Chapter 3

Make Me Regret
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I threw the rag back to the bucket full of water, the smell of hop and alcohol sticking to every part of my body after thirty minutes of wiping the floor on my knees. Huffing in frustration, I closed the door with a loud slam, tired of cleaning the staircase and furious with the money I'd lost after half of the alcohol I'd bought had spilled on the floor because Baekhyun had scared the living out of me. Speaking of the devil, I should have kicked him in the balls the moment he'd stuck his head out of my apartment. Maybe a temporary incapability to e would've made him think first before entering my house without my permission.

I sat on the floor, angrily taking off the yellow cleaning gloves and throwing them in the bucket where they joined the equally smelly rag.

"Good job," a voice cooed somewhere above my head and I looked up, glaring now at Baekhyun standing right behind me with a bottle of beer in his right hand and an bottle opener in the left. I laughed shortly in disbelief at the way he kept touching my personal things without even asking. It seemed that sponge settled down in my own home just fine. Yet, I couldn't really do anything with it because that bastard had a key to my front door and I had to think of a plan first to take it away from him in hopes he didn't possess more duplicates.

"It's all your fault," I muttered in dissatisfaction, getting up from the floor and trying hard to ignore the fact Baekhyun was drinking the beer I'd bought with my own money for tomorrow's party. I turned to him, standing now face to face with the most annoying creature I had displeasure to meet. "Actually, you could've helped with the cleaning."

He shook his head before taking a sip from the bottle, "Nah, I'm not good at cleaning."

"Is there anything you're good at to begin with?"

"I can show you if you want," he smirked suggestively at me, the thread of the bottle touching his bottom lip as he held it close while observing me intensively.

I made a face, not even bothering to hide the antipathy I felt towards him, before I walked to the living room. "God, did anyone ever tell you how disgusting you are?"

"Disgusting? No. Dirty? Definitely," he chuckled in delight following me and I shivered in revulsion at his words. Then he suddenly appeared too close to me, pressing his chest on my back, leaning over my shoulder a little as he whispered to my ear. His hot breath caressed my skin the moment he spoke again, "If you know what I mean, sweetheart."

"Please," hiding the sudden feeling of strange disturbance the contact gave me, I waved my hand in the air as if he was an annoying fly buzzing near my ear, "spare me the juicy details."

His cheerful laugh rang in my ears, his warm breath brushing the skin on my right cheek and down to my neck. Quickly, as if I burned myself, I made a few steps away from Baekhyun, his closeness making me feel uneasy and anxious in the way I couldn't really name. He just rolled his eyes, a small, ghostly grin still wandering on his lips before he took another sip of the beer. He was teasing me, seeking pleasure from my reactions, and I didn't like it. I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling like I was loosing control now. How did I even end up in a situation like this in the first place? How was I going to get rid of Baekhyun without killing this stubborn little first? I couldn't really ask anyone for help because telling others about Baekhyun's visits in my apartment would be a social suicide. I couldn't risk hordes of angry girls stalking me because of their sick fantasies. Not to mention my father would kill Baekhyun with one of his dynamic kicks and then tie me to the heather in my room with his black belt till I turned thirty after learning about some random boy staying in my apartment. And I knew he would somehow hear the news. Being the overprotective parent, he always knew everything.

A cold shiver ran down my spine when I pictured my father's fury in my head. No matter what, I had to deal with Baekhyun alone. Quickly.

"Okay," I finally said, crossing my arms in hopes to look like I was the one in control here. "Since I guess we both don't like wasting our time, let's get down to business."

Baekhyun cracked a wicked smile before he broke into a fit of amused giggles, putting the half-empty bottle on the table and reaching with the free hand to the collar of his light blue dress-shirt. With a quick move of his fingers, he undone the first button and raised his brow at me, "Here or in your bedroom?"

"Let's just-- wait, what?" My eyes widened as I realized what he actually understood from what I tried to propose. I growled in annoyance, running a hand through my hair and leaving a mess on my head. "Jesus, can you please stop that? I don't want to sleep with you, not here, not in my bedroom, not anywhere. Do you really think only about ?"

"I know who definitely doesn't," Baekhyun said back, sitting on the sofa now, a faint smile of satisfaction lightening up his face. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Baekhyun pointed with a quick jerk of his head at the laundry basket on his left and I followed suit, eyeing the pile of freshly washed clothes I'd left there. When I noticed a collection of my lingerie shining brightly on top of the pile, I immediately turned bright red, probably breaking the world's Guinness record in the five meters run when I dashed to the basket and threw myself at it to hide my bras in cute dots and straps. Then the terrifying, mocking laugh filled the room as Baekhyun looked at me, enjoying the situation definitely too much. I wanted to snap back, say something sarcastic that would shut him up in an instant, but my mind went blank the moment I realized Baekhyun had seen my underwear. God, how embarrassing was that?!

"You know," Baekhyun started, leaning his upper body over the wooden armrest, his both elbows resting on it as he eyed me with joy. "Next time you go shopping, I recommend buying a black lingerie. Nothing can turn on a man better than a y, black bra."

"Oh shut up, will you?" I spat angrily, stuffing my underwear into the closet. After I put every piece of my lingerie in the safe place - and by safe I mean far away from Baekhyun - I turned to him, still feeling my cheeks burning from the heat of embarrassment. He bit his bottom lip to stop the smile from getting bigger, and cupping his face in hands, he fluttered his long eyelashes at me.

"What? I'm the innocent one here," he said in his defence, trying to sound serious but ending up half-chuckling as I placed my hands on hips, fuming at him. "It was your fault to leave it here."

"Because I didn't know you will break in," I said back, the irritation pouring from every word I said. "Again."

"Well, it wasn't breaking in, per se, since I had a key," Baekhyun explained, shrugging a little as he finally sat properly on the sofa. I sincerely hated the tone of his voice - so cocky and arrogant. He seemed so confident and full of himself that I felt sick to my stomach just by being in the same room with him. "Anyway, let's not stray from the topic," he looked at me, patting the spot next to him on the sofa. "Should we discuss our agreement?"
Despite his incentive gesture, I didn't move even an inch, sending him a glare full of grievance, "I'm not sure I want to."

"Come on, sweetheart," he cooed, breaking into a wide smile. "I have a proposition you can't refuse. And just so you know, it involves Joonmyun."

My body froze the moment Baekhyun said out loud the name of the boy I adored. A million of questions without an answer flooded my mind in an instant - how did Baekhyun know about Joonmyun? Since when did he know about him? How was he going to use this information? Because I was more than sure he was going to make a good use of it, probably against me. That's why, wanting it or not, I had to cooperate with Baekhyun to make him keep his pretty mouth shut.

I sighed quietly in resignation, crossing my arms across chest, "What do you want?"

"I told you already," Baekhyun reached back for the beer and shook it, making the liquid inside swirl and splash against the glass. Then he looked at me, taking a sip of the alcohol, "Jihyun's boyfriend became quite paranoid since the last time and it wouldn't be nice to run into him on the staircase, so--"

"You want to use my apartment as your shelter?" I cut him off, already knowing his reasons. "Why can't you just go all the way down using

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atasiwi #1
Chapter 30: You're amazing ^^
Chapter 30: I've known this story for so long,and I love it so much. I re-read it today again,and was glad to feel the same emotions I felt when I read it years ago . I saw your web toon,I don't understand much about graphics,but they're really fun!
Also,I would like to continue reading the story,if you decide to upload it on the new platform!
Love you and wishing you a sunny week ,stay safe ♥️
One of my favourite stories ever! I just reread this and I still love it so so much! I know you’ve had a tough time but I really wish you could complete the rest! Looking forward to the webtoon
Chapter 30: Omg this is so exciting!! Can’t wait for the new chapters on webtoon!
Chapter 30: Have subscribed on the new platform! The art is lit✨
Thanks for continuing the story :) (Though on another site in different format) Will support you wherever, cause you are super talented!!
All the best💕
Chapter 30: I read the 1st chapter & I think it's good. Your art is great & I have subscribed to your story! All the best for you!
Chapter 30: subscribed to the webtoon and im loving it alr! you’re mad talented and i wish you all the best on the platform~ i think it’d be great to post up the written story as well!
Chapter 29: Where can i find the remaining parts of this fic?