Chapter 11

Make Me Regret
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As soon as I rushed out of the room leaving Baekhyun and his words behind, I bumped onto Mr. Byun who quickly reached out to steady me and prevent from falling when I shortly lost my balance after crashing onto him.

"Whoa," he said with the unexpected glee in his voice. "Did the nurses leave Baekhyun after the surgery?"

My head whipped up so quickly I wondered why nothing snapped in my neck after the sudden move. "What?" I asked, not hiding the confusion after the joke.

"You look terrified," Mr. Byun offered an explanation, pointing with his index finger at my face and my hands quickly darted to cup my warm cheeks. You had to me kidding me, was I really  blushing? What for?

I like you the best.

Goddammit, you sneaky brain... Why did I have to be reminded of those awful words just now?  And why the hell the skin on my face was in flames? It wasn't like Baekhyun meant any of the words he had just said out loud. He wasn't fully awake and aware of his actions, for God's sake.

"Is the temperature too hot in his room?" Mrs. Byun's voice reached my ears as she joined us, her brows knitted together in worry. She glanced at the closed door of Baekhyun's room before looking back at me and her husband. "Should I inform the nurses? I don't think it's good for his body. He hates when it's too hot."

Then, as if it was some sort of delayed reaction, my brain reacted to the joke Mr. Byun had said the moment I'd bumped onto him and within a second I got bombarded with the possible images of Baekhyun strutting around . Oh dear God, could it get any worse than that?

"It's a freaking Sahara in there," I rushed with an explanation, feeling my cheeks burning in embarrassment as I decided to blame the temperature in Baekhyun's room to explain the sudden change of my skin's colour. No way was I going to reveal what was going in my head now.

"Really?" Mrs. Byun asked in a voice full of concern and for a short moment I found myself guilty for lying to her. But the guilt quickly vanished as I remembered why I'd ran out of the room in the first place. Not wanting to be near the forbidden room, I bowed in a hurry, saying my goodbyes.

"I really have to go now." I explained, straightening myself up. "It was nice meeting you."

"Wait," Mr. Byun grabbed my arm before I could dash out of the hospital. "I told you I'll drive you home."

"No need, really--"

"I'll take her," Mrs. Byun interrupted my poor attempt to refuse politely the offer, telling her husband to let go of my arm. Taking the car key from him, she smiled back at me before instructing her younger son to get ready. "You stay with Baekhyun and I'll bring Baekbeom home." She explained to her husband who seemed to be as confused as I. Clasping her fingers around the key, she looked up at Mr. Byun. "They were supposed to meet with Mr. Park tomorrow but I guess Baekhyun won't be able to participate. Do you think we should bring only Baekbeom there?"

I bit my bottom lip, turning my head away from them after hearing the private conversation they had. It didn't seem like they minded me hearing everything as Mrs. Byun didn't even bother to lower her voice while speaking, but somehow I felt uncomfortable being a part of this family issue they were discussing now.

I looked behind to see Baekbeom struggling with the zipper of his jacket and I used it as a chance to escape from the uncomfortable situation, informing Mrs. Byun that we were going to wait outside the hospital for her.

"Need help?" I asked, standing before Baekhyun's brother and he looked up at me from the zipper. Just then I realized a part of his T-Shirt got stuck in it.

"Nah," Baekbeom muttered sleepily, leaving the fabric stuck in the zipper. I could tell straight away he didn't bother about anything now, probably wanting to be in his comfortable bed. Tousling his hair, he yawned so widely everyone could see the perfect set of his tonsils and I chuckled, still finding him extremely adorable even while doing something so unmannered.

"Tired, huh?" I patted his head - a gesture I just couldn't resist - and Baekbeom nodded, closing his eyes. "Then let's go. Your mom will take us home."  

"You too?" He asked, trying to open his eyes despite the exhaustion and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders to drag him with me to the parking lot.

"Yeah, have problem with that?" I joked as we walked down the hallway and Baekbeom shook his head no.

"You can sleep in my bed," he proposed straight away without missing a beat and I almost chocked after hearing his proposition. There's no way he and Baekhyun weren't related when the two of them were so quick in blurting out shameless propositions like that one. Baekbeom was going to become the same playboy his older brother was. I could already picture the crowd of brokenhearted girls lining up to beat the living out of the two of them. Maybe they could make a TV show out of it? I was sure someone could make a fortune on that.

"Not gonna happen, you little ert." I ruffled his hair, faking offence. "I'm going to sleep in my own bed."

"Hey, I didn't mean that," Baekbeom protested, looking at me as if I just accused him of stealing something precious. "I just thought you're staying in our house."

"I like mine just fine, don't need a sleepover," I answered pushing the main door open. The cold night breeze slapped my face the moment we went outside and a shiver ran down my back. Days were bright and warm enough to run around the city only in a T-Shirt but the temperature during nights dropped almost to zero. Remembering Baekbeom's struggle with his jacket, I looked at him to check if he was okay, "Are you cold?"

I got to see another yawning show before Baekbeom shook his head no.

Not really knowing how Mrs. Byun car looked like and where to possibly find it, I decided to sit down on the curb and wait till she would join us. Pulling the sleeves of my sweatshirt over my hands to cover my freezing fingers, I hid my arms between chest and tights, curling up like a homeless child. Baekbeom soon followed, mimicking my pose, except he placed his head on knees, closing his eyes in an instant.

"Hey, don't fall asleep here," I nudged him but he only wrinkled his nose in annoyance, not bothering to look back at me. I couldn't even get mad at him - poor boy must've been deadly tired after the day full of excitement and worry. I bet he was scared the most of us all and it wasn't a surprise he could barely stay awake.

Still, it was cold outside and I was afraid he could get sick after falling asleep while sitting on the curb so I thought of a topic that could help him stay focused and fight the drowsiness.

"Baekbeom," I said his name, trying to grab his attention and the boy hummed in question. Not the answer I'd expected but at least I knew he wasn't sleeping yet. Lying my head down on knees, just like Baekbeom, I looked at him, "Why did Baekhyun look for you in the morning?"

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atasiwi #1
Chapter 30: You're amazing ^^
Chapter 30: I've known this story for so long,and I love it so much. I re-read it today again,and was glad to feel the same emotions I felt when I read it years ago . I saw your web toon,I don't understand much about graphics,but they're really fun!
Also,I would like to continue reading the story,if you decide to upload it on the new platform!
Love you and wishing you a sunny week ,stay safe ♥️
One of my favourite stories ever! I just reread this and I still love it so so much! I know you’ve had a tough time but I really wish you could complete the rest! Looking forward to the webtoon
Chapter 30: Omg this is so exciting!! Can’t wait for the new chapters on webtoon!
Chapter 30: Have subscribed on the new platform! The art is lit✨
Thanks for continuing the story :) (Though on another site in different format) Will support you wherever, cause you are super talented!!
All the best💕
Chapter 30: I read the 1st chapter & I think it's good. Your art is great & I have subscribed to your story! All the best for you!
Chapter 30: subscribed to the webtoon and im loving it alr! you’re mad talented and i wish you all the best on the platform~ i think it’d be great to post up the written story as well!
Chapter 29: Where can i find the remaining parts of this fic?