Chapter 25

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“So what happen to you after they found us?” Yoona asked Yuri, the two of them sitting on the sofa inside Minho's apartment. Yoona‘s head was buried against Yuri‘s shoulder and she tilted her head slightly to meet Yuri’s confused gaze.

“You mean the day at the beach?”


“Honestly when I saw they electrocuted you like that, I went berserk,” Yuri answered, squinting her eyes as she tried to recall the bitter memory. “I tried to break away from their grips and reach you but I'm just a girl, and they knocked me out easily.”

Yoona sighed, feeling Yuri’s fingers brushed against the back of her hand tenderly where it lay on her lap.

“I woke up in a unfamiliar bedroom with my whole body aching. I tried to escape but the door was locked and I couldn't go anywhere,” Yuri continued.

“Did he... did he go to see you? Did he hurt you?” Yoona half-asked, her voice hesitant as though she was afraid of the answer but Yuri shook her head in reassurance.

“No, your father didn’t come nor hurt me,” Yuri said, wrapping her arm around Yoona’s shoulder securely. “There was only one guard I ever talked to. He was in charge of delivering food to me twice a day. And he also told me that I must remain there until the wedding procession was over before they could release me.” Yuri stopped to take a deep breath before she continued truthfully, “I thought I was going crazy when he told me about the wedding. I was so afraid that you will give in and accept the marriage. I couldn't explain how broken I felt that time.”

Yuri paused for a moment to look at Yoona who was quiet; her head hung low.

“And I did accept it,” Yoona admitted regretfully. “Krystal tried to stop me but I just couldn’t risk your safety. I could not bear the thought that you were being hurt.”

At this, Yuri shook her head vigorously. “I prefer getting hurt physically than to know that you married someone else,” she said as she looked at Yoona’s guilty face, tear threatening to spill over her features.

“I’m so sorry,” Yoona said hurriedly, bringing Yuri into a hug, her finger grasping onto the back of the top she was wearing desperately.

Yuri reciprocated by wrapping her hands around Yoona’s waist gently. She sighed. “It’s okay, the most important thing is you’re here now.” Yuri caressed Yoona’s back soothingly. Yoona responded with burying her head into the crook of Yuri’s neck as they stayed like that for a while until the noise from the kitchen broke their comfortable silence.

“I’m sorry to disturb you,” Minho was standing on the kitchen doorway awkwardly as he just witnessed their interaction.
“It’s lunchtime, and I would be very happy if you are willing to have lunch with us,” he explained. Yoona noticed white apron tied around his waist and also a complaining sound from her stomach.

“It sounds good,” she answered with a smile of gratitude. She stood up and held out her hand which Yuri took gladly as they followed Minho to the dining room.

Krystal was arranging plates neatly on the dining table when they got in and she beamed at them. “Minho cooked all this,” she informed, not able to keep the admiration out of her voice.

“I can see why you run the cafe now,” Yuri complimented as she took a seat next to Yoona.

Krystal took a seat in front of them while Minho walking to cabinet to get a bottle of wine. “Don't compliment me before you actually taste my foods,” he answered sheepishly as he poured wine into their glass before sat down next to Krystal.

The moment Yuri took the first bite of her food, she knew that the compliment was given for a reason and she knew Yoona agreed with her from the way she ate. Everyone seemed to enjoy the lunch until Yoona cleared .

She reached Yuri’s hand before turned her eyes to look directly at Minho. “Um, Minho-shi, I really thank you for saving Yuri,” Yoona said.

Minho offered a supportive smile. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I can help.”

“You know, I'm still curious how you saved her,” Krystal chimed in the conversation, her eyes focused on Minho.

“Do not think that I was so great at fighting or such because I just called the police for help,” Minho smirked.

“You did?” Krystal asked in disbelief.

“Yes,” Minho confirmed, playing the glass of wine in his hand as he recollected his thought. “The car you asked me to follow lead me to the rest house that surrounded by half dozen of guys. And when I came to realization that I was outnumbered, I called for police help and sure enough, we found Yuri in a locked room.”

Silence fell upon the table as they seemed to be in their own thought.

“I really can't thank you enough for all the help you had given us,” Yuri said this time while Yoona nodded in approval, but Minho waved his hand dismissively.

“Just make sure you two take care of each other from now and live happily. That will be enough,” Minho replied genuinely, but felt someone was studying him. He turned his head to meet Krystal’s gaze, who was looking at him with a mixed expression.

“What?” he asked awkwardly.

“Can you be more charming?” Krystal asked, making Yoona choke on her food.

Minho’s eyes grew wide in surprise and his face turned as red as a tomato. It felt like he was trying to find the best response when Krystal’s phone rang.

Krystal took out her phone in annoyance. "Excuse me," she said as she walked away from dining room as Yoona and Yuri exchanged meaningful glance at the moment they just witnessed. Smile formed in their faces as they knew they have same thought.

It didn't take long for Krystal to return to dining room, but she was wearing a completely opposite expression from the one she had when she left.

"Umm .. it's your mom," she told to Yoona who seemed to unfazed with news.

"I don’t want to talk to her," Yoona said curtly but Krystal pressed on.

"She seemed so panicked. She said that Uncle was arrested by the police some time ago. It seems like she's at the police station right now."

"Oh my God, this must because my kidnapping report,” Minho gasped, just realizing the effect of his report. His real intention for involving police was only to save Yuri but he should have known that his report wouldn’t go without further investigation.

"Just let it be! He deserved it," Yoona’s cold voice cut the air as she crossed her arms stubbornly but Yuri looked at her in disapproval.

"He is your father, Yoong."

"That does not change anything. He had done something bad to you, and I can’t forgive him for that," Yoona fumed.

"But I have forgiven him," Yuri said so calmly that Yoona shot her a ‘are you kidding me’ look.

"How can you forgive him after what he has done to you?" Yoona asked in disbelief but apparently Yuri had made up her mind. She turned around to Minho.

"Minho, can you come along with us? I need you to withdraw the report," she said as she stood up, ignoring the disapproving look Yoona gave her.

"All right, I’ll do it if that’s what you want,” Minho answered uneasily, glancing at Yoona who still looked at them with a hard expression. But when the other three walked out the dining room, she sighed in defeat and followed them.


Yoona was so upset she didn’t say single word during their journey to police station, and she still refused to talk when they got off the car. Even the sight of her mother, shaking on the bench of the station, didn’t soften her heart.

"Honey!” Mrs. Im dashed toward Yoona as soon as she spotted her daughter. “Oh thank God you came! I was so scared," she cried as she hugged her daughter who seemed to have no intention in hugging her back.

"I’m just here because Yuri insisted on coming," Yoona said in very monotonous tone as Yuri approached them and bowed at Mrs. Im. “Where is Mr. Im?" she ask

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x