Chapter 17

Cuteness Overload
Chapter 17

“Hello, I’m Kim Jaejoong,” Jaejoong spoke to the creature like it was the most normal thing on earth. The rest was still awed by it and they’re not as brave as Jaejoong, yet. The elf bowed a little in front of the creature before he walked forward.

The creature made some high pitch noises and let Jaejoong patted its head. The elf was beyond happy and he couldn’t help but to uncover his pointy ears in front of it. Slowly, he crawled near it and gave it a light hug. Jaejoong smiled at the sweet fragrance of the creature.

“Come on, guys, unicorn won’t bite you,” Jaejoong called the others. The creature was indeed looked like a horse but with a sharp horn on its head. Its body was full of bright shining white soft hair and its eyes were big round dazzling blue orbs.

Yunho was the first one to touch it after Jaejoong and the rest followed. The unicorn growled softly when Kyuhyun touched it, probably because of the coldness. But it remained friendly to all of them.

“Oh no!” Junsu’s gasp caught the others’ attention,” Look at its leg. It’s bleeding!”

“What happened?” Jaejoong asked. The rest was beyond surprise when they realized Jaejoong could communicate with the unicorn. The elf gave few light nods before he turned to the others.

“It said, it was hurt because it was running away from some drunken human,” Jaejoong frowned,” It slipped when it went hiding inside this cave.”

“Bad human…” Junsu pouted.

“Um, can we heal him?” Yoochun ask,” I bring my magical mermaid balm; it will help with the pain.”

Junsu saw the jar Yoochun used to heal his leg before. He knew it was very effective. Junsu couldn’t help but to blush slightly remembering the moment Yoochun bent down and took care of his injured leg without anyone knowing. It was such a lovely act and it made Junsu’s heart fluttered. The nymph boy shook his head; he needed to focus now. Junsu was bad doing or thinking two things at the same time. For now, he would concentrate on the injured unicorn.

“We need something to stop the bleeding and clean it,” Yunho pointed it out.

“I can stop the bleeding with my coldness,” Kyuhyun spoke.

“I can use my roots to make some fresh water to clean the wound,” Junsu added.

“Then we need something to bind the wound,” Changmin said as his eyes wondered around. Then he saw an abandoned cloth near the cave entrance. Some human had to leave it there. He took it and inspected it. It was clean enough.

“Umm, we’re going to help you. Can you let us take care of your wound?” Jaejoong asked the unicorn. It gave soft noise agreeing. So the boys did their role. First, Kyuhyun stopped the bleeding as he froze the blood. Junsu poured some water on the wound and Yunho wiped it clean. Yoochun put some of his balm on the wound and lastly, Changmin wrapped it with the cloth he found. Jaejoong was caressing the unicorn’s head softly the whole time.

“It’s done,” Yunho told Jaejoong.

“I’ll take some time to heal and I think it’s best if you stay here for a while,” Changmin added,” Um, can translate that, hyung?”

“It understands Changmin ah,” Jaejoong explained,” Mystical beings understand every creature’s language. The only problem is they can’t say what they’re thinking out loud. Only us, elf is gifted to communicate with them. So, unicorn and elf go a long way. We even helped each other in the past, especially in dark time like war. It think it happened before any written history recorded. And---“

So Jaejoong went on and on, explaining unicorn and elf history. The rest of them couldn’t help but to be fascinated by how wide Jaejoong’s knowledge was. It took the elf boy another ten minutes to finish his story and the unicorn made a happy sound.

“It says thank you!” Jaejoong translated,” It even says it likes my story very much!”

 “Your story is awesome hyung!” Junsu cheered,” Please tell me more stories later on!”

“Me too,” Yoochun found Jaejoong’s story was interesting enough but the real reason he said that was he wanted to spend more time with his Junsu. God forgave him for being such a possessive 5 years old merman boy.

“I think I’m going to have mystical dream tonight,” Kyuhyun agreed. Changmin gave an approved nod as he gulped his second blood bag. Then something caught his attention. There’s this fabric Yunho used to wipe the unicorn blood before and it was drenching with sweetness of the unicorn. Changmin wondered how it would taste.

Suddenly the unicorn made a high pitch noise and all of them closed their ears. Jaejoong immediately asked the creature what’s wrong. It didn’t take long before Jaejoong turned back, got the bloody fabric Changmin stared before and threw it away into the sea.

“You! Starving vampire!” Jaejoong pointed at Changmin, they never knew Jaejoong could be…this angry,” Stop wanting to any blood you find!”

“But hyung---“

“No buts! You’ll die if you try unicorn blood, don’t you know that?! Unicorn blood is poisonous!” Jaejoong was screaming and crying at the same time. Yunho immediately hugged the elf as he his back in circle. Junsu was also crying because he was scared thinking Changmin could die. Yoochun tried his best to cheer Junsu up.

Changmin was lost at word. He didn’t really want to taste the unicorn blood. Okay, maybe he did but it’s not like he would it off the fabric, it was beyond reason. But he knew he had made his friends angry and sad.

“I’m sorry,” Changmin muttered, trying so hard not to cry,” I promise I’ll be careful from now on and only drink blood my parents or the school prepare for me.”

Kyuhyun pulled Changmin into a hug as he whispered it wasn’t Changmin’s fault. They were learning every second of the world danger and how to adapt in it. Mistakes were common thing and it would make them even better in the future.

Suddenly, the cave lightened up and it was like they’re in a sea of star. The boys stopped crying and looked around. They could see all the constellations that supposed to be on the night sky. It was still bright outside the cave though. It took them few moments to realize it was the unicorn’s doing.

“It said, we should stop…fighting and crying…” Jaejoong translated as he wiped his tears,” This’s its thanks for us helping its wound. Look! It’s Cassiopeia!!!”

“Where?” Yoochun asked almost immediately.

“Over there!” Yunho pointed out. He had searched for the star. It was the first thing he did when he got home on his first day of school. He wanted to know the star that fascinated his adorable elf so much.

“It’s so beautiful!” Junsu jumped excitedly.

“Thank you,” Changmin’s happy sobs weren’t something they expected. Kyuhyun laughed as he messed up Changmin’s hair. It didn’t take long till Changmin was chasing Kyuhyun in the sea of stars. The rest laughed at the sight and so was the unicorn.

Suddenly, Jaejoong felt a light tuck on his shoulder. The unicorn was standing and its leg was fully healed like a miracle. The elf boy cheered happily but then he stopped.

“Wait, please don’t go so soon,” Jaejoong pleaded but the unicorn kept telling him it was time. It needed to return to its realm. Pouting, Jaejoong gave the unicorn last hug. He didn’t notice the rest joined and it turned to be a group hug.

The unicorn said its goodbye as it slowly disappeared into sea of stars. Their surrounding converted back to stone and ground of the cave. Smiles wouldn’t leave their face though. They knew they just had a really rare experience even creature like them could wish for.

Jaejoong was so touched. The last sentence the unicorn told him was pearls. It said ‘You have great friends, take care of them and they’ll take care of you. I’m glad to meet all of you. I believe you all will grow into amazing person in the future. Never lose hope, love, and always keep the faith.’



P.S. Usually we help injured bird/ dog/ cat but they help a freaking unicorn LOL...Anyway, I kind of made Minnie a gluttony in both of my fic update, the genre is way different though haha XD Like always, comments are love^^

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foodgame #1
Chapter 32: So cute >.< smile a lot!!! Love love love
ChangKyu is adorable
E-Bizzle #2
Chapter 31: This is an amazing and sweet and cute~ story!!!!!! I loved it so much!

Also, is it just me or is there another chapter 28???
starrylantern #3
Chapter 28: I think you got Kyuhyunnie's name wrong :O It's Cho Kyuhyun, not Choi :)
Chapter 12: Aigooo~ Jaeeee! You're so adorable! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 1: I decided to re-read this fic again. and here I am. xD
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 33: This Story is so cute I cant even ^///^ and now it's time for adult stuff... kkkk xD
wishyy #7
Chapter 33: Thanks so much for writing and updating this story.
Really had a great time reading as i'm always in love with chibi dbsk and you're fic is so cute ^^
Hope to see your fic soon ♡
Chapter 33: Can't believe this has ended. Are you planning on writing another yunjae yoosu changkyu chibi fanfic?
Chapter 33: I kinda want to see them in high school when they're finding out more about themselves and more about their feelings for each other. I want to see when they exactly started dating, their first real date, to their first time all the way to the proposal. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more.
criz2587 #10
Chapter 33: Love it hope u keep writing the grown up yunjae