The Perfect Life

My Girlfriend is the class Nerd : College Year ( Sequel to I'm in love with the class NERD? )
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"Doctor, is she going to be okay?!" 

"Doctor, is HeeRin going to be fine? Oh gosh." 


Infinite - excluding Sungyeol who had gone with HeeRin - and Minyoung were immensely worried about their friend. Their clamorous contretemps were making an awful lot of noise in the hospital, earning a few hushes from the nurses and doctors. Although they all knew HeeRin was a strong person, she still had her weak moments. 

"ENOUGH!" the doctor barked. They stopped and looked at the doctor in bewilderment. "Mrs Lee HeeRin is now in the delivery room. There is no use calling for her. In fact, the delivery room is four doors from here. There are many patients in this hospital and they need rest too. Show some basic respect and courtesy for the others here, please." the doctor exhaled heavily and walked off. 

"Rude." Woohyun muttered. Sunggyu, who was the most mature in this situations, scoffed. "Yah, Nam Woohyun, you're such a hypocrite. You were the shouting the loudest and you call the doctor rude for confronting you guys. Seriously. Besides, HeeRin has Sungyeol with her." He rolled his eyes. Woohyun pouted and blew a raspberry. He looked at L who was comforting his trembling wife. "Yah, L. What's the baby's gender again? HeeRin nor Sungyeol never told us about it." 

"I don't know myself. They said they wanted it to be a surprise." L snorted. He glanced at Minyoung who had tears streaming down her face. Even if the delivery room was four doors away, they could all hear shouting and screaming. 

"D-Do you think HeeRin will be okay?" Minyoung sniffled. She was deeply worried about her best friend who's currently conceiving a child. 

"Of course, jagi! Don't you know HeeRin more than I do? She's a very strong girl. I bet even more stronger than me. You had your experience too while delivering MoonKyu didn't you? And besides, she has Sungyeol. What the worse that could happen? I'm sure they're doing just fine." L comforted. 


"OWOWOW!" Sungyeol wailed in pain as HeeRin's grip on his hand tightened to the extent where all his fingertips had turned a dark shade of red. 

HeeRin screamed in pain as she kept pushing. 

"Come on, Mrs Lee! Continue pushing!" the female doctor instructed. HeeRin squeezed her eyes shut and pushed. 

"It ing hurts, Sungyeol! It's all your fault!!" HeeRin screamed once more before pushing. Her nails dug into the skin of Sungyeol's hand tightly. 

"Hey! Don't blame me! You wanted this as much as I did!" Sungyeol whined. HeeRin hissed in pain and squeezed Sungyeol's hand even more, if possible. "Okay, okay! It's my fault! God, HeeRin, you have an iron grip!" 

"Shut up, Lee Sungyeol!" HeeRin shouted. Sungyeol pouted. 

"It's crowning!" the doctor announced. 

"Hear that, darling? Our baby's coming out soon! Just a few more pushes, you can do it! Don't you want our little baby to see the world?" Sungyeol hopefully smiled. Although he felt as though his skin on his hands were tearing apart, he'd do anything to help his wife. 

HeeRin nodded and pushed as hard as she could. She felt as if her insides were ripping apart. *Anything for our little baby.* Black dots started dancing around. The constant pushing had made the world around her spin. 

Sungyeol, being his curious self, decided to take a peak below.

Wrong choice. 

His face turned pale and white as sheet. His stomach churned from the cake he had gobbled down during MoonKyu's birthday a while ago. *Oh man.*

Soon, the wails of a baby filled the room. The room suddenly fell silent despite the cries. 

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Lee! It's a healthy baby girl!" the doctor happily announced before cleaning the tiny baby and wrapping her in a baby pink towel. 

HeeRin tiredly smiled and exhaled heavily. Since HeeRin was still recovering from the tiring delivery, the nurses gave Sungyeol the tiny girl instead. 

Sungyeol's eyes widened as he gently

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My exams are almost done! Which means i'm going to update soon! Be patient, my loyal readers!


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Chapter 21: Lol they are so funny!
koreankimchibaby #2
OMAYGAWD I LOVEE U AUTHOR NIM asdfghjkl helpp mehhhh
i am effing screaming like a dying whale at home helpppppp ahhh its to fluffy
aww but this fanfic is over... :( gud luck and best wishes 2 u
White_Hacker_Z #3
Chapter 1: The first story was really amazing. It make me smile as I read it. I'm hoping that the sequel will be more interesting.
im not done reading the first one
Joker_ #5
Chapter 21: Anyeong author-nim. Its me! The annoying reader! Ive re read it again and you indeed did a SUPPPEERRRRR great job! How i wish theres ANOTHER sequel..... haha great job!
exo_chanlove #6
Gonna read this ^^
Joker_ #7
Chapter 20: lets have a sequel's sequel! I DONT WANT THIS TO END! *sobs* anyways author-nim did a supeerrr great job and HWAITING!!!!!!
mitaki2 #8
Chapter 21: Omg!!! You've just capture the ending I've wanted on a fanfic... I give u props for that authornim!! I read the other one and this non stop!! Ur so awesome!! Hope that you'll make another story like this cuz it's daebak!! And I'm so sad it ended but it was soo good!! Good job authornim!!
Chapter 21: Finished the sequel <3
Soo good and so was the first part.
Thanks for writing this :)
Chapter 21: Finished the sequel. This is an awesome story you had. Thank you author-nim :)))