
Junior Quest

“He is sick” - Leeteuk was on the phone - “Yeah... he isn’t feeling that well” 


“Teuk... you traitor...” - Heechul complained with a weak voice - “This is nothing” 


Leeteuk checked on his friend and went back to the phone. 


“He looks dead” - Leeteuk teased - “I think he will take longer than expected” 


“Teuk...” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I’m fine...” 


“Thanks, I will. Again, thanks” - Leeteuk ended the call - “Well, your assistant says you can take the whole week if you need it. He sent you his best wishes and—-“ 


“Give me That” - Heechul was trying to snatch the phone - “Cmon! I’m fine! I can go to work!”


“You look like a panda” 


“Thank you” 


“It wasn’t a— forget it. Heechul, I know it must be painful, you don’t have to lie about it” - Leeteuk sighed - “Just looking at you, I can tell you didn’t sleep last night” 


“It’s nothing” - Heechul was obviously uncomfortable as he squirmed in the bed - “It’s just... so annoying. I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t find any position to help it” 


“Is That why you are moving like that?” - Leeteuk worried - “Did you get hurt?”


“N-No” - Heechul blushed - “I have a full bladder. Nurses went crazy putting fluids inside my body” 


“Can you walk to the toilet? If you don’t want to walk I can—“


“Yes, I Can” - Heechul stretched carefully - “Just help me to stand. One, two... crap” 


“Does it hurt?” 


“YES” - Heechul held his waist - “Oh God” 


“Ok, tell me if you need help” - Leeteuk feared his friend could get hurt inside the toilet - “I...” 


“Teuk? Teuk are you ok?” - Heechul worried when his friend got suddenly silent- “I’m almost done! Nothing bad happened!”


“S-sure” - Leeteuk looked at the red spot in the bed - “I think you need to change your bandage. It got in the bed” 


“Oh boy” - Heechul pouted - “It came off... that’s why the bed got blood” 


“It’s alright. I will help you clean it” 


“I won’t let you touch my ” - Heechul warned - “I can do it myself” 


“Don’t be stupid, mom isn’t here and the bandage doesn’t go in your ” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “I need to make sure you clean it well. We don’t want it to get infected” 


“You speak of it like if it were such a big wound” - Heechul scoffed - “It was just a ing hellish needle” 


“That’s obviously didn’t help with that language of yours” - Leeteuk was getting the supplies ready - “Lay down. I will do it now”


“If you are going to see my at least let me keep my pride” - Heechul pulled down his pants but refused to lay on the bed - “Don’t pinch me, please” 


Leeteuk wasn’t listening to Heechul’s complains. He was busier inspecting the bruise that his friend got after donating some of his bone marrow to Donghee. Heechul had refused to spend the night in the hospital and since the donation wasn’t considered ‘risky’ doctors had sent him home without troubles. Donghee, however, would have to spend a few days in there and their parents were providing help to him and his wife, Mina.


“I cant complain when Donghee is having a hard time” - Heechul was pulling back his pants with difficulty- “Seriously, I’m fine. It was just a little peck” 


“You are good person, Kim Heechul” - Leeteuk nodded softly- “I’m sure Donghee is lucky to have such a sibling”


“Aren’t you as well?” - Heechul teased - “If you ever need it, I will lend you my kidney. It’s probably in a poor shape and you wouldn’t live that much after but, hey, at least I would try”


“The kids were worried you were sick”  - Leeteuk smiled - “The triplets even offered to stay home and take care of you. I had a hard time convincing Ryeowook to go out of the house. The boy seemed scared”


“Why would he? He loves daycare” 



“WOOKIE HATEZ DIZ PWAZEEEEEEE!” - Ryeowook was wailing on the floor half - “WANNA GO HOMEEEEE!”


“Wookie zad” - Kyuhyun worried as he approached his twin full of worries- “No cwy... Shhhh~ Kyu hewe...” 


“UWAAAAAA! DIZ ZO ZO SCAWYYYY!” - Ryeowook fussed louder when a teacher tried to put the little floaters on him - “DONT WANNAAAAAA”


“I think he doesn’t like the idea of getting inside the pool, Kyunnie” - The teacher sighed- “You should take his hand. Maybe that way he would feel safer”


“Uhum” - Kyuhyun did as instructed- “Wookie~ Kyu hewe”


“No poow... pwease...” - Ryeowook haven’t put a foot inside the pool and he was already drained - “Pwease... Wookie goo’...”


“Let’s come inside” - Eunhyuk was trying to drag Kyuhyun with him - “Cmon! Cmon!”


“It doesn’t hurt, Wookie” - Sungmin was embracing the poor toddler - “I promise it won’t hurt~”


“Hae too!” - Donghae was showing the boy his funny toy - “It’s a dolphin. It swims with me and protects me from sharks. You can have it too” 


“Uhm...” - Ryeowook wiped his tears and inspected the toy. He wasn’t actually scared of sharks living in the pool but the fact the water seemed to deep for him - “Wookie no zwim” 


“You don’t want to swim, do you?” - a teacher approached him - “Would you like to wait here then? Or maybe inside the classroom?” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook agreed - “No hewe. Wookie no liwez poow” 


“Sure” - The teacher pitied the boy. Ryeowook’s eyes were too swollen from crying - “Lets change clothes and go back to the classroom, ok? We can draw while Kyuhyun is in the water” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook nodded sadly. He was prepared to follow his teacher when he felt someone dragging him to the pool - “NUH! N- NUH!”


The whole daycare turned to the pool when the boy cried loudly. He was obviously frightened. 


“Oops” - Donghae covered his ears 


“Sorry” - Eunhyuk was apologizing for bringing his sibling by force into the pool - “Wookie angry”


“HEWWWWWWP!” - Ryeowook kept splashing around not sure of what he had to do - “DADA! DADA! HEEWWWWP!”


“Aw poor you” - teachers rushed to ‘rescue’ the poor boy - “Its ok, we are here~ Your brothers are here~ nothing bad will happen to you”


Ryeowook kept sobbing uncontrollably. He was scared and felt betrayed as his own brother had dragged him into such hell. Kyuhyun was doing well in the pool. He got anxious when his twin started crying and managed to swim in his direction. 


“Wookie kay?” - Kyuhyun asked his brother from the pool - “Huwt?”


“N-No” - Ryeowook was getting dried with a towel - “Scawy”


“No scary” - Kyuhyun splashed a bit - “Fun”


Ryeowook shook his head. 


“Kyu liwes water” - Kyuhyun held the edge of the pool to avoid floating far from it - “Kyu wanna pway Wookie. Hewe”


Ryeowook sat on the edge with the help of the teacher. 


“You can just sit here and watch” - The teacher smiled - “maybe with time, you will like the pool and will go inside by yourself”


Ryeowook was terrified but his twin seemed to be waiting. He decided he would just sit outside and put his legs in the water. 


“That’s it” - The teacher praised - “You can start kicking the water to practice! Your brothers also do that!”


“Wookie do it like this” - Donghae was splashing water everywhere as he taught his little brother how to practice - “Kick kick kick!”


“Ki’ Ki’ ki’...” - Ryeowook tried his best. The toddler lacked strength and only could make little splashes 


“YOU DOING GREAT!” - Eunhyuk cheered from the pool - “GO WOOKIE GO!”


“YOU CAN DO IT!” - Sungmin was also immersed in cheering for the boy 


Ryeowook nodded and worked harder. He kicked the water until he got exhausted. He was catching his breath when he spotted Kyuhyun smiling to him. The youngest twin was still in the water enjoying his time in the pool. Ryeowook wondered if Kyuhyun thought he was a coward. He was supposed to be brave as he was older than him. He was embarrassed of showing such behaviours in front of him and the whole class. He got even more concerned when another kid asked him if he was afraid of water. 


“Are you ok? Where are you going?” - A teacher called him- “Ryeowook, are you alright?”


“Ung...” - Ryeowook was actually feeling sad 


“Did you get bored?” - Another teacher approached holding a small yellow ball  Ryeowook wasn’t familiar with - “Maybe we Can play something else together. Do you like tennis?”


Ryeowook took a deep breath. It didn’t matter if it was ‘tennis’ or basketball, or soccer or just swimming. All his brothers were good at sports but him. Maybe the triplets and Kyuhyun lacked coordination but they did have the strength needed for it and liked playing those. Ryeowook haven’t found any sport he was good at. He often watched Yesung and Kangin’s matches and admired them for it. He wished he could play anything like that. 



“Are you in pain? Doctors said you could take a painkiller for it” - Leeteuk was rummaging between Heechul’s medicines - “Here. No need to suffer”


“How is he doing?” - Heechul asked quietly - “Donghee. Have you called?”


“Uhm, no” - Leeteuk shook his head - “But dad texted me. He is got a fever but doctors say is normal”


“Uhmmm what a pity” - Heechul grunted - “I should be next to him...”


“You already did a lot” - Leeteuk smiled - “Thanks to you, he is going to get better”


“What about Henry?” - Heechul smiled to the little boy that was having fun ruining Leeteuk’s folded clothes - “are you helping your uncle?”


“Henry” - Leeteuk sighed. He would have to start all over - “You shouldn’t do that...” 


“Hewy~! Dada!” - Henry chirped happily - “Ukwee!”


“He call our names” - Heechul smiled pleased - “I’m so happy. Henry brings laughter to this house all time”


“PFFTT” - Henry did his favourite sound. He liked to imitate a fart sound since his brothers laughed a lot - “PFFFFFFT!”


“The boys consider Henry another pet” - Leeteuk smiled softly- “But at least they love him” 


“I’m still concerned about the fact he isn’t very talkative yet” - Heechul pouted - “But, as long as he is healthy, I guess everything will be alright” 


“Dada! “ - Henry acted cutely - “Da Da da!”


“Health is first” - Leeteuk agreed as he started folding clothes again - “I will take these to the twins’s room. You wait here and don’t move” 


“Roger” - Heechul did a funny expression and Henry laughed. The man was totally whipped for his youngest son. He kept playing peek a boo with Henry until Leeteuk returned. 


“What is this?” - Leeteuk showed Heechul a pair of cute swimsuits for toddlers - “When did you buy this?” 


“Recently” - Heechul started to get nervous - “I was going to tell you, I swear” 


“I don’t care about what you buy unless there is something else you haven’t shared with me” - Leeteuk raised his eyebrows- “What did you do now?”


“Signed the twins for swimming lessons” - Heechul prepared for the scolding - “I don’t like the idea either but I have my own reasons to—“


“I actually think is a good idea” - Leeteuk interrupted - “Why did you think I would get angry?” 


“I don’t know. Kiddy pools aren’t that clean and I don’t like the idea of my kids getting ear infections but...” - Heechul took a deep breath - “Kyunnie loves water. He is actually very good at swimming considering his short age. I just thought that we should encourage activities they are good at” 


“That’s very nice” - Leeteuk nodded - “Also, he will play with other kids and that means his social skills will get better” 


“Yeah...” - Heechul smiled a bit - “Kyuhyun has changed a lot in the past few weeks. He is more patient now and learned to share with people that weren’t Ryeowook. He is getting more civilized” 


“He is even nice to Henry” - Leeteuk teased - “Most of the time” 


“Yeah I know!” - Heechul giggled - “And he is so happy! He always come home singing those weird songs from daycare!”


“Kyunnie is such a happy child” - Leeteuk felt warm - “I just he stays like that forever” 


“Speaking of happy children... the older ones have been pestering me about an school trip” - Heechul sighed - “I don’t feel well thinking about it. They are going to get sad if I say no but... I don’t want to give them a ‘Yes’ either” 



“I’m guessing you don’t like tennis, do you?” - the teacher asked nicely as Ryeowook kept failing to hit the ball - “Maybe you are still too young” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook sighed - “No ‘youn’. Ztupid” 


“Oh, no~ I think you are pretty smart! It’s ok if you can’t play tennis yet” - the teacher clenched to have a better look at the toddler - “Today was your first try! You still have a long way to go” 


Ryeowook took a deep breath and shook his head. He returned the racket to his teacher before heading back to his classroom. He spotted one of his room teachers checking her phone and got an idea. 


“Call Dada” - Ryeowook pouted - “Pwease” 


“Uh? What’s wrong? Do you miss your daddy?” - The teacher found cute how Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “He will come to look for you a little later~ It’s still not time to go home”


“Wookie feews Bad” - Ryeowook sat on the floor with sad eyes - “Wanna go home. Now. Pwease?”


“Are you feeling sick?” - The teacher worried - “Did you get hurt?” 


Ryeowook remained silent. He was too depressed to keep talking. He just wanted his dad to appear as soon as possible, take him home and spoil him. He have had a horrible day. 



“We got a call from daycare” -Heechul informed with a worried face - “A teacher called because Ryeowook asked her to do so. Apparently, he told his teacher he wasn’t feeling well” 


“Ugh... what could have happened?” - Leeteuk scratched his head as he tried to remember anything that could be useful - “Did she say something else? I really Hope is not a tummy ache. I get really worried when they get—-“ 


“I will go” - Heechul stood quickly - “My boy needs me” 


“Uhm” - Leeteuk shook his head - “You have to stay here. You are supposed to rest. I promise I will bring him home” 


Heechul couldn’t argue. He was told to stay at home if possible. He wanted to go and make sure his boy was ok but putting on risk his health didn’t seem like a good idea. 



“What’s wrong with that face? We are going back home~” - Leeteuk was carrying Ryeowook’s backpack while the toddler refused to talk to him and folded his arms - “You said you wanted to go—-“


“WOOKIE NO GOIN’ “ - Ryeowook stomped his feet - “NO YOU” 


“Daddy couldn’t come” - Leeteuk tried again - “He is resting at home. He can’t go out yet” 


Ryeowook glared at him. The boy has sure inherited his dad’s strong character. 


“He is not sick but needs to rest” - Leeteuk kept trying to explain Heechul’s whereabouts - “You are going to be a good boy and come with me without fussing right? You don’t want dada to worry, do you?”


Ryeowook shook his head. He took a deep breath and held Leeteuk’s hand reluctantly. 


“Dada is waiting for you” - Leeteuk smiled to the boy - “I promise that you will see him as soon as we get home” 


Ryeowook nodded. He wasn’t in the mood for talking. He remained silent until Leeteuk got worried and started trying to make him talk. 


“So~ how was your day? Did you have fun?” - Leeteuk expected a normal answer 


Ryeowook only looked at him and sighed. 


“No? Are you feeling sick?” - Leeteuk started to believe that maybe the toddler had a bigger problem than just being clingy- “Do you want me to hold you?” 


Ryeowook felt guilty as Leeteuk seemed concerned. He didn’t want to worry him. 


“No zic” - Ryeowook finally spoke - “zad” 


“Are you sad?” - Leeteuk pitied the toddler - “Why? Did something happen? Is this because of the pool?”


“Uhmmm” - Ryeowook tilted his head. He wasn’t sure what to say. Instinctively, he ended putting his thump in his mouth. It was an habit he had stopped a few weeks ago. The boy his thump until he realized Leeteuk was looking at him. 


“It’s ok” - Leeteuk reassured - “I don’t like it but If you feel better~” 


Ryeowook blushed. He wasn’t sure why he had done that and found it embarrassing. He felt uneasy as Leeteuk kept smiling to him in a silly way. 


“We are almost there! I bet Dada is waiting for you!” - Leeteuk cheered in a try to make the boy excited - “Cmon! Cmon!”


Ryeowook smiled a bit. He couldn’t avoid doing so if he knew he was meeting his dad in no time. He was even bouncing by the time Leeteuk used his keys to open the door. 


“Yay! Wookie is home!” - Leeteuk shouted on purpose so the little boy would get noticed - “Where is Dada?”


Ryeowook looked around. He thought his dad would be waiting for him. The toddler even went to check the office to see if Heechul was working. 


“He must be upstairs” - Leeteuk worried as Ryeowook seemed sad again - “He is probably resting” 


Leeteuk realized a tantrum was about to happen the very moment Ryeowook spotted Heechul holding Henry. 


“Hi! We were playing!” - Heechul chirped - “Wanna join?”


Ryeowook spotted a small ball he knew well. His eyes filled with tears and unable to keep his emotions any longer, started crying. 


“What’s wrong?” - the adults grew concerned - “Are you feeling sick? Are you sad?” 


Ryeowook just held Heechul’s shirt tightly. The parent worried and ended carrying his child. 


“My boy, my little boy” - Heechul kissed Ryeowook several times - “Why are you crying? What happened?”


“Don’ wanna go back” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie no liwes daycawe” 


“You don’t?” - Heechul exchanged looks with Leeteuk - “Why? Is this because of the swimming lessons?”


Ryeowook cried harder. Heechul felt guilty and rocked the boy as he tried to cheer him up. Henry started crying when he noticed his brother wasn’t well. 


“UHUUUU WOOGIEEE” - Henry pointed at his brother as he worried - “UWAAA”


“He is just sad” - Leeteuk held the youngest boy - “Henry is such a sweet boy~ you get sad if your brothers are sad” 


Ryeowook got shocked when he felt tiny hands touching his face. He stared at his baby brother. 


“He doesn’t like it when you cry~ He is trying to wipe your tears” - Leeteuk explained - “He wanted to come closer to you” 


Ryeowook worried. Henry seemed sad now. He was looking at him with big wet eyes. 


“Let’s sit” - Heechul gestured Leeteuk to move as well - “I’m getting tired” 


Leeteuk had forgotten about it, but Heechul probably shouldn’t be carrying boys all day considering his condition. He sat with Henry on his lap. Ryeowook was sitting on his dad as he was used to. 


“Can you sit here?” - Heechul asked the boy to go down - “Dada’s hurts and adding weight to it...” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook moved aside. He seemed calmer now. 


“Good boy” - Heechul praised as he pinched his cheeks - “Now, can you tell me why you cried? Are you sad?”


“Ung” - Ryeowook nodded - “Vewy zad” 




“No liwe daycawe” - Ryeowook sulked 


“But you liked it” - Heechul pouted - “what changed?”


“Nothinff” - Ryeowook was a little ashamed of his own behaviour that morning - “Zame” 


“No, obviously is not the ‘same’ because something ‘changed’ “ - Heechul tried - “You liked it before and now you don’t. What is it?” 


Ryeowook glanced at Leeteuk. He didn’t want to share his concerns with him. Why? He didn’t know why. He just felt comfortable enough to speak about it when his daddy only had eyes for him. Even being talkative must of the time, Ryeowook was very reserved when it came to expressing his feelings. He only opened enough when he was with his dad. 


“Do you want to talk about it?” - Heechul tried again - “I’m all ears”




“Now?” - Heechul sighed - “Alright, go potty then” 


“I will take him” - Leeteuk tried to get up but Ryeowook shook his head - “Mmm. Not me, I think” 


“Are you trying to get rid of him or you really have to pee?” - Heechul teased - “It’s fine. Teuk and Henry will go to the kitchen while you and I have a nice talk” 


Leeteuk giggled and did as asked. He decided to prepare Henry an snack while Ryeowook enjoyed some spare time with his dad. 


“Is the pool, isn’t it?” - Heechul stretched- “I know for fact you don’t like pools. It was my fault for signing you for swimming classes. I will talk to your teacher and sign you for another activity”


“Wookie wanna zwim Too” - Ryeowook confessed 


“Excuse me?” - Heechul wasn’t prepared for it - “You want to swim? I thought you were afraid of water” 


“Wookie no liwes pool cuz scawy” - Ryeowook seemed troubled - “but iz fun. Wookie wanna ha’ fun wi’t Kyu” 


“Alright... then, what do you want to do?” - Heechul was still figuring it out 


“Wanna leawn zwim” - Ryeowook imitated the way Kyuhyun used his arms to swim - “Wookie pwactizez! Liwe diz!”


Ryeowook showed Heechul what his brothers taught him that morning. He kicked with his tiny feet and the parent got amused. 


“I think you are pretty good at it” - Heechul was trying not to laugh - “You will be swimming in no time. You are smart, I know you can do it” 


“Wookie wanna leawn ‘Temis’ too” - Ryeowook did the action he was supposed to do with a racket - “Wookie wanna leawn zoccwe Too” 


“Tennis, soccer” - Heechul always encouraged the boy to repeat new words - “Why? You have always hated sports” 


Ryeowook turned deep red. He shook his head and stared at his dad with guilty eyes. 


“You don’t hate them” - Heechul realized - “You just thought you did because you weren’t good at them...” 


Heechul still remembered that strange conversation with Leeteuk a few weeks ago. The babysitter was worried since Ryeowook didn’t consider himself good enough to play games with other children and often gave up easily when he felt embarrassed. 


Heechul spent the next few hours playing with his sons while Leeteuk tried to remain calm.


“Stop nagging me~” - Heechul was using his foot to annoy Leeteuk - “I’m not doing anything stupid”


“How do you call that, then?” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Heechul, you are supposed to rest” 


“I’m doing so” - Heechul pouted - “Don’t you See?” 


“DADADA WUUU!” - Henry was having fun as his brother played with him - “TA-TA-TA!”


“YAYAYA!” - Ryeowook replied excited 


Heechul was busy looking at his babies when the phone rang. He yawned and gestured Leeteuk to take the call. He was feeling sleepy thanks to the pain killers and wasn’t on the mood for a conversation. 


“I See” - Leeteuk’s voice changed - “Yeah, I will talk to him” 


“Uh? Why are you looking me like that?” - Heechul raised his eyebrows in a defiant way - “I swear I’m resting” 


“Heechul... listen” - Leeteuk took a deep breath - “Donghee isn’t feeling that well. Mom and Dad were asked to wait outside the room while he received new treatments. If he doesn’t get better for tomorrow, they will move him to the I—“


“AH?” - Heechul stood up quickly. Too quickly. He had to sit at the same speed after he got really dizzy - “My... brother...” 


“Its ok. They just want us to be informed of the situation but there is nothing we can do...” - Leeteuk sighed as he checked Heechul’s well-being- “You need to rest. I think you feel a little hot. Doctors said fever was normal” 


“I... I think so...” - Heechul felt anxious. Donghee was his little brother. His baby brother. He had done everything he could to make him feel better and yet, it seemed like it wasn’t enough. 




“Dad is not in a good mood” - Kangin pouted as Heechul’s chair remained empty during lunch - “He is avoiding us” 


“Don’t Say That” - Leeteuk was trying to feed Henry but the boy kept playing instead of eating - “Dad is just tired. He isn’t feeling that well” 


“Is he sick?” - Sungmin worried - “Papa went to hospital yestewday!”


“Yeah, he did” - Leeteuk nodded - “He went to help your uncle Donghee, remember? He is feeling a little tired but he is not sick~ he will fine in no time” 


“Are you sure?” - Eunhyuk worried - “I don’t want daddy to be sick!”


“Donghae will help daddy!” - Donghae chirped - “Hae will hug him lots!” 


“Sure” - Leeteuk smiled pleased. Heechul could always count his kids to cheer him up. 


“Do you think dad will let us go to the school’s trip?” - Kangin asked with his mouth full of noodles - “I wanna go so badly!” 


Leeteuk rolled his eyes. The kids had been insisting a lot on it. 


“I hope he is feeling better because I need his help” - Yesung said carefully as he tested Leeteuk’s reaction - “I have homework and—“


“And I can help you with it” - Leeteuk nodded - “Lets let him rest “


“But you cant help me” - Yesung smiled defiantly - “You don’t know about this stuff. You at science”


“Thanks for your trust” - Leeteuk couldn’t hide he was hurt- “But I think I can do a good job” 



[a few hours later] 


“Obviously, you cant” - Yesung left out a big sight after his science project experimented another setback - “You ” 


“You are going to get a C if lucky” - Kangin teased - “Teacher won’t believe it!”


“Shut up” - Yesung grunted - “This is Teuk’s fault! I should have asked Uncle for help!”


“I don’t understand why it won’t dry” - Leeteuk bit his lips as he saw the failed Vulcan attempt fell apart - “I don’t understand” 


“I can’t believe I’m going to fail at my homework just because you refuse to let me ask him for help” - Yesung kept complaining - “Maybe If we asked him—“


“No. Let him rest” - Leeteuk was firm about it - “If needed... I will talk to your teacher tomorrow and ask her for another opportunity” 


“I don’t want another chance” - Yesung folded his arms - “Tomorrow all my classmates will show up with cool volcanoes and I will be the only one without one” 


“It’s not that bad” - Kangin shuddered - “I was asked to do a representation of solar system but I am not doing it~ “ 


“What?!” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? We have plenty materials to make a good one! Kangin!” 


“You seem kinda busy trying to help Yesung with his project” - Kangin pouted - “I thought you didn’t have enough time to help me... and I when it comes to this stuff” 


It was pretty late already and Leeteuk kept working on the projects without luck. He had sent the kids to sleep promising that he would solve all problems. He was trying to glue some stars when Heechul showed up. 


“It’s kinda late...” - Heechul rubbed his tired eyes - “why are you awake? What are you doing?” 


“Homework” - Leeteuk confessed - “Kids will have a hard time tomorrow because I can’t do this” 


Leeteuk threw one of the ‘planets’ away out of pure frustration. Heechul grabbed the round thing and inspected it. 


“You truly ” - Heechul giggled - “I thought you were good at manual work” 


“Not at all” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I’m good at knitting and sewing but I can’t draw. Not to mention this type of stuff...” 


“There is still plenty time left” - Heechul glanced at the clock - “Go have a rest. You have been working non stop~ you need to sleep” 


“What about you? Are you feeling better? Heechul, I—“


“I have been sleeping the whole day” - Heechul smiled - “I think I need this. Cmon~ go to sleep. I will clean this mess” 


“Again... I’m sorry” - Leeteuk apologized once again - “I will take care of the boys’s teachers tomorrow. I will explain that it was my fault and that we need extra time to—“


“Yeah yeah” - Heechul didn’t care - “Go to sleep~” 


Leeteuk sighed. He hated the idea of leaving Kim Heechul alone in the living room with such a mess but his head was killing him. He decided he would take the offer and go to sleep for a few hours. He set his alarm clock to wake up earlier next morning so he could come out with a solution for the kids’s science projects. 


Leeteuk was still tired after sleeping only a few hours. He went downstairs after brushing his teeth only to find two perfect projects on the table. 


“Wow” - Leeteuk rubbed his eyes - “Beautiful” 


“What do you think?” - Heechul was still playing with clay - “I think they will love it. Yesung can make his Vulcan explode with that silly trick of vinegar and—“


“Did you do it?” - Leeteuk was still shocked as it seemed Heechul even had time to add details and make it prettier with some tricks - “All of this? By yourself?” 


“Well, I know it may sound crazy” - Heechul widened his eyes - “But I think I’m kinda good at this stuff. I’m an architect, remember? And a graphic designer as well” 


“I- I- I know” - Leeteuk blushed. Sometimes he forgot Heechul had three degrees - “It’s just... Oh, aren’t you tired?” 


“A little” - Heechul stretched - “But I couldn’t sleep anyway. I mean, I keep thinking about the past” 


“About What Exactly?” - Leeteuk got curious- “Sorry. It’s probably none of my business! I shouldn’t have asked” 


“It’s about Donghee. I’m worried” - Heechul sighed - “So, maybe unconsciously, I have been remembering our childhood” 


“I bet you guys have good memories together” - Leeteuk smiled 


“Sure... just a few? I think I pretty much as an older brother” - Heechul giggled - “I taught him how to ride a bike but he ended falling several times and I wasn’t good enough when blood was involved. I also bullied him a lot. To be fair,  is a miracle Donghee still talks to me” 


Leeteuk was about to tease Heechul about it when they heard a big noise from upstairs. 


“What the...?” - Heechul hurried upstairs followed by an scared Leeteuk - “I’m pretty much sure it came from here!”


Heechul almost passed out the very moment he spotted blood. Leeteuk didn’t have time to waste. He moved faster than usual to reach both injured boys. 


“What were you doing?” - Leeteuk asked calmly as he realized their injuries weren’t that bad - “What a way to start the day, boys” 


“Sowy” - The twins apologized as they glanced to a pale Heechul - “Dada...” 


“This” - Heechul was holding a tricycle- “You guys were trying to ride this” 


“Uhum” - Kyuhyun nodded - “Kyu helps—“


“I will get rid of these” - Heechul frowned - “Obviously, they are dangerous for the kids” 


“I’m pretty much I locked them inside—-“ Leeteuk glanced at a guilty Ryeowook- “Well... I think we should reinforce our lockers, but getting rid of the tricycles won’t solve the problem” 


“Still, they got hurt while trying to ride those when we weren’t around” - Heechul complained - “And now our morning will start with another trip to the ER. We are really famous there since we go almost every week” 


“Sowy” - the twins apologized again. Their heads hurt a lot but not a single tear was shed because of pain. They were worried about their tricycles’s fate and their dad’s bad mood. 


Receiving stitches before breakfast was sure an activity Ryeowook wouldn’t like to repeat. Kyuhyun did better holding back his tears when the anesthesia prickled his wound. Leeteuk was observing both boys as the doctors finished the work. 


“All done” - A doctor smiled - “They are though boys! Most kids cry when we give them stitches!” 


“They are scared because their dad refused to come” - Leeteuk embraced both toddlers - “Heechul is got a terrible temper” 


Kyuhyun gasped softly when the babysitter touched his new bandage. Ryeowook kept sniffing and wiping the few tears that made its way out. 


“Lets go home” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “I will ask Mrs Jung to spoil you~ Let’s have a tasty breakfast together and—“ 


“My... fauwt” - Ryeowook told the confused nanny - “Kyu good” 


“Uh? Yeah, I know it was you who unlocked—“ 


“Wookie wan’ed to pway” - Ryeowook sulked - “Kyu twied hewpin me” 


“I see” - Leeteuk was too mesmerized by Ryeowook’s speaking abilities to pay attention to the explanation the toddler was trying to give - “Lets not do it again ok? I know you are smart and understand what I say. You should ask me or Dada if you want to ride your bike. You are still too young and small for doing it alone” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook bit his finger as he felt guilty 


“Itz ok” - Kyuhyun was patting his brother’s back - “Kyu ok” 



“You are a danger to your brother, you know that?” - Heechul was clearly in a terrible mood - “You two could have died. Do you want Kyunnie to die?”


“Nuh...” - Ryeowook was in tears as Heechul scolded him. Kyuhyun was scared of the scene and kept burrowing his face in Leeteuk’s chest. 


“You are grounded” - Heechul pulled Ryeowook’s ear - “This went too far. I have been too permissive over you and your bright ” 


“Heechul, you are hurting him” - Leeteuk warned - “Stop pulling his ear” 


When Heechul came to his senses, Kyuhyun was holding his arm trying to stop him from pulling Ryeowook’s ear. The boy was already tearing and begging his dad to leave his beloved twin brother in peace. 


“Sorry” - Heechul hugged both boys - “Daddy did wrong. I guess I got carried away...” 


Heechul’s heart broke when Ryeowook nuzzled his face against his chest like he always did. The boy held no grudge even after such an undeserved scolding. Kyuhyun pulled Heechul’s ear. 


“BAD! DADA BAD!” - Kyuhyun stomped his feet - “HURT WOOKIE! HURT TWIN!”


“I’m sorry” - Heechul sighed. He couldn’t blame Kyuhyun for it. Actually, he found it good - “Thanks for protecting your brother, Kyu. You are always taking care of him” 


“Ung!” - Kyuhyun blushed as he puffed his cheeks - “Kyu loves Wookie!”


“HEWY!” - Henry chirped as he tried getting his brother’s attention 


“No Hewy” - Kyuhyun smirked - “Only Wookie” 


Henry cried annoyed. Ryeowook hugged him. Leeteuk was starting to relax when he realized Heechul’s odd behaviour could had been caused by something he didn’t know yet. 


“So... did they call?” - Leeteuk asked carefully 


Heechul bit his lips so hard that started bleeding. Leeteuk did his best to remain calm as the boys were still near. 


“Is it bad?” - He asked softly 


“He got moved to the ICU this morning” - Heechul’s eyes filled with tears - “Dad and Mom are coming back anytime. They are not allowed to stay there with him. Only two hours visit per day and number of people in the room is restricted. Donghee’s condition seems to have worsened” 


“Oh Heechul...” - Leeteuk couldn’t take it anymore. He broke in tears as he sat on the couch - “Donghee...” 


“Ukwee!” - Kyuhyun pointed at Leeteuk worryingly- “Dada! Ukwee!”




“Ta cha~ Look Who is here~” - Heechul teased as he entered the ICU’s room - “I promised Mina I wouldn’t take longer than twenty minutes so she can use the other—“


“If you are here, that means I’m dying” - Donghee smiled softly - “I’m so sorry. You wasted your bone marrow and still, it seems like I won’t be able to make it”


“I’m here because I’m your brother” - Heechul pulled a chair and sat next to the bed - “I haven’t talked to your doctors yet but I’m sure I didn’t ‘waste’ anything” 


“Are you ok?”


“It doesn’t matter” - Heechul scoffed - “Why are you asking me? I should be the one asking you” 


“Do you realize this could be our last conversation?” - Donghee sighed - “If I die, I don’t want to go knowing that our last conversation—-“


“Stop” - Heechul shook his head - “No one is going to die. You will overcome this” 


“Have you met someone who did?” - Donghee twisted his lips - “They moved me to the ICU” 


“So? Henry basically lived here” - Heechul teased - “And he is strong now” 


“You mean wild” - Donghee smiled - “I wish I could live enough to watch him grow up. I bet he is gonna be a funny one” 


“All my kids are funny” - Heechul smiled back - “For example, today, the twins decided to ride their tricycles inside the house without warning us. They ended crashing with a wall and now have beautiful stitches” 


“As soon as I go out of the hospital... I will gift your boys some toy to drive you crazy” - Donghee laughed - “I will think about it” 


“I will wait for it” - Heechul nodded as he waved goodbye - “Dont die. I will come to see you tomorrow” 


“I can’t promise anything” 



“I got an A+!” - Yesung was showing off the paper that got his grade - “Thanks!”


“Me too!” - Kangin was so happy - “I’m not used to this!”


“Come here” - Heechul hugged both boys tightly - “I need energy” 


“Are you going to our energy?” - Kangin found it funny 


“Are you alright?” - Yesung tilted his head - “Are you still feeling tired?”


“Uh-hum” - Heechul shook his head - “Everything will be alright” 


“Can we go to the school’s expedition then?” - Kangin wasn’t going to miss that opportunity. His dad seemed to be in a better mood - “They are taking us to a mountain” 


“I will think about it” - Heechul smiled - “I don’t think I can go and Leeteuk needs to take care of Henry” 


“You don’t need to go” - Yesung scoffed - “We are big enough to take care of ourselves and I promise I will look after Kangin and Siwon” 


“You will?” - Heechul found it cute - “Then I guess I can’t refuse” 


“Are we going to ride the school bus?” - Siwon asked happily - “Really?”


“You truly love cars, don’t you?” - Heechul giggled as he ruffled the boy’s hair 


“Uhum~ I cant wait for it!” - Siwon jumped excited 





“Im still alive” - Donghee teased as soon as he spotted Heechul waving to him from the window- “silly brother” 


Heechul kept making funny faces as the nurses disconnected some of the machines attached to Donghee’s arm. 


“I told you~” - Heechul pinched his brother’s cheeks - “You survived!”


“Yeah, I know” - Donghee laughed - “You look pale. Have you been sleeping well?” 


“Sort of” - Heechul yawned - “I couldn’t sleep that much yesterday thinking about my boys” 


“What happened to them? Are they ok?” - Donghee worried 


“They are just fine, I guess” - Heechul scratched his head - “It’s just... I let them go to that stupid school’s trip and now I’m worried” 


“Mr Kim” - A nurse urged as she knocked on the door frenetically- “Mr Kim, please, you need to come with us” 


“What on...?” - Heechul and Donghee exchanged looks - “Whats going on?” 


“You got a call. One of your kids got severely injured” - The nurse seemed worried- “They are bringing him here and—“


Heechul slammed the door. He ran at full speed. He held his breath as the ambulance showed up at the ER’s entrance. 


“Who is it? Who is it?” - Heechul tried to get a glimpse of the injured boy as doctors blocked the way - “I cant see...” 


(Was it Ryeowook? That brat sure drives me crazy but he is my boy!... oh no! Maybe Henry’s heart failed or my poor Kyunnie got sick... maybe The triplets played hard and fell from the park. What if the school bus crashed? What if...?) 


Heechul finally managed to spot the poor child. For a moment, his brain couldn’t process it. 


“Excuse me, mr” - A doctor kept shaking Heechul - “Are you The guardian of this child? Do you know him?” 


“I— He is my nephew” - Heechul managed to say - “He is...” 


“Mr Kim?” 


It never crossed his head the nurse wasn’t referring to him. Having nine kids meant Heechul was always expecting those things to happen. 


“HE IS MY SON! HE IS MY SON!” - woman was shouting from behind as she ran at full speed - “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” 


“Mina...” - Heechul’s heart broke when he saw the mother holding her unconscious kid 


“NO!” - The woman complained when doctors took the boy away 


“Mina” - Heechul held his in law - “They need to perform surgery... we cant go in there” 


“My boy...” - Mina cried - “My poor Mimi!”


Heechul’s legs gave away. He was now sitting on the floor dumbfounded. His younger nephew was severely injured. 




Hey~~~ exam period is too long~~~ 

I hate it but I need to do it (?) I hope you have been ok! Next chapter will be better ~


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it