Chapter 6: Friendship Offer

Hate That I Love You

“AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” Hebe screamed.

Donghae rushed to her room and asked her “why?! What happened??” with full of concern tone.


“Ahh... That one? I don’t want to. Hahaha!” Donghae said and laughed.

The cockroach flew around the room and Hebe was so afraid of it and keeps on screaming and screaming and jumping and jumping around the bed. While Donghae was just watching and laughing at her, Hebe hit the cockroach with her pillow and the cockroach drew closer to Donghae.

“AAAHHHH!!!” Donghae began screaming and jumping too!

They were both scared of the cockroach so Donghae jumped into Hebe’s bed and they were blaming each other.

“You bastard! Forever bastard!! Argh!!! You laughed at me when you’re also scared of that cockroach! REALLY A DUMB BASTARD!!!!” Hebe said to Donghae.

“You’re so funny! I can’t help it! And truth is I hate cockroaches!” Donghae said.

So they were both freaking out and the maid went inside Hebe’s room and rescued them. After that they both get ready.

“Hey, where are you going?” Donghae asked.

“I don’t know.” Hebe said.

“Is that even possible?? You’re going to you don’t know?! Can you answer me a bit seriously?” Donghae said with a calm but irritated voice.

“aiyoh! Too many questions, I’ll go anywhere far away from you!” Hebe answered.

“I’ll bring you there. I’ll drive you there. Where is that place by the way?” Donghae asked.

“You’ll drive me there? No need, I’ll just stay here and you go there. You know where that place is? In HELL! Get lost. I don’t need you.” Hebe said.

“Tss. Always like that. Blah blah blah. Whatever.” Donghae whispered to himself.

“WHAT?!!! What are you murmuring there?!!” Hebe said.

“Nothing. Okay I’m leaving! Bye!” Donghae said and leave. He said to himself: “can I really deal with that girl? at least we should be friends. Hmm? What can I do? Better ask Candice.”


So Donghae went to Candice again. They talked and talked about Hebe.

“If you don’t mind, why do you ask too much about Hebe? Do you like her?” Candice asked.

“What?!! Of course not!! Hahaha! I’m just asking because I want us to be friends. I’m really having a hard time dealing with her because she’s too mean.” Donghae answered.

“Oh... I see... hm? Let me think. Actually it’s her birthday next week. Just remembered it, she’s not celebrating it because she finds it stupid. So pass, what else?” Candice said.

“Wait. Birthday? That’s great! Then we’ll have a party! What does she want? What kind of adventure or party?” Donghae asked.

“I’m telling you, she don’t like parties. She hates wearing dress. She’s not really a girly girl. That girl doesn’t enjoy her life by spending money and everything. I got no idea on how to make her happy on her birthday.” Candice said.

“Tell me, does she like extreme activities? Or some sports like? Or does she love to shop? What are her favorite dishes?” Donghae asked.

“I’ll just list it down. And I’ll also ask her personally. I’ll give you news when I hear some opinions coming from her. I’ll go to your house later. Let me work here first. Will you?” Candice answered.


So Donghae go straight to the 1st day of shooting for his new drama. While Hebe still at home…

“Hebe, are you bored? You can use the family hall if you want to watch movies. You can play video games. Tell me what do you want to do?” the maid said.

“I’m okay granny. Don’t mind me. I’ll just play video games later. Thanks!” Hebe answered.

“Hebe, you have a visitor. She’s downstairs.” The maid said.

“Who’s that?” Hebe asked and got up her bed and went downstairs. “Oh, it’s you, Candice why did you go here?” Hebe asked.

“Nothing in particular. Just want to visit you here.” Candice said.

So they headed to the kitchen and began eating and eating and talking and talking.

“So Hebe, what do you want for your birthday?” Candice asked.

“Huh? Why did you asked? What for? You know I don’t celebrate it.” Hebe answered.

“Nothing much. I just remembered it. Next week remember?” Candice said.

“Ah yah, yah. Its next week, but I’m not planning anything. It will just be an ordinary day.” Hebe answered.

“You don’t want to celebrate? What kind of stuffs do you like?” Candice asked.

“You’re so weird. Why are you even asking? Are you going to surprise me? Huh? I hate surprises.” Hebe replied.

“Of course not, just asking, I told you already.” Candice said.

“Anyways, my wish for my birthday is to get out of this hell ASAP.” Hebe said.

“Regardless of Donghae, do you have any wish? Dream party? Dream adventure?” Candice asked.

“Nothing. I just want my mom to get well soon.” Hebe answered.

“How about, when your mom gets well what kind of party will you do?” Candice asked again.

“Well, I would like to call Xiao Xun and tell her to go here and have some camping in the mountains. So that we’ll have personal time away from the city away from problems we usually do that before, and I miss it.” Hebe answered.

“Oh yeah! Haha! Let’s eat! Haha!” Candice said and laughed.

Candice immediately said the information to Donghae. So Donghae was busy the whole week shooting his new drama. They don’t even see each other. 1 week later a day before Hebe’s birthday…

“Bastard?” Hebe knocking on Donghae’s room. “Not around again? hahahaha!” Hebe said to herself and began her evil laughs. “Always not around! Yes!! PARTY!! Hahaha!”

“Why are you laughing?” a strange voice asked.

“Because the bastard is not around again! haha!” Hebe answered and looked back. “AHHH!!! Hey! Since when did you arrive?” Hebe shouted. It was Donghae.

“Arrive? I was here the whole time. You think you can rejoice? Haha!” Donghae said.

“Shut up.” Hebe said and left the space.

“Hebe!” Donghae called.

“What again?!” Hebe answered and looked back. A bouquet of flowers was given to her. “What for? Is this for funeral purposes? My gosh! You really want me to get lost? Don’t you?”

“Do these beautiful flowers look like funeral flowers? Just making up to you. I haven’t been with you for about a week. I was busy shooting my new drama. So I’m sorry.” Donghae said.

“ahahaha! You really think that I was lonely without you? Dream on bastard! Haha! I don’t like that. Go shoot your new disgusting drama.” Hebe laughed and said.

“Okay then... I’m leaving. Bye!” Donghae said and leave.

The whole day goes on until they were about to sleep. Donghae arrived late; he bought some tent and tools for camping snacks and hired chef again for breakfast.

“All is set. Ready for tomorrow.” Donghae said to himself and lie down in bed.


Hebe’s birthday!!!

“Hebe! Hebe! Wake up! Faster.” Candice said.

“uhhh.. Candice why are you here this early? Stop bothering me. I’m sleepy.” Hebe said

“No! Wake up. Come on!!” Candice persistently said while trying to pull her up.

“aishh!!! Okay okay!!! Coming!!!” Hebe said. *yawns*

They went downstairs to eat breakfast. Donghae was waiting in the dining table.

“Good morning!” greeted Donghae.

“What’s so good about the morning if the person I see is you? Shut up. What do you want?!” Hebe said.

When Hebe saw the dishes she immediately rushed to the table and asked “how did you know these dishes? Are you stalking me?”

“Stop talking. Just eat. Faster. Get ready we’re going somewhere.” Donghae said.

So they get ready. All is set. And they are all ready to leave!

“Where are we going?” Hebe asked Candice.

“Just watch! Get inside the car now!” Candice answered.

So they get inside the car. 2 separate cars, a van for Candice’s co-workers and Hebe and the sports car of Donghae. The road trip took 4 hours until they arrived in the mountain.

“Seriously, you planned this right? That’s why you’re asking me last week about this thing.” Hebe said.

“ahh.. uhm… actually…” Candice can’t say it.

“Actually, yes! She planned the whole thing. She just told me to help out. So thank Candice for your birthday celebration.” Donghae interrupted.

“Am I talking to you? Shut up okay? I’m not talking to you. This plan must be great but since the bastard is here that fun is totally gone!” Hebe said.

“Stop talking like that Hebe. It’s your day today don’t ruin it! Let’s have fun! Forget all the stress! Okay?” Candice said.

“How can I forget it, if I always see it?” Hebe said and looked at Donghae.

“Okay fine. I’ll cover my face.” Donghae said and he wore a mask. “Will this relieve your stress?”

“Let’s see.” Hebe said.

They began setting up the tent and making a fire for grilling some food. They ate together and bond. Night comes…

“Hey guys! Let’s play spin the bottle!” Candice asked.

“PASS!” Hebe said.

“What pass. No pass, pass. You join us!” Donghae said.

So they played and played. When it was Donghae’s turn he was asked to sing and dance. So Donghae began dancing skillfully while singing. He’s like performing on stage. But he suddenly stopped and began dancing again. But this time crazily. And they began laughing at him. Even Hebe cannot help but to laugh at him.

“Hey, bastard! That kind of dancing is the most stupid dance I ever saw! Good for you! Wahahaha!” Hebe said and began laughing.

Everyone went inside their tents. Donghae was alone in his tent so he decided to stay outside of the tent first just staring at the fire. Suddenly, Hebe came out of the tent too.

“Hey, it’s already late. Why are you still here?” Donghae asked.

“I should be the one asking that.” Hebe said as she gets near Donghae.

“Well, I can’t sleep. And I just want to spend time here.” Donghae said.

“The same. But the sad thing is you’re here.” Hebe said.

“Did you ever think that those stars can fall?” Donghae asked as he looked up the sky.

“Huh?” Hebe looked up and said “I hope they fall over you so that you’ll die.”

Donghae grabbed Hebe’s hand and said “sit beside me. Let’s count as many stars as we can.”

So they began counting and counting until Donghae said “are you happy?”

“Hmm... not really... but since Candice gave this present to me I’ll endure it.” Hebe said.

“Hope you are. Coz what makes you happy makes me happy too.” Donghae replied.

“What the hell? You’re so weird. Get up there and sleep! I have no remaining time for bastards like you. Bye!” Hebe said and went inside the tent.


“Shut up. You’re so noisy!” Hebe replied. Then Hebe was thinking “what’s with me? Why did I sit beside him? Why did I talk with him? Oh no! No way!! Impossible! Never ever!”


The morning comes! And they were cleaning up the tent, packing things up and getting ready to go back home. When all is set and they were about to leave Hebe said to Candice “Candice, I’ll just say something to the bastard wait for me okay?” Donghae was still getting some things in the camp place. Hebe went there but Donghae had already left. She tried finding Donghae but he’s not around.

“Hebe is so slow. What happened to her?” Candice said.

“Maybe she’s still with Donghae. Come on! Let’s go!” Co-worker said.

“Maybe.. Let’s just leave her and Donghae together! Let’s go!” Candice said assumingly.

So they left while Donghae just arrived at his car.

“They left me?” Donghae said to himself. So he also left. Not knowing Hebe was left in the forest alone!


After driving back home…

“Donghae, where’s Hebe is she mad at me?” Candice asked.

“Huh? Why are you asking me? Isn’t she with you?” Donghae asked.

“Oh no!! Are you joking? So you didn’t meet her?” Candice said.

“No, what are you saying.” Donghae asked.

“OH MY GOSH! I’m sorry. This is my entire fault. I think Hebe was left in the forest. I thought she’s with you.” Candice said.

“WHAT?!! I’ll go there now!” Donghae said with a very worried and full of concern tone. He immediately headed back there.

“I’ll go with you!” Candice said.


So they headed back there. While in the forest…

“They left me here? Are they fooling around? No signal. How can I make a call? And my phone is low-batt now. HEY!!!! BASTARD!!!! CANDICE!!! WHERE ARE YOU??!!! STOP JOKING!!!” She began shouting with fear in her voice while walking and finding them. It’s already late in the afternoon, still in the forest alone. It began to rain. And Hebe was running, finding a place to stay in but unfortunately she slipped and fell in a hole. She had a wound over her leg and could not stand. “ahh! Ah! Aww… HELP!!! SOMEBODY THERE!!! HELP ME!!!” she screamed. The wound was bleeding so tremendously.

Donghae and Candice then arrived at the forest. It started to get dark and it was raining so hard.

“HEBE!!!!” they both called at the top of their voices.

They searched and searched but Hebe could not scream anymore, she’s too weak. Fortunately Donghae found her. Donghae helped her get out of the hole and carry her.

“Hebe! Hebe!” Donghae calling her name.

“You, forever bastard. You left me here on pur…pose…” Hebe said and lost her consciousness.

Donghae hugged her and said with a relieved but worried tone “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

So they went inside the car. Hebe was chilling and so Donghae took off his shirt and covered Hebe. He started driving topless. When they are finally home Donghae told the maid to clothe Hebe.

“Donghae, I’m really sorry. And I thank you for rushing over there to rescue Hebe!” Candice said while crying.

“Candice, don’t cry. It’s okay. It’s also my fault. You can now go home. I’ll take care of her. Don’t worry.” Donghae said.

Candice went home and Donghae began taking care of Hebe. He didn’t sleep all night just to accompany and take care of Hebe. The sun shined the next day… Donghae brought a breakfast for Hebe.

“Good Morning! Here you go. Eat your breakfast.” Donghae said and began feeding her.

“I can do it myself! No need to feed me!” Hebe said.

“No. I’ll feed you. Say ahh.” Donghae persistently said

Hebe was forced to eat. Donghae is also sick but he didn’t let Hebe noticed it because he wanted to take care of Hebe personally. Donghae, after feeding Hebe went inside his room and rest for a bit he ordered the maid to take care of Hebe and to get some medicines for him secretly. But Hebe saw the maid getting some medicines.

“Granny, is that for Donghae?” Hebe asked.

“Actually… yes… did you know that he didn’t sleep the whole night to personally take care of you? Also when he rescued you, he was topless because he used his shirt to cover you so that you won’t catch a cold? Actually, he didn’t want you to know this but…” the maid said but Hebe grabbed the medicine and rushed over Donghae’s room

“HEY! BASTARD. So you’re sick?!” Hebe said while getting closer to him.

“No I’m not who said that?” Donghae said and began sneezing.

“No?! Is that what you call okay?” Hebe said. And began checking his temperature, “here.. Drink this. I want you to know that I won’t let you have favors with me! So I’ll take care of you too. So we’re tie! Don’t think that I care for you coz I don’t! It’s just that I hate having…” Hebe said but before she says another word

“Okay... Okay... you’re saying too much. I understand...” Donghae interrupted.

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Donghae!!!! Why so cute T_T