Chapter 3: The Offer and The Deal

Hate That I Love You

“See?? What are you planning to do now? Huh?! I told you don’t go there too often! Now look what happened.” Manager said.

“I’m sorry. I’ll just schedule a press-conference and tell the truth.” Donghae said.

“You think they will believe you? Huh?! Of course not!” Manager said with a high tone.

“Then what must I do?” Donghae asked.

“Find that girl. Bring her to the press-conference and tell them that she’s your friend.” Manager answered.

“no. no. auntie, you don’t know what kind of girl that girl is. She’s horrible! She’s my #1 anti-fan! She won’t agree with that simple favor.” Donghae replied.

“Donghae, everyone has their weakness. Find hers. Or better yet, pay her. Any amount, she’ll surely agree with it. Money can make her change.” Manager said.

“As much as possible I don’t want to use money. Be….” Donghae said but before he finishes his talk…

“NO! Stop being so nice Donghae; it’s your fault after all. So better do this or else you’ll ruin your career.” The manager interrupted.

His manager left his room.

“Where can I find that girl?” Donghae said to himself.


“YUCK YUCK YUCK! This is a major humiliation! I need to talk to that Donghae!” Hebe said angrily.

“aiyoh, Hebe why do you have to talk to him? You’re not thinking. If you just let this go on, it might ruin his name!” Candice said.

“Hm? That’s right but it will hurt my image!” Hebe said.

“It’s okay! Come on let’s get ready we’ll go that mall again. I know a friend that hires keeper. You try to work there first okay?” Candice replied.

“Okay. Let’s go.” Hebe said.

Donghae is getting ready for his work, he was thinking of how he can find Hebe without even knowing her name. Without even knowing where she lives, anything. The only thing he can remember is how she looks like.

“Maybe I should go that mall and make a mall tour there. Surely she’ll bite it. Right!” so Donghae called his manager and said his plan.

“Today? That can’t be Donghae. I haven’t said anything to the mall owner. You cannot gate crash there without further announcement” manager said.

“Surprise visit! Is that impossible? I don’t know how I can find her.” Donghae said.

“Okay. Let’s try.” So the manager contacted the mall owner.

“We can’t process it today. If you want let’s arrange it by tomorrow. We need advertisement posters, stage, and sound system. Nothing is fixed yet.” The mall owner explained.

“I’ll be the one who’ll arrange it today. Just give me the permission to do it there. We only ask for an hour. Please cooperate.” Manager said.

“But if you will do something like that how will the fans know that Donghae will be performing there?” the mall owner asked.

“I’ll be the one to manage it. No need to worry. So what? Are you permitting us?”

“Okay then. You can settle the payment after the event tonight.”

“Thank you so much. I’ll remember this big favor.” The manager hang up the phone and called Donghae then immediately made a surprise announcement on TV. She also printed many fliers about it and a tarpaulin to be posted in front of the mall. The fans immediately spread the news. Hebe was also given a flier.

“What the hell is this?! Donghae will be here in this mall later night. Surprise visit? Huh? Why does it have to be here?” Hebe said with a high tone.

“Hey, don’t you feel lucky? You can revenge?” Candice suggested.

“Wow. You’re right! I’ll scream BOO!” they both laughed. So evening came!

“Donghae, if you see that girl in the crowd immediately call my attention. And point her to me. Then immediately end the song. Alright?” Manager reminded.

“Alright. You know how she looks like now?” Donghae asked.

“I don’t know but surely it will make a difference.” Manager said.

So Donghae began performing on the stage. He is finding Hebe, but he cannot find her. And finally

“BOO! BOO! BOO!” Hebe screamed at the top of her voice,

Even though other fans are screaming crazily, blushing and singing together with Donghae. Donghae then noticed Hebe; he waved at her and pointed the microphone at the side of Hebe. He made a signal to his manager and they found Hebe! The manager with 2 bodyguards personally went to her and said

“#1 anti-fan?”

“Hey! How did you know?! Are you also an anti?” Hebe asked.

“ahahaha! Oh yes. Come here. I have something to discuss with you.” The manager laughed and said.

“Huh? I can’t hear you. That Donghae is too loud. His voice is so irritating.” Hebe complained.

“Just come with me.”

The manager said and grabbed Hebe’s hand. They went to the back stage.

“Wait, why did you bring me here? And how come you can enter this room? Are you fooling me? I’m leaving.” Hebe said.

But the bodyguards did not allow instead they blocked the way but Hebe was so persistent in coming out. So they covered and nose and let her inhale ammonia. When Hebe woke up she was already in the house of Donghae.

“Where am I?! Hey! You old lady! What have you done to me?!!” Hebe curiously and madly asked.

“I’m sorry for being mean but I really have to do this.” Manager said.

“What the hell! Let me go! I’ll sue you!” Hebe madly said.

“Calm down. I just need to talk to you about some matters regarding Donghae. By the way I’m his manager.” She introduced herself to Hebe.

“No doubt, Donghae inherited something from you. I don’t care about whatever that is! Let me go or else this would be the last time you’ll see the earth!” Hebe threatened her.

“ahahaha! Who will believe you my dear? Here’s the thing. How much do you want? I’ll pay you. Just give me a price. Your job is easy; you’ll just have to pretend to be Donghae’s friend in the press-conference tomorrow. And I’ll give you whatever you want.”  The manager explained.

Donghae entered the room.

“Are you okay?” Donghae asked Hebe.

“No I’m not! DREAM ON OLD LADY. I will never EVER, do that for your little stupid bastard Donghae. Even if you kill me, so let me go now and never ever appear in my sight.” Hebe left the room.

“I told you auntie. She won’t cooperate.” Donghae said.

“Tomorrow research about that girl, her background and everything, I will not stop until she agrees.”


When Hebe was home, she noticed something missing.

“OH MY GOSH! My bag!! Ohh! I left it in hell. Oh my. What must I do? All my money my phone and my stuffs are there. Pictures. Everything. I need to get it back but how? I don’t want to step inside that hell and meet that demon again.” Hebe worriedly said to herself.


The next day, Donghae called Candice through Hebe’s phone.

“Hello? Hebe? Why? How’s yesterday? You didn’t even go back here in the café!” Candice said.

“uhm, hello? Is this Candice? I’m not Hebe, your friend Hebe left her bag here in my house. May I know where can I find you to give this back?” Donghae replied.

“Huh? Who’s this? You can go to this address.”

Candice gave the café’s address. So Donghae went there.

“Good morning! Welcome to maid’s café!” the guard greeted.

“Excuse me, may I speak with Candice?” Donghae said.

“Oh, Candice!! Candice!! Someone’s looking for you!” the boss called.

“Wait a minute!” Candice yelled.

“Oh! Is that you? Who called me a while ago? Why are you wearing a mask?” Candice questioned Donghae.

“OH! *ehem-ehem* I have cough. Can we talk outside?” Donghae said.

“Why? Let’s just talk here.” Candice replied.

“Come on. We need to talk privately.” Donghae grabbed her hand and take her in his car.

“Why did you bring me here? Is it because… OH! YOU’RE A BURGLAR!”  Candice panicked and said.

“No, no I’m not. Calm down” Donghae took off his mask. Candice was shocked

“DONG… HAE???”

 Then Donghae explained what happened last night.

“Can you tell me something about her? What are her likes? And what can make her agree in my offer?” Donghae asked.

“Her likes? What I can only say is that she likes to bring you down. Everything about her is concerning you, she hates you so much! Beyond you can ever imagine. And now, I’m telling you just find other ways to save yourself from this issue because nothing can ever change her mind.” Candice explained.

“Are you sure? Are you siding with her?” Donghae asked.

“No, of course not. I’m just telling the truth, and the truth is you can’t change her mind.” Candice said.

“Does she have financial problems? Or any big problem?” Donghae asked again

“Oh! Yah! That one, but I’m still not sure if she’s going to agree with it. But you can try to, also I can convince her. But I cannot guaranty you that she will agree.” Candice answered.

“It’s okay! I’ll just try! Come on, say it to me.” Donghae said.

“Hebe’s mom is in the hospital. She really needs money for the hospital bills and also to pay her debts to ahjumma. Maybe you can use that one chance. But please don’t tell her that I was the one who told you these things. She’ll surely get mad at me.” Candice said.

“Alright! Thank you so much! Don’t worry I won’t say it to her.”

So they parted ways and Candice went back to the café and there was Hebe.

“Where have you been? Huh?” Hebe asked.

“I got your bag!” so she gave it back to Hebe.

“Where did you get this? Did you know where I left this?” Hebe said.

“uhhh.. I don’t know. A man gave it back to me. He called me a while ago. And gave that back. I don’t know who he is.” Candice said.

Then Hebe whispered something to Candice

“I left this at Donghae’s house. So how come you got it back? Did he meet up with you?”

“No, he’s not Donghae. Maybe a body guard of Donghae? I don’t know.” Candice whispered back.

So they talked about it and Hebe told the story of what happened last night. Even though Candice already knew about this.

“SO STUPID RIGHT?! What does he think of me?! Gold digger?! That’s absurd!” Hebe said madly.

“Hebe, don’t be mad if I say this, but I think you should accept the offer. Not for his sake, but for your mom’s sake. Remember? You need to pay ahjumma and the hospital by this week? So you better accept it.” Candice explained.

“NO! Even if I die I will never ever do that! I can beg others for money but I will never ever serve or even give favors to that man! NEVER!” Hebe shouted and she left the café.

Hebe went to the hospital in tears. When she opened the door… surprisingly Donghae was there.

“Hi!” Donghae smiled and said.

“What the hell are doing here?! Get out of here now. Or else this will be the last time you’ll see the earth.” Hebe said.

“I’m here to offer you something. I’ll pay everything. Including hospital bills and all of your debts. I’ll give you salary too. Everything you need.” Donghae offered.

“You already heard my response. So shut up and leave now. I don’t know who told you this matter but I’ll do every possible way to prove to you that I don’t need your help.” Hebe said.

 “If you love your mom, your house, yourself you’ll accept this. This is a rare opportunity, so just called me if you changed your mind.” Donghae left his calling card and leave.

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Donghae!!!! Why so cute T_T