Chapter 15

Make Me Regret
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Since I was a heavy sleeper who needed at least twelve hours of sleep to function during the  day, it was rare of me to wake up on my own before the alarm clock would've gone off. That's why I was more than surprised when I looked at my phone and saw the hour. It was half past six, thirty minutes before the alarm clock would've given me a heart attack with its loudness, and I was already fully awake and ready to survive the next fourteen hours without dozing off every five minutes.

Miracles still happen, don't they?

I guess the anxiety of having two guys sleeping in the room next to mine was more successful in keeping me awake and ready to start the new day than any good quality coffee.

Throwing the blanket off me, I put my slippers on and, with a little bit of hesitation slowing my moves, I walked into the living room, still not quite sure what view to expect. The moment I stepped out of my bedroom, Baekbeom turned in my direction, tearing his eyes away from the TV he'd while I'd been asleep. Someone was an early bird, it seemed.

"Nice bears," he commented the moment he saw me stop right away with my hand still on the doorknob. My eyes immediately fell on my pyjamas' pants. Noticing the tiny bears holding onto the red hearts twice the size of the animals, I winced at my own choice of clothes. Not the best outfit while hosting two guys, was it?

I grabbed the pants on either side and stretched it out to the maximum to give Baekbeom the full picture of the cute bears, "Don't you find them adorable?"

"Do I look like a five year old girl to you?"

"You know nothing about fashion," I mumbled, hoping to save my face but Baekbeom only chuckled, taking the remote control in his hand to change the programme.

I walked closer to him, eyeing the teenager in curiosity as he went back to what he'd been doing before I interrupted. He seemed quite comfortable in my apartment despite barely knowing me. What's more, with his perfect image and clothes still on point despite sleeping in them, that guy looked like he hadn't gone to bed at all. His hair wasn't combed but he had a nicely looking mess on his head, as if done on purpose by a very experienced stylist. Though I was more than sure that that little rascal had just ran a hand through it. That was the magic of Byun's genes, I suppose. They just had to look good in every situation.

But speaking of Byun brothers, I didn't see any trace of the older one.

"Where is Baekhyun?" I asked, looking around with furrowed brows. It was too early for him to go outside, not to mention his brother was still there, but my throat tightened in uneasiness. It was Baekhyun after all. Who could ever predict what he had in mind?

Baekbeom only shrugged half-heartedly, boring his eyes into the TV, "He already went home."


Before I could open my mouth and bombard him with a new palette of 'why, how and where' questions, as if to show how uninteresting the talk about Baekhyun was to him, Baekbeom the volume of the TV. He propped his chin on palm of his hand and I quickly noticed the scowl growing on his lips.

Uh-oh... The Byun brothers' conflict seemed to be as fresh as ever.

It wasn't any of my business to get between these two, but I couldn't just watch Baekbeom sit and sulk alone whatever the reason was. I promised myself not to meddle in but... well, to hell with all that. No one ever died from a little bit of cheering up. If an older caring sibling was what Baekbeom longed for, then I was going to give him a bit of time with his new older sister.

"Well..." I quickly took the pillow under his head, making Baekbeom's head fall backwards, and before he could whine about me stealing it, I sent him a wide smile, hiding my own disappointed Baekhyun's absence evoked in me. "Better for us since I planned pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast." I wiggled my brows for a bigger effect and jabbed Baekbeom's side with my elbow when he still didn't want to give in and replace that ugly scowl with something more pleasant to watch so early in the morning.

"Come on," I insisted, "you can eat his share. Isn't it great?"

"We're not in the America to eat pancakes for breakfast," Baekbeom muttered under his nose, but I saw the small smile creeping up his lips despite the resentful tone of his voice. Yes, 1:0 for me and the pancakes.

"We're also not in the Italy and you still can eat some pizza for lunch," I said back, already tasting the victory.  

Baekbeom's head whipped in my direction and I felt his narrowed eyes on me, "Does it mean you will take me out for lunch, too?"

"Do you want to?" I asked, placing my hands behind my head and relaxing on the sofa as I looked at the TV, focusing for a moment on the programme Baekbeom had been watching before.

"Not with you looking like that. Go and change before you embarrass me in front of others" he snorted and I immediately got reminded of my unfortunate choice of clothes. Again, not the best outfit I had but he didn't have to remind me about it every single time. Getting a hold of the pillow, I hit Baekbeom straight in the face before getting up.

"Have some respect for your older sister, you brat," I scoffed, walking to the bathroom in order to change into something more appropriate.

"Get pretty for me, noona!" He yelled from the sofa, making me stop right away. Baekbeom only giggled in amusement seeing the terrified look on my face that bold words caused me. What? Get pretty for me? Was that what Baekhyun used to tell his girls and Baekbeom learned from him? I bet he did. Oh no, I am sure he did; it's Byun Baekhyun we were talking about.

I put my left hand on hip and the other one on the doorknob before shaking my head at Baekbeom. "You better watch out with that mouth of yours if you don't want to get into trouble, young man," I said half-seriously and Baekbeom only grinned wider at me, somehow looking too happy for his own good.

I couldn't even tell if my declaration to spend some time with him was responsible for his sudden change of mood, or if that brat already came to like teasing me, just like his older brother, but I wasn't going to find out the real reason of his sudden happiness with that ridiculous bears pants still on. That pyjama definitely wasn't helping me in keeping my authority as an older one here.

But I had to admit, despite that sarcastic sense of humour of his, which definitely rubbed off on him from his older brother, spending time with Baekbeom was quite nice and a smile that pulled up the corners of my mouth was the biggest proof of how much I enjoyed his company. To hide the sudden grin on my face, I quickly turned to face the door of the bathroom to get inside and change before Baekbeom would decide to comment on my lack of fashion sense once again.

"Be ready in five minutes," I informed Baekbeom, giving him a quick look over my shoulder as I pulled on the doorknob. "If you want pancakes, you have to help me prepare them."

However, the moment I opened my bathroom door, a warmness I didn't suspect hit the skin on my face, making me stop in my track. There was a nice scent of my strawberry shampoo in the air and the main source of the intensive smell was standing right next to the sink.

Wasn't he supposed to be somewhere else?

My body went rigid the moment Baekhyun torn his gaze away from the mirror to look at me, the unexpected intruder of his morning toilet. A warm blush crept up my face as I wanted to look away but simply couldn't, standing at the entrance with my hand still on the doorknob and a pair of eyes ogling at half- Baekhyun standing in the middle of my bathroom.

Oh dear God, was he really half-?

My gaze slid down from the towel wrapped around his neck to his fully exposed stomach and the blush on my cheeks started burning my skin as my brain noticed how low his jeans were.

Yup, definitely more than dressed.

"Dammit, I hoped you'd still be only in a towel," Baekbeom's voice made me snap out of the horrifying daze I found myself in, and I turned around to see the younger brother standing right behind me with his eyes on Baekhyun and disappointed look on his face. That little brat, was he planning this from the beginning?

Before I had a chance to scold him for coming up with such ridiculous plan, Baekbeom sighed in disappointment, trotting away while mumbling something incomprehensible under his nose. I gaped at him in shock, my mouth slightly open as I wanted to say something but my mind refused to propose any comprehend words suiting the situation.

"Is something wrong?" Baekhyun's question made me look back at him and my muteness progressed as I watched him drying his wet hair with the same towel that had been around his neck just moment ago. He stopped for a second, giving me an odd look when I still hadn't spoken a word, and I swallowed hard, letting an awkward cough escape my lips as I tried to focus on something that wouldn't remind me of Baekhyun's bare arms.

"Mira?" He tried again, the towel slipping from his head, and I gave myself a mental slap to pull myself together.

"Nothing..." I muttered in a hurry, hoping to sound natural. "I didn'

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atasiwi #1
Chapter 30: You're amazing ^^
Chapter 30: I've known this story for so long,and I love it so much. I re-read it today again,and was glad to feel the same emotions I felt when I read it years ago . I saw your web toon,I don't understand much about graphics,but they're really fun!
Also,I would like to continue reading the story,if you decide to upload it on the new platform!
Love you and wishing you a sunny week ,stay safe ♥️
One of my favourite stories ever! I just reread this and I still love it so so much! I know you’ve had a tough time but I really wish you could complete the rest! Looking forward to the webtoon
Chapter 30: Omg this is so exciting!! Can’t wait for the new chapters on webtoon!
Chapter 30: Have subscribed on the new platform! The art is lit✨
Thanks for continuing the story :) (Though on another site in different format) Will support you wherever, cause you are super talented!!
All the best💕
Chapter 30: I read the 1st chapter & I think it's good. Your art is great & I have subscribed to your story! All the best for you!
Chapter 30: subscribed to the webtoon and im loving it alr! you’re mad talented and i wish you all the best on the platform~ i think it’d be great to post up the written story as well!
Chapter 29: Where can i find the remaining parts of this fic?