Chapter 15

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[CONTENTID2] Droplets of rain fell dully against the busy road of New York City. Crowds of pedestrians walked passed one another in a hurry, wrapping their bodies in some sort of thick coat to avoid the chilly winds while another hand clutched their umbrellas tightly. Taxis passed by the sidewalk of the busy street hastily; some honked their horns at other cars or pedestrian that blocked their path. Everyone moved quickly, as if moving at a slower pace would ruin their busy schedule.

It was funny how everything seemed in contrast with this woman's situation. She had been leaning her slim, lithe frame against cold glass windows, staring through the streak of water for too long. There was no expression on her face; there wasn't even the slightest movement.

It was not like she forgot her intention of coming here. She knew well she didn't come here just to lock herself inside hotel room. She knew should change, she should get ready for the family banquet that would be held in great hall. She knew Donghae's and her big family were waiting to meet her excitedly. She knew today, for the first time, both of their big families would be met. However, she couldn't find even a glimmer of excitement for tonight's event.

Sighing heavily, she closed her eyes in an attempt to find a piece of peacefulness through this solitude, but her effort yielded another flow of tears instead. The salty water was familiar to her lately. She had drowned in it for so many times in the week since coming back from Oedo Island.

She remembered that night vividly. It was supposed to be an incredible night for her, when she finally confessed to the woman in her dream, when she finally held the woman in her arms, kissing her, pouring their feelings out. But the night turned out like a nightmare when Yoona woke up feeling guiltier than ever.

The realization about their circumstance and the risk they would face dawned on her. She felt fear; a greatest fear she had never felt in her lifetime. She ended up running away before Yuri woke up, leaving Yuri without a single note. She had been avoiding every attempt Yuri made to talk to her. She had been in denial, wishing everything would go back to normal itself. But it never did! Things wouldn't go back to normal anymore because everything in her life felt wrong, broken, and she didn't know where to start piecing things back together, or... maybe she just didn't know how to put it back without hurting someone, without feeling guilty.

A light knock on her door disturbed her thought, followed by the inevitable sound of the door being opened. Yoona wiped her tears with the sleeve of her sweater quickly before turning her head towards the visitor. Her fiancé, Donghae, was standing in the doorway, already dressed in the black tuxedo they had picked out. She didn't even remember that last night they went shopping for today's special banquet.

"Why are you has not dressed yet?" Donghae asked in surprise as he closed the door behind. He walked closer to meet his fiancée's face but Yoona swiftly avoided his gaze and looked down to the floor instead.

"I will go change now," Yoona said in very small voice.

"The banquet will start in half an hour," he glanced at his wristwatch, looking at Yoona with mixture of annoyance and panic on his face.

"I'll make it quick," Yoona responded irritatingly, feeling angry all of sudden. She already had those mood swings for a week, and she could hardly control them.

Trying to subdue her annoying feeling, Yoona started to walk to the huge wardrobe at the corner of the room but Donghae could easily catch her red eyes when Yoona walked past him.

"Are you okay?"  Donghae asked in concern. He followed Yoona's steps and tried to shorten their distance but once again, Yoona backed away. She couldn't stay close to him without feeling guilty, without feeling dirty, without feeling angry to herself.

"I wish people could stop asking me that!" Yoona snapped as she opened the wardrobe.

"You've been acting weird since we came back from Oedo Island," muttered Donghae and that was enough to infuriate Yoona. She didn't need any reminder of that mistake and now she couldn't hold it anymore. She slammed her wardrobe door hard as she turned towards Donghae's direction, who was now looking at his fiancée in shock. They rarely argued and he could help but feel nervous when he saw Yoona in such anger.

"Can you even name what makes me act weird?"

"I... I don't know," Donghae answered hesitantly, feeling embarrassed suddenly as he couldn't even tell what's make everything seem so wrong lately. He had been so caught up in his work all this time he barely paid attention to his fiancée.

"Yeah, you don't know, so please stop saying I'm acting weird because I am not!" Yoona turned back to her wardrobe but Donghae caught her wrist and swung her around so she was facing him again.

"Can you please at least look at me when we're talking?"

Yoona wriggled in the grip, trying to free herself but only making Donghae tighten his hold.

"Get off me!"

"I will if only you will calm down."

"I said get off me!" Yoona yelled. She turned furious instead and kept struggling to get loose, causing Donghae to lose his patience. He pushed Yoona backward, pinning Yoona tightly against the wardrobe.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked desperately, his deep eyes boring into Yoona's but Yoona looked away again. He sighed in frustration. "It is only a month before we get married and you still don't fully involve me in your life."

The amount of hurt in his voice seemed to bring back Yoona's sense. She looked calmer as she stopped wriggling. She just leaned her back against the wall, feeling her heart cramping and aching just picturing their wedding.

"I'm sorry." Yoona mouthed slowly. "I... I am just nervous."


"I'm nervous about our wedding," Yoona answered as she closed her eyes. Lies come out so easily nowadays.

At least Donghae's expression softened. He loosened his grip on Yoona's wrist as his right hand caressed Yoona's cheek gently.  "You shouldn't. You know Yuri is taking care of it."

Yoona winced slightly at the mention of the name. A bitter feeling surged back into her chest so fast she could feel tears form in her eyes again. Luckily at the same moment Donghae let her go and said, "We only have ten minutes before the banquet starts. I will wait for you outside."

The door closed soon enough and Yoona felt herself sink down to the floor in frustration. It was going to be another long and tiring night full of pretending.



A stream of gray clouds rolled over; continuously shape shifting at the daytime sky. Yuri sighed softly against the window of Mercedes Benz, watching the dull sight moving along above them.

"... and we still need to call the caterer to make sure they have estimated enough food and drinks for guests," Hyoyeon who was sitting next to Yuri went on. "I think I can take care of this if you give me their guest list."

As she finished, Hyoyeon turned her head from a notebook on her lap to look into Yuri's direction, waiting for a response that seemed to never come.

"Are you listening, Yuri?"

"No, she is not," Taemin answered as he leaned his back on the seat, his hand still holding the steering wheel. His eyes were still fixed on red light, wanting nothing more than being free from the traffic jam and driving them back to their office as soon as possible.

"What happened to her?"

Taemin shrugged; he was as clueless as Hyoyeon. "She had been like this since we were back from Oedo."

"Did she eat something wrong there?"

"Maybe our conversation had unsettled her."

Hyoyeon arched a brow. She wasn't sure whether Taemin was being serious or just joking but she still asked, "What did you say to her?"

"I said she might end up as lonely spinster," Taemin chuckled but he got sharp look from Yuri in reply.

"I am just tired," Yuri chimed in; fully aware that was the first sentence that came out from since they got into the car. It was not the first time she spaced out like this in a week. She felt bad for ignoring her co-workers but Hyoyeon patted her shoulder in reassurance.

"That's okay, we're all exhausted. There are so many weddings to prepare this few months."

Hyoyeon was right. They were busier than ever nowadays but deep down her heart, Yuri doubt that was the reason of her fatigue. She barely had peaceful sleep lately, could hardly concentrate on work, and found no appetite to eat. It was almost like being trapped in a lifeless body and soul.


When the three of them got in the elevator to their office, Taemin and Hyoyeon started to discuss work again, while Yuri just stood next to them, rubbing her temple absetmindlessly. But instead of feeling left out of the conversation, she strangely appreciated the space they gave her. She just wanted to reach their office, finish her tasks and go back to her apartment soon. However, her plan was forgotten when she found the woman that had been appearing in her dream for a week standing in front of her office door.

"Hello Yoona-ssi," called Taemin as Yoona turned to their direction. "Coming here to check your wedding preparations, huh?"

Taemin and Hyoyeon bowed at Yoona but Yuri was glued in her place, unsure what to do. Her heart stared to race from the unexpected visit and she could only stare at Yoona who was walking closer to her now.

"Can we talk?" Yoona asked in a wavering voice. She was wearing a simple white shirt with a black blazer and blue jeans that gave her a relaxed and casual impression but the black circles around her eyes told another story.

"Let's talk inside," Taemin offered kindly as he started to walk toward their office door but he was stopped by Hyoyeon who seemed to notice the tension between their client and Yuri.

"This is lunch time. Let's go get our lunch first before finishing our work," Hyoyeon said as she urged Taemin to follow her.

As her co-workers were out of sight, Yuri finally moved her legs, opening her office door to let Yoona in.

"Do you... want some coffee?" Yuri offered in a would-be casual voice but her heart did horrible somersaults inside her chest.

"Yes, please."

"Alright, wait a minute." Yuri approached the corner of the room and poured the dark hot liquid into the cups. She could feel her hand tremble slightly as she held the tray and put it on the table, joining Yoona who had been sitting on the couch. "There you are."

Yoona muttered her thanks in a small voice as she lifted up the cup to her lips, sipping it carefully. In front of her, Yuri was shifting in her seat nervously.

"So... how are you?" asked Yuri awkwardly, in attempt of making conversation.

"Good," Yoona answered as she put the cup down on the table and shifted her gaze to meet Yuri's. She looked more composed than the older as she said, "We need to talk... about us."

"Alright," Yuri nodded, her pulse quickening even faster than before. She had tried her best to reach Yoona several times but always got shut down by the latter. Now that she started to feel hopeless, Yoona just suddenly reappeared in front of

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x