Chapter 6: Talking Never Helps..Right?

The Chosen One
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"Okay let's head back now" I nodded in agreement. We spent the last 2 hours talking, I know we might get scolded by our boss but it's absolutely worth it. I felt so much better that I could talk to someone and that I wasn't alone. We piled into the car again and made our way to the hospital. Once we stepped through the doors we talked about the surgery that's coming up later this week for Lay. I was mildly absent for awhile so I didn't know much but now I felt.. almost ready to face him or Luhan. While we were nearing his room my arm was tugged on tightly. I was then thrown over a shoulder. Confused as to the current happening's I called out to the nurse whose name I cannot remember for the life of me. "W-Wait what? Nurse help meeee!" I yelped. "Shut up Xiuman" The husky voice, said low but it was loud enough for me and the nurse to hear. It sent a shiver down my spine, and I instantly knew whose voice it was as I allowed the person to carry me away. Once far gone away from the nurse he walked into a empty room which I concluded as my office. "Luhan what's up?" I whispered slightly, he could be a walking time bomb at the moment and I honestly don't want to be at the end of it. Instead of answering me he closed the door and sat down on the couch seating me in his lap. "Why can't you love me?" He whispered refusing to look at me. I honestly didn't have an answer for him. I shook my head, thinking hard about how I should word what I'm about to say.   "It's not that I can't. I'm just confused. Not only did you confess to me, so did Lay which by the way you must be
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Chapter 9: I like both of this couple pairing.. but.. erm authornim.. can you fix the mistake of xiumin name.. I feel weird read xiumin name as xiuman.. I will patiently waiting for your next chapter.. fighting..
Sounds interesting, hope you update soon
hikka000 #3
Chapter 4: Waiii xiulay and xiuhan, my fav pairings, thank you authornim...
trishplusmama #4
Chapter 1: Huhu my beloved xiulay </3