Chapter 7

Make Me Regret
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Everybody went silent when Baekhyun's words bounced off the walls.

Immediately after, I could feel over twenty pairs of eyes on me, piercing through my back, making me unable to move under the sudden interest I received from other classmates. Even the professor hummed in surprise when Baekhyun expressed his willingness to accompany me. His curious eyes were still on Baekhyun when the boy got up from his seat and, leaving his books and pencils still on the desk, approached us casually, as if oblivious to the stares he was receiving. It seemed as if Baekhyun was the only one forgetting that he didn't just casually help others, especially if that person wasn't a hot beauty with long legs and charming smile.

But everyone in the class remembered.

His interest brought attention I've always been trying to avoid. Never in my life would I be able to forget the sudden noisy wave of whispers shooting through the classroom when Baekhyun stopped right in front of me, his hands casually in the pockets of his dark grey jeans, hair still the same mess from the morning. People were amused with Baekhyun's unexpected kindness towards someone as plain as me. It was astonishing and, more importantly, very fishy.

I swallowed loud, gazing at him in confusion and shock his sudden declaration to help gave me, trying to block the surprised mumbles and irritated sighs coming from the rest of the students. My unfortunate blackout during my party hadn't had wide repercussions but it seemed that I wasn't going to live the rest of my student life in peace if Baekhyun was going to meddle in it. Just being around him was troublesome.

"Should we go?" He asked, pointing at the door with quick jerk of his head and I looked at the professor as if he was the one being asked.  The professor looked down at me, impatience twisting his usually calm features.

"Why are you still standing here?" He asked, furrowing his brows. "Go, Baekhyun will accompany you outside. And if something happens, make sure to inform me."

Baekhyun nodded in agreement and looked back at me, one of his brows raising up, questioning my stillness. I didn't want to go and my body refused to move, the voice in my head screaming to stay away from Baekhyun. I knew well that disappearing behind the classroom door with that guy was tantamount to a social suicide. People would start talking, pointing at me at every occasion and the girls wouldn't be pleased with the idea of me being around the guy they were trying to approach since the first day of the year, even if it didn't mean anything at all.

"Let's go." Baekhyun said and I quickly shook my head no. There wasn't any force making me go with this guy. I made a small step back, looking back at the professor to inform him I wasn't feeling that bad anymore and could stay till the end of the lecture but, before I could utter a word, Baekhyun grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the exit. I yelped in surprise, almost falling with my face first at the sudden pull of my hand but Baekhyun seemed to ignore it, still walking fast to the door. Another sighs of surprise and excitement bounced off the walls, making my stomach sink, before they deadened behind the closed door. A complete silence followed, making me realize that, from now on, I was a dead meat.

"What the hell are you doing?" I pulled angrily my hand away the moment we were standing safely outside the classroom, away from the curious glances and angry murmurs.

Baekhyun stopped immediately, turning back to me in surprise. "Why, aren't you feeling bad?"

"Even if I am, it's none of your business," I said back, shaking my head no. "That was truly unnecessary."

He gazed at me for a long moment in silence, as if trying to read the meaning behind my words and I stood still, looking him in the eye to show how serious I was about it. I wanted back the days without Baekhyun, to feel the calmness and peace of every evening without worrying about him breaking into my apartment through the window. It was nice to think only about what to cook or when to study instead of where Baekhyun was and with who - which surprisingly happened too often these days.

"Don't talk to me at the University," I finally said, breaking the silence, "just like before, when you didn't know me. I don't feel comfortable with you meddling in my life."

"Why?" Baekhyun asked, his stare becoming cold and unwelcome, matching the angry tone of his voice. He tilted his head to the side, his jaw clenching for a mere second in annoyance. "Is it that bad to be around me?"

"In fact, yes." I responded honestly and could see how my boldness surprised him, his furrowed brows immediately lifting up in amusement. "Since the day we met I'm constantly in trouble. Remember Jihyun's boyfriend?" I asked, folding my arms. "He came to my apartment, looking for you. Who knows what could've happened if he wasn't a nice guy."

"That's not exactly--"

"And the party?" I interjected and Baekhyun closed his mouth immediately, hearing the accusation in my voice. "You locked me in my wardrobe. My friend threw the party to make me feel comfortable again around big groups of people but thanks to you everyone saw my claustrophobic panic attack."

I stopped talking, observing how Baekhyun's eyes were flickering from my face to his feet, as if he was too ashamed to look me in the eye, remembering the night of the party. My stomach flinched at the sight of Baekhyun standing in silence, speechless and somehow humiliated because of what I'd said. There were another reasons I could list but it seemed that he finally understood what I'd tried to say. There wasn't any point in being more cruel.

I sighed in resignation, running hand through my hair and trying to calm my conscience. "Let's just act as if we don't know each other. It's better that way."

"I apologized for what have happened at the party," Baekhyun said fast, his eyes back on me and I stiffened seeing the anger in them, "and I felt obligated to make sure you're all right since it was all my fault. I don't get why you're so pissed about it."

Obligated? That had to be a joke. I'd never told him to take the responsibility of what he'd done that night, nor had I blamed him for the turn of events (okay, maybe I had a little but I'd accepted the reality fast, knowing Baekhyun couldn't know about my claustrophobia). I was furious of what had happened at the party because I couldn't deal well with my weaknesses and imperfections, not because Baekhyun had exposed them to everyone. And now, knowing that Baekhyun was hanging around me just because he pitied me or felt obligated to, made me feel even worse.

I scoffed in disbelief, swallowing the sudden tears of frustration squeezing my throat. "Why do you have to feel obligated? No one asked you to take care of me." I explained bitterly. "I agree that it was an move at the party but what's done is done. You don't need to make sure I'm all right. I can take care of myself."

"Is that so?" He asked, oblivious to my hurt pride, and I couldn't help but get even more frustrated with the doubting and ironic tone of his voice. "Are you really all right? Is hiding in your apartment for one week the normal stuff you do?"

"As I said, even if I'm not all right, it's none of your business so leave me alone." I said back through clenched teeth and was about to walk away when I noticed another person standing just behind Baekhyun.  Joonmyun's smile widened at the sight of my shocked expression, the heart melting grin reaching his eyes. Seeing my startled reaction, Baekhyun turned around and an awfully bitter scoff left his mouth when he noticed my crash behind him. I barely held back from kicking his rude again.

Joonmyun lifted his hand in a short greeting to mask the awkwardness. "What's up?"

"I-um... hi" I stuttered, blinking rapidly as if Joonmyun wasn't supposed to exist in real life and it was just a figment of my imagination standing right in front of me. But the boy was real and he chuckled warmly seeing my bewilderment. My fifteen-year-old Joonmyun's fan girl screamed in joy in my head as I tried to keep my face straight. God, how a person could be so beautiful?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," he quickly explained, scratching the back of his neck in a cute manner. I saw him glancing shortly at Baekhyun, who was standing with his arms folded and a big scowl on his face, and then gave me an apologetic look, feeling sorry to interrupt.

"No, it's okay," I tried to smile wide at Joonmyun. "It wasn't anything important anyway."

In the corner of my eye I saw Baekhyun sending me an irritated glare before he huffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Um, okay." Joonmyun cleared his throat, surely taken aback by Baekhyun's reaction. He turned to me, ignoring the boy fuming next to him. "Actually, it's good I found you here since I wanted to ask you something."

I raised my brows in surprise, "What is it?"

"I'm throwing a party at the end of the month." He said, shoving his hands to the front pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels in a slight embarrassment. How cute. "I'd like you to come."

Oh no.

My throat went dry immediately at the mention of the party. It was the perfect opportunity to get close to Joonmyun but, on the other hand, I knew I couldn't go there. Not after what had happened. Who knew, maybe Joonmyun was inviting me just because he felt bad that my own party had turned so bad?

"Thank you," I said, already feeling bad for refusing the offer. "But I'm--"

"She won't miss it." Baekhyun interjected, throwing Joonmyun a fake smile. "For sur

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atasiwi #1
Chapter 30: You're amazing ^^
Chapter 30: I've known this story for so long,and I love it so much. I re-read it today again,and was glad to feel the same emotions I felt when I read it years ago . I saw your web toon,I don't understand much about graphics,but they're really fun!
Also,I would like to continue reading the story,if you decide to upload it on the new platform!
Love you and wishing you a sunny week ,stay safe ♥️
One of my favourite stories ever! I just reread this and I still love it so so much! I know you’ve had a tough time but I really wish you could complete the rest! Looking forward to the webtoon
Chapter 30: Omg this is so exciting!! Can’t wait for the new chapters on webtoon!
Chapter 30: Have subscribed on the new platform! The art is lit✨
Thanks for continuing the story :) (Though on another site in different format) Will support you wherever, cause you are super talented!!
All the best💕
Chapter 30: I read the 1st chapter & I think it's good. Your art is great & I have subscribed to your story! All the best for you!
Chapter 30: subscribed to the webtoon and im loving it alr! you’re mad talented and i wish you all the best on the platform~ i think it’d be great to post up the written story as well!
Chapter 29: Where can i find the remaining parts of this fic?