Chapter 16

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[CONTENTID2]The glow of her flat television screen illuminated the living room. The sound of a Christmas song came from the commercial break trying to lull Yoona to sleep, but the young woman found herself lying on the couch, fully awake. She didn't need to glance up at the clock to know it had passed midnight, but she still couldn't find her sleep. It had been happening this way lately, but at least tonight she could stretch her body on the couch instead of lying motionless in her bed.

She silently thanked her parents for going to another business trip. They had called her, apologizing for leaving her alone on Christmas Eve but Yoona couldn't be happier to be left alone. Their absence gave her space to breathe after a week full of enthusiastic chit-chat of her marriage that was getting closer.

Yoona was yawning into the sleeve of her sweater when she suddenly heard the sound from the front door. She tore her eyes away from the screen and sat up straight, getting alarmed as she tried to make sure the source of the sound was not part of her sleep-deprived hallucination. It was not proper timing to have guests and she was sure that she had locked all of the doors. And the sudden thought of the possibility of an intruder hit her, giving her instant panic.

"You are still up," came the heavy voice followed by the footsteps to living room that she soon recognized belong to her fiancé.

"Oh my god, you scared me half to death!" Yoona let out the breath she was holding as she stood up and approached him.

Donghae didn't respond to it, nor greet her with a kiss like they usually did as he just walked past her and flopped down on the couch. Yoona arched an eyebrow at his unusual behaviour but decided to not give second thought about it, not like she minded it.

Yoona joined him on the couch, her eyes examining the guy next to her. The light from the living room illuminated his face, giving Yoona better view of his features. His facial face was unusually dark and his gaze was unfocused, and Yoona could tell that he was half drunk. A faint smell of alcohol confirmed her thoughts.

"It's pretty late for a visit," Yoona said instead of asking.

"I don't know I have visiting hours to see my fiancée now," Donghae talked in voice that Yoona couldn't distinguish between mocking and joking, perhaps both of them.

"It's not like that. You are just rarely come at this hour," Yoona explained, trying to not openly showing her reluctance on his visit.

They rarely saw each other lately. Crazy hospital hours kept Donghae busy, while Yoona was more than happy to be left alone. It gave her more time to think, more time to let everything sink in that she needed to enjoy her few last days before being finally taken.

"I just go back from the club," Donghae spoke in a do-you-know tone.

Yoona nodded to let him know that she was listening, before Donghae spoke again in a higher tone, "You don't ask me who I was with?"

She gripped the leather of the couch in attempt to restrain her impatience. She had no slightest idea what he was trying to imply.

"Who were you with then?" Yoona asked despite her lack of interest.

"I went to the club with Dara."

Yoona  diverted her eyes to the television screen in front of them as she tried to find a glimpse of anger, maybe jealousy, or slight bitterness at the fact that her fiancé was hanging out with his ex few weeks before they get married, but the only thing she felt was emptiness.

"Oh," was the only word Yoona managed to say, never knowing that such simple word could infuriate her fiancé.

"Oh, just oh?" Donghae rose from the couch, his eyes boring into Yoona's with a mixture of hurt and disappointment that Yoona hated the most. She didn't like it when someone gave her a look as if she was some sort of disappointing person.

"How do you want me to react then?" Yoona stood up as well, feeling her own emotions build up rapidly.

"Your fiancé was spending the night with another woman at club and all you say is oh!" Donghae's voice climbed up even higher than before, "I guess you don't care at all, right?"

Having a fight two weeks before marriage was out of her plan, and the fact that Donghae was not in right state of mind stopped Yoona from shouting back. She took a deep breath instead, "Listen Donghae, I don't know what happened to you-"

Yoona's words were cut off when Donghae pulled out a faded picture from his pocket. There were two teenagers inside the picture. A skinny pale girl had her arms around the other girl with tanner skin and long black hair, both of them wearing high school uniforms.

"H-How did you get that?" Yoona seemed to freeze on her feet as she realized that the girls in that worn picture were Yuri and her. The picture was taken when they took part in a high school festival. Seeing how young and wide her smile inside the picture, it felt like it had been taken in another lifetime. She wondered, when was the last time she has those happy smile plastered on her face?

"Maybe the right question is why I never knew about it?" Donghae's voice snapped her back to reality of the situation. The betrayal on his face caused her heart to skip a beat. "Why you two pretend that you've never met before?"

Yoona's head was spinning around; it felt like she just been caught committing a crime.

"I... I can explain it," Yoona said, even though she knew nothing she said would make things better. Everything had been explained through the picture, the fact laid in front of them now that she had lied to him for years.

"I guess all of my suspicious before was right, then?" Donghae went on and Yoona was at a lack of words to respond. She could feel her heart beat faster than before. She wanted to deny it, she wanted to say it was a misunderstanding, but she couldn't. She couldn't deny it anymore.

"Do you think I don't know what you did at Oedo? I came to check you in your room at midnight and you're nowhere to be found. Where were you?" Donghae asked again. His mouth was set in a firm line, muscle in his jaw twitching angrily.

"It's not like what you thought!"

"Do you even know what I thought?" Donghae shouted as the air rippled with tension.

"I don't know, but whatever it was, it's not true."

"Right," Donghae scoffed. "It's not important what I thought though."

Yoona stood still as Donghae went on, "Do you think I didn't notice all those stealing glances and eyes contact? I just chose to pretend I don't know! I wish I was wrong, I let you did whatever you want with hope you will realize that we will get married soon and come back to me. But I don't see you will realize that."

Bitterness laced every word he spoke and Yoona felt her heart ache in a way that was excruciating. Her greatest fear had come true, that she would end up hurting both of them, Donghae and Yuri, and she didn't know how to fix things anymore.

"You're drunk right now, let's just talk about it tomorrow," Yoona tried to reach him but he backed away stubbornly.

"Don't try to run away anymore! Don't make me look more stupid than I already am!"

"I never mean to make you look stupid!"

"But you did! Thanks to Dara for opening my eyes."

And suddenly every piece of confusion that surrounded her head became so clear to her. She had forgotten that Dara was their senior in high school. She must have gotten the picture somewhere from their graduation book.

"Of course, she is the one who polluted your mind," Yoona claimed irritatingly.

"She opened my mind. If not because of her, maybe I will still be the stupid guy fooled by his fiancée!"

"Then why don't you just marry her?" Yoona found herself asking.

"Is that all you can say now?"

"Get out my house now!" Yoona snapped, furry clearly in her eyes as she knew that was Dara's intention. She was obviously trying to get Donghae back, and all he could see was that woman had helped him. Dara was his saviour and Yoona was the suspect.

"I'm done yet!"

"I don't want to talk to you right now!" Yoona shouted as she turned around and started to leave the living room, but then a pair of strong hand shoved her back to the couch. Donghae pinned her hands overhead as he started to kiss Yoona who kept wriggling under him.

He used his legs to straddle Yoona's lower body as he forced his tongue inside Yoona's mouth roughly. His kiss was entirely different from the one they usually shared, and Yoona felt tears rolling down her face as she tasted alcohol on his tongue. She felt sick and disgusted yet vulnerable in same time but Donghae seemed to not aware of it. His hand started to roam Yoona's upper body, slipping one of his hand inside her clothes when a shrill scream pierced through the air.

The next thing she knew was Donghae laid down on the floor, holding his head that had been knocked by the desk lamp.

"What the hell are you doing to my cousin?" Krystal shouted furiously, still holding the lamp on her hand.

Yoona still lay rigidly on the couch when Donghae stood up, looking back at Krystal unpleasantly.

"This is not your business."

"You hurt her. That makes it my business!" Krystal said in firm tone. She stood in alert, not flinching an inch at Donghae's threatening stare.

"Leave me alone with my fiancée."

"You should be the one to leave," Yoona finally found her voice. She stood up next to Krystal, her body still shaking.

"You're shooing me?" Donghae asked in disbelief that made Krystal want to slap his face hard but Yoona's voice stopped her.

"You're not thinking straight and I don't want to see you right now."

Few seconds passed but Donghae still didn't move from his place. He looked like he was in deep thought before he casted Yoona one more glance that showed a lot of emotions before finally walking away.

Yoona listened to the retreating footsteps and the sound of the front door opening and closing again. For a long time, she could only stare at the cold tile floor of the living room, trying to absorb what had happened to her in the few hours and when she felt a pair of warm hand on her shoulder, she wanted, at the moment, nothing more than to cry her heart out.


Krystal approached Yoona

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Chapter 32: omg i was so worried you'd stop writing at one point like other sone accounts and i'm so thankful you even have a new one coming :(( i love all ur fics
215 streak #2
wow I totally forgot about this story I used to read back then. I’ll be re-reading this if I got my free time ^^
Chapter 30: Amazing story author, love YoonYul forever😘
Chapter 16: I love yoonyul friendship... I also feel pity for Krystal :( And author nim don't say like that this is not a good chapter actually this is soooo good, yoonyul cute little moments is so sweet.
Soju83 #5
Chapter 19: i really like Minho's character. He's very nice and kind! But still, yoonyul for the win ㅋㅋ.
Chapter 30: this whole story was so amazing. you can easily see how much love and hard work you put in to each chapter. everything about it was perfect. my heart feels warm from finishing it! thank you so much for sharing it with us. you’re a great writer!
Chapter 30: Wow . Loved it always yoonyul. ☺☺☺
Yunju_ #8
Chapter 19: I feel bad for minho since he is good person. But what should i do i'm YoonYul shipper
RoyalSoosunatic #9
Chapter 1: omg i love your writing style ♡♡♡
vkookftyoonyul #10
Chapter 31: I've been reading this story for the last few days and I must say I fell more and more in love with it as I read each chapter. The ending was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Your writing is beautiful and I love your other stories too :) Keep doing your thing x