Chapter 5


Your POV

Neglecting school work, I worked harder, until there was literally no energy left in me. My father didn't notice that I was going home late, but Jihoo did. He wasn't happy with me not telling him why, but he stopped interoggating me, giving me my deserved privacy.

"Let's walk there together." Hoya offered.

Hoya's been helping me with working to save the money up for Jihoo. As my piggy bank was nearing the top, I couldn't help but smile. I was reaching my goal, and Jihoo would be able to get back to living a normal life again. Although everything seems good, there's still something wrong. Yoona was acting nice to me. Her constant smiles and waves at school makes me shiver. For a reason, her kindness has an evil aura. 

Myungsoo still insisted I go out on dates with him, despite the many times I've refused. It was already hard trying to sneak naps in classes, but it was even harder when he's annoying me.

"Can you help me solve this?"

"How about you come over my place and help me with this assignment?"

"Why are you ignoring your boyfriend?"

"Come on, don't be mean."

His annoyingness was getting on my nerves, and I really was going to punch him in the face. But today, he wasn't at school. The seat next to me was empty and I could finally concentrate on my naps. Lunch time was peaceful, and I was enjoying the personal space. Woohyun seemed to have given up on talking to me and chased other girls instead. Yoona didn't hang around with Myungsoo's friends since he wasn't there. The school seemed normal for once, despite the glares I get at times, after what Yoona told everyone. I sighed, taking a bite into my sandwich. Whatever. I only have a few years left here, and I can be free. 

The next day I walked to class, but I felt disappointed, as if Myungsoo's missing presence was bugging me. I furrowed my brows as the silence grew on me. His presence seemed to have lingered onto me for longer than I thought. The next day, I turned up to class to see his stupid face laughing with other girls in the class.

For some reason, i couldn't help but forcefully suppress by excitement. I wanted to play hard to get. I didn't want him to know I was anticipating him. I sat down, pretending to revise some things, but really, I just wanted to sit near him. 

"Hi" I mumbled, but he ignored me.

His gaze was still focused elsewhere and I just sounded like an idiot. Our eyes never met for the entire day, and he didn't even say a word to me. Fine then, whatever. I packed my bag, carrying the weight of textbooks outside, waiting for Hoya so we can go to work together like usual. 

While Hoya was cleaning, I was stacking the packets of snacks. 

"Hey, I'm going to go for a bit." Hoya said, walking outside.

Busily stacking the snacks, I didn't even realise a customer had walked in.

"How come the workers here don't even greet the customers?" the customer asked, holding onto my waist.

I turned around punching the guy across the face before realising it was Myungsoo. My eyes widened as his lip bled a little.

"Yah, why are you so violent?" he asked, squirming as I placed a band-aid on his lip.


Myungsoo's POV

"You shouldn't have been such a ert the-"

I pecked her cheeks and she went red.

"ert." she said, cleaning up the rubbish.

I knew it would work. You tease the girl for a few days, and you stop, and they'll realise they like you. 

"Gyuwonnie, I'll take you to school tomorrow." I said.


Your POV

Nicknaming possibly is the one thing I hate the most.

"Hey, when did you get here?" Hoya asked.

"I came to pick up Gyuwon." he smiled and Hoya's face changed slightly.

"Ah I see." he said awkwardly, and went back to cleaning the place.

"Can I take her home first?" Myungsoo asked, lacing my fingers with his.


Hoya's POV

I looked at Myungsoo then to their hands. I nodded and continued working. I clutched the mop so tight my hand went red. I should have just told her before Myungsoo came.

Once again, I was a step behind Myungsoo.


Your POV

"I'll wait for you tomorrow and we can go to school tomorrow." Myungsoo said, his hand still not letting go of mine.

"I like to walk alone." I said, hoping he gets the hint and go away.

"I like to walk with my girlfriend." he smiled, holding my hand tighter.

I sighed in defeat and continued walking, listening to his cheesiness.

"I think it's better if I walk the rest by myself now." I said, remembering how much Yoona likes Myungsoo.

"Why? There's still a far distance left." he argued.

"My father doesn't like me to be seeing guys." I said, letting go of his hand.

"Oh, alright then. See you tomorrow!" he said and gave me a tight hug before walking back.

If Yoona saw what happened, she would probably shed me into pieces by now. My thoughts were distracted when I thoiught about Jihoo, with another month's work, combined with my savings, I would be able to get the surgery done for Jihoo. I can't wait to see his reaction when I break the news to him.

But before breaking the news, something else is going to break. Me.

I was pulled into a dimly litted alley by many hands and the first thing I did was scream.

"Keep screaming. Like anyone can hear you anyways." the girl said.

The cloud infront of the moon shone through and I saw their faces perfectly, Yoona's friends. I looked for Yoona but she was nowhere to be found.

"What is it now?" I asked, placing on a strong exterior, while I was petrified inside. 

They didn't bother answering and just went straight to their purpose. I was being pinned to the wall and punches were thrown. I swear I heard a bone crack. I struggled underneath the arm's strength and waited until the torture was over. 

"Myungsoo, Woohyun, Hoya. Stay away from them." they warned.

"What if I don't?" I asked, panting as I could finally catch a breath.

"I guess you take after your mother. You two sure love to wreck the relationship of others don't you?" the snickered.

Before I knew it, I was beating the living day lights out of the five girls. My arms flew everywhere, not caring who I was hitting. I stopped moving and realised what I was doing. I ran as quick as I could to get out of the there. Before I could run away, a sharp object collided with my shoulder. I ran faster, but fell to my knees as I felt the wound beginning to tear a little due to my running movements. The pain were sinking into my bones. I let out a wail as I fell to the ground, my shoulder screeching in pain. My vision was blinded by the headlights of civilisations. The cluster of noises were defeaning me, and my eyes gave up. 

Opening my eyes was hard, and I could feel myself turning cold.

"Gyuwon, hang in there." I heard Hoya's voice echo.

"Hoya." I smiled, glad to hear his voice.


Hoya's POV

I approached the crowded people and had a look at what was going on. My eyes nearly popped when I saw Gyuwon's shoulder bleeding, with her face bruised.

I picked her up to see her eyes closing, her lips turning pale and beads of sweat rolling down her cheeks. She bit her lips, holding in the pain.

She smiled, calling out my name.

I ran as quick as I could to the nearest hospital. I screamed out for the doctors, desperately seeking help. Finally, she was in the emergency room and I waited outside. My left foot was tapping unintentionally as I waited for the doctor. I got up and walked to the vending machine to get a drink before seeing the girls that hanged with Yoona also at the hospital, coming out with a few bandages.

"Was it you?" I asked, stopping their tracks.

"Hello sunbae, weird to see you here." they said, smiling innocently.

"Was it you?" I screamed, fustrated at them.

"Was us what?" they asked, acting innocent.

"Gyuwon's in critical condition right now. If something happens to her, you can garuntee that I'll make you feel her pain." I said, glaring at them before making my way back to the waiting room. 

The other patients were staring at me in horror as I marched my way back. The doctor came out as soon as I walked in. The doctor calmed me, telling me it wasn't anything serious. She just needs some rest.I walked inside the room to see her sleeping peacefully. If it wasn't for stupid Myungsoo, those girls wouldn't be jealous and she wouldn't be hurt.

"Creep." she muttered, barely.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Staring at me when I'm sleeping, does that not sound creepy to you?" she asked.


Your POV

The pain in my shoulder was throbbing, and breathing was hard. My asthma doesn't really help in this situation either. After an hour of convincing, Hoya finally agreed to go home.

"But I'm still coming to see you tomorrow!" he said before walking out.

My hand blindly searched for the phone on the hospital table. Unlocking it, I was expecting a few missed calls from my dad. I placed my phone back on the table after seeing no missed calls.

I looked around the room and saw my school bag. I took out my textbooks and began studying. I know dad's going to call. I just have to wait. He'll remember that I haven't arrived home yet, and he'll call.

Reading the novel for the second time that night, I felt impatient, as I looked at my phone every few minutes. The sun was shining and still, my phone had not rung at all. Although apart of me knew he wouldn't have called, but another part told me to wait. 

I packed my school bag and changed into my school uniform. I looked at the bandage that was strapped from my right shoulder, right around my s. I winced as I tried to wear the school's shirt. I took a rest, being tired from just wearing my uniform. I looked at my phone again, expecting my dad's call. I shoved the device in my pocket and walked out of the room.

"Are you sure you should be going to school?"

I turned around to see Hoya holding his school bag. He failed at persuading me to go to back and rest, and just gave up as he found himself at the school gates with me. We went seperate ways before heading inside. 

"Where were you last night?" Yoona asked, louder than she should, getting everyone's attention.

"Yeah! Where did you go? With another guy again?" her minions asked, and the others laughed at me.

"She was with me." Myungsoo said, slinging his arm over my wounded shoulder, making me wince slightly.

Everyone scattered off quickly at Myungsoo's sight. "You should be careful." Yoona said, eyeing me before walking off.

"Did you get home safe yesterday?" he asked, giving me a tight hug.

I closed my eyes, trying to endure the pain. I nodded in response and he walked me into class. My breaths were short and fast as I sat down, trying to subdue to pain arising in my shoulder.

Myungsoo was back to his usual self, and I wanted to smile at his usual lame jokes, but my eyelids were tugging and I felt dehydrated. Avoiding Myungsoo was hard, but avoiding the other people were even harder. Everyone kept bombarding me with their questions.

"Are you related to Yoona?" "Stop playing around with them!!" 

Holding the bag on my left shoulder, I walked out of school, ready to go to work. 

"I told the manager you quitted by the way." Hoya smiled, walking with me.

"What? Are you crazy? I'm so close to getting enough money and you decide to quit for me?!" I screamed.

"But in return, he gave us this!" Hoya said, holding up two thick envelopes to me.

My eyes twinkled as I looked at the money inside.


A/N: Okay, i think if i keep writing, it'll be boring and long:[

sobs, no one cares about this story ;~; thank you to the five amazing five subscribers of this story -wallows in tears-

okay comment if you're nice :P


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ㅡ.ㅡ Idk but I hate you make Yoona character like kind of bad girl..
Chapter 8: Yeaaaah update soon
jesyra #3
Chapter 8: omygosh i'm hooked. i loved this~
Chapter 8: Myungsoo is talking to her again? I thought he wanted to ignore her?
But anyways.... I can't believe Gyuwon has suddenly turned so rebellious and I wonder who the mysterious person is!
Chapter 6: That's a pretty good closure to the chapter considering you lost motivation.
But did Yoona actually think that Jihoo wouldn't do something stupid if she said mean things to him? Stupid!
Chapter 5: What? Are you telling me that you want to discontinue this story?
If you do, I will tell Yoona and her minions to come after you!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 5: yoona is so evil. this story is quite
Chapter 4: Myungsoo already claiming Gyuwon as his own. *smh*
And how can Yoona just twist the story like that? Evil girl!
jnly359 #9
Chapter 3: wow. her life, its so tragic...
but this is a really interesting story so far.
Chapter 2: (asian mom voice (basically the one from jkfilms "shxt asian mom say")) Awww such a nice boy~ ♡