Chapter 16

Make Me Regret
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If I'd ever told myself that there wasn't anything in this world to surprise me anymore, and that I'd seen everything... well, life could be more surprising that I thought because, hey, I had never imagined to see Byun Baekhyun's father dancing to one of Jason Derulo songs while preparing orders for the clients, but here he was, putting a one-person show in front of my eyes.

I mean, I knew that man was hilarious to begin with but this... this view needed a new definition of hilarity because one couldn't simply describe it with words. Too bad the restaurant was almost empty and more people hadn't witnessed the wonder of nature his dancing was.

Or maybe they had and left because of the second-hand embarrassment. Who knew?

"Gosh, they're at it again," Baekbeom whined under his nose, pushing the door to the restaurant open. He went inside, leaving me alone in front of the entrance, but because of the big glassy door I could watch the dance show without going in. And thank God I didn't have to be inside to admire the smooth moves of Mr. Byun, because I completely lost it at the chorus and it would've been rude to laugh out loud in his presence.

When a loud 'Girl! You're the one I want to want me' echoed in the restaurant, Mr. Byun grabbed the big, pealed cucumber and, using it as a provisional microphone, he pointed at his wife. She giggled as she looked up from the computer in front of her, totally enjoying the show. You could say that she was delighted with her husband's never-ending energy and good mood so late in the evening, but I would bet all my money that it was that John Travolta hip move that made her laugh under her nose.

At least that's exactly what got me.

He swirled in delight, making his way to Mrs. Byun, and judging from her comically big eyes shining with shock, she knew exactly what he had in mind. Poor woman...

I couldn't help but burst in laughter the moment Baekbeom went to turn off the radio but Mr. Byun grabbed his hand and spun his son around in the tact of the loud music, just before that brat had a chance to touch any button on the radio. The old man laughed in glee, throwing Baekbeom's petite body over his shoulder, and did a few more spins with his younger son screaming in horror, still with his head upside down.

Gosh, that family was so adorable.

Smiling to myself, I came closer to the glassy door to have a better look at them. Baekbeom was already standing steady on the ground with a faint grin slowly growing on his lips as he watched his father make a bigger idiot out of himself just to entertain everyone. As the second chorus started, they both turned to Mrs. Byun, singing now together and I laughed once again because Baekbeom was so easy to convince into something that should've been so embarrassing for a fourteen-year-old boy. But he danced like he didn't care, enjoying every moment with his whole family.

Well, not whole since I didn't see Baekhyun around.

And knowing Byun family, I should've been surprised to know Baekhyun wasn't enjoying the evening with them. But I wasn't. That boy was like a cat - walking alone, choosing paths only he wanted to go and knew by himself. He didn't fit into the picture of Byuns I had in mind; he was like a piece from a different puzzle set. And I didn't know if I should feel sad that Baekhyun was missing on things like this, or be happy that he was free enough to enjoy time alone without being tied to the family business.

Oh well, who cared - it's not like I was close to Baekhyun to feel pity or be happy for him.

Trying to take my mind off Baekhyun, I looked back at Byun family and saw Baekbeom gesticulating frantically to his mother before they both turned their faces to look in my direction. Mrs. Byun smiled friendly, waving her hand in a welcoming manner, showing me to come inside. I smiled back, having no choice but to leave my peaceful but poor hiding spot, and walked in, pushing the door open.

A nice, subtle smell of cinnamon and flour was the first thing that hit my nose and my body immediately relaxed, enjoying the warm feeling the whole place emitted.

"Look who's here!" Mr. Byun clapped his hands in joy as his eyes widened at the view of me, and I nodded curtly at him, beaming slightly when the image of him rocking to a teenage song like a Danny Zuko from Grease popped in my head again. Gosh, would I ever be able to un-see that?

"Came to eat something with us?" He asked, gazing at me with curiosity but I shook my head no.

"Actually, I was taken hostage and didn't have a choice but to come here," I explained, pointing at his younger son.

"Noona, come," Baekbeom was fast to approach me, wasting no time to take my hand and pull me with him. "I'll show you the whole place."

"I should greet your parents first, Baekbeom," I scolded him, trying to wrench my hand from his, and he sent me a look of disbelief after hearing my words. "That's what you call manners, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, but they really don't mind that stuff," he announced half-heartedly and I looked over my shoulder at Baekbeom's mom, smiling apologetically at her. She was nice enough to let me go without feeling offended, probably knowing her son's hot temper - or his sudden urge to be my personal guide of the Byun's property.

But as Baekbeom dragged me with him, to what I suspected was a storeroom, I noticed something that I hadn't been able to see when I'd stood outside.

At the table hidden at the very left corner of the restaurant, trapped between the window and the big flowerpot with fern suspiciously too green to be real, sat Baekhyun. And if he hadn't had the white shirt on, he would've been invisible to most of the people in the restaurant thanks to the dark and lonely corner he'd chosen. He had his knees bent, both feet propped on the other chair, back pressed to the wall. His head was turned to the right as he stared out the window with headphones on, having no care in the world.

Or so I thought before I'd been able to catch the short glance he'd sent in the direction of one particular person.

"Noona," Baekbeom whined right in front of my face and I jumped startled when I noticed him so close to me. "Can't you move faster? The reservation starts at 6 o'clock so I have only fifteen minutes to show you around before my dad will drag me back to the kitchen."

I gazed at Baekbeom, hearing his every word but still not understanding any of his rumbling as my mind busied itself with the look on Byun Baekhyun's face.

It was just a short glance I caught him throwing at his parents, lasting  less than a mere second, but the feelings it dragged with it were so raw and strong that my heart clenched painfully in my chest. I was more than sure that at that particular moment he'd been looking at his mother. I'd seen admiration and love in his eyes but there had been also something very disturbing in the way Baekhyun had glanced at Mrs. Byun.

And no matter how I looked at it, no matter how much I worked my head off to give me a different opti

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atasiwi #1
Chapter 30: You're amazing ^^
Chapter 30: I've known this story for so long,and I love it so much. I re-read it today again,and was glad to feel the same emotions I felt when I read it years ago . I saw your web toon,I don't understand much about graphics,but they're really fun!
Also,I would like to continue reading the story,if you decide to upload it on the new platform!
Love you and wishing you a sunny week ,stay safe ♥️
One of my favourite stories ever! I just reread this and I still love it so so much! I know you’ve had a tough time but I really wish you could complete the rest! Looking forward to the webtoon
Chapter 30: Omg this is so exciting!! Can’t wait for the new chapters on webtoon!
Chapter 30: Have subscribed on the new platform! The art is lit✨
Thanks for continuing the story :) (Though on another site in different format) Will support you wherever, cause you are super talented!!
All the best💕
Chapter 30: I read the 1st chapter & I think it's good. Your art is great & I have subscribed to your story! All the best for you!
Chapter 30: subscribed to the webtoon and im loving it alr! you’re mad talented and i wish you all the best on the platform~ i think it’d be great to post up the written story as well!
Chapter 29: Where can i find the remaining parts of this fic?