Chapter 2: Shocking Condition's

The Chosen One
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I started running tests on Mr.Zhang or 'Lay' he says. I asked him questions about his daily life style, his family any sickness that he could of gotten through his genes. I ran tests, drew his blood and he sat still as calm as ever through all of it... like he's done this before. Exhausted I ran over all the symtoms he has, all the the illness he could have aquired. Over and over, I stood there for 10 minutes looking over my notes and it all came down to one and Only one conditon. Shock rose in me as what I was seeing couldn't be right... NO It shouldn't be right this man- it's impossible he can't have- Heart Disease.. My face paled slightly as I coughed trying to hide my discomfort. I put up a smile, and waved my hand towards him. "Lay-shi I'm going to test your blood alright? I'll be back" "Okay Xiuman-ah~" He smiled up at me and I took it as my go, I ran out the door leaving no room for air. But as soon as I walked out said room his current nurse popped up and started her questioning. "So Dr! How is our new patient? Did you run tests on him? What is his condition?" I walked out the room, one thought running through my mind: Luhan. Completely forgetting about the nurse. "Dr.Kim!!" Apparently she wasn't giving up without a fight, as she dragged me back in her direction by the arm. "What's the matter? If his condition is urgent we need to run him into-" "Miss I don't know what his condition is fully so I'm going to test his blood for further examination so if you'll excuse me- Please check up on Mr.Zhang for me THANK YOU" I yelled escaping her grasp. I ran full speed upstairs into my office, slamming the door open. "Luhan I need you to test this with me to make sure I'm wrong. This can't be right. He looks so healthy.. So-So young so vibrant someone his age shouldn't have Heart Disease. He must of developed it from someone or something or I don't know just-"  "Woahh Woahh! Wait just a minute what? Speak slower!" Luhan shot up from my desk running to my side. "There is no time for me to speak slower. The new patient, Lay, could be dying as we speak I don't know how long he has so we need to test his blood NOW!" I yelled in complete frustration, dragging him with me to a room down the hall. This room was where many doctors as myself and Luhan came to futher diagnose him. As we drew closer and closer to the room my heart sunk lower and lower. I had just met the man, not many words were said, but I could feel it. I've already grown attached to said man. I sighed, pushing the door open I poured his blood in two different tubes. Giving one to Luhan we both bega
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Chapter 9: I like both of this couple pairing.. but.. erm authornim.. can you fix the mistake of xiumin name.. I feel weird read xiumin name as xiuman.. I will patiently waiting for your next chapter.. fighting..
Sounds interesting, hope you update soon
hikka000 #3
Chapter 4: Waiii xiulay and xiuhan, my fav pairings, thank you authornim...
trishplusmama #4
Chapter 1: Huhu my beloved xiulay </3