhyuk smiled cheekily 


“S-sure” - Leeteuk found it funny yet worrying. He hoped Mina would understand the pig had nothing to do with her. 



“Why is everything so calm?” - Heechul went down stairs wearing fancy clothes - “Oh, they are drawing~ that’s why!”


“Uncle, you look cool” - Siwon honest reaction made Heechul blush - “I like it” 


“Thanks, I guess” - Heechul scratched his cheek - “You are not used to see me wearing this type of clothes, are you?”


“Mmmm Daddy used to dress like that” - Siwon recalled - “And you wore something similar on Christmas” 


“Good memory” - Heechul praised - “I hope you don’t forget about the most important thing” 


“A bow tie” - Siwon said with confidence 


“Nope” - Heechul laughed - “I love you. I love you a lot. That’s what you can’t forget, ok?” 


“Ok!” - Siwon nodded softly- “I get it!” 


“Whazz a bow’ ty?” - Donghae asked curious


“This” - Heechul showed his bow tie to the boy - “It goes around my neck to make me look better see?”


“I will add a bow tie to my pig” - Donghae went back to drawing 


“Come to think of it... you are all drawing pigs” - Heechul tilted his head 


“They are making drawings for Mina” - Leeteuk explained 


“Ohhhh~ And they guessed she must like pigs because Donghee looks like one” - Heechul’s joke made Kangin laugh but Leeteuk frowned - “Sorry. I should get going...” 


“Dada” - Ryeowook tried to follow him - “Hug Wookie” 


“One last time, buddy” - Heechul hugged his small son - “But Dada has to go. I can’t be late for my date” 


“Daaaaaate?” - Ryeowook repeated with sparkling eyes - “Whazza daaaaate?”


“I mean, Dada is going to meet a new friend...?” - Heechul tried - “Like your play dates” 


Ryeowook gasped. He then pulled Heechul’s bow tie. 


“Hey hey” - Heechul laughed - “I really have to go now~ Be nice and dont cause troubles ok?”


“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded as Leeteuk held him - “Wookie good” 



Five minutes were enough to prove Leeteuk toddlers couldn’t be trusted. 


“You promised us you would behave” - Leeteuk was at the verge of tears when Ryeowook jumped on the couch again - “You said ‘Wookie good’ “ 


“Kyu zai’d nothin’ “ - Kyuhyun also jumped on the couch - “No pwomize!”


“Yeah I know you didn’t” - Leeteuk frowned - “But your brother did! Ryeowook! Come here and keep your word!”


“I wefuze” - Ryeowook said cheekily- “Wookie wanna pway wi’ ukwee!” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk stretched - “I’m giving you 2 minutes to change that attitude or you are getting in troubles” 


The twins just laughed. They stared at Leeteuk like trying to trigger another reaction from him. The babysitter knew the kids just wanted to play and wanted to call his attention. He decided he would grant their wish and pretend he was clueless. 


“I’m counting down” - Leeteuk did a funny expression - “10...9...8...” 


“Zeve’n! ZIX! Fiveeeee! Fowwww!” - Ryeowook chirped amused - “Threeeeee! Twooooooo Oneeeeee!”


Leeteuk froze. The kids got a little disappointed as their uncle didn’t move and chased after them. The grown up was still trying to understand if a two years old counted backwards without troubles. 


“Ryeowook come here” - Leeteuk called the smaller twin - “Show uncle again” 


“Peek a booo” - Ryeowook tried playing like he did with his dad - “Wookie zupwizeees ukweee!”


“Wookie, listen” - Leeteuk needed to confirm it - “Can you—“ 


The toddler got distracted when his aunt arrived. The triplets ran to meet her right away but the twins hid behind Leeteuk as usual. Henry blabbered some words in alien language. 


“Hello My love! Did you miss me? Are you happy to see me? Auntie Mina missed you so muuuuuuch!” - Mina was playing with the youngest member of the family - “You have grown so much! Just look at you!” 


“Kyu big Too” - Kyuhyun got courage to approach as he realized his aunt was nothing but playing - “Look” 


“Oh my GOD” - Mina was good at playing those games with little kids - “I thought you were YESUNG” 


“Nuuuuuuh!” - Kyuhyun blushed - “Kyunnie”


“Are you Kyunnie? But if Kyunnie was a baby not long ago!” - Mina pinched the boy’s cheeks - “You look so handsome!”


The triplets started demanding attention as well. Since they didn’t want to lose against the younger boys, they used their best tricks to aim for their goal. 


“We made this for you” - Eunhyuk showed her the drawings 


“Hae did a lot!” - Donghae was holding what it must have been a whole tree before - “Pretty” 


“Pigs” - Mina laughed - “Was it Heechul’s idea? This is because Donghee looks like a pig, isn’t it?” 


Leeteuk opened his mouth to say something but just laughed. Heechul and Mina werent that different after all. 


“Where is Mimi?” - Sungmin kept looking around - “Bummie?” 


“Oh, they are at home” - Mina smiled - “They couldn’t come today. Mimi is still recovering and Bummie takes care of him” 


“Awww” - Sungmin puffed his cheeks. He would have liked his cousins to come over - “Uncle?” 


“Uncle Donghee is also recovering” - Mina’s happiness seemed to be drifting away 


“Why you are Not with them?” - Eunhyuk’s remark made Mina even sadder - “You are their mom” 


“Honey, I’m sure your aunt has her own reasons to come here” - Leeteuk could feel Mina got hurt - “You should be thankful she came to play with you despite being so busy” 


“Uhuuuum” - Eunhyuk tilted his head - “Hannie, Bummie and Mimi are lucky. They have a mom” 


Leeteuk was now the one hurt. Mina haven’t recovered yet from the initial shock and that last sentence was way too much to take. 


“I’m sorry” - Mina wiped away a few tears - “I just... I will go check on Batman & Robin” 


“Was I mean?” - Eunhyuk worried as his aunt rushed to the backyard- “She looks sad!”


“Uncle looks sad too” - Donghae pointed out as he inspected Leeteuk’s face - “Why?”


“Is because Minnie, Hyukkie and Hae don’t have a mom?” - Sungmin tried 


“Honey...” - Leeteuk had listened to it before but still, his heart sunken every single time the topic was brought - “You had a mom. A very good one. She loved all of you but unfortunately, she had to go to heaven” 


“Can’t we get another mom?” - Donghae’s question caught the babysitter off guard - “One That doesn’t go to heaven” 


Leeteuk realized the conversation wouldn’t have any happy ending considering the older boys were now paying attention to him. They were also curious of the man’s answer. 


“What if Dad marries again?” - Siwon asked as he held a big teddy bear - “We would get an step mommy, right?” 


“Do you want one?” - Was Everything Leeteuk could think of 


“Yes” - The triplets replied in chorus 


“Not sure. Aren’t step moms mean?” - Siwon seemed confused - “Cinderella’s step mom was mean. Also, Snow white’s step mom was a witch and was bad too” 


“Mmm not all steps mom are bad, Honey” - Leeteuk worried that the kid had that impression about step parents - “some are nice” 


“My friend has a step mom” - Kangin yawned - “He says she is nice. And she loves him. I don’t think step mothers are necessarily bad” 


Leeteuk widened his eyes. He didn’t expect Kangin to participate. 


“I don’t want a step mom because that would mean sharing dad with her” - Kangin continued - “But if we get one, I hope she loves us” 


Ryeowook suddenly walked away in a bad mood. He headed to the backyard where he found his aunt feeding the noisy bird. 


“Wobin liwes diz” - Ryeowook was decided to help her - “Dada zaid zeeds goo fow Wobin” 


“You speak so well” - Mina smiled a bit - “I think you are even better than Zhoumi when it comes to this”


“Why zad?” - Ryeowook asked his aunt as he climbed a bench to get a better view - “Cwy” 


“Yes, I cried because I’m sad” - Mina sighed. Heechul was right when he said Ryeowook was observant- “My son and my husband are ‘sick’ and I... I don’t think you will understand a single word of this but I need someone to talk to, ok? Would you listen to me?”


“Uhum” - Ryeowook stared at her with big eyes 


“I feel like somehow this is my fault and now I can’t fix it. I mean, I know I couldn’t cause Donghee’s disease but I can’t stop wondering if I could have handled it differently...? Also, Kibum grew jealous of his new baby brother because maybe I lacked skills as a mother and— You know, maybe I shouldn’t tell you all of this” - Mina suddenly giggled - “Its funny but, you turned out being a great listener. Now I feel better” 


“Why?” - Ryeowook played with his shirt as his aunt sat next to him - “No zad a’ymowe?”


“No, I’m not sad anymore. I feel better after talking to you” - Mina pinched the boy’s cheek - “Sometimes all we need is to talk to someone else” 


“Wookie... Too” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie wowy” 


“Uh? You what?” - Mina did his best to try understanding the toddler - “Is there something you want?” 


“No want” - Ryeowook folded his arms and pouted - “Wookie no wantz z’ep mom” 


“Did your dad tell you something?” - Mina tried it to laugh - “Why don’t you want a step mother? Are you scared?”


“No nee’ one” - Ryeowook seemed upset - “Wookie no shawin’ dada wi’ a’yone!” 


“Ohhhh so you are jealous” - Mina had experience on that field - “It’s funny. I remember Hangeng and Kibum hated when Donghee kissed me. They were jealous when their dad got my attention” 


Ryeowook grunted. 


“I’m guessing you don’t anyone else to ‘kiss’ nor hug your daddy?” - Mina found the toddler rather cute  - “I don’t think you have to worry. Heechul only has eyes for you and your brothers” 


“Hphm” - Ryeowook didn’t seem so convinced. 


“Oh there you are” - Leeteuk relaxed - “I was wondering what you were up to now. I hope you haven’t caused troubles here” 


“Wookie no cauze twoubwes” - Ryeowook rejected the accusation 


“Are you in a bad mood?” - Leeteuk was unaware of Ryeowook’s feelings - “Did something happen? Did your aunt scold you? I bet you deserved it”


“Nah, I didnt” - Mina chuckled - “He was actually being helpful, right Wook? He is a nice kid! You shouldn’t go around accusing him of misbehaving when he is such an angel” 


“Yeah... I guess you are right” - Leeteuk nodded - “Sorry Wook. Your aunt is right~ I shouldn’t assume you were causing troubles” 


Ryeowook leaned on his aunt and sulked. 


“He is just toddler” - Mina his hair - “But he is like looking at Heechul. They even have the same gestures” 


“But Ryewookkie is cuter, right?” - Leeteuk whispered softly to the boy - “You are like daddy but better” 


Leeteuk grew concerned when he held the boy and Ryeowook just started tearing in silence. 


“Whats wrong? Did you get hurt by something I said?” - Leeteuk hugged the boy - “I’m so sorry, I didn’t meant it” 


“Wookie no want mom” - Ryeowook cried - “Dada mine!” 


“Oh, about that” - Mina remembered- “He is upset about Heechul dating. He says he doesn’t want to have a mom and that Heechul is only his” 


“I guess it doesn’t matter how smart a kid is, they never stop being kids” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Ryeowook is really attached to his dad” 


“Yeah I know” - Mina ruffled the boy’s hair - “I’m actually kinda surprised Heechul accepted going to a blind date. I mean, he has a hard time separating from his kids” 



“Bless you” - the girl giggled as Heechul sneezed 


“I swear it must be my mom. She never stops talking about me not even when I’m miles away” - Heechul rubbed his face - “Or maybe Kangin. That brat goes around telling everyone my secrets” 


“Sounds cute” - The girl giggled again - “It must be fun having so many kids”


“You mean sons” - Heechul sighed - “They are all boys” 


“I have never met someone with so many sons” - The girl teased - “When I saw you going to the hospital pulling so many strollers and holding several kids... Not only I got reminded of an octopus but thought that you must be having a hard time” 


“I know you” - Heechul smirked playfully- “You were the nurse that slapped my babysitter” 


“Y-Your babysitter?” - the girl asked back embarrassed 


“I— I mean my kids’s!” - Heechul turned deep red. She laughed. 


“Ah~ It’s not that is just... I was so jealous at that time~” - The girl sighed - “I thought you guys were a couple. I was so mad since he got to date you first... then someone told me he was your relative and I understood I was wrong” 


“Oh” - Heechul wasn’t sure of what to say - “So... you don’t have troubles with nine kids around? They are cute but they can be—“


“I work at a children’s hospital” - The girl scoffed - “I love children. And don’t worry I’m used to chaos” 


“R-Really?” - Heechul couldn’t hide his happiness. Maybe this date was heading somewhere after all...


“I have liked you since the first time I saw you” 



The twins were in a bad mood as they barely ate dinner and refused to go to bed despite being past their bed time. 


“No sweep!” - Kyuhyun threw another penguin plush at his uncle - “GO WAY!”


Ryeowook was just lying on the floor looking like a zombie. He was too depressed to fight. 


“Boys boys boys” - Leeteuk was cleaning the mess - “Go to sleep~ Dada will be back home late~ they must be having dinner just now” 


“Being a grown up must be so cool...” - Kangin daydreamed as he wore his pajama - “You get to eat what you want whenever you want... you got sleep when you want—“


“She is still here” - Yesung pointed at his aunt - “Why?”


“Yesung, sweetheart, that was rude” - Leeteuk scolded as the twins got away again - “I already told that she offered—“


“It’s not that. Look at the time” - Yesung folded his arms and twisted his lips - “She should be home by now. Who is going to put her kids to bed? My cousins must be missing her!”


“Don’t worry, they still have their dad and grandparents” - Mina chuckled - “You are so sweet worrying for them!”


Yesung glared at his aunt. He wasn’t convinced by that silly answer. He walked away with a sad face. Leeteuk started to believe the kid knew something he didn’t. Maybe the kid had more information than the one Heechul provided to him. 


“Honey?” - Leeteuk gave up in his attempts to put the younger boys to sleep and paid a visit to the older‘s room - “Everything Alright?”


“Not really” - Yesung was lying on his bed with his face covered with a cloth - “I just want it to end” 


“Does your head hurts?” - Leeteuk worried 


“A little. Maybe from overthinking” - Yesung admitted - “Teuk... I’m sure my aunt is hiding something. I don’t deny she is a good person it’s just... She feels different from her usual self” 


“Well, you know her better than me “ - Leeteuk scratched his head - “You could be right” 


“She would have never separated from her kids. Specially if one of them was hurt as Zhoumi! Why would she be running away? I think she is hiding something” - Yesung shook his head 


Leeteuk was about to say something when he heard a commotion downstairs. He paled when his brain understood what was that familiar noise. 


“I think he is drunk” - Mina was trying to move a half conscious man on the floor 


“He looks dead to me” - Kangin worried - “What happened with his date? Was she a vampire? Why he looks so drained?”


“He just drank too much” - Leeteuk agreed with Mina - “Why? I don’t know. Let’s find out later when he is sober but—“


“Teukkkk~” - Heechul cried - “You are the only one I will ever have as companion” 


“What is he saying?” - Yesung grew scared - “I hope drunk people say nonsense stuff” 


“Definitely” - Leeteuk And Mina replied 


“She was perfect” - Heechul sulked - “She would have been a good mother” 


“What happened? Did you get rejected?” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid teasing his brother - “She dumped you. That’s why you drank”


“Uhum” - Heechul took a deep sigh - “I’m sad” 


“Dad, it’s ok” - Kangin approached him - “You still have us”


Heechul cried again. 


“I hope he is crying from joy” - Yesung glared at him - “If not, I will think we are somehow related to the fact he got rejected” 


“Why wouldn’t she like us?” - Siwon worried - “She haven’t met us!” 


“Many people doesn’t like kids” - Kangin sulked - “Also... we are NINE” 


“Daddy~ Cheer up!” - The triplets were nuzzling against their dad 



“You look pretty” - Heechul was really drowsy but kept talking - “There is something different about you~” 


“Shut up” - Mina hissed - “Not now” 



Heechul woke up thanks to his noisy sons. The twins were so happy to have him back they barely slept at night and pestered their uncle to be out of bed before 7am. A Sunday. 


“I will gift them to you” - Heechul teased as Mina offered him an ice pack for his head - “You find them cute, right? Well, today is your lucky day” 


“There was once a time when I would have taken them without asking first” - Mina whispered - “But now I would feel guilty. Those two little ones love you a lot” 


“DADADADADADADADA” - Ryeowook And Kyuhyun were full of energy as they ran around their dad 


“Heechul” - Leeteuk was quieter than usual - “We need to talk” 


“I will feed those two little monsters” - Mina smiled - “They must be hungry” 


Heechul nodded and followed Leeteuk to the office. 


“Heechul I—“


“I’m sorry” - Heechul apologized before Leeteuk could even finish the sentence - “I know I shouldn’t have gotten drunk and coming back like that... The kids saw me. I screwed up, I’m sorry” 


“Alright... it wasn’t about that” - Leeteuk felt better even if he didn’t want Heechul to apologize - “Its not about you either. It’s about Mina... she didn’t go back home yesterday with the excuse of helping me with you and the kids” 




“I think she is just making up excuses to avoid going back home” - Leeteuk looked around at some pictures Heechul had on his walls - “I don’t know her as much as you do but... I can tell she is not the type of woman that would abandon her children for no reason” 


“She is not avoiding them” - Heechul sighed - “They just got in between. They are in the middle of something bigger” 


“Did you know she was running away?”


“I had an idea, yeah. But I thought I was just being skeptic about it” - Heechul sighed - “Seriously, those two only know how to give me a headache” 


Leeteuk paled. He seemed to have understood what Heechul meant. 


“She is avoiding Donghee” - Leeteuk gulped down anxiously- “Why?”


“Who knows” - Heechul played with his hair - “I think she just need time” 


Leeteuk could feel Heechul was hiding something from him. However, he didn’t have time to ask. The clumsy parent ended hitting one of his big files and paper sheets flood the floor. 


“Oh my bad! I’m so stupid!” - Heechul bit his lips 


“Don’t worry, I will clean it” - Leeteuk smiled - “Go rest. Today is Sunday and the kids will play harder than ever” 


Heechul smiled back and exited the office only to face his sister in law. 


“It’s not polite to listen—“ 


“You didn’t tell him” - Mina seemed defeated - “Can I ask why?” 


“I owned you one” - Heechul took a deep breath - “But I’m afraid I won’t keep this secret for too long” 


“Your date was a failure” - Mina bit her lips - “How come you owned me something?”


“It’s not the date itself but what it came next. Yesterday... you understood it well and pretended you didn’t” - Heechul looked down - “A secret for another secret. I think we are fine now” 


“It wasn’t about the kids” - Mina twisted her lips - “But you couldn’t say it either. It was obvious you were trying to protect someone you cared for” 


“Teuk can’t know he was the reason I rejected her” - Heechul shook his head - “I choose him over a thousand girls. I don’t care if she loves children as much as I do... if she can’t love my brother, then, she is not welcomed in our family” 


“I admire you Heechul” - Mina stretched - “You need some courage to hide stuff like that just for your loving ones” 


“You are not that different” - Heechul smiled sweetly as he placed one hand on her belly - “I promise I will look shocked when you announce it” 


“I’m scared. I never thought this could happen” - Mina smiled shyly- “I cried for an entire hour inside the bathroom. Right now, I’m still unsure about what to think but... I think we will figure it out” 


“You were just jealous because Henry is cute” - Heechul teased


“She will be as cute as him” - Mina stuck out her tongue 


Heechul froze. 




“I still haven’t told anybody so please keep your mouth shut as long as you can” - Mina chuckled - “and when the time comes... pretend you are shocked” 


“Uhum” - Heechul pouted - “I’m just so jealous...” 




“So... did Mina explain to you why she ran away?” - Leeteuk was asking once again as Heechul kept staring at his children’s baby pictures - “Why are you so obsessed with those today?”


“If I ever had a daughter...” - Heechul bit his lips - “She would have been pretty right?” 


“Why are you ask— What did you do in your last date?!” - Leeteuk got scared - “OH MY GOD YOU DIDNT” 


“Those two are back to normal” - Kangin observed the two adults now bickering - “Its a relief. I thought Dad was sad because he didn’t get a girlfriend” 


“He doesn’t need one now” - Yesung smiled - “I think he is actually happy” 


“... and even if I did it would be none of your business!” - Heechul stuck out his tongue 


“It is If you bring home another kid!” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I need to know!”


“I’m not telling you~” - Heechul smiled in a silly way - “Just wait nine months to find out” 









Hi there! It’s been a while! ^^ good news: I’m free now! Bad news: my life and I’m severely depressed now. So... I just hope my depression goes away soon and I can start writing more! T-T 


Please stay healthy and thanks for supporting this story! 



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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it