Chapter 13

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Yoong : I'm cooking!

Yul : Seriously? I didn't know you can cook, XD

Yoong : Yah, at least I'm learning. Give me a little appreciation.

Yul : I can't appreciate you before I taste it myself.

Yoong : Wanna try my food? ;)

Yul : Mmmm...

Yul : Okay! :-D

Yoong : Yay~ Will be there at lunch time!

Yul : Make it good :p

Yoona smiled broadly as she put down her phone on kitchen counter, and turned her attention back to the half-filled lunch box that was being arranged by her. She just needed to finish her tamagoyaki before taking a bath and going to see Yuri.

Her relationship with Yuri had taken a turn for the better in last few days, and Yoona couldn't be happier with the progress they made. They hadn't gotten involved in any tense situations since returning from the cemetery. They spent more time together, hanging out, or just contacting each other by simple phone calls or texts and Yoona took it as a good sign for their renewed friendship.

The most obvious thing Yoona could feel was the fact that Yuri had brought happiness back into her life. Now she could feel more happiness than she could ever remember experiencing in past few years. Now she could see a ray of hope in every day she was living in. She could feel the excitement of anticipating something new every morning she opened her eyes. It felt like Yuri had breathed life back in to her again; she was not just living anymore, but she was also alive. And Yoona was amazed by the fact that one person could change so many things in her life.

After battling with the frying pan and stove, Yoona finally put the last tamagoyaki into the lunch box, staring at her creation with satisfaction. Yoona was about to wrap the lunch box when she felt pair of hands slip through her waist, pulling her closer.

Donghae kissed Yoona on cheek, before resting his head on Yoona's shoulder.

"Why are you here?" Yoona asked, trying to not sound too shocked at the sudden appearance of her fiancé.

"I have the day off today," Donghae snuggled his nose into the crook of Yoona's neck, inhaling her scent as he mumbled, "I missed you so much."

A pang of guilt rose up inside Yoona at the confession as she could only stare at the lunch box on the table, not knowing how to respond him. They hadn't spent much time together lately because Donghae was really busy at hospital, and it was really ironic when she realized that she even forgot about Donghae's existence in her life for a while.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Donghae broke his back hug.

"I- I'm making lunch," Yoona stammered as she watched Donghae approached the neatly prepared lunch box.

"It smelled good," Donghae smiled as he eyed the food, "I don't know you're learning to cook."

"I just made it for fun," Yoona replied nervously. She was holding her breath the whole time Donghae examined her creation. His face lit up almost instantly when he walked back to Yoona, kissing her on lips that she trying so hard to reciprocate.

"You're so sweet," Donghae said when they parted their lips, "I'm so happy that you are really looking forward to our future."

Yoona had a dumbfounded look on her face as she tried to find the relation between learning cooking and their future but her heart hammered against her chest when she realized that Donghae had misunderstood her effort as her part of preparation for their future marriage life.

"Let's just eat it together, okay?" Donghae led Yoona to the table as he grabbed the chopstick, while Yoona could only watc Donghae eat the foods heart-wrenchingly.


"Are you okay?"

Yuri looked up to meet Hyoyeon who was sitting on seat in the other side of their office room. She was looking at Yuri curiously.

"I am," Yuri nodded her head in reassurance as she straightened up in her seat, not knowing how much her facial expression betrayed her.

"You've been pouting for an hour now," Hyoyeon stated simply as Yuri let out soft sigh, quite surprised with the fact that her mood visibly showed across her face.

"Nah... It's just work stuff," Yuri dismissed it, wishing that her friend would believe and stop asking. And it seemed quite convincing because Hyoyeon turned her attention back to her computer screen.

Yuri glanced briefly at her phone on the top of the table. It had been an hour since Yoona sent her last text and apologized because she could not visit Yuri. And Yuri tried her hardest to tell herself that it was not a big deal. It was normal for Yoona to have lunch with her fiancé, who will marry her soon. But somehow, the disappointment still gnawed her stubbornly.

"I have to go," Yuri said finally, holding a pile of documents in her hand while grabbing her purse with another hand. "I'll be really busy and won't be back here anymore for today so make sure you check on everything before you leave office."

Hyoyeon nodded her head in response and Yuri left the room, walking out the building. She still had a couple appointments with her clients, which was good because it would distract her from the unnecessary disappointment that filled her chest.

It was admittedly freezing outside with a thin layer of white frost that covered the parking lot, while the snowflakes fell effortlessly from the sky. Yuri fastened her pace, got into her car quickly and drove away through the cold air.

Apparently, Yuri's plan really worked out, because her clients kept her busy and hardly gave her time for breaks. Surely being a wedding planner was not an easy task, because she was dealing with varied clients and Yuri tried to show professionalism, by listened to their complaints, providing suggestions and gave them her best advice. But it still gave her huge headaches when the preparation did not go as planned, and today was one of those days.


It was already dark outside when Yuri finally set her feet back in her apartment. She felt light-headed as she dragged her extremely exhausted body to her living room and collapsed on her couch, not even bothering to take off her heels. Her muscles instantly relaxed into the soft material of couch. Maybe she could take a nap for an hour before move to her bed, but her thought was shattered by the sound of her doorbell.

Couldn't she have short break? Half-heartedly, Yuri got up and walked to open the door, and found Yoona standing two feet away from her.

"Hi," Yoona smiled sheepishly. Her body was engulfed by a massive winter coat but Yuri still noticed that she was trembling slightly from the cold weather.

"Hi Yoong, please come in," Yuri tried to smile despite being completely drained of energy. She swung the door open to let Yoona in.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it," Yoona referred back to their lunch plan as she walked in while Yuri closed the door and followed her. They were walking into living room when Yoona turned around, lifting her hand to show stainless steel food container. "Have you eaten? I brought you dinner instead."

"I haven't eaten yet," Yuri answered, just realizing that she hadn't eaten anything yet. And only then, when her stomach let out a small growl did she realized how hungry she was.

"Let's eat together then!"

Yuri followed Yoona who already walked into kitchen. She was trying to keep the distance between them with hope that Yoona didn't hear the embarrassing sound that came from her stomach but she was startled when Yoona stopped moving all of sudden.

"Yul?" Yoona put down the container on the kitchen counter and turned back to focus on Yuri who was standing a few steps from her.


"Are you okay?" Yoona asked, her eyebrows furrowing in concern as she looked at Yuri's pale face.

"Yes, I am okay," Yuri answered nervously but Yoona could sense that something was wrong so she walked closer to Yuri. She pressed her palm against Yuri's forehead but winced slightly from how hot Yuri's body temperature was.

"No you're not okay, you're so warm!" Yoona claimed as she eyed Yuri worriedly. "Did you eat seomething today?"

She knew that Yuri barely got sick because she has a good immune system. And she wondered how Yuri could run a high fever but instead of answering, Yuri sneezed in response.

"I...umm," Yuri was stammering as she saw Yoona's frown getting deeper.

"Today's weather was extremely cold, and you didn't eat anything!"

"I- I did have my breakfast."

"And it was almost past dinner time!"

"It will go away soon, trust me," Yuri tried to ensure Yoona, but she kept looking at Yuri disapprovingly. The dizziness was coming back and Yuri hardly found her balance.

"You have to rest Yul," Yoona said in anticipation, wasn't sure if she should help Yuri into bed, but a moment later she decided that Yuri was strong enough to walk to her bedroom. "Go lie down on your bed, I will prepare dinner for you."

"But- ," Yuri tried to protest but Yoona cut her off firmly.

"No buts Yul."

"Alright," Yuri sighed in defeat, too tired to argue.

Gathering the remainder of her strength, she walked into her bedroom and laid her exhausted body down on bed. She let out a contented sigh as soon as her head touched her pillow, glad to finally be lying on soft mattress.

Yuri stayed still for some minutes, trying to fight back the urge to close her eyelids and just drift away to dreamland. Yoona was making her f, she told herself as she kept herself awake.

"Luckily I brought soup. You must finish it before taking  medicine." Yoona finally appeared after ten minutes of waiting. She used her feet to shut the bedroom door while her hands were carrying a tray of food.

"I don't need medicine, I just need to rest," Yuri muttered softly but Yoona decided to ignore it and placed the tray at the nightstand next to Yuri's bed.
Yuri pushed herself up into a sitting position when Yoona sat down on the edge of the bed. The latter picked up the bowl, getting a spoonful of soup before softly blowing it.

"What are you doing?" Yuri asked clueless.

"Feeding you," Yoona answered, seeming to be very relaxed with the idea.

"I can eat by myself."

"Don't be stubborn and just open your mouth, will you?" Yoona held out the spoon to Yuri's lips who was looking at her intently.

After a moment of contemplation, Yuri finally opened and let Yoona feed her. She knew that her cheeks turned into a brighter red colour now, but she was sure it wasn't because of the fever anymore.

"You have to eat too." Yuri struck up conversation to ease her awkwardness.

"I will eat as soon as you finish yours," Yoona replied casually as she held out another spoon of soup toward Yuri. She made sure that Yuri finished her meal before taking medicine. Yuri still protested when Yoona put down the medicine on her palm but she couldn't defeat Yoona's determination.

"Okay, I will eat my dinner and wash dishes," Yoona said, satisfied when Yuri finally took the pill. "You just rest here. I'll be back."

Yoona put the now empty bowl down to the tray, and brought it out of the room. Yuri positioned herself back to her bed, feeling a bit better as now her empty stomach filled with food. The only problem was that now the drowsiness was coming back to her faster than before. The dizziness didn't help her either; her head spun and she could feel her eyelids get heavier and heavier until she couldn't take it anymore and her body gave into sleep.


When Yoona returned to Yuri's bedroom, Yuri had been in a deep sleep. Yoona came closer to check on her as she found a thin layer of sweat covered Yuri's face. Curious, Yoona placed her palm on Yuri's face once again, just to get Yuri's temperature increased.

Yuri was obviously running a very high fever, and Yoona got frantic, not knowing what should she do. She was really inexperienced with taking care of sick people, but she knew she couldn't just stood there while Yuri was running a very high fever. And then all of sudden she remembered that her mom used to put a compresser on her forehead whenever she was running a fever.

Yoona immediately ran into the kitchen, looking for a compresser inside the cabinet and aid box. Not being able to find a single one, Yoona finally took a clean towel in Yuri's closet, bundled the towel up into a compresser before dripping it with melted ice. She grabbed another clean towel to wipe the sweat off Yuri's face before placing the towel on Yuri's forehead.

Yuri let out a grunt in her sleep, and sometimes she would mumble incoherent words. It took an hour before Yuri's temperature decreased to normal body temperature and Yoona could feel relieved. Finally Yoona removed the towel. She brushed a few strand of stray hair from Yuri's face as she sat still for more minutes, watching Yuri's facial expression. The sleeping girl looked so peaceful in her sleep. She could feel the odd urge inside her as her hand moved unconsciously to Yuri's cheek. Her move was very cautious and slow, as if she was afraid any contact would wake up Yuri.

To be able to watch Yuri sleep was a big gift. She never expected she would get this chance again so her gazed remained transfixed on Yuri's face, absorbing the tiniest movements Yuri made, trying to imprint them in her memory.

And then Yoona noticed that nothing really changed over the years. Yuri still slept with her tongue sticking out. Yoona smiled at the realization, as her hand still caressed Yuri's cheek. She wasn't sure how much time passed until she finally gave up, laying her body next to Yuri, following her into dreamland.


Yoona woke up the next morning in a better sleeping position with a pillow under her head and a fluffy blanket covering her body. She buried her head into the soft pillow next to her, taking in the familiar scent that belonged to Yuri. It didn't take minutes for memory to come back to her.

Gaining back her energy, Yoona got up from the bed and walked in the kitchen where the pleasant smell of coffee filled the room. Yuri was standing on the kitchen counter with apron hanging around her neck, "Morning."

"Good morning," Yoona greeted back as she took a seat on the barstool, facing Yuri. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah, a lot better

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x