Helping Hands

Anything but Bored

     "I'm sorry, doctor. What procedure did you say I need?" Hankyung's father asked. He nodded reluctantly as the doctor continued to speak, rubbing his pinched brows. "And you'll set up a referral? Okay. Thank you. Goodbye," he said, hanging up. His wife came over to him.

      "What was the doctor calling about, dear?" she asked.

"From my last exam, it turns out my knee replacement is malfunctioning, and they need to fix it," he sighed. "He told me it should be taken care of soon to prevent further damage."

     She nodded. "Well, I'll be here to help you whenever the time comes."

Mr. Tan smiled. "Thank you."


1 month later

     "Looks like they're back," Heechul called to Hankyung. Hankyung's father had just gotten his procedure finished the day before, and his mother was helping him out of the car.

     "Okay. Thanks, babe," Hankyung said, going toward the door. Heechul went to make sure everything was set up appropriately for Hankyung's father to rest and recuperate. Once he confiremed that everything was in place, he went to see how he could help his husband's parents.

     Mr.Tan was in a wheelchair being pushed by Mrs.Tan. Hankyung followed them, carefully making sure that there were no areas in the house that would cause a bumpy ride for his father and cause him pain. 

     "Is there anything I can help with?" Heechul asked.

"Would you be able to carry this to Dad's room, please?" Hankyung asked, handing him a medium sized tote bag. Heechul nodded, taking it to his father-in-law's temporary lower-level room that he would stay in until he could get up the stairs again. Mrs.Tan gave a light smile. 

     "Dear," Mr.Tan asked his wife. "What happened to Hankyung? He got so thin and his hair is longer. His voice sounds weird, too."

"Sweetheart, that was Heechul," she said. "Hankyung is over there." She pointed to her son who was moving a throw rug. 

     "Oh. Alright. Haha," he laughed.

"Is Dad okay?" Hankyung asked. His mother nodded. 

     "They put him on some strong painkillers. The nurse said this might happen." 

Hankyung nodded and continued to lead them to his father's room. Heechul finished fluffing a pillow and carefully stepped out.

      "I'll be around if you need anything." He smiled.

     After finishing dinner, which wasn't really eaten together since people were busy, Heechul was doing the dishes.

"I think I'll go see how Dad's doing," Hankyung said.

     "Should I come with you?" his mother asked. He shook his head.

"You've been doing a lot for him today. Go ahead and take a break."

     Heechul continued to wash the dishes. 

"Would you like some help?" a voice asked from behind him. He turned around, shocked, to see his mother-in-law, not seeming to have the "I'm totally disgusted by you" expression on her face. She didn't look super happy, but...civil. And that was a hell of a lot better than her hating his guts, in his opinion.

     "If you would like to," he nodded. She grabbed a dishtowel and began drying the clean dishes. There was awkward silence for quite awhile. 

"I'm not eaxctly sure where these go," she said.

     "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. I can take care of those later," Heechul said. Mrs.Tan nodded.

"I think I'll go see how my husband is doing," she said.

     "Alright. Thank you for the help." Heechul smiled. She simply nodded before leaving quicky. 

"Hmm. Still kind of cold, but not as heartless as I thought," Heechul said to himself. "Hey, even Medusa has to have a soft side."

     The day progressed on, and between Hankyung and Heechul, there were requests filled for a glass of water, blankets fetched, pillows fluffed, and of course, child care. The twins were fed, bathed, and in bed by 8:30. Everyone else was exhausted and about ready to turn in for the evening, too. Heechul decided to see how Mr.Tan was doing before going to bed. He knocked on the half open door.

     "Ah, Heechul," Mr. Tan smiled. "Come in." He patted the edge of the bed for him to sit down.

"How are you feeling?" Heechul asked.

     "I'm doing alright. A bit sore, but that's to be expected. otherwise, I'm doing well."

"That's good to hear. Being able to rest should do some good, too."

     Mr. Tan nodded. "Yes. It should. Everyone is probably tired by now. Even the kids."

Heechul chuckled. "They actually were. For once I didn't have any trouble getting them to go to sleep."

     "Very good. Thank you for all your help today."

"It was no problem."

     "And," Hankyung's father said. "Thank you for being so kind to my wife. I know your relationship with her hasn't been the best."

"She actually helped me with the dishes a bit tonight. It was nice of her," Heechul said.

     "Oh. Great. Well, I'm glad things are getting better. Have a good night."

"You too."

     Hankyung snuck up behind Heechul, hugging his waist from behind. "So, how's my love today?"

"I'm fine. Tired, but fine." He turned around to peck Hankyung on the cheek. 

     "I'm glad you're visiting with Dad. He really likes you."

"I'm glad he likes me, and by the looks of it, it seems like your mom might not completely hate me, either."

     Hankyung looked Heechul in the eyes. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah. She actually helped me with the dishes tonight. It was awkwardly silent and a bit tense, but I appreciated it. She's not bad."

     "I'm happy that she's opening up to you. Now, let's get to bed," Hankyung yawned.


A/N Hello everyone! I'm so sorry it's taken me awhile to update this story. I've been busy with school and it's exhausted me. This chapter's pretty short, but I hope you like it. :) Thanks for reading and for all the great feedback! 

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It's been over a year and I planned to update this about two months ago. But thanks you for your patience. I will try my utmost to post a quality chapter


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Chapter 11: I know it has been six years, but I'm still hoping for an update, because I really like this story!
monshine #2
Chapter 11: subscribing right away....
Chapter 11: Aww! I bet, it was Chullie's mother instinct trying to tell him his son needed him when he thought Hannie was touching him! They are both such great parents.
Poor Younjae! Hope is nothing serious and he gets better soon.

It's short, but I Love it. And don't worry about updates too much, just do it whenever you can.
Chapter 11: i hope the baby will be getting well soon
Chapter 11: Updte!!! Happy!!! But off to bed, so will have to come back to read and comment tomorrow.
leeleeloveskpop #6
Chapter 11: awww poor baby I hope he feels better soon
he has good parents watching out for him
Chapter 10: Bless Chullie's heart for helping to care for his father-In Law, even though he was tired. And I Love how nice and accepting Hannie's Dad is. His wife on the other hand though, still can not stand her.
And dem naughty babies exhausted eh? Anyone will think they're the ones who did all the hard work rather than their parents.Haha!!

Thanks for a great update, Loved it.

And as much as I Love updates, please don't exhaust yourself worrying about it too much. Take good care of yourself and update whenever you can, hon!
Chapter 10: i am glad hangeng parents are trying to accept heenim now
Sapphirechan #9
Chapter 10: Lil by lil Heechul will win Hannie's mom. . .aww the babies got tired too. When I read the title I honestly tought the babies were gonna help in so way. Lol... thanks for the update.... and don't stress to much
Chapter 9: God, Hannie's mother is soooo annoying. Heechul shouldn't have let her stayed in his house. He should let her know he heard what she said about him to her husband, and one more insult from her, she will be out of the door on her Ar*se! And who does she think she is saying, "she'll think about giving HeeChul a chance?" Is NOT her house to give him a chance, is Chullie's house, so if she doesn't like it, she can fob-off to HELL for we care! Mr.Han on the other hand, is so lovely. Or is it Mr.Tan?

Thanks for the update.