Chapter 1: The Ultimate Hater

Hate That I Love You

The Slam Book.

“Happiest moment: when Donghae dies. That would be the happiest day for me. Hope it happens soon.
Best time: When Donghae was humiliated.
Maddest moment: When Donghae was given an award.
Saddest moment: When I knew that someone like Donghae existed.
Likes: A hater of Donghae (just like me).
Dislikes: DONGHAE!
Goal in life: To kill Donghae.
Ambition: to be the most famous and #1 anti-fan of Donghae.

“Hey Hebe! Is this slam book of yours is dedicated to Donghae? All of your answers are Donghae related. And where did you get this?” Candice asked.

“Oh, that? It’s just a gift from my co-anti. I was bored last night so I decided to answer it. For your information, I answered that with full honesty.” Hebe replied.

Hebe is the kind of girl that says whatever she likes. She doesn’t care if it’s hurting or offending. She really hates Donghae so much. Her daily life includes insulting Donghae. She has her own anti site, where in she always updates bad news about Donghae.

While Hebe is surfing the internet…

 “WHAT THE HELL!!” Hebe shouted.

“Why is there a pro-Donghae here?!”

“I was shocked! I thought something bad happened! What’s with you?” Candice said.

 “Isn’t this bad? A fan in my own site? Trying to act cool! I’ll make sure that this is going to be her last post in here. I need to tighten my security in accepting membership here.” Hebe said.

Candice sighed and said “you really take that site seriously, aren’t you? Instead of finding a job, oh in speaking of job how’s your car washing work going?”

“I resigned. My salary is just too low! How do you expect me to be contented with that?” she answered.

“Duh! What do you expect? Is that an office job? Of course it’s low!” Candice replied.

 “Okay okay. I need to find a new job by tomorrow. Oh by the way, get ready, we’re going to visit my mom. We’ll get to relax a bit.”

Hebe changed clothes and combed her hair.

“Hey, are you sure you’re going to wear that lame shirt?” Candice asked.

“What lame?! This shirt is awesome!” the shirt was a customized shirt that has ‘I hate Donghae’ print.

“I-hate-Donghae is that your favorite sentence, huh? Go change that shirt or else I won’t accompany you at all.” She said.

“Tsk. Fine, fine. You’re always like that. Killing my happiness!” Hebe said.

She immediately changed her clothes and they went to the hospital. They entered the room and…

“Mom, I missed you! It’s been a week since I last visited you. How are you? I hope you recover soon.” Hebe said to her mom.

Her mom is in coma. That’s why she’s working really hard to pay for the hospital bills. It’s been 5 months since her mom had a heart-attack and has been hospitalized.

“Mom, we have to go now. Sorry that I cannot stay here for too long. I’ll find a new job. Okay? Hang in there. I love you so much.” She kissed her mom, and left the room.

“Hebe, why did you leave the room so early? It’s not usual for you to do that.” Candice asked.

“I can’t stand my mom’s situation. I got no strength to face her in this condition, I’m jobless. And I haven’t paid for her hospitalization.” Hebe answered with a teary eye.

“Uhm, excuse me. Miss Hebe Tian?” a nurse approached Hebe.

“Yes?” Hebe answered.

“Here are the bills that you need to pay by next week. Else we’re going to discharge your mom here. It has been a month since you paid those bills. Good thing that the doctor is giving you chances.” The nurse said.

 “Yes. Yes, I will pay for this by next week. I promise. Thank you so much for being so considerate.” Hebe cried. The nurse smiled and left.

While walking on the street…

“Hey Candice, let’s go to the mall! I need to relax a bit. I’m really stressed out. How on earth can I get $200,000 in a week?” Hebe sighed and said.

“Why don’t you just let your mom be discharged and take care of her at home?” Candice suggested.

“NO! What if something happens to her when I’m out? And what makes you think that that’ll work?!” Hebe exclaimed.

“Okay, okay. I’m just saying…why do you have to shout? Let’s go to the mall and distress ourselves!”

So they went to the mall. While passing by a magazine store…

“AHHHH!!!! OH MY GOSH!! OH MY!!!!” a girl screamed.

“Hey, can you please shut up? You’re in a mall! For god’s sake.” Hebe rolled her eyes and said.

“I’m so sorry.” The girl apologized guiltily.

Hebe glanced at the magazine the girl held.

 So, that’s the reason she shouted. Donghae was on the cover.

“SO! SO YOU’RE SCREAMING CRAZILY BECAUSE OF THIS?!! THIS BASTARD?!! MY GOSH. May I tell you how stupid you look?” Hebe screamed agitatedly, pointing at the magazine the girl was holding.

“Hebe, stop. Stop okay?” Candice dissuaded, tugging Hebe on her arms.

“NO! Why should I? This girl doesn’t know what she’s doing.” Hebe shook Candice’s arms away angrily.

“Hey! I don’t even know you, so shut up. How dare you call my Donghae a bastard? Get lost!” The girl said.

As the girl was paying for the magazine, Hebe grabbed it and ripped the cover into half in madness.

“HEY!! That’s the last copy! Why did you rip it?! Security! SECURITY!”

The shop owner called the guards in the mall as the fan girl cried.

“That was the last one! Why did you have to do that!” the girl shouted.

“It’s for your own good! Being addicted to that bastard is not right!” Hebe said once again.

“What’s happening here?” the guard said.

“Oh, Miss. I’ll pay for it. Here’s the payment. I made it double.” Candice paid and gave the magazine to the fan girl

“It’s just the cover, you can still fix it. Here you go!”

“HEY! You don’t have to pay for that stupid magazine!” Hebe said.

“Come on. We’re leaving here,”

“I’m so sorry for what happened. So sorry.” Candice apologized and grabbed Hebe’s hand, leaving the store hurriedly.

“If you don’t have anything good to say and do, then go kill yourself!” the seller shouted at Hebe. Hebe wanted to go back and spank the seller but Candice stopped her.

“Let’s go home now. What you did was such a humiliation!”

While walking on the way home

“If you didn’t stop me, I’m sure that I’m already in jail for murdering that seller! Argh!! So annoying!” Hebe madly said.

“When it comes to Donghae you’re always like that. You’re always freaking out.” Candice said.

“You know why, don’t you?” (FLASHBACK)

5 months ago…

“Ahhhh!!! Donghae you’re so hot! So handsome so talented! I love you so much!!” Xiao Xun said.

“Hey Xiao Xun, will you please shut up here?” Hebe said.

“Don’t mind me! Mind your own business,”

“Mom! Can I go out tomorrow? I’ll visit Donghae at their shooting for his new music video. Give me money okay? $3000? I want to buy I gift for him. Please…?” Xiao Xun replied.

“What?!! $3000! Did you just happen to forget that we’re not rich? That we’re broke? That dad’s gone? And that he left us debts? And just because of that Donghae you always spend money as if it’s unlimited?” Hebe said.

“Hebe is right. From now on you’re not allowed to go out.” Mom said.

“BUT MOM!!!!!” Xiao Xun exclaimed.

“No buts.” Mom answered.

Xiao Xun cried and locked herself in her room, slamming the door.

The next day,

“Xiao Xun?! Xiao Xun! wake up! You’re late!” Hebe called, knocking at the door.

As she opened the door, she noticed a letter on Xiao Xun’s bed.

 It says: I’m leaving this house. I’m not coming back. I’ll pursue my love for Donghae and no one can stop me. Not even you!

When their mom knew about this she cried all day, all night. Few days later, there was still no news about Xiao Xun. This caused Hebe’s mom to have a heart-attack and went into a coma. So from then on Hebe hated Xiao Xun her little sister and Donghae because of what happened to her mom.

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Donghae!!!! Why so cute T_T