Chapter 12

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[CONTENTID2] Yoona shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot in front of Yuri's apartment door, uncertain about what to do other than to stare at the guy next to Yuri.

Just a few hours ago she was excited about visiting Yuri, so proud of herself to finally have the guts and make the first step to mend their strained friendship but the surprised expression on Yuri's face made her question whether this was a good decision to even start.

"Yoona, what are you doing here?"

Yoona tore her eyes away from the guy and faced Yuri who was standing in front of her now. She lifted the plastic bags in both of her hand, trying to answer as cheerful as possible even though the excitement already gone, "I brought you food!"

"You brought me food?"

"Yeah, dinner! I want to have dinner with you." Yoona shivered lightly at the possessiveness in her own voice but didn't let her face show it, making sure that the guy heard it instead. They were about to have dinner together, just both of them without him.

"You should call first before coming next time," Yuri responded, and when she noticed the dejected look on Yoona's face, she added softly and full of concern, "I can be outside when you're visiting and I don't want you to wait me too long like this."

"Alright, I will make sure to call you next time," Yoona smiled, as she felt a pair of eyes linger on both of them, watching their interaction with interest. The guy seemed very relaxed; there were no sign that he felt like outsider and for some reasons his ease bothered Yoona more than she liked to admit.

"I think I have to leave now," Minho announced after few moments, drawing back Yuri's attention to him.

"Alright, thank you for sending me home," Yuri gave him genuine smile before offered him a handshake that he gladly accepted.

"You're very welcome and good night Yuri."

"Good night Minho," Yuri stayed there for awhile until Minho disappeared from their sight before focusing her attention back to Yoona again. A small smile plastered on her face. "Let's come in."

"Who is he?" Yoona couldn't stop herself from asking as soon as Yuri's apartment door being closed.

"A friend," Yuri answered as she switched on the light to brighten the room before walked to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. Yoona still trailed her from behind.

"Close friend?" Yoona asked curiously as she placed plastic bags filled foods on kitchen counter.

"Not really. We just met today." Yuri replied simply, gaining a surprised expression from Yoona in return.

"You mean... he is a friend you just know few hours ago?"

Yuri shrugged her shoulders in response, lifting her glass to take another sip of the water in her hand and, as if it was a confirmation that what she said was true, Yoona muttered irritatingly, "And he already sent you home."

"Why not? He is nice guy." Yuri wiped the last drop of water from her lips.

"How do you know?" Yoona asked. Her tone came out a little bit harsher than she'd intended, so Yoona quickly added, "Didn't you always tell me to be careful of strangers?"

"My feeling tells me that he is nice person," Yuri answered, rather matter of factly and Yoona felt a sudden flash of annoyance surged through her. Yuri had always been very careful and cautious to strangers, and what made Minho different?

"How could you be so sure about that?"

Yuri sighed at Yoona's never ending questions so she put down the glass on the table and turned to look at Yoona. The younger had an expectant expression on her face, as if she was desperate for Yuri to answer her. One of her eyebrows lifted higher than the other, while her lips pursed just slightly. She looked so cute at that moment it was almost painful to stare at.

"I.. I don't know," Yuri looked away quickly, feeling her cheeks getting warm. She inhaled deeply to steady her breathing, obviously trying to compose herself and formulate a proper sentence. And when she was finally calmed down, she continued, "I just trust him okay? It's.. it's just nice feeling when there is someone care enough about you. The feeling of being noticed by guy..."

Yuri bit her tongue and swallowed the rest of her statement. It was not entirely a lie, part of her pride as a woman wanted to be noticed by guy. However, it was not entirely true either, because she did not fully enjoy it, at least not in romantically way. She believed that Minho was a good guy to be friends with, but she didn't have thoughts to go beyond it. It was just not her, but Yoona didn't need to know that so Yuri chose to let her words hang in the air and sat down on the barstool at the kitchen counter instead.

"You're talking as if there was no guy that have ever noticed you before," Yoona joined Yuri on barstool.

"That's true. I had never been close with guy before. Even back then when we were still in high school, every guy noticed you, not me."

It had been said casually, without envy laced in Yuri's voice. She always knew that Yoona was popular among guys even when they were in high school, and it never bothered her once instead, Yuri was genuinely happy for that because she knew Yoona deserve those attention. She was pretty, sweet and smart. She was fashionable, always dressed well and cute like princess, a typical of dream girl every guy wanted to be with.

"What about Je-hoon?" Yoona suddenly asked, discomfort evident on her face. And the question shocked Yuri because they had never talked about that guy since the incident that night. "Didn't you two date once?"

"I never dated him," Yuri interjected quickly and it was Yoona's turn to get surprised. She still remembered when Jee-hoon went around the school, telling everyone that Yuri was his girlfriend. And Yoona still could feel the unbearable pain that left inside her.

"You went out with him," Yoona said stubbornly as she looked up at Yuri through suddenly sad eyes. "You even lied to me just so you can go out with him."

Yoona let out nervous laugh when the words tasted bitter in but Yuri shook her head firmly.

"He forced me to go out with him. I never dated him," Yuri explained carefully, knowing that it was a sensitive subject to talk about.

There was a short period of silence after that, where the only thing that could be heard was their racing heartbeat, as Yuri gave Yoona her time and let the information sink in.

"What- What do you mean with you never dated him?" Yoona was having a deadpan expression in her face; she was even more surprised than before. "I mean... why did you never tell me?"

"Did you ever give me the chance to explain?" Yuri chuckled and Yoona looked down in embarrassment.

"I-uh..." Yoona's cheeks flushed and she wasn't able to utter a single word as their past flashed though her eyes. She regretted and was also ashamed with her heavy reaction every time Yuri came closer and tried to give her explanation.

Yuri let out a sigh as she grabbed the plastic bags on the countertop.

"I'm starving, can we eat now?" Yuri asked Yoona, her voice was soft without any accusation.

"I bought takoyaki." The smile was coming back to Yoona's face as she saw Yuri's face light up at the foods in front of them.

"I haven't eaten it for awhile now," claimed Yuri, smiling ear to ear as their attention was fully at the food now.

"Good, because I bought quite a lot for both of us," informed Yoona cheerfully, and when Yuri's eyes widen at realization of how much food Yoona bought for them, Yoona burst out into laughter.

It felt like a weight had been taken from her shoulders, not fully yet but surely. And if there was something she was really grateful for, it was her decision to visit Yuri. Because the truth about Jee-hoon and Yuri would never be revealed if she didn't make a move.



The sound of laughter blended in with noise of music inside the packed fancy ballroom. The birthday girl was standing in the corner, all dressed up in white. She casted a look around in search of someone familiar among the scattered groups of teenagers that were busy dancing and talking to each other. In fact, she found that none of those people were remotely close enough to be called as friend and just suddenly, she felt so lonely surrounded by those acquaintances.

Everyone who attended her birthday party complimented her. They were talking about how cool she was to be able to hold a fancy birthday party. They envied her, they wished for the same party for their upcoming birthday but none of those compliments pleased her.

Everything was fake, their smiles was fake, their kindness was fake, even their greetings were fake. And once this night was over, people would only remember the luxury of this party. Everyone would talk about how big and fancy her birthday cake was and how expensive her dress might be, but none of them will remember how she truly felt, none of those people that really know her.

There was only one person who really knew her better than herself and she wondered where she was right now, when she need her the most.

"What took you so long?" the girl asked impatiently. Her right hand held her phone close to her ear, trying to hear through the noise of the music.

"I'm sorry Krystal, I don't think I can attend your party," Another girl's voice could be heard on the other side. She spoke quickly and seemed to be in a hurry.

"What? But why?"

"I just got a phone call from Yuri's mom. Yuri is running a fever right now and her mom is still working. I have to go to her home and take care of her," Yoona explained, her voice filled with regret now but it didn't make Krystal feel any better.

She had been waiting Yoona to come. Yoona was the only family that cared enough about her, the only family that promised her to attend her birthday party when her parents were abroad and busy with their business.

"But this is my birthday!"

"I know. I will send my gift to your home."

"Can't you stop by even just for a minute?" Krystal asked desperately, almost pleading.

"Sorry but Yuri needs me now."

Krystal almost screamed and said that she needed Yoona too, as much as Yuri needed her, but her pride didn't let her to say those words so she swallowed it instead.

"I hate you!" Krystal yelled, her voice climbing to a volume she had never reached before.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go now."

Krystal heard the sound of the phone being disconnected, along with her shattered heart. And immediately her so called sweet seventeen party didn't seem so 'sweet' anymore.

end of flashback.


Krystal parked her car a block from the Central Park. After grabbing her towel from the passenger seat, she got out her car, reluctantly shut the car door and clicked the key fob to lock it. It was weekend but she decided to wake up early and jog around the park, something she had never done before. It was way too early in the morning for Kyrstal Jung to start her activity but she needed fresh air to clear her mind and something to stop herself from thinking too much.

It has been a week since her last meeting with Yuri but the imagine of the woman's face still bothered her. Sometimes she asked if she had gone too far, but whenever the doubt appeared, Krystal threw away the guilt and told herself that Yuri did not deserve good treatment. That woman had taken Yoona from her.

Before getting to know Yuri, Yoona shared most of her time with Krystal. They spent their childhood together, and Yoona always there when Krystal felt lonely. But everything started to change when Yoona knew Yuri. Yoona's attention was only to Yuri, even the only few chances she shared with Yoona always spent by hearing Yoona talk about Yuri. Yuri, Yuri and always Yuri. She hated that name, as she hated the woman until now.

Krystal took a deep breath before starting her jog through the park, while her mind was occupied with thoughts of Yoona. She remember how much she idolized her cousin. She used to hold a great admiration for Yoona until the day she found out that her cousin had a crush on a girl. The admiration turned into disappointment, and she blamed Yuri for it.

Krystal kept jogging for a good half-hour before deciding to walk into the nearby cafe where she used to visit. There were only a few customers in the morning; some of them having coffee while the others enjoyed their breakfast. Krystal ordered a cup of caramel macchiato before took a seat in the corner of the cafe.

She was wiping the sweat off her forehead, trying to cool down after the jog when she heard someone called her name.

"Krystal Jung?"

Krystal turned towards the source of the sound lazily, not expecting to meet someone so early in the morning. The guy was standing a few feet away from her seat, smiling.

"Who are you?" Krystal gave him a questioning look.

"You don't remember me?"

"Should I remember you?" Krystal asked amusingly, not caring if it sounded rough, but the guy didn't seem to be offended.

"I am Minho, we attended the same high school," the guy explained casually as he waited for Krystal to gain back a piece of her old memories.

"Choi Minho?" Krystal finally said, surprising herself with how smooth the name came out from . She had never remembered her classmates name, not like she ever tried to remember it.

"I'm glad you remember," Minho pointed at the vacant seat in front of Krystal, before asking her permission to sit down. "Can I?"

"Will you still leave if I say no?"

Instead of being taken back from the question, Minho's smile grew wider as he took the seat. "Still the same sarcastic Krsytal Jung."

Krystal ignored the comment and took a sip of her caramel macchiato when Minho asked again. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Krystal answered shortly before turning her attention to her cup again. She wished that by ignoring him, Minho would feel uncomfortable and leave, but there was no indication that he would move from his seat soon.

"What are you doing here in early morning?" Krystal asked, finally giving in with her plan to ignore Minho.

"This is my cafe," Minho informed simply while Krystal raised both of her eyebrows in surprise.

"Nice business. You didn't go to college?" Krystal launched another question, deciding it would be the last question. If this guy wanted to stay, then she will be the one that leave.

"I was never interested in studying. I went to work after graduating from high school," Minho explained nonchalantly, before turning his attention back at Krystal, "How about you?"

"I am studying Business Administration," Krystal answered shortly.

She grabbed her phone on the table, ready to leave when Minho commented, "That's good."

"It's not good!" Krystal disagreed harshly, shocking Minho with her sudden exclamation. Krystal took a deep breath when she realized that few customers started to look at their direction, and she said in rather lower voice, "I have to go."

"You look uncomfortable," Minho assumed, stopped Krystal from moving.

"Really? How can you say that?"

"Because you answered my question as if it was a disappointing thing. You didn't show passion or happiness when you told me about the subject you

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x