Chapter 6



Your POV

After arguing with Hoya that I would rather earn money myself for Jihoo's operation, rather than him giving me money, I was finally convinced. I could just pay Hoya back anytime, right? 

Hoya and I raced to my house, excited to tell Jihoo the news. 

"JIHOO! JIHOO!" I yelled out a few times, but my voice only echoed. 

"Can you keep the noise down?" my step mother said obnoxiously.

I bowed apologetically, and  continued to find Jihoo. I bolted to the garden, to see if he was watering mum's flower pots. I paced quickly back inside, looking at every room possible. Although it was impossible, I ran upstairs to find him.  I opened every door possible to find no one. Finally, I walked to the front of my room, dreading what I might find inside. I twisted the knob slowly, scared of what's inside. 

"Are you okay?" Hoya asked, curious at my peculiar actions. 

I kneeled down and looked underneath my bed, taking out a shoe box that mum gave Jihoo before the accident.


Hoya's POV

She turned around, her eyes completely changed when she opened the old shoe box. She pushed me out of the way and bolted upstairs. I waited awkwardly at her door before I heard a loud crash upstairs. Both her stepmother and I immediately raced upstairs.


Your POV

"What did you say to him?" I asked Yoona, my eyes glaring at her.

"Why are you so rude? Can you get out?" she said, looking up at me.

"What did you say to him?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

"I didn't say anything. What are you talking about?" she asked innocently.

"So he suddenly left for no reason huh?"

"Well he could've. Besides, it's a good thing he left. It was a waste of money for taking care of someone who was useless anyways." she said, rolling her eyes.

In a matter of seconds, I was on her bed, grabbing her collar tightly.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" I screamed, my fist colliding with the wall.

"Let go! Why are you even so sensitive about this? Even you know he can't do anything!" she said.

There was no point arguing with her, I slammed her on the bed and threw punches at her.


Hoya's POV

Our eyes widened as we witnessed Gyuwon literally beating Yoona to death. I pulled her away from Yoona while her step mother was racing towards Yoona. Gyuwon desperately struggled underneath my grip, trying to get Yoona.

"You're just as educated as your mother. Didn't she ever teach you not to act feral?" her step mother yelled, slapping Gyuwon across the face.

"At least my mother taught me not to be a homewrecker like you!" Gyuwon retorted, breaking free from my grip and running out of the room.

It was hard to keep up with her as she frantically ran around.

"What's wrong?" I asked her multiple times, but I still received the same answer, nothing.


Your POV

My head was clouded and all I could think of was to look for Jihoo. I looked at the park he always went to, the soccer field he used to always practice at, the convenience store he always go to for a midnight snack, his favoutire restaurant, my mother's grave. Basically anywhere that Jihoo would go. I was losing my breath and my shoulder began to ache, but I couldn't give up. 

Hoya grabbed my shoulder firmly and pulled me back.

"What are you looking for?" he asked calmly.

"There's no time left. I have to find him. He's going to do something stupid. I can't lose him too." I said, slurring some of my words, my head exploding inside. 

"Calm down, tell me, I can help you find him." he said, shaking me to wake up from my psychotic trance.

I stayed quiet, my body calmed down as I saw something in the corner of my eye. Time stopped as I turned my head slightly. My eyes felt as if they were going to pop as I ran faster towards the river, seeing something afloat on the surface. My entire body was shaking and I collasped. In front of me, was Jihoo, unconscious, floating on the water.


Hoya's POV

She cried softly as she fell to the ground, witnessing her brother's death. I was too stunned to even know what to do. She picked herself up, and walked slowly into the water, I tried to stop her, but she was in too deep. She carried Jihoo back to shore and stared at him blankly with her psychopathic eyes. She looked at him, her tears completely dried up.

I would have preferred it if she cried, screamed, yelled, anything, but her silence was awful. Her fingers gently pushed Jihoo's hair out of his face and she hugged him silently.


Your POV

Jihoo hates being cold the most. I held his hand, breathing on it to make him warmer. He'll wake up, right? I stood up, carrying Jihoo with me to the main road. A taxi finally stopped and I carefully placed Jihoo inside, with Hoya sitting in the front seat. I sat in the back, trying to warm him up as we made our way to the hospital.


Hoya's POV

Pushing pass people in the hospital, she demanded Jihoo to be treated immediately. She sat outside the emergency room with the same psychotic eyes, staring at the ground. 

"Go home." she whispered.

"I'll stay." I insisted.

"It's late." she said.

She's right, it was already way past midnight. I stood up, swinging my school bag across my shoulders, ready to go when the doctor came out.

The doctor took off his glasses as Gyuwon approached him.

"We tried, we really tried." he said, a gloomy expression falling across his face.

Gyuwon limped towards the emergency room and walked inside to see Jihoo. She took off the blanket that was covering his face and his cheek. She looked blankly at Jihoo for a solid five minutes.


Your POV

Jihoo, you're not gone, right? You're sleeping, right? Wake up and take me home, I need to go to school later. I looked at Jihoo's lifeless body.

I fell to the ground as I felt Jihoo's body go cold. I was too late. Why didn't I just listen to Hoya and get the surgery done earlier? My cheeks were smothered in hot tears as I looked at my brother. Hoya came and hugged me tight.

"It's okay." he whispered, trying to calm me.

"Jihoo.." I managed to say through my cries. 

He's gone, he's really gone. I stood up, wiping away the tears and covered his face with the blanket. I silently walked out of the hospital, with Hoya trailing behind me.

"Go. I need to be alone." I said.

"Well, just tell me if there's anything wrong alright?" he asked.

I nodded, continuing to walk back home. With each step, I could literally feel the energy in me being drained. Jihoo is still here, right? He's not gone. He's still here, I lied to myself.

The rain abruptly poured, smashing itself on me. I walked aimlessly, forgetting the time as I was lost in my own thoughts. I took out the crinkled letter in Jihoo's handwriting, "Take care of yourself kid!". Shoving it back in my pocket, I sat down on a bench to stable myself. How could I have him one moment and lose him another? Why do bad things happen to good people? What has he done? I cried loudly, competing with the rain's noise, causing people to look at me strangely. 

The rain slowly came to a stop, and the sound of cars of the city arose.I wasn't even aware that the sun had risen and people were beginning to go to work. I continued to walk back home, soaking wet from the rainfall. I turned the keys in the door and walked inside.

"Apologize to Yoona." my dad said as soon as I set foot in the house.

"For what?" I asked, using whatever energy that was left in my system.

"For yesterday! Your mother told me everything."

"I only have one mother." I said, breathing heavily.

"Apologize." he said, his grip on the newspaper tightening.

"There's nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should be thanked. She needed a good beating." I snickered.

I walked back to my room, only to get my hair pulled back and a slap on the face from my father.

"How dare you talk like that to your own sister? And where have you been last night?" he screamed.

"Sister? Would a sister kill their own brother?" I screamed at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about now?" he yelled, clenching on my hair even tighter.

"Jihoo, he's gone. Now you don't have to waste your time on someone as useless as him, right Yoona?" I asked, looking over to Yoona.

She dropped her toast, slightly ajar. She cleared and got back to eating, pretending as if she didn't know anything.

"What?" dad asked, his brows becoming one.

I took his hand off my hair and looked at him straight in the eyes, "Jihoo. He died." I said and walked limply back to my room.


Hoya's POV

Gyuwon didn't turn up to school the next day, or the day after, or even the week after. Yoona walked into school every morning with a scared expression, as if she'd done something wrong. 


Your POV

I carried the marble pot, containing Jihoo's cremation, shakily walking down the familiar path I take once a month with Jihoo. I sat down next to mum's grave with Jihoo beside me.

"Long time no see." I smiled, looking at the picture on her grave. 

I placed Jihoo in the burial spot that has already been dug and covered it up with the dirt. It was hard to hold in the tears when you have to witness the graves of the two most important people in your life.  Looking at Jihoo's picture, I could see that he greatly resembled mum, with the same eyes and smiles, they lay before me. I sat silently in their presence and cried quietly to myself. 


a/n: eh, i kinda lost motivation half way while writing this chapter <> AISH! :[ idk, it might sound really crap since I've never really experienced anything like this, so i might not have been able to fully grasp Gyuwon's feelings ><

anyways! please comment! LOVE YOU <3

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ㅡ.ㅡ Idk but I hate you make Yoona character like kind of bad girl..
Chapter 8: Yeaaaah update soon
jesyra #3
Chapter 8: omygosh i'm hooked. i loved this~
Chapter 8: Myungsoo is talking to her again? I thought he wanted to ignore her?
But anyways.... I can't believe Gyuwon has suddenly turned so rebellious and I wonder who the mysterious person is!
Chapter 6: That's a pretty good closure to the chapter considering you lost motivation.
But did Yoona actually think that Jihoo wouldn't do something stupid if she said mean things to him? Stupid!
Chapter 5: What? Are you telling me that you want to discontinue this story?
If you do, I will tell Yoona and her minions to come after you!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 5: yoona is so evil. this story is quite
Chapter 4: Myungsoo already claiming Gyuwon as his own. *smh*
And how can Yoona just twist the story like that? Evil girl!
jnly359 #9
Chapter 3: wow. her life, its so tragic...
but this is a really interesting story so far.
Chapter 2: (asian mom voice (basically the one from jkfilms "shxt asian mom say")) Awww such a nice boy~ ♡