Chapter 8

Make Me Regret
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"Here you go," I handed Baekbeom the glass with hot tea and the boy smiled back at me, revealing his straight white teeth. I swear to God, this guy was like a walking copy of Baekhyun, just smaller and definitely way more adorable and innocent than his grumpy brother. They were definitely looking alike but when it came to their characters, it was a totally different story - when the small brother seemed like a little ball of sunshine, his older brother resembled a freaking tornado destroying everything around.

I glanced at Baekhyun, who was standing near the window, talking on the phone with his mother. His fingers were playing with the end of the curtain, his eyes half-open as he listened in silence and focus to whatever his mother had to say. It was one of these rare moments when Baekhyun wasn't throwing provocative glances at other girls, flirting without even uttering a single word. I didn't like his character but at this moment, when I was looking at him standing in my living room, I found him mesmerizing. Everything about him seemed so hypnotizing - the calmness in his eyes and the lazy smile pulling the corners of his lips ever so slightly you could swear he wasn't smiling at all. But he was, sincerely, truly appreciating the moment. How rare it was to witness such enthralling view.

", it's hot!" Baekbeom's quiet cry made me snap out of the daze and I looked back at the poor guy fanning his tongue with his hand.

"Drink slowly," I instructed him, failing at my attempt to keep my face straight and not to smile at his adorableness. Baekbeom blew across the top of the cup, holding it with both hands near his mouth and looking so focused at that little move, as if the tea cup was going to explode if he wasn't paying enough attention. He was so concentrated I wasn't even sure if he heard me in the first place.

"Say," I leaned my back comfortably against the back of the sofa, looking at the boy next to me. "How old are you, Baekbeom?"

"Fourteen," he answered, not averting his eyes even for a moment from the hot steam coming from the cup. "Almost fifteen, actually."

"So you're still in middle school?" I asked, tilting my head in interest as I watched him carefully taking another sip of the tea.

He nodded before turning his face to me and blinding me with another wide and bright smile, "But I'm already living alone. And just so you know, I definitely know how to kiss."

Good thing I wasn't drinking that tea as well because, for sure, I would've ended up chocking on it after what Baekbeom had said.My idea of the innocent young brother shattered into pieces in matter of seconds and I was sure it was Baekhyun's fault - that guy definitely was a bad influence for the kid. I'd been sixteen when I'd had my first kiss and I thought it was quite early but since a fourteen-year-old boy was lecturing me now about my previous misjudgement regarding his ability to kiss, I guess I'd been living in a lie my whole life. But Baekbeom was such an adorable cutie pie, how the hell could he be already interested in girls and kissing? Damn you, Byun Baekhyun and your addiction to girls...

I cleared my throat awkwardly, hoping to erase the picture of fourteen-year-olds kissing from my head, and tried to change the topic, "Anyway, you said you live alone?"

"Yup," he admitted putting the cup down and straightening proudly. "I live in the dormitory."

I opened my eyes wider in surprise, "Aren't you a little too young for that?"

Baekbeom's head whipped in my direction and it was the first time he actually looked me in the eye since we'd sat on the sofa. His brows were knitted in anger, the joyful glimmer in his eyes suddenly gone and replaced with frustration. Surprised, I moved back a little, finally seeing more of his older brother's characteristics in him.

"You're like Baekhyun," he scoffed at me as if I just deeply hurt his pride. "I can take care of myself just fine and don't need a girl telling me what to do."

As I was about to assure him that, indeed, he probably was capable of surviving a few days without his parents, Baekbeom's head snapped forward as Baekhyun smacked the back of it with his hand, "Be respectful," he murmured leaning forward, his elbows placed on top of the back of the sofa we were sitting on. The poor boy bent in pain, massaging the aching spot on his head and hissing at Baekhyun under his nose.

"That hurt..." Baekbeom complained quietly but his brother seemed unmoved.

"Put your shoes on, I'm taking you home," Baekhyun instructed as he put the baseball cap back on Baekbeom's head, ignoring the creative epithets his brother was throwing at him.

"I will stay with Jihyun," Baekbeom informed, crossing his arms across chest in protest and I could see Baekhyun stiffen immediately at the mention of the girl the whole drama was about. Baekbeom, though, didn't seem to realize he just said something inappropriate and turned to me, grabbing onto my hand. "I can stay here, right? I promise I will be very good."

And as I watched him trying to convince me with wide open eyes and the strangely fake quivering bottom lip, as if he was about to drop to the floor in tears if I refused, I finally understand the reason Baekbeom came here in the first place. The boy thought I was the Jihyun Baekhyun was meeting with. I looked up at Baekhyun who straightened up, avoiding my eyes and it made me feel extremely awful, though I couldn't really tell why my stomach crumbled in displease.

"Baekbeom," Baekhyun sighed in resignation, massaging his temples as he walked to the front door not sparing me a single glance. "She's not Jihyun. Now, shut your trap before I make you and come with me because I'm losing my patience."

Baekbeom's eyes darted back to my face, the honest surprise glimmering in them as he tried to understand who I really was. Then his brows knitted in confusion, "But I thought I've seen you somewhere before." He turned to his brother already standing near the front door. "Is she really someone else? I swear I know--"

"Five," Baekhy

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atasiwi #1
Chapter 30: You're amazing ^^
Chapter 30: I've known this story for so long,and I love it so much. I re-read it today again,and was glad to feel the same emotions I felt when I read it years ago . I saw your web toon,I don't understand much about graphics,but they're really fun!
Also,I would like to continue reading the story,if you decide to upload it on the new platform!
Love you and wishing you a sunny week ,stay safe ♥️
One of my favourite stories ever! I just reread this and I still love it so so much! I know you’ve had a tough time but I really wish you could complete the rest! Looking forward to the webtoon
Chapter 30: Omg this is so exciting!! Can’t wait for the new chapters on webtoon!
Chapter 30: Have subscribed on the new platform! The art is lit✨
Thanks for continuing the story :) (Though on another site in different format) Will support you wherever, cause you are super talented!!
All the best💕
Chapter 30: I read the 1st chapter & I think it's good. Your art is great & I have subscribed to your story! All the best for you!
Chapter 30: subscribed to the webtoon and im loving it alr! you’re mad talented and i wish you all the best on the platform~ i think it’d be great to post up the written story as well!
Chapter 29: Where can i find the remaining parts of this fic?