Here for You

Anything but Bored

     Heechul sat in a chair on the balcony, his knees curled to his chest. He wasn't about to let his husband see him cry. Now he just sat, ruminating the previous events.

     "Ch-Chul?" Hankyung said, opening the door.

"Please. Leave me alone. I'm serious this time."

     Hankyung sighed, combing his hair with his hand. "Alright. Just tell me if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks."

     Hankyung went back inside. Heechul just kept thinking.

"Why...why do my children have to fall subject to this? It's different if it's just me, but my angels."

     Inside the house, Hankyung wasn't much better off. He lay on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling. 

"Damn it, Hankyung. How did you let this happen? You just slapped on everything she said. His heart's broken, and it's your fault. And you let her talk about your children like that?" He closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind, but a sudden clap of thunder broke the deafening silence.

     "Hmm...thunder. Wait," he thought. "Heechul!"

As Hankyung opened the door, he saw his husband oblivious to the torrential downpour.

     "I thought I told you to leave me alone," Heechul said half-heartedly.

"Do you really want to become hypothermic? Come inside. Please."

     "No. I'm fine."

"Don't make me do this."

     "Do what?"

Hankyung grabbed Heechul, carrying him bridal style. Heechul sulked the whole way. Hankyung grabbed a towel and dry clothes for Heechul. He wrapped him in the towel, encasing him in his arms. Surprisingly, Heechul didn't protest.

      "You're such a diva," Hankyung said silently.

Heechul stayed silent.

     "It works on you, though. It's kind of...y. I dunno. Throw me a bone. Just please say something."

"Why did you do this? Why didn't you just let me sit out there and get pneumonia or something?" Heechul said in almost a whisper.

     "It's because I love you, and no matter what happens, I'll do anything for you."

"But I'm just-"

     "Amazing, gorgeous, and wonderful."

"Oh man, Hannie. Why do you love me?"

    "Because you're everything I ever wanted. You amazed me from day one."

Heechul placed his head on Hankyung's chest, beginning to cry again. This time, he didn't care what Hankyung would see. They stayed silent for a few minutes until Heechul spoke.

     "I just feel horrible," he said.

"I know. This is really bad stuff to go through. Just promise me that whatever happens, we can get through it together, and that you won't hesitate to tell me how you truly feel."

     "Oh, don't worry. I won't be shy when it comes to how I'm feeling," Heechul replied, laughing a bit.

"Ah, There's that smile. I'm lucky enough to see it. Let's be strong for our kids and for each other, but we can help each other in our weaknesses, okay?"

     "Okay. Thanks, baby. I love you."

Hankyung pecked Heechul gently on the lips. "I love you, too. Now, let's get you into some dry clothes."



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It's been over a year and I planned to update this about two months ago. But thanks you for your patience. I will try my utmost to post a quality chapter


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Chapter 11: I know it has been six years, but I'm still hoping for an update, because I really like this story!
monshine #2
Chapter 11: subscribing right away....
Chapter 11: Aww! I bet, it was Chullie's mother instinct trying to tell him his son needed him when he thought Hannie was touching him! They are both such great parents.
Poor Younjae! Hope is nothing serious and he gets better soon.

It's short, but I Love it. And don't worry about updates too much, just do it whenever you can.
Chapter 11: i hope the baby will be getting well soon
Chapter 11: Updte!!! Happy!!! But off to bed, so will have to come back to read and comment tomorrow.
leeleeloveskpop #6
Chapter 11: awww poor baby I hope he feels better soon
he has good parents watching out for him
Chapter 10: Bless Chullie's heart for helping to care for his father-In Law, even though he was tired. And I Love how nice and accepting Hannie's Dad is. His wife on the other hand though, still can not stand her.
And dem naughty babies exhausted eh? Anyone will think they're the ones who did all the hard work rather than their parents.Haha!!

Thanks for a great update, Loved it.

And as much as I Love updates, please don't exhaust yourself worrying about it too much. Take good care of yourself and update whenever you can, hon!
Chapter 10: i am glad hangeng parents are trying to accept heenim now
Sapphirechan #9
Chapter 10: Lil by lil Heechul will win Hannie's mom. . .aww the babies got tired too. When I read the title I honestly tought the babies were gonna help in so way. Lol... thanks for the update.... and don't stress to much
Chapter 9: God, Hannie's mother is soooo annoying. Heechul shouldn't have let her stayed in his house. He should let her know he heard what she said about him to her husband, and one more insult from her, she will be out of the door on her Ar*se! And who does she think she is saying, "she'll think about giving HeeChul a chance?" Is NOT her house to give him a chance, is Chullie's house, so if she doesn't like it, she can fob-off to HELL for we care! Mr.Han on the other hand, is so lovely. Or is it Mr.Tan?

Thanks for the update.