Chapter 7

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Yuri let out a soft sigh for the nth time as her tired eyes stared at computer screen in front of her absentmindedly. Working hours had ended but she hasn't yet finished her tasks. She forced herself to focus on her work but her mind kept wandering off to the particular moment as it often did these days.

"Are you done yet?" Hyoyeon stood in front of Yuri's desk. She had finished her tasks and would be home soon, but as a friend she didn't want to leave Yuri alone.

"Not yet."

It wasn't the first time Yuri worked overtime. She was a workaholic and it happened so many times already, but right now Yuri looked different. She was spacing out all day and Hyoyeon believed that her friend would never be able to finish her tasks, even though she spent the whole night at this office room.

"I'm going home now, do you mind being left alone?" Yuri answered Hyoyeon with a light nod, too tired to speak another word. She used to be alone all the time, and loneliness has become her best friend so Hyoyeon's leave won't give any impact.

Hyoyeon sighed. She would like to ask Yuri what was bothering her but her friend had signalled that she didn't want any form of further communication and Hyoyeon didn't want to force her either. She always pictured Yuri as strong woman. Yuri was always able to solve her life's problems and Hyoyeon believed that whatever was happening right now, her friend would be able to pass it just like another time.

And if there were a day when Yuri failed, Hyoyeon would always be there to help her. But for now, there was nothing she could do but wished the best for her friend.


As soon as the office door closed, Yuri rested the side of her face on her office desk, feeling the cold surface pressed against her right cheek. It's been a week since the contact lenses incident but her mind still wondered what would happen if Hyoyeon did not step in that time. Would they kiss?

Yuri groaned quickly at that thought, banging her forehead on the desk. It caused a loud thud, but Yuri didn't feel it was hard enough to clear her mind. She couldn't let this feeling overcome her and she should stop thinking about Yoona, especially about those lips...

Grabbing her purse, Yuri rose from her chair and left the office. There was only one person who could really understand her chaotic mind.


Yuri held her breath in anticipation as she was standing in front of that person's apartment door before she knew it.

"Hey Yul!" The young woman's face appeared from behind the door, her eyes forming perfect crescent shapes. She was still dressed in her work suit and her long hair was tied in a messy bun indicated that she just got back from her working place.

"Hi Tiff."

"Come in"

Yuri stepped into the stylist's apartment and followed Tiffany to kitchen, placing herself onto the bar stool where she used to sit in every visit.

"How are you?" Yuri asked and Tiffany showed her signature confident smile while snagging a mug off of the counter.

"I'm as good as always. Do you want a cup of coffee?"

"Yes please." Yuri nodded.

Tiffany poured two a cup of coffee and started adding a half spoon of sugar and creamer on one cup.

Having been her best friend for a dozen years, Tiffany knew Yuri's favourite coffee without having to ask.

"So what's up?" Tiffany placed one of the cups in front of Yuri while brought the other with her, sitting on the other side of counter and facing Yuri.

Yuri opened , ready for speaking her mind out but clogged, and she came up with another thing instead.

"I wanted to make an appointment for a wedding dress fitting," she reasoned out and Tiffany kinked her eyebrows, absolutely not buying Yuri's reason.

Tiffany was the designer at her own bridal salon and Yuri has been her partner for sometimes now. Usually Yuri just needed to make a call to arrange the meeting. And as one of Yuri's childhood friend, Tiffany knew Yuri's visit was not just for a simple appointment.

"Sure. I have a bunch of new exclusive collections for your client." Tiffany nodded in a calm manner, blowing her coffee in an elegant manner before sip it, "She should be special client to have you met me in such personal hour, just to arrange appointment, huh?"

"She is a friend of mine."

Tiffany took some seconds to examine Yuri's face. She knew something was bothering her friend, she just didn't know what it was. Yuri wasn't type of person who easily poured her heart out to someone else. She always had trouble articulating her problems. She used to hide her feelings behind the wall she created. But Yuri came to her right now and she would gladly find it out.

"Shouldn't you be happy if your friend will get married?"

"I'm happy," Yuri answered almost robotically. She tried to convince Tiffany with a small smile on her lips but it turned into an awkward one.

"You know why I always like your eyes?" Tiffany asked and Yuri shook her head. "It was because they'd never lie. And I'd rather believe in them than your answer."

Yuri laughed nervously. Diverting her gaze from Tiffany, she took a little sip of the coffee before put the cup down.

"It's... Yoona." She let out the name she had wanted to speak out all day long.

"Oh wow..." Tiffany claimed surprisingly as she finally picked up the reason of Yuri's visit and her friend's anxiety. But she didn't really like to hear that name out from her friend's mouth. Actually, she didn't want to anymore. "I haven't heard from her in awhile. I didn't know you guys still keep in touch."

"We don't. Actually, we just met again."

Tiffany was generous type of person; she was a listener, the always understanding one. She had a gentle personality and was the type of friend you could come to when you're in trouble, but her face right now was far from gentle. She looked at Yuri seriously; her eyes showed her disapproval of what Yuri had done. "Tell me this is just a coincidence. You didn't apply to be her planner, right?"

"Her fiancé is my best friend back then. I couldn't decline when he asked me to be his wedding planner." Yuri explained and Tiffany's face softened at Yuri's distress. She place one of her hand on Yuri's, caressing it gently.

"Life always gives us choices. It's always okay to say no, Yul. You shouldn't be her planner if you felt uncomfortable with it."

"I just..." Yuri sighed. Why should she feel uncomfortable? She was doing her job, as she always did. "I just didn't find any reason why I should say no."

"I doubt it. Are you okay with her marrying another person?"

Yuri was taken back at Tiffany's question. "Of course! Donghae is really nice guy."

"If so, why are you looking so sad right now?"

"That's the question I constantly ask myself," Yuri confessed to Tiffany, and to herself for the first time tonight. "I should be happy she finally finds someone to be with. Does it make me bad when I can't find myself genuinely happy for her?"

"No, you are not."

"Did I make a mistake by being her planner? After that fight, we shouldn't talk anymore, right?" Yuri asked in desperation, as if she was begging Tiffany to give her a piece of mind. She was expecting Tiffany to scold her, to yell at her, to tell her that she should back off right now.

But Tiffany stood still. She withdrew her hand from Yuri's hand to tracing the rim of the cup in front of her instead. She seemed to be in deep thought, as if she was searching right words to give Yuri an explanation.

Yuri was right. They shouldn't talk anymore; that was what Tiffany thought as well. And yes, she should admit that Yuri's action confused her. But it wasn't the first time- in fact every decision Yuri made when it involved Yoona always confused her back then.

Like the first time Yuri met Yoona, Tiffany wondered why her friend wanted to be friends with the girl who was younger than them. It was difficult to find similarities between the senior and junior but when Tiffany saw their friendship, she understood.

Today Yuri confused her again with getting involved in Yoona's life after their huge fight. And for once again, Tiffany could understand Yuri's decision to be Yoona's planner just by looking at Yuri's eyes.

"You miss her, Yul." Tiffany said quietly. "You just missed your long lost best friend. With becoming her planner, you secretly hope that both of you will be able to mend your friendship and get back what you two had four years ago."

And Yuri was stunned at how good Tiffany was at reading her. That was proof that Tiffany knew her better than most people, and sometimes even better than Yuri knew herself.

"But... is that even possible Yul?" The hesitation lingered on Tiffany's voice as she asked.

As one of her childhood friends, who also attended same school with Yuri, Tiffany knew about Yuri's deep relationship with Yoona. Even though Tiffany never knew that both of them had acted on it once; that Yoona and Yuri had kissed once, she always knew there was something between both of them. Something that developed a little further than just a relationship between 'best friend'. Tiffany knew that things weren't that simple, and they never had been between Yoona and Yuri. And will never been.

Tiffany's question scared Yuri beyond belief. It was even scarier when Tiffany continued, "Can you guys do that without jeopardize your friendship once again?"

The question hung in the air between them but Tiffany didn't need an answer. She just needed Yuri to think about this. Because if all Yuri wanted from Yoona was their friendship, and nothing more, then there was no real reason for her anxious state. Then Yuri wouldn't sit inside her apartment tonight.


Yoona's POV

A week had passed since the last time I met Yuri and I hadn't talked to her since the 'almost kiss' incident. My life had gone back to its normal routine but I couldn't deny that I missed her a little more every day.

I had started my new job as her official stalker. There wasn't a day that passed without me opening that virtual world, but to my disappointment, there was no update from her account. She couldn't find out that I was stalking her, right?

Every time my mind went frantic from those thoughts, I tried to tell myself that she just had many preparations to wrap up with. She just had no time to text or call me. But what if she decided to handle the preparations herself and keep a distance from me? The thought itself brought a sharp pain in my heart.

I sighed and flipped the files on my desk to divert my thought.

I had started working in Dad's company since last week. It's not long-term job; I was just helping because my parents were going on a business trip for a month. It's been good to have something to work on although there weren't too many things I could do here other than disturbing Ms. Seo, his secretary. At least surrounded by a lot of people was much better than being alone at home.


It was lunch time when I went down to the cafeteria. I was too lazy to go out and eat at the nearby restaurant alone.

I couldn't call Donghae because the new health program kept him busy at hospital nowadays, while I hadn't met Krystal since the family dinner. I didn't know whether she was still mad at me, and I didn't want to find it out. There would be a day when she would come back and pretend like nothing ever happened between us. It's only a matter of days, I believed.

As soon as I sat down at the table, regret approached me instantly. This cafeteria's menu was never as good as restaurants and my appetite disappeared in a second. I sighed in frustration and just spent my lunch time staring at the badly shaped meat on my plate when suddenly I felt the vibration on the table.

I glanced at my phone next to my tray reluctantly but I almost broke the seat when I jumped to pick up my phone.

"Hello" I sat up straight and picked the phone, ignoring the curious stare from the other employees inside the cafeteria.

"Hello Yoona, are you busy today?" Yuri's voice on the other line asked me.

"Not really."

"We have an appointment to fit your wedding dress, do you have a time for it?"

"I think I can spare my time for it," I answered as calmly as possible, trying to hide my already building up excitement

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in my dad's company."

"Do you mind if I pick you up right now?"

"No, I don't mind."

"Good. I'll be there in half an hour"

As soon as I hung up the phone, I walked straight to the secretary office to inform my leave for today. I didn't get any problem and got permission very soon. I could even see Ms.Seo smiling brightly as I announced my departure. It seemed like she didn't like me that much. Well, at least she could take a little break after being disturbed by me all the week.


I had forgotten that I haven't even had lunch when Yuri picked me up and we immediately left the building to the bridal salon. I noticed something was different because Yuri seemed guarded the whole way to our destination. She seemed nervous but I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to seem too creepy by asking such a little gesture.

My curiosity answered as soon as we reached a glamorous bridal salon with soft pink as dominant colours. A petite woman opened the glass door for me and I heard someone dropped whatever she was holding on the floor. "Yoona?"

A shocked faces inside the room shifted their view from whatever they were doing to look at me and Yuri, who was still standing in the doorway.

"Taeyeon unnie?" I looked at the faces that I had not seen for some times, which I realized as Yuri's childhood friends and they all seemed as surprised as me.

"Omo! Are you really Yoona? Im Yoona?" Taeyeon unnie held my arms and dragged me in. She still examined me as she didn't believe her own eyes but a cold voice behind her got my full attention.

"Wow! The long lost princess is coming back, huh?" Sooyoung crossed her arms over her chest in a decidedly defensive manner. She was standing behind Taeyeon with the most unfriendly face while there was still another woman; she was sitting on chair in middle of the room. She casted me a bored look before turning her attention back to magazine on her hand as if I was not that important to be greeted. I soon recognize her as Jessica Jung.

The discomfort surged into my chest from this unfamiliar place when another woman appeared from another room and gave me a warm eye smile that eased the tension.

"Welcome to Tiffany's Bridal Salon, Yoona." Tiffany greeted me.

"What is she doing here?" Sooyoung asked Tiffany and I felt Yuri's movement as she was standing beside me now.

"Yoona is my client and she is here to fitting her wedding dress. She's getting married in four months."

The announcement seemed to surprise everyone in the room except for Tiffany and I wondered if Yuri had told her before. Then why didn't she tell me about this meeting?

"Wow... should I be happy for this news?" Sooyoung asked sarcastically, apparently still not satisfied with insulting me and I felt my emotions flaring up. I didn't do anything wrong to her to deserve this annoying greeting.

"You don't have to." I forced a stoic expression, trying to subdue the anger that was pulsing through my veins.

"That's good, because I absolutely don't want to." She shrugged nonchalantly and I was about to shoot back when Tiffany interrupted us.

"Yoona please follow me... I'll show you my wedding dress collection."

My mind was still a mess. I didn't know what I should do at this point so I just let Tiffany lead me to another room.

This situation was so hard to understand, because I was still not ready to meet them again.

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x