Chapter 3

Cuteness Overload
Chapter 3

Five small boys were sitting on a long bench in the garden. Other groups were still searching for the first tool and somehow those five boys were the first one to advance to the next one.

“What’s the next clue, Yunnie?” Jaejoong whispered into Yunho’s earlap as the dragon boy blushed. Last accident with Junsu had thought them a lesson they’re in real competition now. Some of other groups might steal their tools if they’re not careful.

 “Umm, human uses this to warm themselves and cook food. It’s very useful for human but it can bring bad things if too much,” Yunho read the clue.

“That’s easy,” Changmin commented.

“Really? I have no idea what’s it,” Junsu pouted.

“It is fire,” Yunho spoke,” I can make fire but human need tools.”

“Matches?” Jaejoong asked.

“Then, we should get into school kitchen in cafeteria,” Changmin suggested,” I know they serve some human food too, so there should be some matches laying around.”

“Okay!” all of the chorused together except one. Junsu was the first one to notice.

“Chunnie, what’s wrong?” Junsu asked softly, the others had begun to walk into the hall.

“Um…Nothing,” Yoochun answered as he walked following the others. The nymph boy didn’t say anything as he followed the merman boy. Yet, he knew something was wrong.

“Come on!” Yunho called as five of them walked to get into the canteen. It was just next to the garden so if you ate in the canteen, you could see the beautiful garden from the window.

Yunho poked his head into the empty canteen as he got in. Jaejoong followed closely behind him, then there’re Changmin, Junsu, and Yoochun. The room was a bit dark and vast for the five boys as there’re hundreds of chair and tables. The boys walked slowly into the kitchen, it was like they’re afraid something would wake up if they made noises.

“Yunnie, I’m scared,” Jaejoong whispered behind Yunho,” It’s like something is watching us.”

“Hyung, ghost won’t kill you,” Changmin said. Right at the moment Changmin finished a white cold wind passed by the five boys. They literally screamed and hid behind nearby counter.

“I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me,” Yoochun whispered over and over again. The others began to panic even more when a white smoke appeared in front of them.

“Sta---Stand back!” Yunho braced himself as he jumped forward, trying to protect the others. Laughter could be heard from the white smoke as it avoided Yunho’s attack. Jaejoong was trembling so hard, Junsu was crying, and Yoochun was praying for his life.

“I almost had a heart attack,” Changmin took a deep breath as he approached the white smoke calmly,” You scared them so much until I freaked out when they screamed.”

“Wha---What are you doing?” Yunho was dumbfounded.

“I told you ghost won’t kill you, at least, not on purpose; maybe just when they go into poltergeist mode,” Changmin spoke to the four trembling members of his group,” Meet Kyuhyun, the ghost…”

Suddenly the white mist shaped into a small boy, around their age too.  The ghost or so called Kyuhyun waved and smiled to them.

“Hi, I’m a ghost named Kyuhyun. Don’t ask me how long I’ve haunted this place; your jaws will fall on the floor. Oh and sorry about before, I can’t help it,” Kyuhyun spoke,” I mean, everything was perfect. All of you were like on the edge and the settings fitted some typical horror movie.”

“…You know Changmin?” Jaejoong was the first one to ask as they got out from their hiding spot.

“I met him before,” Kyuhyun explained,” And we’re kind of connect in wavelength.”

“So…you’re the rumored cruel and scary ghost…that haunted this school canteen?” Yoochun finally dared to look up, but somehow he still hid behind Junsu. The nymph finally got why Yoochun was so scared before at the garden. Junsu had no idea such rumor existed.

“Yes I’m the ghost but no, I’m not cruel and scary, I’m a friendly ghost as long as I get what I want,” Kyuhyun smiled. It felt like the same feeling they got from Changmin sometime.  They couldn’t help but to stare at the vampire boy who’s busy his blood bag.

“What? I’m hungry,” Changmin protested the stare but still drinking.

“Um, do you know where we can find a match?” Junsu dared to ask.

“Or maybe something to lit a fire?” Yunho added.

“Hmmm, let’s see,” Kyuhyun thought for a while,” I know but you need to scare me if you want me to tell you.”

“I’m out,” Changmin said, still drinking,” I can’t scare Kyu; I tried once and he scared me bad badly.”

“That time didn’t count since we’re playing hide and seek,” Kyuhyun spoke to Changmin as both of them were remembering their last playtime. Changmin used to sneak out at night from his house and one day he played around the school building. It was when he met Kyuhyun for the first time.

“Okay, let me try! My plants can be scary too!” Junsu stepped forward. His green roots stared to dance in weird way. Suddenly, it marched toward Kyuhyun’s direction. It supposed to be very surprising since there’re a lot of thorns grew from the roots. Yet, each attempt was useless, everything went pass Kyuhyun.

“You did you best, Junsu ah,” Yoochun spoke up,” Leave it to me.”

Yoochun gathered water from the air as he threw them into Kyuhyun’s direction suddenly. It stopped just an inch from Kyuhyun’s face, yet, the ghost was still smiling. As the nymph and merman boy failed, the elf boy decided to try too. Yet, he couldn’t do scary, all attempts he did was cute in Kyuhyun’s eyes. The ghost couldn’t stop laughing.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this,” Yunho finally came forward, like a leader he was. Changmin was watching the show as he sat on a nearby chair, emptying his second blood bag.

Yunho took a deep breath. He closed his eyes as he concentrated. The others were wondering what he would do. Suddenly, a pair of small wings appeared on Yunho’s small back. The edges looked sharp but because of the size, it appeared more cute than scary. Yunho started to float on the air.

“That’s not gonna work on m---“  before Kyuhyun could finish his sentence, a big ball of fire went pass him. It was supposed to be not hot, Kyuhyun couldn’t feel a thing. He even didn’t have a heartbeat but why did he feel like his heart stopped for a second? It took his few seconds to realize the fire ball came from Yunho. The others were amazed by Yunho’s amazing attack.

“Hello, earth to Kyu,” Changmin waved his hand in front of Kyuhyun’s face. The ghost finally regained his composure. He coughed a little bit, trying to fake his surprise.

“So did we pass?” Yunho asked his wings disappeared. Kyuhyun looked at Changmin as Changmin looked back. The vampire was enjoying every moment of the ghost’s surprise.

“…Okay,” Kyuhyun sighed in defeat,” Here…”

Kyuhyun got a match box from his pocket as he gave it to Yunho. It felt cold when Yunho touched Kyuhyun’s hand. The other boys cheered as they got their second item.

“So, I’m guessing a lot of group will come here to search for matches?” Kyuhyun spoke to himself,” Finally I can play!”

“I feel sorry for those poor souls…” Changmin commented as the boys headed out from the canteen. Before the door closed, Changmin waved to the ghost and Kyuhyun did the same. They got two tools now, they needed to get the other three. Why did the teacher give them this task? What would the tools be used for? They would find out soon enough.

P.S. Somehow I managed to update. So I hope U enjoy it XD

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foodgame #1
Chapter 32: So cute >.< smile a lot!!! Love love love
ChangKyu is adorable
E-Bizzle #2
Chapter 31: This is an amazing and sweet and cute~ story!!!!!! I loved it so much!

Also, is it just me or is there another chapter 28???
starrylantern #3
Chapter 28: I think you got Kyuhyunnie's name wrong :O It's Cho Kyuhyun, not Choi :)
Chapter 12: Aigooo~ Jaeeee! You're so adorable! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 1: I decided to re-read this fic again. and here I am. xD
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 33: This Story is so cute I cant even ^///^ and now it's time for adult stuff... kkkk xD
wishyy #7
Chapter 33: Thanks so much for writing and updating this story.
Really had a great time reading as i'm always in love with chibi dbsk and you're fic is so cute ^^
Hope to see your fic soon ♡
Chapter 33: Can't believe this has ended. Are you planning on writing another yunjae yoosu changkyu chibi fanfic?
Chapter 33: I kinda want to see them in high school when they're finding out more about themselves and more about their feelings for each other. I want to see when they exactly started dating, their first real date, to their first time all the way to the proposal. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more.
criz2587 #10
Chapter 33: Love it hope u keep writing the grown up yunjae